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File: 124 KB, 301x399, tip jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5800564 No.5800564 [Reply] [Original]

What's the minimum amount you're supposed to tip your cashier?

I've heard people say as high as 35% but I usually don't go over 25%. Though I've heard stories from some of my friends who work in fast food that if you tip less then 20% they tell the cooks to spit in your food

>> No.5800569

Fuck off troll

>> No.5800572

this is obviously a troll thread

but to answer it honestly, i usually tip a dollar at places with only counter service that have a tip jar. if there's no tip jar, then i dont give a tip

>> No.5800573

>What's the minimum amount you're supposed to tip your cashier?

Whatever you feel they deserve for the job they've done.

Yes, this includes a 0% tip. Don't feed me that bullshit about still tipping a bad employee.

>> No.5800577

Why the FUCK are there tip jars for the cashier in the first place? When I first saw this any sympathy or compassion I had dissolved. I just don't see how hospitality has become this fucking coddled. I get tipping waiters cause of their pay, but cashiers are making an appropriate wage and doing a job that requires no real skill or capability. At least waiters have to fucking shoot the shit with you and pretend to like you.

>> No.5800583

If the service is terrible I tip a very small amount to let them know that I do tip but the service was shit. I feel like leaving nothing just looks like you never tip. I also make a point to tell the manager my issues if the service is that bad

I did see someone once leave a single dollar IN their glass of water which is a bit extreme.

>> No.5800587

If it is a pick up type place I will usually leave the coins from my order since I don't usually carry them anyways. Even at like 30 cents, it is sure to add up for them through the day. At even a paltry 100 customers, its an extra30 bucks for just having a jar out.

>> No.5800589

are there really people who don't tip their cashiers?

in my town it's unheard of. one time a guy had a huge order, like $20, and didn't leave a tip at all. once he left the cashier called the police and they picked him up, arrested him, and beat the shit out of him while he was detained at the precinct.

>> No.5800590

>I get tipping waiters cause of their pay

What do you mean? They make minimum wage.

>> No.5800593

i'm a cashier and if i accept tips i can get fired.

>> No.5800599


they usually make under... same with drivers

>> No.5800600

This is true, but people will try to convince you that a job you can give to anyone is worth more than that. When I worked as a waiter in a steak house (texas roadhouse) I felt bad when people tipped me for what I considered the easiest work on earth. All you do is bring people their food and keep their drinks topped off and MAYBE give a bit of small talk ( they are there with their friends/family, not you ).

>> No.5800601


they make less than minimum wage
>but the employer has to pay you minimum wage if the tips aren't good

asking your employer to pay you full minimum wage is a great way to be fired. if you don't get good tips for a day, you're expected to just suck it up and hope it's better tomorrow.

>> No.5800612

ive worked in the industry a long time and not once have i heard of a server not making well above minimum wage for any given pay period

>> No.5800666

I think it's bullshit on how little people tip. My last table total was around $45. I gave him $50 for the meal, told him to keep the change and left a 20

>> No.5800674

tipping over 50% is fucking retarded

>> No.5800919

I went to a tiny middle eastern kabob place with the GF the other day, only two guys working. Service was the best I've ever had, food was perfect, server introduced me to my new favorite beer. So I left $60 on a $42 ticket, was well worth it.

>> No.5800935

I love that I moved to Europe. Nobody here EXPECTS a tip, sure they want it, but they don't scoff at you if you don't tip.

My brother and his wife are bartenders and they would would flaunt around how much money they made in tips on one night and the fact they they wouldn't report it to the IRS. Then some other nights they would bitch and complain how they had to serve a table of 10 people and they got a small, but still enough to bring them over minimun wage, tip.

It pissed me off. I worked at a really busy gas station and nobody tipped me. I didn't ask for tips, I didn't expect tips, I just did my job.

Servers are spoiled shits who think that they magically deserve more than other people for just doing their jobs. I asked my brother if he ever tipped his garbage man, even if it was just fro Christmas. He asked me, "Why should I?" I asked him, "Why should you get tipped?" "Because I work hard for it." "So does the garbage man and he gets paid less than you when you include your tips. Why shouldn't he get tipped when his job is really shitty?" "Because he chose that job."

Fucking idiot.

>> No.5800942 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 308x306, 26180949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a tip get better job

>> No.5800948

boo hoo. I have a shitty job that I chose because I thought I would make a lot of money on tips that I wouldnt be taxed on and this night I didnt make enough. I could ask my emplyer to make up for it which is his obligation but I wont because im an uneducated idiot.

>> No.5800985

One thing I don't get is how people have this idea that tipping culture improves service. In my experiences it's quite the opposite but maybe that's just because of the way I like to dine. For me having a server hovering over me, constantly asking if my food is okay, if I need anything, want a refill, is highly annoying. In European countries you get your food and they leave you alone to eat it, and if you do want something you just flag them down.

>> No.5800999

Exactly. Servers like that are practically begging for a tip. It is really annoying. I have to stop mid-conversation with my wife because this fucking waiter keeps asking me if I want something else.

I have noticed though, that in the US, it's usually at mid-tier restaurants. When you go to a really expensive restaurant the waiter stops by once to ask if you would like more wine. That's it. He walks around and keeps an eye out for customers that need something. If you want more wine you know you can make eye contact with him with very little effort. Otherwise he stays out of your hair.

>> No.5801002

>I could ask my employer to make up for it and get fired

>> No.5801009

boo hoo. I knew about that but still took the risk because I thought I would always be profiting.

That's like blaming the casino for losing all your money.

>> No.5801020

Tipping has gotten out of hand. I just found out people tip their hair cutter.

>> No.5801021

>getting a job is equivalent to willingly taking a risk in this job market
you're on a roll anon

>> No.5801039
File: 24 KB, 317x281, weird-people-fat-guy-eating-huge-ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem I have with getting tipped is niggers they come in as a party of 10 bitch at me about the menu prices & then it's get me this get me that then they leave a fucking dollar on the table

>> No.5801040

Having a job > Being unemployed - TRUE
Being entitled to tax free money because you deserve it more than everybody else earning minimum wage - FALSE

And that's the magic word. Entitlement. These fuckers act like it is their right to get more money out of you for just doing their jobs. If you're not like that, then cool. I'll probably tip a lot you just to spite the entitled fucks.

>> No.5801068

I don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

I always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor wait staff get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a stupid paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on the internet somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices. continuing-

>> No.5801070


The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

"Former server here, you can get screwed. I would much rather work for tips than work for minimum wage and receive no tips" what if tips were not mandatory (as they seem to be) anymore, and optionally you could tip if you really felt a waiting employee did a really great job?


>> No.5802231

This is why I get takeout.

Restaurant food, no tip, comes in a container and utensils so no dish washing.

>> No.5802235

>tipping a cashier
>people tip someone for pushing buttons on a machine and handing you change
Please be joke

>> No.5802238

>if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage
They already do get paid minimum wage. Learn your labor laws faggot

>> No.5802386

Whatever coins i get in change or if i go ther often i generaly tip maximum a dollar. If i go there religiously maybe two. Its not like wait staff but if you are a regular and its a god place you will not only get better service but sometimes better portions. You help people out they help you out, if you notice they dont care if you tipped dont waste your money.

>> No.5802415

I don't tip people that have better iphones than me.

>> No.5802431

I don't tip faggots
pleb tier job=faggot

>> No.5802439

i only tip at restaurants with exceptional service, otherwise i won't cause they are simply doing their job and not at a high level even

>> No.5802443

I just do a dollar per bag

Also where do all you idiots live? Seriously this is a new thing? I don't know anyone who even thinks about this still. Maybe it's different in flyover country.

>> No.5802449

yank detected

>> No.5802481

because you're committing tax evasion

>> No.5802487

the abolishment of tipping would destroy waiters

>> No.5802574


If it comes to that I always ask to speak to the manager before leaving so that it can be remedied.

>> No.5802579


I have never heard of tips being tax free.
Please explain.

>> No.5802598

it's tax evasion