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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5803580 No.5803580 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, what was the last thing you regret eating?

For me it was undercooked fish fillets on rye bread with tomato sauce. I knew it wasn't worth it as I was eating it, but I went through with it anyway.

>> No.5803588

Every time I eat fast food.

It's a terrible gamble every time.

>> No.5803591

James Coney Island coneys ive been burping that chili all day. So fucking delicious though

>> No.5803594

Let me start with I'm not a good cook.

I just tried to make mac and cheese from scratch.
I was going off a recipe that made double what I needed.
I forgot to half the fresh ground black pepper.
Can't taste cheese in sauce, just berry.

Why is black pepper in everything? I understand salt, but pepper?

>> No.5803599

that sounds pretty good except for the undercooked part

>> No.5803600

Because it adds pepper flavor which is great.

What recipe did you use? When I use a roux based recipe it always tastes bland as shit.

>> No.5803608

Why not try white pepper its a bit more subtle and you dont bite into unexpected grains of spice

>> No.5803613

Vienna Sausages with fried eggplant and rice

>> No.5803632

this one?
whole milk for 2% because that's what I had
no paprika or parsley because I didn't have any
I subbed cheddar jack for colby jack because I couldn't find it at the store.

> tfw just realized that colby-monterey jack cheese is probably just colby-jack
another mistake

I love Noodles and Co, and it seemed so simple to make.
If I made it again, I wouldn't add the pepper at all. And maybe use it as a garnish afterward.
Mac and cheese isn't suppose to taste fruity.

>> No.5803637

Big Mac...never again will I eat McDonalds
I have gotten violently sick from them twice. Utterly, slimy.

>> No.5803638

found your problem
roux based sauce, with way, WAY too much milk

i'm gonna lay a recipe down on you for great mac and cheese. lemme write it up

>> No.5803641

But that sounds pretty good

>> No.5803647


can this picture be the start of a new epic /ck/ meme????!!

>> No.5803653

Mac and cheese-izzle
A stove
A big ass pot
A big ass bowl
A whisk
A spatula

Optional- Cheese shredder


2tbl flour
1.5c milk
1 pound pasta
2 cups shredded cheddar
~1 cup shredded fancy cheese

spice pack
-.25 tsp mustard powder
-.5 tsp salt
-.25 tsp garlic powder

>> No.5803669

Cook your pasta and set it aside
put the pot back on the stove and set the heat to medium/medium

take .5 cup of milk, and mix in your spice pack and the flour

toss in a cup of milk and heat it until it starts to steam a bit
then mix the other milk in with it and whisk until it starts to thicken, like, the consistency of a thick gravy

then add a handful of shredded cheese, fold it in with the spatula until it's melted. whisk the shit out of it and repeat with all your cheese. you'll have this delish cheesey sauce

then pour half of it in your bowl, and add half your noodles. fold and mix it together

do the same with the shit leftover in your pot, then add it all together

last time i made it i added local cheddar and fried chicken liver
it was top tier

>> No.5803670

carnist pussy :^)

>> No.5803678

A Mcdonald's 11.99 value box. 2 Big Macs, 20 mcnuggets, and 4 small fries. Eat it all in one day and it's like shoving a cinder block down your GI tract.

>> No.5803683

Excuse me, but why not take a roux based sauce, and add spices to it? My mom would always add paprika and white pep. Not bland but wonderful.

>> No.5803685

ill just go to the store and get cheesespice to make my mac and cheese taste more cheesey

>> No.5803686


>> No.5803698
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a bowl of this.

It was really good but then was laying down and got the whole acid reflux thing and started burping up some of it

>> No.5803699

Who the fuck eats fish on rye

I'm no connoisseur(had to Google how to spell it) but I've never heard of fish on rye

However, granted today I learned raw minced pork is a delicacy so I guess I'm the ignorant one

But seriously, fish on rye?

>> No.5803702

Fuck off goy

>> No.5803704


Did you dip a grilled cheese sandwich in it

>> No.5803705

Wow, I feel really blessed to say I have no regrets in recent memory!

>> No.5803707


It's Jewish?

Undercooked meat isn't kohsure

The ancient Israelites cooked over open fires

I'm pretty sure they ate their meat blackened

>> No.5803708

Well I was hungover and it was the only thing I had in the house since I hadn't gone shopping, so I thought "what the hell it can't be too bad..." but I was wrong.

>> No.5803710

no i just ate the soup

>> No.5803712

every fucking time.

>> No.5803715

>went to pizza capers (quote unquote "fancy pizza place") after years of not getting them cos it's shit
>ordered a pulled pork pizza
>took a bite and discovered an entire chilli hidden under the toppings
>pulled it off and finished the piece
>bit into a second piece
>found another entire chilli under the toppings
>threw pizza in in the bin

Now being an ausfag I'm no expert in pulled pork but whenever I've made it I use cayenne pepper/papriki/etc not entire fucking chillis...

Fuck that shit.

>> No.5803720


You undercooked fish and complained lol

I bitch about shit I do to myself on 4chan too

>> No.5803722

pulled pork isn't supposed to have anything but seasoned pork

granted those seasonings can be whole but they are not supposed to make it to the finished product

>> No.5803723

Mmm, I love a good fried white fish on rye bread with tarter sauce. I didn't know there was any other way to have a fish sandwich!

>> No.5803730

I agree with this one, I had a chicken teriyaki yesterday and it was fucking disgusting.

>> No.5803731


the bread is like 75% of the sandwich.

beats subway though

>> No.5803735

Friend brought some over and I had a single burger. I think it came out completely in gaseous form, never farted so much in my life

>> No.5803737


> going to subway
>not getting a foot long feast
>not getting all the greens on it with extra jalapenos and ranch

I wouldn't like that shit either

>> No.5803739

It wasn't TERRIBLY undercooked either, but undercooked enough to make it an uncomfortable meal.

>> No.5803744
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Nandos extra hot chicken with shitloads of perry perry sauce on the side. I like to pull all the meat of the bones and dump a pile of sauce on the meat and eat the fuck out of it.

Burns like hell but the endorphin rush at the end of it all is totally worth it. The explosive diarrhea and lingering burning sensation around my anus is not so pleasant but whatever.

>> No.5803748


Maybe the way you get sandwiches

I'm on a no pork diet trying to take the gods advice

If I slip up its going to look like an episode of epic meal time

Bacon for the bacon god

>> No.5803753


Well, technically overcooking fish is just as bad if not worse

But still

On rye?

>> No.5803754

Maybe. I get the club with the works, no oil/vinegar, and mayo.

For some reason everyone is jewish with the veggies

>> No.5803766

How fat are you?

>> No.5803782


I'm 5'11 and 145 American pounds

Grew up eating microwave food from Wal-Mart whenever my family didn't make something. Traditional shit like peas, cornbread, meat loaf, corn on the cob

I drink mouthwash because liquor is taxed too heavily

I don't exercise

But I'm probably healthier than YOU.

>> No.5803790

nah. I eat only whole foods and run as much as my tendons allow. My heart/lungs are not a bottleneck anymore.

>> No.5803830

This shitty light olive oil blue plate may my mom bought

>> No.5803835

I never regret eating jimmy johns

>> No.5803845


Good stuff

I used to be in shape.

I'm fucking bedridden now

Still the same weight, actually I used to weigh more. It's strange, when I was heavier I had more energy.

>> No.5803864

made grilled cheese with imitation cheddar. I was wondering why the cheese was so fucking cheap.

>> No.5803868

every time I order pizza. The pizza I make at home is way way better and I don't have to pay 18 bucks for a good amount of toppings.

>> No.5803883

1.5 kilos of white chocolate

>> No.5803907
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>> No.5803908

just bought a malta goya (drink) since I saw a /ck/ post about it a couple days ago. FUCKING DISGUSTING. How the fuck do people drink this shit?

>> No.5803914

entire two dozen full-butter chocolate chip cookies i made the other night

>> No.5803915

Undercooked meat around the spine of a roasted hog. It was so tasty... but then I got food poisoning and missed a hunting trip. That gave me an aversion to pork for like a year.

>> No.5803922

Cream cheese and strawberry jam sandwich. It wasn't terrible but I'm getting over wisdom teeth removal and I'm sick of all this soft food. Also not well stocked right now so it's been just whitebread sandwich after whitebread sandwich and mashed potatoes for three straight days. Please /ck/. I'm dying inside.

>> No.5803941

Have you learned shit with nutrients removed is unsatisfying?

>> No.5803952

A bad salsa I made the other day with artificially ripened store tomatoes. I didn't regret eating it as much as I regret wasting the money on those tomatoes

>> No.5803958

Beef liver. Taste like ass

>> No.5803959

what are you suggesting i don't get it

i didn't eat all two dozen cookies because the "nutrients were removed" i ate them all because I am fat

>> No.5803968

Shit like refined sugar and fat and white flour is unsatisfying and you're fat because you eat it.

>> No.5803976

a few years ago I was super sore and tired after getting my braces tightened so I threw some hashbrowns in the oven i fell asleep and woke up to overcooked hashbrowns
couldnt chew so just swallowed them whole
ended up throwing up chunks all night

>> No.5803987

One of those shrimp and garlic noodle bowls.
Actually two of them. One for lunch and one for dinner.

They tasted great but...

Those bitches turned into CEMENT. It took laxatives, glycerin suppositories and 48 hours to clear it.

Never again.

>> No.5803995

oh, no, they were quite satisfying thank you very much

and no i'm fat because of my genetics and poor metabolism

>> No.5803999

I got bored and made Sweet Sundae ramen. My colon will never forgive me. I want to die.

>> No.5804002
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Forgot screencap.
This is what I get for poking around the my old 4chan files.

>> No.5804004

That's not how getting fat works. You're fat because you take in way too many calories. Fatties almost always have higher resting metabolism than the thin privileged.

>> No.5804005

Oh shit, nigga.

Yeah, dat cheap noodle constipation is a circle of Hell. It's even worse when there is a pressurized pocket of fart gas trapped behind the blockage.

>> No.5804008
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>actually trying to start and have this argument on /ck/ in the middle of the night

not only am I not fat (even when eating two dozen chocolate chip cookies) but seriously what kind of cocksucker tries to start this conversation on /ck/ at 3:40AM EST

like seriously go fuck yourself how could someone be so unloved as to try to start a "you eat cookies and are fat because of BAD NUTRITION" argument on the COOKING BOARD in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT


captcha: "the Slograp" that's you, you're the fucking slograp

>> No.5804011

I swear when I passed that thing I could throw it at somebody and it would have killed them.

>> No.5804014
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>mfw the poptarts are coming back to haunt me
>the constipation is still there
Whenever I eat the fucking things I always regret it.

>> No.5804020
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who posted fatlogic.

>> No.5804025

>There is one timezone in the world

>> No.5804029

You should get a picture when you finally expel the demons. Maybe it would make a nice PSA for not eating what 4chan tells you to eat.

>> No.5804034

there is one time zone in the world that over 50% of the world's economy flows through

guess which one it is

>> No.5804036

lel u wer rused.

>> No.5804038

In every rotation of earth there are four simultaneous 24 hour days.

You do not see this because you are educated stupid.

>> No.5804047

I kinda just did it less than a day ago. That fucker's gonna be there for a while. It wasn't so much out of boredom,as an extra credit project for a health class.
>find the least healthy nonlethal recipe you can find on the internet
>make it
>eat it
>record the results
>make another for the teacher to evaluate
I was one of the only people with the balls to do it.

>> No.5804054

Look I'm not ignoring the evil one-day singlemind of those who betray and mediate against simultaneous four-day earth existence

I'm just saying, USA EST is by far the most important time zone in the world, by like an order of magnitude above any other

>> No.5804056


>> No.5804058

>find the least healthy nonlethal recipe you can find on the internet



remember to use 100% whole wheat pasta to be more healthier

>> No.5804066

In all seriousness, I'd have a heart attack after eating that.
I did Sweet Sundae ramen because I'm a cross-country guy and I didn't think all the sugar and starch would fuck me up that bad.
>I was wrong.

>> No.5804067
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> fat because of genetics
> denying the basic principle of calories in, calories out

Pls go hamplanet

>> No.5804074

Motherfucker did that on purpose.
10/10 for it probably being DELICIOUS before the Evil is unleashed.

>> No.5804075


this one is just as good

>starts cooking pasta
>first step is to pour in an entire cup of olive oil

>> No.5804078

an entire large chourico, onion and pepper pizza in one night

holy fuck it was so good, the grease from the meat was imbedded in the crust, it was fucking perfection

and i was watching predator, i just needed to stuff my face

oh god, my stomach felt like it was going to explode

>> No.5804082


every time i eat subway, which isn't much, i have horrible shits

>> No.5804084

It wasn't delicious. I followed the original instructions exactly. That anon must have had no taste buds,because it tasted like absolute ass.

>> No.5804086

>4 minute mark
>tears cilantro
>that exhausted gasping

holy fuck this is making me laugh so hard i just coughed saliva all over my monitor

>> No.5804087


So no enjoyment on EITHER end.

>> No.5804091

It could have been good. But,being required to follow the instructions exactly,the Blue Raspberry frosting took a massive shit on any chance it had of being good.

>> No.5804092

>last upload five years ago
Did she died?

>> No.5804095

It's obvious from the little animated intro and stuff that she intended to get youtube famous and then was met with a brick wall of reality

at least she was a good enough sport to leave the videos up

wanda's macaroni salad is probably good as fuck i mean, what isn't when it has 900 calories/serving but....an entire cup of vinegar? thats the part I can't understand

>> No.5804101

you really expected it to taste good?

what the fuck...

>> No.5804104

>an entire cup of vinegar?
she put in a can of sweetened condensed milk... and an extra cup of sugar. so much sugar.

>> No.5804105
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I don't know what I expected.
It wasn't what I got.

>> No.5804106

I understand the condensed milk and I understand the sugar, this is a woman who weighs over 400 pounds from the looks of it

i can't understand the vinegar, wouldn't that much vinegar make the shit basically sting your throat

>> No.5804107

none of us were ready
sugar actually burns your throat too, if you consume a lot of it. but if you regularly consume food that burns your throat long enough, you stop noticing it as much. like an alcoholic who drinks liquor.

>> No.5804109

>sugar actually burns your throat too, if you consume a lot of it.

no...it doesn't, dude what?

vinegar is an outright acid. it's dilute acetic acid.

>> No.5804112

>no...it doesn't, dude what?
yes it does, if you consume large quantities of sugar in something or pure sugar, it will burn and irritate your throat.

>> No.5804113

there is no reason this would happen other than abrasion and that's not the same thing

>> No.5804116

k, dunno why you're making such a big fucking deal about it

>> No.5804121
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>> No.5804123
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>> No.5804125
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>> No.5804126


captcha: seen smelypo

>> No.5804127
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>> No.5804131

>landscape huge butt cheek


>> No.5804134


ensure you get dismissal; sauce him.

>> No.5804203

i put cilantro in a home made salsa without ever trying cilantro, the recipe seemed good so i thought it would be great. i will never eat cilantro again it is vile and disgusting and ruined my salsa.

>> No.5804210
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>someone says he ran out of kale for his morning smoothie
>he tried cilantro instead

>> No.5804281

I ate an Oreo yesterday.

>> No.5804684

Bad sour cream, I dont know why I didnt smell it was off, but I paid for it.

Expire date was still three days away but someone must have left it out for a bit too long.

>> No.5804810

the most disgusting microwave burrito i have ever seen.

it was floppy, cold in parts, and undeniably disgusting.

the package said remove from package and cook in an oven. i just microwaved for 4 minutes in the stores oven.

it was fucking disgusting, and i ate the entire thing sitting on the concrete in the rain right outside the store.

i was fucking hammered, so i didn't really care, but i seriously regretted it.

>> No.5805111

I mixed chicken flavored ramen noodles and tomato soup together. That's was the all time worst thing I have ever done.

Recently, I threw out a yellow chicken curry on rice from thai express after two bites. $8.19 wasted, I wanted to try something new from there, instant regret.

>> No.5805450

Ketchup on a bratwurst.

>> No.5805480
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It was 80 cents so I bought like 5 of these Banquet meals. This isn't my picture but it looks even worse in normal lighting.
The mac&cheese is flavorless and mushy.
The chicken nuggets meat is fucking dark as shit and the exterior is squishy.

So gross but almost 20g of protein for 80 cents so whatever

>> No.5805501

doner kebab wrap and chips
i felt like shite the whole night, happens every time i eat massively greasy food

my stomach is used to me eating like a skittish bird

>> No.5805504

>doner kebab wrap and chips
>i felt like shite the whole night, happens every time i eat massively greasy food

No anon, that's how everyone feels after eating a doner. That's the point; it is The Cleansing.

>> No.5805520

What does ass taste like? Also, whoever cooked yours obviously sucks at it.

>> No.5805526

Pretty sure you got trolled.

>> No.5805528

Never anything I don't regret eating.

>> No.5805537

>cup of vinegar
>jar of mayo

I'll bet her pussy, ass, and fat rolls smell similar to to that macaroni salad.

>> No.5805564

>Louisiana, never had boudin before (moved a few years ago)
>local college place has some on a bun, figure i'd try it for lunch
bun was fucking massive, most of every bite was bread
boudin was mostly flavorless sans the dab of bbq sauce on the bun
i know i should have probably went to a proper place and got some links but i took a gamble

>> No.5805568

I like those. The weakest part is the mac and cheese, the corn just needs some pepper and the nuggets are just some meat stuff. I dip it in something.

>> No.5806670

Just a single burrito, but it made me have to shit like 5 times.

>> No.5806679
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Fried caviar patty. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5806751

I really wish I could remember the brand, but I one time bought a few of those tv-dinner style frozen meals, but it blew me away how tasty it was.

>> No.5808833

I ate a mcwrap. I forced it down because starving children in africa, and started crying halfway through the damn thing.
Never. Again.

>> No.5808884

I went a long time without eating fast food, and then one day I ate lunch at Wendy's. I came out smelling like grease, and I was up all night with diarrhea. Never again.

>> No.5808892

I'm not sure why you would ever fry caviar.