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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5815535 No.5815535 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck

Pic related:

Its my hot smoked salmon / avocado on a bed of quinoa or couscous. Has two types of dressing, a cumin/coriander chermoula and a lime juice/chilli mix.

I smoke the salmon myself for about an hour and its soaked in a basic salt water brine 24hours prior. I don't have much experience of smoking fish outside of this dish and I'd like to improve that one day. Perhaps "hot smoked" with some way to create some kind of a crust to it? I'm not sure.

Obviously I don't eat it much but it tastes amazing, its healthy and if I could I'd eat it all the time.

I'm keen to know your favorite dish to eat and serve to people, regardless of cost or time it takes you to make.

>> No.5815559

Finally something that looks good on here.

>> No.5815589
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Thanks, please make it some day.

Its really very good. The oily nature of the salmon is contrasted by the bite of the lime and the amount of chermoula really adds a lot of depth and complicity to the palate. You never end up with a mouthful plain couscous or quinoa simply because of the number of different flavor combinations...

Its not an easy dish though, doesn't store well and very expensive and unless you source the salmon yourself and can find perfect cheap avocados.

I used to make it for my vegetarian ex gf at Christmas. It was awesome :)

>> No.5815595


Ever thought about cold smoking it ?
Also vegetarians don't eat meat, that includes fish. Either you or she is retarded

>> No.5815601


HA! woops... Sorry i neglected to mention she is only a partial vegetarian and still ate seafood.

Cold smoked you say... can honestly say no, I've no idea how to cold smoke or that it even existed. Do you have any tips?

I really wanted to add a crust to the top of the fish or something... not sure if that can be done with a cold smoke? Keen to explore new options though.

>> No.5815606

a little heavy on the sauce, not sure the avocado was the best choice to go veggie wise, but looks decent

>> No.5815614

>avocado with an already very fatty fish

sounds fucking awful.

>> No.5815631


Perhaps... I did double the amount of chermoula because I bought a lot of fish. That photo doesn't really show the height, there is a lot of salmon, avo and couscous under there.

Trust me I served a second bowl of both the chermoula & the lime/chili sauce and people added more to their servings.

What other vegetables would you recommend?

>> No.5815636


Each to their own I guess. I guess you never eat salmon / avo sushi?

I did mention before that the sauces are a nice contrast. I've made this dish a lot over the years and there are never, ever leftovers.

I do recommend you try it one day.

>> No.5815822
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>> No.5816015
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fuck really?

no interest at all in this subject?

no one has fish smoking tips

no one has any dish they fucking love but its too expensive/time consuming to make?

>> No.5816116
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Would be better with white rice

Otherwise I have no qualms

>> No.5816170
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I believe the meal is essentially a take on a Moroccan dish.

Sure you'd prefer it with some starch and less of all the other inherent vitamins and fiber you get with quinoa or couscous.

Have you tried something like this before? It tastes nothing like sushi. Interestingly enough, before I found out /cks opinion I never even related it to sushi.

Its a shame no one is interested in the main flavor (chermoula)

Take or leave it, I fucking love this, its amazing and I hope someone, one day motivated to try it.

Maybe a few fancy other meals that are too tricky / expensive / elaborate for the average /ck to be bothered with...? Was hoping for a thread and maybe stories about dishes we love to dish out and eat but can't be bothered to make for what ever reason.

>> No.5816205

We get it, your dish is perfect.

>> No.5816260

jesus christ OP is the hugest cunt out

>> No.5816314
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>> No.5816338
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Fuck mate, I'm not saying that... I'm just saying that imo I dont think adding white rice would add much.


Wow really? Is that really necessary? Please explain why I'm the "hugest cunt out"

Personally I dont give a flying fuck if you like the dish or not, I wanted to know if anyone had some tricky/expensive dishes that they love but cant be bothered making. Go eat a cheeseburger.

>> No.5816356


>Personally I dont give a flying fuck if you like the dish or not

yeah, yeah.

>Go eat a cheeseburger.

gj dispelling the notion that you are a cunt

>> No.5816361
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Fine, I guess I'm being obnoxious?

It's not intentional, I'm just trying to explain myself.

Fuck it, It was my first attempt at a thread in /ck. I'll have to do it different next time.

>> No.5816508

You really should go eat a cheeseburger, at your normal hangout:


>> No.5816694

>on a bed of quinoa or couscous. Has two t

An exaggeration. You are trying too hard. Your unrefined palate can't appreciate the real flavors without dumping all kinds of trendy shit all over your food.

Eat a carrot.

>> No.5816875

>I believe the meal is essentially a take on a Moroccan dish.

You are talking out of your ass. Salmon? Avocado? There is NO resemblance to ANYTHING you would ever find in Morocco. You are a blithering idiot, trying to make your SHIT food sound more "exotic."

You fucking idiot - you've NEVER been to Morocco - or maybe you have on a fucking tour bus.

>> No.5816941

god that bun grosses me out. not sure if it's the picture quality or the fact that they put sesame seeds on the bottom bun.

>> No.5816951

>something is not a cheeseburger
>trying too hard

Ameriplebs everyone

>> No.5816960

looks good OP.. would eat

dish of the week on /ck/

>> No.5816964

Can you post the exact recipe?

>> No.5817031


Sorry, milk drinker - I was talking about Moroccan food, which this garbage doesn't resemble in the least, as dipshit OP claimed.

Maybe if you ever got out of suburbia, you would know this.

>> No.5817116
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Breathe, my man.

>> No.5817131
File: 816 KB, 1490x1200, 139352986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dish looks fantastic OP. It's also pissing a bunch of people off. You win my /ck/ OP of the day award!

>> No.5819012


Seconding this.

>> No.5819522


>> No.5819534

You seem to be awfully upset over something you saw on a mongolian finger puppet forum.