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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 1600x1000, Sweden-Flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5810755 No.5810755 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/,

My life partner and I have been learning Swedish recently because it seems like a nice skill to have and Sweden seems like a nice place (cold climate > hot!). So we've decided to try making some Swedish dishes and I was wondering if anyone has any recipes they recommend?

Tack så mycket!

>> No.5810763

Any Islamic food

>> No.5810768
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>life partner
did you guys synergize your spirit energy today yet?

>> No.5810770
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>> No.5810771

Köttbullar of course...

>> No.5810776

This, and don't forget the lingonberries when you make the meatballs.

You could try making palt too.

>> No.5810777

What do you eat them with though? I can't just have meatballs that sounds bland as fuck.

>> No.5810779

Eh thats getting pretty old.

OP, there sadly arent that much resources online, atleast that ive found you have a handful of meh meatball recipies but thats not even close to everything that we eat, i cant think right now but you should prolly see if you can make a friend and ask them or just see when you get here and make sure to go to julbord, and eat midsummer food and tons of other things, good luck but the more average food i think you will just have to make a friend, or try flashback (A swedish forum much like 4chan that have a cooking board, its very popular.)

>> No.5810782

Brownsauce and lingonberry, mashed potatoes or just potatoes, ps palts are awful.

>> No.5810787


I was watching a video about that recently, it looks pretty cool.

Also, I was wondering how do you eat an open-faced sandwich? It looks really awkward with the lack of top bread slice to hold it together, do you use utensils for them?

>> No.5810788


protip: lingonberries are just blackberries

>> No.5810791

>do you use utensils for them?


>> No.5810794

How is it a nice skill?
Sweden is probably the shittiest country in the north.

Norwegians are richer, Danes cook better and the Finns are smarter. And don't even get me started on Iceland.

>> No.5810820

Well I've met a fair amount of Swedish people from when I used to play video games online and they seem like nice people. It has the sort of climate I like and nice landscapes (though I guess that's true of all northern places) and it seems like they have similar cultural customs and etiquette to us British.

Plus I've never even looked into the other countries anyway.

>> No.5810833


Why not Norway?

>> No.5810838

I don't know any Norwegians, and they don't have their own currency.

>> No.5810845

no. we dont

this is kind of a joke in sweden, that people eat everything with knife and fork

>> No.5810846


finland is by far the worst country in scandinavia.

also OP, some traditional swedish food:
inkokt lax
gravad lax
biff rydberg
biff a la lindström

just a few to get you started. i wrote them in swedish so you can just google them to get recipes. The most typical swedish foods might be hard for you to find though.. Things like hard bread, messmör, falukorv, kaviar, filmjölk.

>> No.5810848

im swedish and have never ever heard this joke.

>> No.5810857


Nice landscapes applies to everyone except Denmark. About the customs and etiquette I think those are pretty universal in Scandinavia.

Also to give you a quick summary of the other countries.
> Beautiful country and excellent economy
> Cheap booze and drugs

I'd recommend you to look into the other countries, Sweden is really not the best place to go.

>> No.5810858


Sweden, Norway and Denmark all have their own version of the Krone

>> No.5810860

What this guy said. But really, palt is pretty good.

You can make fläskpannkaka too, serve with lingonberry jam.

>> No.5810861

>Sweden seems like a nice place

pre-muslim invasion sweden perhaps

>> No.5810863
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very interesting. years ago in usaf nav school i had friends from Norway. both very nice, but took no s um junk from anyone. I'd tell you their names. but not wise. I guess Swedes are the same. I watch new scandinavian cooking because of them. vikings, kinda. wonderful people.

>> No.5810865


Well Finland isn't in Scandinavia

>> No.5810868

So how do you eat them without the toppings falling everywhere?

>> No.5810870


>> No.5810877

For some reason I assumed they were in the EU and used the Euro. Shows how much I know.

>> No.5810884


Having the Euro isn't a requirement to being in the EU. Denmark and Sweden are in the EU, Norway is not.

>> No.5810891

Never had to think about it. Maybe if you don't flip the sandwich upside down while you eat it?

>> No.5810908

Hon please, I usually eat my sandwiches at an angle, it seems a bit awkward to eat one straight on.

>> No.5810939

Are you tilting your head down to eat the sandwich?

>> No.5811105

wallenbergare is a top tier swedish food
there's a lot of disgusting swedish food but there are some gems.

>> No.5811260

Does anyone have any good recipes for a Swedish princess cake?

>> No.5811371

Why swedish? Country full of brainwashed progressive Cuckolds.

>> No.5811405

>someone doesn't have the same beliefs as me


>> No.5811575


im so offended

>> No.5811582

try kroppkaka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroppkaka

>> No.5811588

>life partner
why must fags use such terminology?
just call them your husband or wife like everyone else

>> No.5811631


maybe the person isn't actually married ???

>> No.5811651

köttsoppa is pretty great

it's a soup made of some kind of meat (preferably moose) boiled with a little allspice for several hours untill the meat is falling apart, then you add parsnip, potatoes, carrots, rutabaga and celeriac and make kind of a soup/stew

pickled herring is delicious
gravad lax
lightly breaded baltic herring on knäckebröd or with potatoes
split pea soup

>> No.5811741
File: 185 KB, 720x471, suveysays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we asked a hundred people what is the food most commonly eaten in sweden and they said...

>big black cock

>> No.5811899

>it's a soup made of some kind of meat (preferably moose) boiled with a little allspice for several hours untill the meat is falling apart, then you add parsnip, potatoes, carrots, rutabaga and celeriac and make kind of a soup/stew

That sounds really nice, though I don't know if I can get moose here in the UK.

>> No.5811917

you can use beef as well

>> No.5811958


>life partner

stopped reading there, faggot

>> No.5811971

Well if I say my girlfriend everyone will assume I'm some kind of disgusting penis-haver.

>> No.5811997

>My life partner and I have been learning Swedish
For a moment I was confused because after I read the first four words I assumed you were Swedish already.

>> No.5812005

You could just not mention them period, it just makes you look like an attention whore.

Your whole thread seems like a blog post with a justification tacked on the end, anyway.

>> No.5812207

are you doing a character? is this a bit?

>> No.5812288

just shut the fuck up you giant baby

>> No.5812322

>Not a single Sweden yes! in the entire thread

I'm disappointed in you guys.

>> No.5812328


>> No.5812596

Sweden is bigger and more important than all of those.

>> No.5812602

Tourists don't usually go to the ghetto anyway so they won't have any problems with kebab-

>> No.5812607

>Also, I was wondering how do you eat an open-faced sandwich?
Just hold under it.
>It looks really awkward with the lack of top bread slice to hold it together,
It's not
>do you use utensils for them?
The big ones with lots of stuff yes but not just the regular stuff for breakfast and such.

>> No.5812635

Norge sterk

>> No.5812885

Why would Norway NOT have it's own currency?

>> No.5812890

so you're a dyke, huh? Well, then you wanna hit CPH. No place in Sweden is as homogay as Copenhagen. Trust me, I've lived here for 24 out of 26 years of my life. Fag bars almost outnumber regular people bars.

>> No.5812896


> Bigger and more important

Kek, can't even keep Russian planes out of your airspace, Sweden is vastly inferior in every way, and now you are even turning racist 12,7% you racist fucks

>> No.5812956

12,86% was the final result and they will be a lot bigger in 2018

>> No.5812957
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>> No.5812962
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>thread about telling others what to think
>sweden sucks
>when it actually is one of the leading countries in the world.

>> No.5812965
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>trynet mitt när ameriklappare tror de är ett förstavärldsland

>> No.5812971

>stop having opinions about my country that aren't identical to my own


>> No.5812979


leading in what exactly? And don't you dare say innovation or goodwill

>> No.5813003


why do I find this so hilarious

>> No.5813021

>turning racist 12,7% you racist fucks
>implying it's a question about racism

It's simply that the current rate of immigration isn't economically sustainable and the current old fucking politicians care more about their public image than doing what has to be done for the country's sake. Unfortunately at this point it means not accepting as many refugees as we are currently doing.

>> No.5813217


Swedish cuisine=curry, falafel, shawarma, hummus, kebab

Enjoy the mosque!

>> No.5813230
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>> No.5813376

Sure, some of them might have more infantrymen than Sweden but that's not enough for a better armed forces.

>> No.5813460


Pretty sure Sweden has more troops. That being said. Norway and Denmark especially have alot more experienced troops. Sweden didn't do jack shit in Afghanistan

Also Sweden is so out gunned when it comes to aircraft

>> No.5813484


>> No.5813501

Oh no a small number of people support the group that want to limit immigration to their less than ten million strong country because of the effect they will have on the economy and their refusal to integrate.

While supporters of other groups that desperately want more immmigration threaten to assault anyone who they find support SD are the loving tolerant ones. Piss off.

>> No.5813517

Before you complain about us wanting to cut down on immigration, try accepting as many people as we do into your country.

>> No.5813518

>over a million people
>small number

>> No.5813530

This place seems like a good resource for Swedish food.


>> No.5813943

Brace for Swedish dishes:
Fläsk med löksås
Inlagd sill
Isterband och dillstuvad potatis
Janssons frestelse
Rotmos och fläsklägg
Surströmming (only weaklings can't handle it)
Ugnstekt falukorv

>> No.5813966
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Köttbullar when done properly are delicious on their own, but go very well with spicy potato wedges. No fucking condiments, that only ruins the flavor.

Too bad swedes have to fuck them up with disgusting berry jam.

>> No.5813977

>berry jam
>implying we don't use brunsås

>> No.5813984

kebabs and kebabs on pizza is better than 75% of "native" swedish foods. then again im not a big fan of preserved fishes

>> No.5814002
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You swedes sure love your brownies

>> No.5814011

Do you even negerboll?

>> No.5814030

in America, we call that basketball. you swedes really are racist.

>> No.5814071

Norway, Denmark and Finland all have more troops then Sweden but Sweden has more tanks, planes, helicopters, afv's, boats and such.
globalfirepower.com rankes puts Sweden above the other three despite that they have the fewest troops.
I don't know if that site is good but it looked alright to me.

>> No.5814076

We use jam and sås.

>> No.5814090
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Can a swede tell me what rosehip soup tastes like when not sweetened or from the powder?

>> No.5814149
File: 223 KB, 1522x1471, Oskars-Surstromming-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

">Surströmming (only weaklings can't handle it)"

... Really?

A food so unfit for human consumption, aluminum cans strain to contain the horror.
Pic related, said can bulging...

>> No.5814170 [DELETED] 

/ck/ is getting infected with GG cancer.

Also im sorry to break it to you OP, but even if you are a flaming homosexual, if you are white they wont let you into Sweden.

>> No.5815618


To be fair that site also put china in third place, and turkey in the top 10 at all.

Fact is, Denmark and Norway are alot more experienced AND they also bought 5th gen aircraft from the Americans.

Also if a war was to come, Denmark and Norway would likely collaborate, as Sweden always have been the bad guy in Scandinavia. Also you let the Nazi's travel through Sweden to Norway quite recently, you racist fucks

>> No.5815642

Forehead beef.

Forehead cakes for desert.

>> No.5815647

Daily reminder that Skånska Hemvärnet has training weekends at Bornholm together with Danskjävlarna
If there's a war, Skåne will break free and join Denmark at last

>> No.5815651
File: 921 KB, 2850x1044, N.U.v4 map+suggested state flags+info full JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop arguing with your nordic brothers and sisters.

>> No.5815654
File: 161 KB, 570x549, poff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought arguing was what siblings were for.

>> No.5815656
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Well yes, but usually those arguments don't include claiming you're not siblings and debating how to kill each other...

>> No.5815665

Meh, that's how men do it.

>> No.5815672


Nope, Sweden can suck a fat one. They have this delusional idea that they somehow are the big brother of the North.

Also their royalty are fucking frenchies, if there was to be a union it would be between Denmark and Norway.

>> No.5815684

Dudes, Sweden is one of the great european food nations (along with France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Turkey, mostly), and as with the rest of them it aint just one cuisine. Usually you divide the Swedish cusine into four sub-categories:

>Northern inland/Sami
Dominated by the farmlands of Jämtland and pure natural resource from the sami furher north. Contains lots of wild game, lingonberries, cream/mushroom sauce (brown sauce is traditionally NOT used here), and lots of raw natural resource.

>West coast/western inland
Influenced by international trade, the atlantic, and agriculture. Similar to the Norwegian cuisine (although that isn't much of a cuisine at all). Lots of shellfish and sea food, combined with straight up and simplistic cooking methods.

>East coast
Influenced by sea-faring (thus many longevity-related dishes), agriculture, foreign influences and big game hunting. The imperial cuisine. Lots of ground meat, lingonberries a mix of brown and cream sauce as standard condiment, lots of salmon, pickled products like pickled herring, beets, fermentend herring, salted meats, smoked meats, etc. Most 'fancy' dishes originate from here, like gravlax, wallenbergare, and the famous Swedish meatballs, which are traditionally served with mushroom sauce, not brown sauce.

>Southern, Skåne and Småland
An (according to me) quite horrible cuisine heavily influenced by Denmark and Germany. Almost eclusively agriculture focused, with minced meats, sausages, beer and the occasional boar. Isterband, fläsklägg, etc, originate from here.

>> No.5815689

Uh.. That would be Norway.

No one believes that in Sweden, the typical Swede hates Sweden. And the royalty... Of course, the Nordic Union would struggle with some ignorant uneducated local patriots like yourself, but all in all it would be wonderful and filthy rich, richer than Norway (which can keep their oil reserves since they're gonna make up very little compared to the arctic ones) since we could take the arctic from the Russians.

>> No.5815710

I lol'd

>> No.5815714


Uhm, no. Danes love norwegians, always have always will. What you are saying is that basically everyone hates the Swedes, even the Swedes.

Also talking about delussional, how the fuck do you think the Scandinavians countries would take on Russia in the Arctic, with our giant fleets of nuclear subs, or perhaps our aircraft carriers and nukes?

Fuck off ya damn Swede

>> No.5815729


> Sweden is one of the great europeans food nations

Seriously, how the fuck can you guys be so delusional?

>> No.5815731

I thought that Sweden was beginning to be occupied by Somalia. Is that true?

>> No.5815736

No, it's not. There are a few ghettos, and every anti-swede ever just cherry picks statistics from these.

>> No.5815738

That summarizes three years of education?

>danes love norwegians
Is that why they mistreated and neglected Norway, and was it not for Sweden investing fuckloads to save the country and then peacefully granted its independence, it would still be like Poland?

Regarding the armed force (which would be used for intimidation mostly) our CURRENT military spendings would equal the entire russian european sector military budget, not just the scandinavian one. Of course, upping the ante and utilizing income from mineral mining on the thawing greenland would allow us to spend more. Further, With the Finnish/Estonian border being the only land border we could essentially shove our entire armed forces there. With bases in Estonia, we have air offensive capacity into the russian heartland, and can strangle St. Petersburg since we own their only naval outlet. In order to have a baltic fleet at all if Germany was involved, Russia would have to take all of Estonia which would be guarded by an army stronger than their entire european sector, which would be fucking impossible. Don't forget Russia has more than us to worry about and can't just allocate their entire army here.

TL:DR, Russia would be scared shitless to upset the mighty NU and our precious arctic resources.

>> No.5815744


Partly true. They like Syrians better now. Also they had some pretty serious riots last year.

>> No.5815751
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It is though... It was historically one of the great empires, which has brought on a lot of cultural influences on food, and remains the defining cuisine of northern resources. Usually, you define a food nation as one that is significantly different from the others. For instance, the chzech republic is not a great food nation since their cuisine is essentially a smaller version of the German one. Same goes for denmark. Norway and Finland share this with Sweden, and Belgium is similar to France, etc. So, in distinctive cuisines, you usually count France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Spain and Russia (being an umbrella for all slavic cuisines). The UK is a country that SHOULD be on the list, but since France hates them, and since (much to the joy of our french overlords) the UK for some reason hasn't managed to develop a distinctive cuisine, they're not included. "Delusional" because spettekake is master race?


>> No.5815755

Yes it is true. But Sweden Democrats will save us.

>> No.5815763

There are to many niggers in Sweden but /pol/s image of Sweden is extremely exaggerated and much of it is just lies.

>> No.5815771
File: 70 KB, 600x399, reindeer-mashed-potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's swedish or finnish in origin, but it's one of the all time favourite things I've had at a swedish establishment.

Reindeer stew (with potatismos and lingonsylt, of course)

>> No.5815774

>Be Swedish
>Walk outside
>Fuckloads of immigrants
I guess it depends on where you are. But we take more immigrants than the rest of Scandinavia combined, and a lot more than Germany. We have some of the highest immigration rates per capita in the western world. Swedes use this to buy a clean consiousness because we're not doing jack shit to help in Syria etc. SD uses this hypocricy claiming they will actually help instead, but in reality their "help" is adding one billion SEK to the corrupt as fuck UNHCR, so they don't want to help the 10 million mostly poor women and children currently refugees in and near Syria either...

>> No.5815780
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Was gonna, but then read your post.

>> No.5815799


Oh my god, you are the most retarded Swede I have ever met, Sweden went to war with Norway, and occupied it for almost a hundred years before they granted them independence, after years of tension and a real threat of war. I'd recommend you to read about the Napoleonic wars before you express yourself.

Also, you do know that the Russian Baltic fleet isn't located anywhere near the gulf of Finland right? And that Russia also borders Norway, and that there's also this thing called the Northern fleet which holds 2/3 of the Russian navies nuclear powered subs?

I still don't get why Norway or Denmark would join Sweden in a union. As you point out, there's a huge amount of resources around the arctic, huge amount of resources that Sweden has NO CLAIM to, like at all. Norway has Svalbard and Denmark has Greenland, while the Swedes have nothing.

And just a question to end this, if you guys use so much money on your armed forces, how come Norwegian and Danish fighters have to scramble everytime the ruskies come flying over, because you don't?

>> No.5815817


> Norwegian, Danish and Finnish food is just smaller versions of Swedish

You guys are so fucking arrogant it is beyond me, no wonder everyone hates you.

>> No.5815826

Wait... Sweden didn't go to war with Norway. Sweden joined the coalition against Napoleon, and Denmark was for Napoleon. When the war ended with Swedish/coalition victory, Sweden was butthurt att Russia for taking Finland. But since Russia was thankful for the help and Russia was allied to Sweden, the coalition decided that the allies to napoleon should compensate for Swedens loss of Finland, namely by forcing Denmark to give away Norway.

At this point Sweden was mad because they had lost a fairly rich region and got Norway, which was extremely poor at the time due to Danish neglect. None the less, Sweden developed Norway and even gave them partial independence (as opposed to what the danes did). When Norway demanded full independence, Sweden granted this without a fight.

Regarding the Russian baltic fleet its home base is St. Petersburg and large shipyards are located in the used-to-be german Königsberg, aka Kaliningrad, which Germany would capture through their allies Poland in a matter of ours. Regarding the northern fleet this is dispatched towards the U.S., Canada and China as well, and I don't really get what you're trying to suggest here.

Denmark does no longer have Greenland (which is being sold out to 'private' russian enterprise), and Norway only has svalbard, and recently signed an agreement that gave Russia most of the arctic oil since the fuck are they going to do? Russia is too big. Sweden could connect the western nordic countries with Finland and estonia, to strategically vital areas for the arctic ball-squeezing.

Regarding armed forces, no one claimed SWEDEN has such a huge army. The combined NU would have. And regarding the jets, that was current swedish politics at work. With SD racing towards the largest party, that will not happen again.

Almost all Norwegians and Danes are eerily positive to the NU since it would make us all filthy rich and prosperous. However, on a special government decree I think we should have you banned

>> No.5815832

I ask you to take your butthurt raging autism away from /ck/. It's what most european cooking schools teach you. Original doctrine of different food cultures is from France dude. It's cooking science. The countries I listed are what you usually use to summarize the different sub-groups of the european cuisine...

>> No.5815835

Yeah there are a lot of immigrants in Sweden and a lot of feminism and such bullshit but it's not nearly as bad as /pol/ claims and the difference between Sweden and the rest of the west isn't so enormous as they say.

>> No.5815849

>life partner


>> No.5815862




So fact is that there was a war. And when their independence was granted, it was because the Swedish King knew that 99.95% percent of the Norwegians wouldn't want to be a part of Sweden, and forcing them would led to war. Both Nations deployed forces on the border, in case of a war of independence.

And regarding the baltic fleet, it's home base is not St. Petersburg, it is Baltyisk in the Kalinigrad oblast, a place which holds atleast 3 airfields, meaning that just as easy as we can strike into russia, The Ruskies could bomb the fuck out of Sweden, not that I would mind.

And regarding the Northern fleet, I guess you are right. That is why the Northern fleet is located so close to The US, Canada and China. And not the Kola peninsula. Oh wait, IT FUCKING IS STUPID FUCK

They got their pacific fleet to deal with forementioned countries.

Your last statements are just retarded. You can't just sell a fucking country, nor would norway just give away their oil you fucking retard.

You really have been brainwashed, get help.

>> No.5815870


No it is not. Most European schools divide them into regions, central, west, north, east etcetera. Not with one country leading one region with a distinctive cuisine, as those cuisines in the same region, have a huge variety. May I just ask which European cooking schools you have attended since you have such a knowledge about food?

>> No.5815888
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The war was part of the napoleonic wars, and was waged between Denmark and Sweden, with the direct intention of putting enough effort in to regain Finland in the peace treaty.

And according to you, Sweden granted independence to Norway before Norway even asked for it.

Regarding the 'home base' Kaliningrad is the forward base. A naval home base is where a fleet is launched. In case of a NU, Gotland would stand in the way for the air bases in Kaliningrad, which wouldn't even be Russian at that point since Germany could take that area in a matter hours.

The home base of the north sea fleet is in Murmansk, and the purpose of the fleet is to defend against mainly U.S. aggression, as well as to intimidate Canada and Norway. It also operates jointly with the pacific fleet (namely the subs) against China.

Norway could keep their oil. The reserves will last them for another 20 years. The arctic is worth immeasurably much more anyway.

Russia does not keep their entire army to invade Sweden (lol), and just because Norwegians refer to Sweden as "big brother" (for some reason, as a Swede I find that absurd since we see ourselves as smaller and shittier nowadays), doesn't justify your irrational and mentally unhealthy hatred of the glorious union.

Stockholms hotell och restaurangskola, for three years, and then various courses. I've since quit my job as a chef (only worked for a year) and am currently studying political science (with a potential temporary hold deployment to the 'stan in the army)...

All my courses and my three year education divided the european food cultures into cuisines, with a national or regional prefix, for instance, the french cuisine, with the french mediterranean cuisine as a subdivision. Talking about geopolitical areas when it comes to food is retarded.

Now if you excuse me, I have a delicious ärtsoppa I made yesterday that needs tending to.

>> No.5815921


No Sweden granted independence after seing the result of the referendum. Fact is that there was a war between Norway and Sweden

And no, Kalinigrad is not a forward base, Baltyisk is the main base of the russian Baltic fleet, please atleast google these things

Russians have over the last couple of years violated Swedish air space, time and time again simulating bomb strikes on Sweden, the last couple of times Swedish fighters didn't even get in the air before the ruskies had been intercepted by other nations fighters.

The home base of the Northern Fleet (Not North Sea, this fleet has nothing to do with the north sea you fucking retard) is not Murmansk, it is Severomorsk, a couple of miles north of this, which all is located on the Kola peninsula. And again, you have no claim to the arctic, so stop talking about the arctic.

Also by attending 1 school, for three years amd 1 year in the business, you feel that you have the knowledge to say that most European schools also do this?

And one last thing, to your previous comment about how Norwegians and Danes would gladly join the union.

We really don't, we actually kind of feel sorry for you, dear brother Sweden, what happened to you? You don't even discuss religion, you use gender neutral words like hen, you incarcerate artists for their art. Please come back to your senses Sweden

>> No.5815973

1. There was a war between Denmark and Sweden, which was part of the napoleonic wars. Sweden granted independence to Norway without a war.

2. Kaliningrad has no shipyard large enough to be a home port for the baltic fleet. Where a ship is currently moored, recieves supplies etc. is not necessarily its home port. Regardless, in case of war, Kaliningrad would not exist. It would be Königsberg, property of Germany. St. Petersburg is an essential port for the Baltic fleet and indeed in case of war this would be the operative base. And this hair splitting is still a diversion from the fact that the paltic fleet would be fucked should a Nordic Union exist.

3. There has been one case of Russian unanswered harrasment of Swedish air space. This caused large headlines in Swedish media and since then swedish fighter jets are again stationed on Gotland. The entry into Swedish airspace was a result of the previous governments military spendings, a government which no longer exists.

4. The northern fleet, in Swedish "vita havs-flottan" which I errenously translated, is launched in murmansk. Will you stop being so autistic as to debate the difference between home port, stationed port and forward port, if these definitions have nothing of relevance to the current topic? Who has no claim to the arctic? Norway? Because I'm pretty sure Norway signed an agreement in plain speak saying "fuckit we have no claim to the arctic". I'm half Norwegian with a Norwegian passport (although I have a Swedish passport too and live in Sweden), but I guess I don't have any claim to the arctic. I will cease my drilling operations with due haste.

5. Do YOU have any knowledge of the doctrines on the european cuisine? My cousin who studies to become a chef in Switzerland was the one who told me why the UK is not included and why this is funny.

6. You, one person, contradict the ~thousands of Norwegians and danes I talked to which claim the N.U. as I and they envision it is a great idea.

>> No.5816063
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1. No. Fact is fact, you have the right to an opinion but to disregard historical facts is plain retarded.

2. I never claimed kalinigrad had, Baltyiysk on the other hand does. And is where the fleet is stationed as it is their main base of operations.

3. If this is true, how come the two russian fighters that violated Swedish airspace a couple of days ago, didn't get intercepted?

4. No, it is launched from Severomorsk.
And I'm saying Sweden has no claim to the arctic. Also no they didn't, in fact n November 27, 2006, Norway made an official submission into the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea . There are provided arguments to extend the Norwegian seabed claim beyond the current 200 nautical miles in three areas of the northeastern Atlantic and the Arctic. While further claims might be made later. And you didn't errenously translate it. Erroneously yes.

5. Yes, I am culinary interested and with a roommate chef who attended the Le Cordon Bleu in London.

6. I am sure you have talked to thousands from the respective countries to know the overall consensus. Everyone I talk to on the other hand feels kinda sorry for Sweden, everything just seems messed up over there. Not something we would join in a union that's for sure.

7. Why so mad brother Sweden? Is it because everyone hate you?

>> No.5816083

Ah for fucks sake I was SECONDS away from leaving this thread.

1. What in my 1. disregards historical fact?

2. Pillau is part of the Kaliningrad oblast. Fleets don't have bases. There is no such thing as a "main base" for a fleet. A base of operations? A stationed port? A home port? Either way this is irrelevant and utterly retarded. Pillau would be German in hours, and the NU putting pressure on Russia to comply in the arctic would be to strangle St. Petersburg and the Baltic fleet.

3. They did get intercepted you dense fuck.

4. It is not launched from Severomorsk. It is launched from Murmansk, since this is where the fleet is assembled and built. It is thus it's home and registry port you fucking retard. Further, how the fuck is this relevant to whether or not the northern/white sea fleet operates with the pacific fleet, and whether it's got its hands full with the U.S., Canada and China or whether it can focus exclusively on invading Sweden/the not even currently existing Nordic Union. It seems to me rather strange that Russia would host a large force of nuclear submarines that not only do not co-operate with the pacific fleet, but that also are put where they are to guard against a nation that does not exist, especially when historically speaking, there have been numerous incidents in this very area with a little country called the United States. Regarding the treaty, you forgot to mention the part Russia played in this negotiation (which you also fail to mention). You also forgot to mention the previous Norwegian claims, or the Russian flag on the North pole, the Russian purchase of Norwegian territorial waters for oil extraction, or the Russian activity near Norwegian waters and near U.S. bases, forces and borders...

5. Well, I don't know if London shares the same definitions on culinary culture considering how 'the big 7' don't include the U.K., but asking your friend wouldn't hurt, would it?


>> No.5816092

Boyfriend or girlfriend then?

>> No.5816100
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6. Online, my autistic Norwegian friend. In real life I've met like ten people who I've bothered to talk about this with. Still, 0 people have been vocally against the NU with all facts on the table. Except for you, and one or two other autistic Norwegians who don't understand the real world and think whether a russian fleet is currently stationed in Kaliningrad or a nearby port in the Kaliningrad oblast determines whether or not the Nordic Union is a good idea. Regarding "Sweden being messed up", I agree. I hope you do realize I'm only half swedish so your local patriotic insults don't really offend me. Now, the one party you probably agree with, SD, will most probably be the largest party in Sweden by 2018, so things won't be very "fucked up" here for long, will they now. Further, the if you bothered to read here
you'd realize that with open borders and Sweden being ruled by Swedish media, Norway will be royally fucked up the ass by Swedish incompetence. A Nordic Union, which by the way is not all about Norway, would consist of Norway, Denmark, Iceland, The faroe Islands, Greenland, Finland and Estonia as well. Not just Sweden and Norway.

>> No.5816106
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7. I am not sure what you're talking about. I'm only half Swedish, I don't get how a person suddenly becomes your relative and a nation. And perhaps everyone in your village hates propositions on prosperous and powerful unions to preserve cultures and strengthen the nordic countries, but, I fail to see how you, your aunt, two somalian men and a few goats could possibly make up "everybody".

Although you come off as potentially insane, suffering from some kind of paranoid schizophrenia where Swedish people supposedly hate you and wish to kill you, I ask you to come to your senses, listen to some glorious nordic patriotic music
and cry knowing that you are not worthy of calling yourself a true norseman. Now, seriously fuck this shit. This is a cooking board. Just take your autism someplace else. Sage grows in all fields.

>> No.5816126

Why is everyone fighting? I just wanted to discuss some lovely Swedish dishes.

>> No.5816129

It's called "4chan".

>> No.5816139
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This is a delicious Swedish dish, also you usually put ketchup on it

>> No.5816149

Looks tasty.
What is it?

>> No.5816155

Swedish answer to hot pockets. It's a weird kind of sausage, "faulukorv" with the swedish version of mac-n-cheese, "stuvade makaroner". Basically just really cheap student food.

>> No.5816159

Hey, I'm a student, I live on CSNmonies, and I have yet to sink that deep.

>> No.5816161

Falukorv and stuvade makaroner.
I don't know how to explain the pasta, it's macaroni milk, flour and butter. The falukorv is just a special sausage. Put black pepper and nutmeg on it.

>> No.5816165

>macaroni + anything
the most common student diet in scandinavia

>> No.5816166

>on macaronic cheese

I think I just threw up a little.

>> No.5816175
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has Pyttipanna been mentioned?

>> No.5816180

I often have a bit of ketchup on the side with homemade mac and cheese. I find it a little bland, and the ketchup just brightens it up.

I use Alton Brown's recipe as a base but add more spices, spinach, and some other things.

>> No.5816181

I just googled it and it seems like macaroni cheese but without the cheese.

>> No.5816183

You probably just make a shit homemade macaroni cheese then. Rather than ketchup try adding some slices of tomato to the top before you grate cheese over it and bake.

>> No.5816188

There's no cheese in it.
Also ketchup goes great with macaroni and cheese

>> No.5816189

Tomato and ketchup are quite different, I'm not sure why you think that would suffice.

And yes, I add thinly sliced tomatoes on top to caramelize a little before finishing with Parmesan.

>> No.5816199

Well, I guess I should have expected falukorv and pytt i panna, instead of pickled herring or gravlax or something serious, since I'm on 4chan after all.

To make pytt i panna a bit more edible, you should add some dill, mix in a raw egg yolk at the end and of course serve with pickled red beets. What meat(s) and veggies you use isn't really important as long as there's potatoe and onion involved, and at least one of the meats has some flavor, like salted pork or sausage or something. It really is intended as a leftover dish. With a bit of fresh dill and served with the egg yolk still intact it does look a whole lot better than your picture.


>> No.5816200

Ketchup is too sharp, the flavour cuts through and over powers macaroni and cheese which is supposed to be a mild creamy dish.

>> No.5816256
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>> No.5816313
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>not making superior Finnish food