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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5809269 No.5809269 [Reply] [Original]

The diet thread started me on a long day of research and I think what made the most sense to me is the high fat diet also called the butter diet.
Think I am going to give it a shot.

Anyone have a favorite high butter recipe?
I will be avoiding sugar and flour .

>> No.5809282

>going to completely change your diet after a single day of research
jesus christ why, just why?

just eat everything except processed junk food

i eat flour and butter, and fruit and vegetables and beans and legumes and dairy, i'm not fat, i don't have any digestive issues ever, blah blah blah

>> No.5809294

You brain runs best on fat. My doctor has told me that for years since I have petimal epilepsy.
My doctor has literally told me since the 90s to eat more fat when I have a rash of seizures.
The lectures I watched just made so much sense.

>> No.5809384

if you have a medical condition that's different. but it's also possible that since it became a fad to have low-fat foods, your diet was just low in fat because of what society said you should be eating.

i don't think you have to avoid flour... just don't eat flour for an entire meal. have a piece of fresh bread with butter, it doesn't get much better than that.

>> No.5810254

I never know who to believe.
All these diets have some doctor saying how government got it wrong all those years ago and here is how the bloodstream works and blah blah blah.

>> No.5810259

>the X diet

People are still doing these things? Even with the internet giving you all this information at your fingertips?

I blame the public school system for not teaching kids critical reading and thinking skills.

>> No.5810317
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superior version

>> No.5810319

>Even with the internet giving you all this information at your fingertips?

where do you think he got the diet from, you fucking ingrate?

>> No.5810325

When I was a kid I used to beat off to one of those land o lakes boxes that a friend made for me.
You kids don't know what it was like growing up with no internet.

>> No.5810332


I mostly beat off to macy's catalogs, but my mom's magazines had some pretty racy perfume ads with a flap that released the smell while you looked at the naked lady.

Also national geographic and the encyclopedia sometimes.

>> No.5810352
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JC Penney catalog bra section.

>> No.5810368

The ubiquity of easy pornography has lead to the prevalence of beta-males.

>> No.5810466

Depends what you call a beta.
I am envious that these young men do not need women in their lives.
They seem content to be single and have porn.
Living with women is just awful.

>> No.5810541
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God help you. yeah, ima dipshit, been there done that.athins, south beach(very expensive) and a host of others. like weight watchers or jenny craig. not to be rude, but eat a balanced diet (thyat don't mean pop tarts and buckie) slow and steady wins the race. yoy did not gain it overnight, what makes you think you will louse it in 90 days? e=mc2. you take in < then you need. its like fishing lures. most are designed to catch the fisherman. get up and move. now. its not rocket science. and I was preddu ugly from the get go vegatarian or omnivore,and... i guess vegan, a simple equation. you don't need to pay twice.

>> No.5810557

Everyone I know eats a fairly sensible diet with no fast food.
Something is still very wrong with the american diet and I think its avoiding fat and eating too much sugar.

>> No.5810576

Dude fasting man. Get a supergreen formula like green vibrance and take that twice a day. Buy curcumin 1000 mg, maybe the one with piperine OR just eat like 4 or 5 black peppercorns, and then chew hot chilis all day. Drink coffee and green tea., matcha is even better. You will lose the weight fast and have a shit ton of energy. Do some light exercise to keep your muscle. I lost a shit ton of weight, minimal muscle.

>> No.5810641

well, i recommend replacing regular flour for whole wheat. you don't have to cut out carbs from your diet just do some research on what would be healthier and less fattening.

>> No.5810652

oh and don't combine fat and carbs if you don't want to gain weight.

>> No.5810693

>don't combine fat and carbs if you don't want to gain weight

More brilliant advice from "ct"

>> No.5810703

Food combining was debunked in the 70s
Fit for life pls go

>> No.5810709

fucking stupid

>> No.5810732

Oh and don't forget to suck a millions cocks at all times forever.

>> No.5810774


>All these diets have some doctor saying how government got it wrong all those years ago and here is how the bloodstream works and blah blah blah

I know it's confusing, but when someone pulls the "MAINSTREAM science has it all wrong" card and says stuff that's radically different from conventional wisdom (like that "high fat" diets are good, saturated fat is harmless, etc), be skeptical of it, especially if they aren't a particularly accomplished doctor in the field they're discussing. A guy can appear educated and honest to the lay man watching his presention, but still look like an idiot to his peers, who are more educated and can pick out the errors and are more familiar with studies.

>> No.5810783

But what if many of the peers are idiots?
I know that ornish guy personally and he is a bad face liar about all sorts of stuff in his personal life. He just has no integrity so I wonder how many of the others are just bullshit artists who happen to be in control right now.

>> No.5810784

Not the real ct BTW. Was just using his name in the million dicks comment and forgot to get rid of it.

>> No.5810797
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>not scrambled porn

it was always channel 17 and 27 here

>> No.5810808


>But what if many of the peers are idiots?

Generally, you don't get to be head of a department without knowing anything about that particular subject

>I know that ornish guy personally

While I don't believe that at all, Dean Ornish has actually accomplished something. His lifestyle intervention trial was able to cure America's leading cause of death without drugs or surgery, and is highly respected and now covered by medicare as an option for heart patients.

But Dean Ornish isn't who I was talking about when I said peers. Pretty much every doctor believes the same things Ornish believes, and those beliefs are more what I'm talking about. When all the world's experts unanimously believe something like The Lipid Hypothesis, and then you watch a youtube video that attempts to discredit it from its very foundation and present a conspiracy theory for why nobody in the medical community accepts that having high cholesterol is healthy, you should be wary of what you're hearing even if, to you, the way they present it, it sounds logical. The reason they have to present it just to lay people is because trying to present it to educated people within the medical community doesn't work. The same reason "Christian scientists" don't waste time arguing with biologists about how evolution can't be real, they'd rather preach to people unfamiliar with evolution using arguments the average man wouldn't be able to dispute without proper knowledge of the subject.

>> No.5810822

All I had was a vhs copy of Titanic which I kept wound to the titty scene. Before that id stencil female vidya characters from Gamepro but draw tits on them. Kids have it easy today, back then we couldnt even fap to facebook pics, all I had was a shitty black and white yearbook.

>> No.5810850


Titanic came out in the internet era

>> No.5810852

>Dean Ornish has actually accomplished something. His lifestyle intervention trial was able to cure America's leading cause of death without drugs or surgery,

That is bollocks
Bad science ,super small group, never been replicated on a large scale.

>> No.5810853

ah, good old 4chan. i actually feel happy. thank you. no sarcasm, seriously.
but anyway, i've had help thanks to combining. if it's not true, i'd like to read some articles on it. would make my life easier.

>> No.5810864

All I had to masturbate with was a sandpaper glove and a bottle of Tabasco sauce :(

>> No.5810871

Sure thing cut


>> No.5810875

ct not cut.
Fucking autocorrect I went back and changed that twice

>> No.5810882

are you using an iphone to browse 4chan?

>> No.5810883

also, i need more than one article.

>> No.5810887


>bad science

Can you substantiate that?

>super small group

As a clinical intervention trial, that's what you would expect

>never been replicated on a large scale.

The fact that it happened at all is amazing, heart disease isn't something that just goes away on its own. Larger studies have been done though. In this one, 757 people were treated


But again, it's not reliant on Dean Ornish. Dean just took what we already knew about nutrition and used it effectively to treat sick people. Dean is inconsequential, it's the fact that every other doctor believes the same things because that's what the best science leads us to believe, that means you should be wary of a guy who's saying the opposite of what everyone else says

>> No.5810898

Sure thing daddy-0
How do like snopes?
Some people hate these guys but I find them to be mostly correct.


>> No.5810938

oh wow. the first article was full of idiots... people who think medicine is bullshit, people who only drink purified water and don't eat etc etc. that is foolish.
tho, i can say, i didn't go by combinations thanks to H. Diamond. I went by montignac diet and if someone says that's also wrong then ok but it has helped me.
the fruit article though, i've never had any problems with eating fruit either before or after a meal. if i feel like eating fruit before, i do, if i want some after, i'll do that. usually i eat fruit absolutely separately from all sorts of meals but even if i have it after a meal, i feel fine.

>> No.5811015

Ah I see. That stuff is more about glycemic index.
Food combining diets in america are a different brand of quackery , the no fruit after dinner is the biggest tenet .

>> No.5811036

ah, typical internet shiiiii... people talking around each other.
tbh, i quite often by go what my body craves. if i feel like i want meat, i go by that because maybe i have a slight iron deficiency. if i feel like having something sweet i'd go for fruit. it's been working so far.