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5816962 No.5816962 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you almost never find lamb or mutton in U.S. grocery stores?

>> No.5816971

go to butchers. supermarkets only have a very minimal selection. America is actually great for finding specific foods because there are so many immigrants we get a whole lot of authentic foregin food markets and the like.

>> No.5816972

Because America has traditionally always had a ton of beef, so we've never had a need for lamb/ mutton.

>> No.5816973

Different countries have different food cultures.
Why can't I find any good chillis in the UK?

>> No.5817010
File: 76 KB, 500x422, US-lamb-and-sheep-numbers_1940-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US used to be a top mutton producer before the advent of synthetic fiber. Excessive international tariffs on natural fibers helped drive down lamb production in the US, and heavy lobbying from the pork and beef industries bought them the upper hand at the advent of industrial indoor farming.

>> No.5817016

>Why do you almost never find lamb or mutton in U.S. grocery stores?

I have no idea why you can't OP, all of my local supermarkets have both.

>> No.5817019


also most upscale supermarkets have delis that can sometimes get you specialized cuts of meat. buttereflied lamb for easter or whatever. not the same as a real butcher but fine if you need something

>> No.5817020

Yeah and it's like $30 a pound

>> No.5817062

It's under $5 a pound if you buy the whole carcass. Smaller breeds can be bought and butchered under $300 a head and still yield over 40lbs.

>> No.5817097

Because we're not third world dirty plebs who have to eat that garbage

>> No.5817129

>Instead we stuff our mouths with Frozen food and other junk.

>> No.5817149

>Why can't I find any good chillis in the UK?

Because, like the OP, you're looking in the wrong place: http://www.lovefood.com/guide/producers-and-suppliers/16184/top-5-english-chilli-pepper-producers

>> No.5817151
File: 66 KB, 740x740, 1409538822619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.5817170

because subsidies are for chicken and beef and corn

>> No.5817576
File: 70 KB, 1018x577, black-sheep-sheeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Zealand master race reporting in, bro.

i eat nz lamb most every week and it's the cheapest most delicious meat in the supermarket

>> No.5817581

you can buy stewing lamb here (+bones+meat+fat+marrow) for $1.50 nzd a kilo

>> No.5817651

you gotta go either to a really expensive or a really shitty market to get lamb or goat (no one sells "mutton")

go to a shit neighborhood with Mexicans or Arabs

>> No.5818739

Wikipedia says Americans can sell mutton as lamb.

Is this true? Is this the reason you get faggots saying lamb has a strong flavour?

That is because NZ sells hogget as lamb. I love hogget but it has a bad name so it is ridiculously cheap compared to lamb.

>> No.5818833

I don't know about the legality of it, but any place worth a shit here will rightfully make the distinction. Sheep isn't a common meat source, but many high end restaurants will have lamb dishes much of the time, if not consistently. As far as people saying it's a strong flavor, I don't know. Maybe some combination of them being used to chicken, pork, and corn fed beef, wanting the lamb over cooked, and not trying it from a good source.

>> No.5818887

go to an actual store, not Wal-Mart

>> No.5818982

Most stores carry it, like Kroger or Tops, big chain ones. It's not the best but its a super tiny spot on the meat isle, usually next to the veal no one buys because muh babby cows. You can never get anything high quality from those places though. Search google for a decent butcher.

>> No.5818994

copypasta from wikibullshiteedia?

We're not sheep hearders here, we leave that to our friends in New Zealand and the Brits who do that way better than we do, plus they're closer to the consumers.

For the most part we don't care about that here in the USA. Unless you're a diaper headed islamic that sticks it's butt up five times a day most folk here don't eat that stuff. It's not that it's bad or anything, it just doesn't have market share.

Personally I like lamb and goat too, it's available you just have to look around a bit.