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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5807245 No.5807245 [Reply] [Original]

Come here to discuss your favorite types of Tea and other tea related things.

>> No.5807359

I like black teas.

>> No.5807369

What do you guys think, does leaf grading in black tea matter?

They're noticeable more expensive, but I have feeling that taste is same.
Or am I just pleb?

>> No.5807385

pretty pleb.
even bagged tea the supermarket is technically a leaf grade: dust and fannings.

>> No.5807389
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what specific type of tea is the one which english speaking people refer to as Chai tea? im asking because im eastern european and here 'chai' is literally the word for tea.

>> No.5807391

masala chai, Indian spiced tea.

>here 'chai' is literally the word for tea.
that's true everywhere, they're pronunciations of the same word.

>> No.5807395

I tend to notice much more fruity, pear-like or lychee-like, fragrances in better (Chinese) black teas with smoother flavours.

Tea with spices like cinnamon, I think.

>> No.5807401

Okay, so I need advice with green tea /ck/.
How do I make it the right way? Some websites say 2 minutes with 60°C Water (I can't even imagine that this tastes like tea) and some other sources say stuff like to boil the water, pour it over the tea leaves, pour away the tea, pour another load of boiled water in and drink that.
The way how I do it, is just pouring the freshly boiled water over the tea, waiting 5 minutes and drink it.
What method do I use to get the healthiest/tastiest tea?

I'm using some semi-cheap tea.

>> No.5807408

depends on the particular variety of green tea.
the cheap sencha i drink is 80C for one minute.

>The way how I do it, is just pouring the freshly boiled water over the tea, waiting 5 minutes and drink it.
jesus christ bro, that'll ruin even some black teas.
green tea is delicate and finicky, you need to treat it like a swedish lady.
you'll know when you get it right, the colour is perfect and the taste is much better than usual.

>> No.5807411

my friend got me some chinese tea but i dont know what kind it is or how to brew it

>> No.5807417

That's a shame.

>> No.5807422

well, give it a good sniff.
if it's a green tea it'll smell grassy, if it's a black tea it'll smell earthy.
get some fresh water and experiment.

>> No.5807424

its just a tiny packet btw, just enough for 1 cup of tea (i have a really big cup)

>> No.5807426

Just brew with something like 80 degree water for two minutes, then one minute for the next brew, then three, and you might be able to get more brews out of that. Doesn't always work but I find it's a generally good method for Chinese teas.

>> No.5807429

Yeah unfortunately I don't know what variety it is.
Thanks for the advice though, I guess I'll buy a thermometer.

>> No.5807431


>> No.5807434

Then just follow the first instruction.

>> No.5807438

its in rice-runes

>> No.5807439

Don't worry about the thermometre. Just let the water boil, let it cool for a couple of minutes, and then use the water. Tea culture has thrived since way before thermometres became common household tools.

>> No.5807450

well, even without thermometers they did pay careful attention to how the water was rumbling, the size and frequency of the bubbles, et cetera.

i live pretty close to sea level so when my kettle is loud and rumbly but the water isn't actually boiling then it's about 75C.

a thermometer really helps, though.
an instant read thermometer is a handy thing to have around the kitchen, anyway.

>> No.5807451

Any suggestion on cold-brewing or super concentrating a gallon of green tea? I have free green tea in my office and I usually drink a gallon of water out of this jug I have but I love the earthy flavor of tea.

I was thinking of throwing 10-15 tea bags in and letting it steep overnight in the fridge, but I read that you can put a whole bunch of tea bags in a mason jar, cover in boiling water, let steep overnight, and then dilute.

I'm doing it primarily for the antioxidant/health qualities so the latter is more appealing to me, but Google isn't really giving me a solid answer. Help me /ck/?

>> No.5807457

ehhh you'd be better off with like a gallon of pomegranate or cherry juice or something.

the health benefits of tea are massively overstated.

>> No.5807544

I've been drinking black tea instead of coffee in the morning. It turns out I don't like the almond milk I bought in cereal or anything but it's okay in tea.

>> No.5807552

Where are some good places to buy Green Tea? I've tried adagio teas and can't seem to find anywhere else.

>> No.5807604
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Earl Grey, no sugar or milk. Loose leaf and infused in a proper teapot.

>> No.5807618

which type? standart, imperial or superior ?

>> No.5807653

Hehe my parents are Slavs and I was surprised when I first heard of Chai tea. I think depending on which country they imported, different countries called their generics black tea chai or cha.

Chai tea (or sometimes chai latte since its traditionally had with milk in India) is a tea with stuff like cinnamon, ginger, clove, allspice whatever... It varies, but its basically a spiced black tea originally from India.

>> No.5807717
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I like that fuckin' black Darjeeling

>> No.5807782

right, the proper name in the west is "masala chai" although chai has become the de facto term for anything made with a spiced black tea as its base regardless of the actual spices used. some of them are really bastardized and gross.

>> No.5808234

How do I brew tea? Whenever I do it it just taste like bitter hot water.

>> No.5808245

Have any of you subscribed to Amoda Tea or anything like it?

Amoda Tea would send you three random types of tea every month and I really enjoyed it. They stopped for a while and are apparently bringing it back this fall.

It's a similar idea to those Graze boxes, so I guess they're for people with money who like trying new/random shit. Are there any other monthly tea boxes? I might try to set up a tea exchange with a stranger just because I never know what to pick.

>> No.5808289
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10/10 post, cocksucker

>> No.5808299

Steep it only advised time. Green tea under 3 minutes, black one under 5.
Don't let it get cold. Pre-heating cup helps.

>> No.5808443

Fall is starting here in Canada and I like tea so I want to start getting into it so it can warm me up on cold days.

How do I into tea? What do I need to make decent tea at home?

>> No.5808484
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First, get a decent teapot. Anything that isn't obviously retarded will do. Second, pic related.

>> No.5808584
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>Add sugar and milk to taste

>> No.5808602

I pretty much like all real teas. Some chick tried to get me into that herbal crap once, it's good that I didn't marry that one.

One thing that makes a nice tea proper, is a shot of bourbon in it. That's a nice morning picker upper especially if having to get on an airplane at 6 am, as long as on the plane, then just sleep the rest of the way.

>> No.5808933

Hello /tea/, Has anyone else ordered from Rare Tea Cellers or Madame Zuzu's? Legit shit

>> No.5808976

i used to love how my grandma made tea, which was with sugar and like enough milk to cool it off (which was a lot). i still dont mind it, but it isnt really tea at that point. i enjoy it now with honey just for a little sweetness. loose leaf is the only way to go. tried going back, didnt work.

>> No.5809078

thanks man
now I know how not to make tea
and alternatively, how to be a pretentious asshole

>> No.5809727
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Can someone hash out the difference between Irish Breakfast and English Breakfast for me? It seems that Irish is more bitter and obviously less leafy.

>> No.5810114

>(i have a really big cup)

lold a little at this

>> No.5810120

no real difference, really. they're both blends of black tea based mostly on assam.
the blend of a given brand will be a bigger factor than whether it says "english" or "irish" on the tin.

>> No.5810468


Chai, cha, tra, tea.

I like hearing how different cultures pronounce it.

>> No.5810508

Oh no the poor meatball?

Pls don't eat him, if you give me your address I will send over lots of home baked cookies as long as you don't eat the meatball!

>> No.5810523

I've heard Irish is stronger and more "malty"

>> No.5811449

What's some really good green tea?

I'm a big fan of the good Japanese/Chinese teas, and would like to get some good stuff.

Also, where do you guys get your tea supplies?

>> No.5811457

Someone here who also puts lemon juice in his tea?

>> No.5812008
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Thoughts on this, /ck/?

>> No.5812272

I understand this, my mum did this with chamomile tea when we were sick - honey, plus enough milk to cool it to drinking temp

>> No.5812428

I have a Kashmiri Green, Second Flush Darjeeling and an Oolong.
I need a white and puerh to round out my collection.
Also what else is good in boiling water than isn't cammelia sinesis

>> No.5812753

Why buy an expensive spoon? Just get a cheap plastic measuring spoon

>> No.5813098

It was a joke

>> No.5813106

>Also what else is good in boiling water than isn't cammelia sinesis

coffea arabica, coffea canephora
needs a bit of preparation tho

>> No.5813141

robusta ain't shit mane. also you don't put coffee in boiling water. that's a great way to end up with a cup of bitter brown water.

>> No.5814522

>go to teavana/davids/mall tier tea shop
>all this fucking flavored shit
I want tea, not this shit, I can add fruit if I want to, stop adding fillers to charge more

>> No.5814526


I don't mind the existence of the flavored stuff

I mind that they get OFFENDED when I say I want something without weird flavors

>> No.5814534

>What method do I use to get the healthiest/tastiest tea?
Just in case you don't know, you'll get the same health results from drinking black tea or oolong. It's the plant that is healthy, not the oxidisation process used.

>> No.5814544

i can understand why it exists, but really they only reason to flavor tea (with the exception of masala chai like ones) is because cause it isn't good tea to begin with, distillers pull that same shit with vodka.

>> No.5814548


You don't think they use masala chai to get rid of cheap tea in India?

>> No.5814556

right I wasn't thinking but masala chai isn't shit unlike other flavored buzzwords fruit of the week tea

>> No.5814562


Meh. I think you're trying too hard. Who cares if someone else wants to drink mango flavored tea. As long as I'm not forced to drink it.

>> No.5814569

i'm just butthurt they carry like a single digit amount of varieties of plain loose tea

>> No.5814849

>ck has better taste in tv than /tv/
Darjeeling all i drink because of that show

>> No.5814866

>brits think they know how to make tea
>they fill half their cup with sugar and milk
milk and sugar are a sign that its shit tea

>> No.5814868

>go to teavana/davids/mall tier tea shop

well there's your problem, ya ding-dong
teavana is starbucks and david's is damned well trying to be.

what you want is a real damned tea store where the owner can tell you where the leaf's from, when it was harvested, how long it's been sitting in storage and what the plantation operator's going to do for christmas this year.

>> No.5814873

"leaf and nothing but the leaf" only came about with the rise of zen buddhism.
before that you had chinese emperors throwing damned near everything into their tea, even pepper and onions.

milk and sugar are a sign that the tea has strong flavour and tastes good with milk and sugar.

>> No.5815765

how to make black tea:
>boil water
>pour over tea
>steep 3-5 minutes

how to make green tea:
>boil water
>wait 15 minutes
>pour over tea
>steep 3-5 minutes or less

Anything else is pretentious bullshit. Also PROTIP for sweetening geen tea with rock sugar: put the sugar in the boiling water right away.

>swedish lady
No such thing.

>> No.5815989
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what does /ck/ think about these things?
y/n for small cups?

>> No.5816021
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The edges on that thing are shit. Always go for the ones with edges like in my pic, otherwise you'll have tea leaves stuck in between the two parts leaving it semi-open and leaking.

>> No.5816055

Wa la!

>> No.5816066

Horrible advice. Those closed egg things are smaller and offer a far inferior water circulation. The separated parts mean you'll eventually lose one sooner or later. To open it up, you have to get your fingers all smeared in tea.

Half of the mesh sphere is big enough to hold even voluminous tea such as lapacho without ever spilling on the edges. The halves are joined so you never have to worry about losing them, the closing mechanism is sturdy and keeps your fingers clean. To empty it, you just have to open it and shake. Whatever remains stuck on it can be easily rinsed out thanks to the mesh.

>> No.5816358
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I bought a cheap looseleaf black tea from the supermarket.

I also have a kettle, teapot, mug and strainers.

How do I go about this? I want to get good teamaking technique before i try more expensive kinds. Also, I'll only be making tea for myself.

>> No.5816382

I like matcha and black teas. I'll usually add other flavors to whatever I'm drinking though and it's usually iced.

Can anybody redpill me on fluoride and lead in tea? Does all tea contain fluoride and lead? Is it dangerousand is there a way to find tea without it?

Also, what's this wa la thing about? Been away for a bit

>> No.5816430

What do you mean by iced?

>> No.5816441

>Anything else is pretentious bullshit.
You realize there's more than just one way to make tea right? Get over yourself.

>> No.5816473
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I love mint tea.
I nuke a large coffee cup of tap water for about 2 minutes and toss a bag in. Steep for 2 minutes and throw the bag away. Mix a tea spoon or 2 of sugar and drizzle a little honey into it before stirring.
Sorry if my pleb tier tea consumption made anybody cringe.

>> No.5816514

boil water.
swish a bit water around in teapot to pre-heat it, then empty.
add tea to teapot
add water to teapot, stir
leave it be for 3 to 5 minutes, then serve.

>> No.5816515


>> No.5816523

It's already flavored tea, it's not like he's missing out on much.

>> No.5816524

Green tea before 4/5.
Rose/Lavender tea 6 onwards.
Fennel tea at any time.

Fennel tea is pretty great, especially for dat bowel health. Tried Jasmine tea before but I'm undecided. Jasmine is a strange fragrance, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It also makes my head feel strange.

>> No.5816530

Why use a teapot if it's just for 1 person?

>> No.5816535

Well, it's designed to brew loose leaf, and if for any reason you have guests over you can serve them too.

But there are teapots out there small enough for a single person.

>> No.5816540

You forgot the tea leaves.

>> No.5816546
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>tea spoon or 2 of sugar and drizzle a little honey

>> No.5816548

depends on what kind. i prefer my english tea with just some honey.

>> No.5816554

Is tea the healthiest beverage after water?

>> No.5816559

It's probably sacrilege but I prefer iced teaover hot tea

>> No.5816561
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so you're not straining the leaves out with your teeth while you drink.
if you had a chinese gaiwan you could brew and drink out of that and strain with the lid, but you said you have a teapot so go with that.

>> No.5816614

How do you make iced tea?

>> No.5816642

Brew double strength then ice or cold brew.

>> No.5816811


I can't help but buy their shitty disgusting Earl Grey when I don't have any decent loose leaf around.

>> No.5816917

If you happen to live in the south like me, you probably don't have the option of loose leaf very often. Almost everybody drinks iced sweet tea from bags almost religiously so there isn't much demand for it. On the plus side, never had loose leaf tea so I don't know what I am missing! Until then I can pretend I'm drinking the finest tea in the land. Terrible, I know..

>> No.5816948

I like sancha green tea.
Or lemon and ginger tea when it's extra chilly outside.

>> No.5817034

I'm not the same anon, but personally I live in the middle of nowhere in the deserts of Utah. Some people just don't have the option to get good tea.

>> No.5817044
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>what you want is a real damned tea store where the owner can tell you where the leaf's from, when it was harvested, how long it's been sitting in storage and what the plantation operator's going to do for christmas this year.
I like you. Totally agree.

Personally, I love Chinese tea, not too into Indian, and when it comes to Chinese tea, Gong fu style is the only way, hands down. I haven't really ventured in to Yixing teaware or Pu'erh all that much, which are really popular nowadays, because I love my porcelain gaiwans and oolong tea too much.

>> No.5817141

You have the internet

>> No.5817353

What are good Tea's that are low in caffeine?

>> No.5817356

ginger tea is saving my life at the moment because i feel sick as fuck lads

>> No.5817370

I do, I live in the middle of nowhere in Texas so I know exactly what you mean. I buy all of my loose leaf online and everyone I know still turns their nose up to it. Some of them are still disgusted by any bagged tea that has any sort of flavor in it. Green tea? Disgusting.

If it's not generic black tea bags or lipton tea with huge quantities of sugar and ice, they want nothing to do with it.

>> No.5817394



>> No.5817654


>> No.5817697

I've got a meshball strainer. I've put a lot of different loose teas in it and can't remember any spillage. Even if there were spillage, it would easily be worth the ease of opening a meshball instead of an acorn.

>> No.5817704

I live in Alabama and used to enjoy iced black tea. Ever since I switched to Earl Grey, black tea tastes bitter and nasty. I always assumed I was burning the shit or something. No, that's the flavor.

>> No.5817723

ginger or die bitch

>> No.5817730

It taste burnt because it is. Lipton and similar tea bags are basically just burnt scraps and unsavory leftovers, at least as far as real tea s concerned.

>> No.5817732

earl grey is black tea, dingus

>> No.5817759

Anything is higher quality than shitty lipton, I think that's what they were getting at.

>> No.5817766


>> No.5817809

What's /tea/'s opinion regarding porcelain vs cast iron teapots?

>> No.5817824

Yeah, Lipton and related teas aren't really labelled if my memory serves correct. They're just "black tea". Lipton at least also has "green tea". If you have a better name for either of these, give it to me and by all means I'll use it.

>> No.5817828

Persian here, i was raised on tea and still drink it on a regular basis. The word for tea is Chai here, i know americans have their hipster "chai tea" stuff but that is different than what we drink. After ~20 years of drinking it i actually looked at the box and it turns out it's loose leaf Ceylon tea.

Shit is delicious. I've tried other teas and nothing even comes close.

>> No.5817830

i misread your post and now realize mine was worthless.

Ceylon still gud

>> No.5819025

I want to into tea, but I really don't know how to make it "taste good". My gf bought me a box of flavored tea and said maybe I'll like it. She's asian and drinks tea pretty often, I'm a spic and when I tried to make tea it tasted like boiled dirt.
Do I ad anything to it or just let it be? I always boiled water and left the bag in for 4-6 minutes then tried to drink it.
It's Impra ceylon tea coming in blue berry, cherry, lemon, pineapple, strawberry, and blackcurrant flavors.

>> No.5819027

CI is for brewing.
Porcelain is for serving.

>> No.5819066
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So, i purchased 5 mini-boxes of Kusmi tea at the second-hand-shop next door (like pic), and i wanted to know. Is Kusmi just a rip-off for rich people ?
Is it really worth all the money ?

>> No.5819100

It's called "thee" in Dutch :)

>> No.5819518

maybe you should've explained how it's pronounced

the dutch pornouc ne like tay

>> No.5819739

>bagged tea
>flavoured bagged tea

not a whole lot you can do other than add sugar.

>> No.5820574

Costco's matcha green tea was good in my opinion.

>> No.5820624

All you guys are so knowledgeable about this shit its amazing. I'd love to get into some 'proper teas' all I drink at the moment is PG tips but I haven't the foggiest where I'd even begin

>> No.5820687

Lipton Green for lyfe yo. Any of the sub-varieties of their green tea is perfect.

I actually don't know shit about tea and don't really like it. I just developed a minor appreciation from when I worked at Unilever and got all the tea I could drink for free. I still have a ton of boxes of green tea left that I was able to buy for like a buck each

I'm open to suggestions, and don't say "literally anything is an upgrade" because I know that. Make a personal suggestion for a variety of green tea and I'll give it a shot

>> No.5820762

>my favorite tea is the Turkish tea

>> No.5820857

Yorkshire Gold is best teabag tea

Got some nice Rose tea too

It's tha bomb

>> No.5821004

What are the best brands for bagged tea? STASH? Twinings? Tazo? I'm looking for strong tea with plenty of caffeine.

I'm also considering matcha for green tea. Any recommendations for good matcha brands? Thanks in advance.

>> No.5821444

For easy to find brands I'm tempted to say Tazo, but bagged tea will always be shit.

>> No.5821888

PG Tips is good for a basic black tea. I don't care for Tazo most of the time; I find their blacks a bit astringent. Their greens are okay.

>> No.5821895

All expensive shit. For bagged tea, just buy the cheapest you can get and probably earl grey because the bergamot helps cover up the quality of what you're buying.

>> No.5822522

How did I live so long without an electric kettle? The fuck was I thinking?

>> No.5822530


>> No.5822890
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My foray into loose leaf.

How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.5822904
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>$10 mesh gimmick

coulda got three single-serving teapots for that, nigga

>> No.5822914

How is it a gimmick? You need to strain the tea somehow, right?

>> No.5822927
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not really, no.

>> No.5822957

So, why'd you post a teapot with a strainer inside?

>> No.5823069

I've spent the last month drinking 10+ cups of tea per day.

I just love the taste so much.
My face has also cleared up, primarily from my forehead.

>> No.5823521

Yeah that's fine if you don't mind the ~$10 strainer. At that point I'd want to get one of the cute ones like the shark fin one.
I picked up a shitty little tea ball from Walmart for like $3 and it's been fine. My housemate has been running hers through the dish washer and it's starting to turn a shade or orange but mine hasn't done anything like that.

>> No.5824488
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Hey /ck/, I have a question.

A while back I bought a lot of teas (which I suspect are kinda low quality but bear with me) and whenever I try to make some tea, it tastes the same.
Literally all of them taste the same and they're different kinds of tea.

Anyway. I was wondering if anyone might have an idea whether it's my fault or the tea's fault. I tried letting it strain for some time longer (15 minutes for Darjeeling now) but there's still not much flavor in my tea.
I have a glass pot from Ikea and a metal-ish strainer. However whenever I make tea little particles from the leaves go from the strainer into the pot itself and it makes the tea taste weird.

If anyone could give me any tips beyond getting a new ceramic teapot I’d be extremely grateful. Tea is something I like and I’d like to get past the plebby yet more tasteful teabags.

>> No.5824977

Are you sure you're not accidentally making it REALLY dark? Earl Grey and is almost always noticeably different from everything else unless you do that.

>> No.5826418

Hmm, if I steep it for the recommended 3-5 minutes it tastes really bland. But I do make it really dark because that's the only way there's some semblance of taste in the tea.

Might it be the tea or the pot? I'll try steeping it 3-5 minutes again to check if there's any difference.

>> No.5826599

What types of tea are we talking about? You've only mentioned Darjeeling. How old is all of your tea?

>> No.5827712

Umm. I actually have no idea. I bought half of them 11 months ago and the other half a couple of months ago at the same shop. However until a short while ago I didn't know the age of the tea made a difference so I didn't ask for how long they've been in the shop.

The first batch were Darjeeling, Lotus, Earl Grey and white tea and the second were Lady Grey and herbal teas like rose, vanilla and lavender

>> No.5828392

Anyone got recommendations for what kind of pot to use?

>> No.5828586

why don't you smoke your tea, /ck/?


>> No.5829277
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140926_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw always combining either green or red tea with other flavored teas
>hot cup of green tea & apple flavoured tea in the morning.

I don't know how they made it apple flavored and I don't want to know either, but it was nice as fuck.

>> No.5829301

you're supposed to add sugar? i thought you just drank as is and pretended it tastes good.
are you supposed to do that with all tea? am I retarded?

>> No.5829305

If you don't like it then don't drink it?
I don't think it's even an acquired taste, some people can drink it and some people can't.
My aunt despises green tea while I can have multiple cups of it in a row without taking out the teabag or sweetening it.
Sometimes I put two bags in.

>> No.5829312

I just googled the tea you mentioned, if you say it tastes like dirt, try the one I posted here?

If you really want to get into tea twinings or earl grey should be your entryway.
I think what I did when I was younger was taper off the sugar until I drank it clean.

I used to drink nothing but orange juice and sweetened shit when I was a kid, went from having two teaspoons of sugar, to one, to a bit of honey, and finally drinking it without anything.

>> No.5829319

I'm not sure she made this green tea once that tasted like apples and it was really good. But I want to drink stuff that's supposed to be somewhat good for my body. Besides the possible caffeine addiction from some teas. I like iced tea but it's pretty much sugar water.

I haven't gotten around to trying one yet. I opened a blue berry packet and it smells really good.

>> No.5829327
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Those two posts are both me btw.

These are the teas we have, all taste good.

As for the ones that are supposed to be good for you, I haven't really done any research into that but I'm not sure if there's any difference between the bagged green teas or ones like the one you mentioned.

>> No.5829332

I mean, you can choose to, there's no law on Tea like most things about food and beverage as most autists think.

>> No.5829336

Have a look at your bagged teas, open them up and tell me what you see. Then look at the same type of leaves/herbs on Google only in loose leaf form.

They'd be significantly different. If you know about tea grades, the quality of a mix affect a lot. ie. the amount of fannings. Which bagged tea normally has.

>> No.5829337

I just heard drinking tea that isn't sweetened iced tea like Brisk or Arizona is supposed to be good for you. But I'm probably just stupid. Which would explain why she asked me to put on a green wig, and put on red contacts and fangs.

Maybe it's the quality of what I've been drinking. Or the years of drinking sugar water with coloring messed up my taste buds? Which would be odd considering I liked eating raw lemons.

>> No.5829340

Where do you find good quality leaf teas?
And no I don't know shit about tea grades tbh

>Or the years of drinking sugar water with coloring messed up my taste buds?

More than likely.

>> No.5829350

I never understood the mentality/b8 of


>> No.5829353


No m8, it's just better for your health.
Also I honestly think once you get into tea without having to sweeten it, it tastes better than with all that fucking fake sugar.
At least use brown sugar, or honey or something.
Honey + lemon juice in green tea is delicious.

>> No.5829363

I doubt consuming alcohol can be considered healthy in anyway.

I'll consider that. We have a lot of honey bottles that we never bought but somehow have. Some are synthetic honey and some are real bee's honey.

>> No.5829368
File: 1.34 MB, 350x256, gabbr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't chug vodka, you're a pussy.

>> No.5829369

if you do you're making no gainz

>> No.5829380

>implying I get gains anyway

I've been working out and my biceps got a little bigger, but I'm still skeleton-tier and my arms are so weak I struggle to do 10 pushups.
I need to work out my triceps but every technique I've tried seems really difficult to pull off without gym equipment.

>> No.5829389

it's a pretty looking set of boxes you can reuse, that's what.

>> No.5829401

do wimin style push ups (on knees instead of toes) or just do smaller sets more frequently until you can do more per set
also, if your arms aren't shaking and jittery, you can do more, you're just being a pansy
I digress, though, so sage

>> No.5829405

>I doubt consuming alcohol can be considered healthy in anyway.

it actually is, in moderate consumption. im not even talking about wine

>> No.5829406

i don't know much about gaining mass besides protein and roids. but i just think quality over quantity. i'm currently a fatty trying to unlock ottermode. we're gonna make it brah.

>> No.5829410

>being a pansy

I do pushups until my shoulders feel like they're going to fly off in all 128 directions and my arms shake and feel like they'll snap.
I'm just too weak and I have to work out my biceps and triceps first before I do that shit.

I'm not that guy, but I agree.
hasn't it been scientifically proven that small amounts of alcohol clean out your kidneys and liver or some shit, as well as improving your digestion?

>tfw did an amphetamine derivative a couple days ago and worked out my arms like a beast.
Felt good, that shit always gives me good, pure energy, but I'm out of it now ;_;

Also my upper legs ached like fuck for the next 2-3 days afterwards, idk why.
It felt as if I had run a couple miles.

>> No.5829422

>shoulders feel like they're going to fly off and arms shake
well OK then, you're not being a pansy
keep at it and you will be able to do more eventually
it's not instantaneous, and rest is important for gains, too
I'm a former wrestler now fatass working on cutting now, but my food obsession consistently undermines my efforts. Thinking I have essentially the opposite problem as you. No problem gaining mass, but issues with cutting. I know, eat clean, that's my major problem.

>> No.5829428


>> No.5829432

eh, i don't know much about it. i'm in burgerland so i'm 'underaged'. i'm 18 but i've never had a taste of any kind of alcohol in my life. i've never been the kind to want to drink or do a drug out of curiosity.

i don't really care about the words of the /fit/ aspies. but i'd stay away from recreational drugs if i were you, but it's your life. also mass is influenced by body type. if you're mr. skele mode by default you're at a disadvantage for gains, it's harder but not impossible.

>> No.5829442

It's not a regular thing, but I know.
I'm also aware of the fact alcohol slows muscle growth but I only really tend to work out after I've had a beer or two because it gets me going.

I should really be doing a lot of running instead of working out, but I'm too socially awkward to go running and too lazy to go to the woods (only half a km away), so IDK.
My legs are fucking chicken-tier too.

I might go and try to move about in a bit.

>> No.5829444

>i'm 18 but i've never had a taste of any kind of alcohol in my life
that sounds incredibly absurd for eurofags like me
>lso mass is influenced by body type. if you're mr. skele mode by default you're at a disadvantage for gains

to get back on topic I drink about 6 cups of tea a day, 3 black and 3 green, both without sugar, but I think the water I use for my green tea is too hot

>> No.5829448

itt: pseudo nutritionists

>> No.5829450


I'm sure he's right.
I know/have seen people with average body types and they easily gain weight/muscle. It always seems to be more difficult for skinnyfags, but not impossible either.
It just takes more effort.

>> No.5829458

we'll don't run the same day you lift/workout, it does ruin your gains.

there's three body types. ecto/meso/endomorphs? one's lanky and can't put on mass, one's average can get fat and and big relatively easily, and the other is the winner for body building but can also get fat easily too.

then use a thermometer? i apologize for derailing the thread.

>> No.5829460

because skinnyfags have shitty nutrition/don't eat enough

that's why their skinny in the first place

>> No.5829462


yeah, need to get myself a thermometer

>> No.5829463

itt: shut the fuck up

>> No.5829465


I eat 2-3 meals a day every day and I used to eat fried chicken during HS. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.5829469

Care to inject something useful, or do you just prefer to shitpost like a fucktard?

>> No.5829475

ITT: increasing levels of psychological distress

>> No.5829479

damn never head over to fit, they'll tear you apart

it's typical that skinny people say "I'm skinny even though I eat pizza, my metabolism has to super fast" while in reality they still don't get enough calories and protein

everybody has a different metabolism but deviation is fairly small

>> No.5829482

>poignant words mean distress
the beta has spoken

>> No.5829483

> they'll tear you apart
Stop tempting me.

How much do you suggest I eat then?
I can't afford to have big meals at will tbh.

>muh /r9k/ buzzwords
How mad are you? :^)

>> No.5829490
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haven't even glanced at that board
go fish

>> No.5829493

Give me a fishing rod first, asshole.

>> No.5829498

ok, I chuckled
Seriously, though, you going to point out what you found so stupid or are you just going to be an asshole calling another asshole an asshole?

>> No.5829505

Poignant? A keen sense of sadness or regret? Sharp or pungent in taste or smell?
>maybe if i use big words they'll become intimidated and won't notice i don't know what i'm talking about

>> No.5829507

I'm the anon who posted the first itt, I am not the anon who posted the second. I would like this thread to maybe go back to being a tea thread? Not a /fit/ thread? That would be nice.

>> No.5829512

or you could rely on more than the first Google response and understand the full meaning of a word
try one more step in the search result and it might make some sense to you
baby steps, I know it's hard, but put a little effort into it
or just keep trolling
I have more beer left

>> No.5829516

>Care to inject something useful, or do you just prefer to shitpost like a fucktard?
So poignant. So astute, so profoundly moving, so painful for my senses to behold. Oh, hold me, I feel weak.

>> No.5829519

hey, it did say other related things.
I agree, though. I've been exploring rooibos, though I haven't found much that isn't full of too much other stuff for flavoring. Is there a good reference sort of rooibos to go off of that I should order online?

>> No.5829524

What brands have you tried so far? Also, judging by this thread this is a huge point of contention, but have you been trying bagged or loose leaf?

>> No.5829528

All I found at the store so far were Republic of Tea, Celestial Tea, and Teavana, all of which had other stuff in it, some tasted nice, some loose, some bagged. I would like to try some straight up, and of nice quality.

>> No.5829554

I've never tried Republic, but the other two have been consistently really fluffed up teas in my experience too. I might draw some ire for this, but I would try etsy in order to avoid the mass-produced, lets-just-add-random-flavours stuff. Not to say that etsy sellers don't add random shit, but at least they tell you honestly.

>> No.5830293
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Anyone ever order from Upton Tea Imports? They have a gigantic selection and pretty decent prices

>> No.5830341

I have not, but will order some rooibos from them along with some Yunnan. Thanks!

>> No.5830525

They are god tier and my #1 source for black tea. No bullshit.

Huge variety, reasonable prices, decent quality, flat $4.60 rate for shipping?