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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5798797 No.5798797 [Reply] [Original]

As a busy, working Mom, I often struggle with making breakfast each morning. Does 4chan have any tips on cooking foods that are a nutritious part of a complete breakfast?

>> No.5798802


>> No.5798805

Cereal. That's why it was invented.

>> No.5798807

eggs, toast, cream of wheat, oatmeal, fruit, meat

none of this takes more than 5-10 minues

>> No.5798809

I will not have my kids eating processed food. I want real, natural ingredients I can actually pronounce.

>> No.5798810

>eating hfcs for breakfast

>> No.5798811

Also if she's seriously making spaghetti for breakfast that uncovered tomato sauce is going to splatter all over her white blouse and she's going to look like a tard at work

>> No.5798815

>Does 4chan have any tips on cooking foods that are a nutritious part of a complete breakfast?
Quit your job, that way you'll have the proper amount of time to make breakfast every morning!

>> No.5798816

Oatmeal with fruit. It only takes a few minutes to make and it's about the best breakfast you can get.

If even that takes too long, get some relatively unprocessed, whole grain cereal with no added sugar, like grape nuts or shredded wheat, and add some almond milk to it.

>> No.5798820
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bloody marys

>> No.5798821

Wake up earlier

>> No.5798825

How stupid are you that you can't properly pronounce things? Did you never take a chemistry class?

>> No.5798830

Make pancakes and freeze them. To reheat, wrap in wet kitchen paper and nuke 50 seconds along with some maple syrup (in a bowl, not on top or with the pancakes).
Consume by dipping pancakes in syrup and eating.

Have a glass of milk and/or a glass of fruit juice or some yoghurt and a piece of fruit or something like that.

I like chickpea pancakes (scant half cup water, scant tbsp oil, scant 2tsp lemon juice, 6tbsp white flour, 4tbsp chickpea flour, sugar to taste, pinch of salt, half tsp bicarb, blitz until smooth; this recipe makes 9 small pancakes, enough for three servings).

Oatmeal is also a good one. Or you can make granola and serve that.

>> No.5798836

>fruit juice and syrup
are you retarded?

>> No.5798841

Of course I am. Couldn't you tell?

>> No.5798847

Actually cooking breakfast is so American. Yogurt (low fat and no added sugar) with fruit and maybe some müsli is a perfect breakfast meal. Or substitute the yogurt with oats and milk. Or make oatmeal in the microwave. Homemade bread is also an option.

>> No.5798869

>americans are lazy fat fucks who only eat fast food
>Cooking breakfast is so american

You yuropoors need to get your shit straight if you are gonna shitpost all the time

>> No.5798870

Get the fuck out, the british eat pickled herring and heinz baked beans for breakfast.

>> No.5798875

Cut up banana in oats with milk, honey, and seed mix.

>> No.5798883

Fruit/veggie smoothies
Oatmeal with fruit
Yogurt with granola and berries
Whole wheat toast with sugar free jelly
Whole wheat waffles with sugar free syrup and ready made sausage links or ready made bacon
Protein Power bars

>> No.5798893

this sounds like some sort of troll thread but in the unlikely chance that it may help someone, here you go:

make mini frittatas in cupcake pans, put whatever the fuck you want in them. You can freeze them.

>> No.5798919 [DELETED] 

>I am a busy working mom
>"Heyyy guys look at me I'm a grill lol xD"

Fuck off slut.

>> No.5798926

Shes probably a coal burner that ended up a single mom working the morning shift at Burger King.

>> No.5798940

>I have deep-rooted inadequacy issues with women
>they manifest themselves on the internet through a Chinese cartoon anonymous image board

>> No.5798956

Baked beans is just being reheated, silly.
Pickled herring is served cold and I find it hard to believe it is as common for breakfast as you make it out to be.

>> No.5798959


>> No.5798971 [DELETED] 

Yeah, like THAT makes her less of a slut.

>> No.5798974

You would are either a fag or a rapist, and maybe impotent.

>> No.5798975

>btw im a grill

>> No.5798979

The Jew haters will love this...
Bagels and Cream Cheese

>> No.5798981

>buys into "low fat"
TOPPEST KEK you think natural fat makes you fat! How cute!

There are healthyish cereals out there. But if you are a moron and can't into that.
>steel cut oats a fruit bitch, get gainzzz
>cream of wheat, get fucking shredded
>assortment of cut up fruit, bring it bitch
>Pancakes with no sugar syrup, read the fucking sticky >>>/fit/
>eat a fucking half of a cantaloupe you bitch
>yogurt and fucking granola, beast mode
>boil some fucking eggs for dat protein
>scramble some fucking eggs with a little spinach slut
>ohhh shit, make some fresh squeezed juice with veg(2 mintues with a juicer) and give those little faggots a big helping of god damn vitamins


>> No.5798982

Have your husband work so you can take all the time you need to care for your family

You aren't a single mother, right?

>> No.5799004

I'm by no means afraid of fat but it's a fact that 2% fat yogurt contains half the calories compared to 10% yogurt. And it seems like OP wanted something healthy to feed her spawn.

>> No.5799011


>TOPPEST KEK you think natural fat makes you fat! How cute!

Technically it does, if you eat more of it than your body requires for daily energy. "Low fat" can also translate to lower calories, because fat is the most calorie-dense macronutrient.

>> No.5799026

scrambled eggs over rice

Damn bitch, I guess English isn't your first language then?

>> No.5799059
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>> No.5799068

>10% yoghurt
Were does this magical yoghurt exist? Yoghurt is made from milk. No milk collected for human consumption is above 6% fat. Common cattle milk, which makes up roughly 85% of all milk collected the world over, is at most 4% fat. Yoghurt is not made from cream (10% fat at least) unless you live in Germany, Switzerland or Austria in which case, you'd have to go out of your way to buy the high fat yoghurt.

Considering you spell 'yoghurt' without an H, I would assume that you do not come from a German-speaking country and are therefore laughably overestimating the fat content of whole fat yoghurt.

>> No.5799076

>blaming it on the fat content not hte calories
Nice try and bending the argument though.

>> No.5799077


Eggs and oats of course. How else will your progeny grow up to be hooooooge?

>> No.5799092
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>> No.5799095

Eggs are good to eat. Nutritious and easy to cook.

Note: food cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol, you can eat dozens every day.

>> No.5799105

>/fit/ is over there >>>>
Read the sticky nigger

>> No.5799111

What is it about moms that I find so sexy? I just want to fuck them all (within reason).

>> No.5799113
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>finally get a chance to post these

>> No.5799117

I go to wholefoods and get really cheap organic rolled oats, oat bran, wheat bran etc. from their dispenser section, and I buy nuts and seeds as well if I can, perhaps in a better priced store.

then I mix it all together and eat it with organic soymilk.

= home made cereal

>> No.5799119
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You're a degenerate.

>> No.5799120

Idiots right?

>> No.5799123


have you ever made yogurt? you pour off/strain out a significant amount of whey, upping the fat percentage relative to the total product

>> No.5799124

/ck/ "microwave everything"

you aren't a chef pls go and stay go

>> No.5799127

its just chocolate omelette

>> No.5799128
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>> No.5799141
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>its just chocolate omelette
That kids would love to eat, that can be prepared the day before, that store several days, that's easy to make, that's easy to eat for breakfast, that kids would like more of, that kids can take to school and eat on the go, etc.

>> No.5799154


>> No.5799158

Boil eggs. Salt.

>> No.5799171


>> No.5799191



Purely marketing.

>Note: food cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol, you can eat dozens every day.

You'd be surprised. It effects people with high cholesterol less, but someone with a healthy, low cholesterol can be quite susceptible to dietary cholesterol. In this study for example, traditional native americans with very low blood cholesterol had dietary cholesterol added to their diet and on average their blood cholesterol went up 34mg/dl in 24 days, which is a lot


Here's another article that explains the other harmful effects of dietary cholesterol aside from its blood cholesterol raising properties


>> No.5799198

>Purely marketing.
Yes, the chicken division has slowly implemented their insidious plan to get people to consume their eggs.

>> No.5799204
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>> No.5799214

You have a fascinating and somewhat disturbing axe to grind regarding eggs. I've seen your shitposting numerous times.

>> No.5799218


not that guy (and I eat the fuck out of eggs), but I fail to see how his factual posts could even remotely be considered "shitposting"

>> No.5799221


I got nothing personal against eggs. They're tasty, but it's just not right to call them a healthy food or to exaggerate their nutrition. I'd be doing the same thing if it was common for people to suggest ice cream as a healthy breakfast food.

>> No.5799227

>dat dietary cholesterol gon kill u
>omg it gots no fiber, u dead
>some fat, pack it in you a goner
negroid, pls

>> No.5799236

Eggs have been consumed for thousands of years. With no marketing involved. I don't need to read you link. Of course some people have a vested interest in you consuming some of what they produce. But that's completely irrelevant. Eggs are very healthy, full of vitamins and easy to cook, there's a reason why they're a staple ingredient in baking.

I understand you might not like some people trying to push certain foods, but they just want to make money. It's a competition for them.

Your picture doesn't mean anything to me. Is there a point to it? Eggs have more nutrition, protein with less calories, where as the bread has more carbs, sodium and fibre.

Never seen him before but I've only just started lurking.

He's not shitposting but seems to have something against eggs, when most of the people on earth have eaten them for thousands of years.

>> No.5799243


That's some pretty strong denial.

>> No.5799251

Of what?

>> No.5799252

>Wake up earlier


>> No.5799255

but, but....she's a struggling, working, busy mom. did I mention she's struggling?

>> No.5799257


>here's evidence that something you like is harmful
>"NOPE NOPE NOPE, fuck you, not gonna read it, my grandpappy ate eggs and he was fine, get that science away from me"

>> No.5799259


but he didn't say any of that

>He's not shitposting but seems to have something against eggs

I think it's just the fact that people always act like they're some sort of superfood

>most of the people on earth have eaten them for thousands of years.

this is irrelevant

>> No.5799260

He posted nothing to suggest that eggs are harmful.

I think the other guy was right, you are shitposting.

>> No.5799263

>here's evidence that something you like is harmful

>> No.5799265

>but he didn't say any of that
read the pic posted - it was implied using 1980's science

>> No.5799267


A study showing harmful effects of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol, and an article written by 3 world leaders in cardiovascular research talking about the harm of dietary cholesterol, and specifically egg yolks.

>> No.5799268


did you not read the articles he posted in >>5799191?

>> No.5799271

>it was implied

I think you're in over your head here. Next time try to state your point without resorting to insults and hyperboles.

>> No.5799274

>people always act like they're some sort of superfood
Maybe they are. I think you might have been harmed by a chicken and now hold feelings of resentment towards eggs.

>> No.5799279

>did you not read the articles
No, I'm not an Indian, and I'm perfectly fine eating eggs as are 99% of other people.

>> No.5799280


I have nothing against eggs, I'm just trying to figure out why every jumped all over that guy for posting some peer-reviewed articles

>> No.5799281


Fuck that noise. I got up early, I still get up at 4:30 and make my kids breakfast. We used to (*I* used to) send them off to day care with a little plate of scrambled eggs and hash browns or tiny pancakes and the other kids would be astonished, munching on plastic bags of dry cereal while my kids ate a decent breakfast...

get up earlier. Make a real breakfast. You can make pancakes from scratch in about twelve minutes from start to finish. And buy some REAL maple syrup, not horrible pancake syrup. The next day make eggs and bacon.

>> No.5799285

>>did you not read the articles

oh, okay

>> No.5799292


>and I'm perfectly fine eating eggs as are 99% of other people

I don't know how to tell you this, but heart disease is the most common cause of death in the united states and most of the western world in general

>> No.5799300
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this , eat your oats and do the squatz

>> No.5799301

The "evidence", at the point that I stopped reading;

>Although some studies showed no harm from consumption of eggs in healthy people, this outcome may have been due to lack of power to detect clinically relevant increases in a low-risk population.

>some studies
B-b-b-but my study shows that it is harmful

Scaremongering. It was made in 2010.

>> No.5799304

>I don't know how to tell you this, but heart disease is the most common cause of death in the united states and most of the western world in general

OK, then scramble some firm tofu and pretend it's eggs.

>> No.5799305


>> No.5799307

Good thing I'm not American.

I just opened them. One is about Indians, the other is dubious.

>> No.5799320


but you haven't posted anything to counter them

>> No.5799327

If you want a savory variation of oats, adding miso paste, around 2 tbsp per cup of water and oats is a way to do that- you want to add the miso near the end of the cooking for the oats, to keep more of the nutritional content

you can add other psices to make it more interesting

>> No.5799340


What that line means is that some studies aren't designed well enough to properly test this kind of thing. You can make any food look benign if you design the study a certain way, and this is especially true of studies that are funded by the American Egg Board, which many are. Hence why the authors of the article felt the need to include this line:

>Recent media reports reflect the remarkable effectiveness of the sustained propaganda campaign of the egg producers’ lobby.

Hell, the website you just linked reflects that. Any time you see someone talk about lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs as a reason for why eggs are healthy, you know you're being bullshitted. A spoonful of spinach has as much of these nutrients as 9 eggs. It would take 40 eggs a day to get the minimum amount of these things. Eggs are one of the most ruthlessly marketed foods in the world, but unfortunately they aren't all they're cracked up to be (pardon the pun)

>> No.5799345

If you love your kids you'd cook breakfast no matter what.

Pancake or waffle from scratch so you can regulate the sugar/butter.
Fish oil pill.
Daily vitamin.
Turkey bacon.
Egg white scramble.
Activated cherry tomatoes.

>> No.5799355
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>It would take 40 eggs a day to get the minimum amount of these things.
And yet it has very little protein and no fat.

Why not eat eggs AND spinach AND bread?


>> No.5799356

>using nuke as a cooking term
I hate people like you, very much so.

>> No.5799363

>Turkey bacon.

Is this any good?

>> No.5799367
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What if....

What if... we got all our nutrients by combining foods in specific amounts?

That way, we could get the nutrients we need. Including the macro and micro nutrients in eggs.

>> No.5799380

>eggs AND spinach AND bread?

scrambled eggs and spinach is god tier, especially with garlic and parmesan. crack some black pepper on there too. i've gotta try that as a sandwich...

>> No.5799382

Muesli is good.
Rolled oats, sliced up nuts, fresh fruit or dry fruit, with a bit of milk.
You can have it hot or colt but I like it cold.

>> No.5799392

It's edible.

>> No.5799393


>Why not eat eggs AND spinach AND bread?

Nobody's saying you can't, let's just not pretend eggs are a healthy addition to whole grain bread and spinach

>> No.5799396


>> No.5799402

>let's just not pretend protein and fat are a healthy addition to carbs

>> No.5799407

Okay, I'll bite.

make overnight oatmeal. Mix oats with yogurt, fresh or frozen fruits, and nuts of your liking, and let it sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning you have a tasty, creamy, delicious breakfast. You can sprinkle the top with cinnamon and honey if you like.

>> No.5799409

This, my grandpa died of heart disease because of his frequent consumption of eggs and cruelty to chickens. If only he ate foxes instead.

I also assure you that I am not a chicken typing this from a coop, my human comrades.

>> No.5799414


Whole grain bread and spinach both have fat, protein, and carbohydrate. What you don't want is saturated animal fat and a huge whopping of cholesterol.

>> No.5799422

oatmeal, brown sugar, raisins. so simple an uneducated mom could do it

>> No.5799427
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>busy, working Mom,aks 4chan for tips on cooking foods that are a nutritious part of a complete breakfast?

the bait fish are flying low today

>> No.5799428

>What you don't want is saturated animal fat and a huge whopping of cholesterol.

hey buddy.

guess what?


speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.5799433


>> No.5799441


Fair enough, but someone not looking to die prematurely isn't

>> No.5799449

> none of this takes more than 5-10 minues
But only when you leave the dishes uncleaned at first.

While there is no problem putting the bowl used for cereals into the dish washer, I would not put a pan in there.

>> No.5799485


i usually eat eggs about 2 times a week. you act like i eat eggs at every meal and top it off with a red meat and butter milkshake. you're a hypochondriac.

>> No.5799489


Regardless of how often you eat eggs or smoke cigarettes or expose yourself to high levels of radiation, it's not appropriate to suggest other people do it when they ask for healthy, nutritious breakfast foods

>> No.5799495

Fucking this.

>> No.5799498


MODERATION. do you not know the concept?


yeah ok, because cigarettes and RADIATION (how did you even pull that one out of your ass?) provide nutrition and energy and can therefore be used as an argument against the consumption of eggs in moderation? that's fucking delusional.

>> No.5799501

Troll thread but I'll replay anyway. If you don't have time in the morning, prep ingredients the night before. If you want a fast breakfast, blend oatmeal, water and any fruit of your choice.

>> No.5799510

My personal favourite:
1/2 steel cut oats
Mix in two cut up dates
Slice a banana and put on top
Pour over 1/2 cup unsweetened home made almond milk (pretty easy and quick to make and tastes way better than the long life jew)
Teaspoon of cacao
Half a teaspoon of stevia (the low cal jew) or sugar to balance out the cacao
Half cup of greek yoghurt made from 2% milk. I home make this but you can buy unsweetened yogurt. I just find it way more economical to home make. Also fun.
Top with frozen blueberries.
Put in fridge.
It seems like a lot of work but I think it's just a lot of ingredients. I make mine in a big ass cup. It's pretty balanced breakfast food. The greek yogurt is good protein and along with the oats keeps you full. You've got some good complex carbs like bananas and oats for long lasting energy. The almond milk gives the oats body and helps you digest them. The dates help sweeten the almond milk. The cacao is chocolatey without being chocolate. Anti oxidents from berries.

>> No.5799512

it's true though, there's like an institution surrounding american breakfast foods. even though most people don't cook full breakfasts.

>> No.5799517


>> No.5799519


Moderation in everything, including moderation. You try to be moderate with the wrong things and you end up with moderate health problems. Again though, eat what you want, just don't try to distort what healthy eating entails. If someone asks for a healthy dessert idea, I wouldn't tell them Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey even though I think it's tasty

>> No.5799520

>doesn't realise that he's arguing with OP who is trolling the thread and everyone in it who has provided reasonable advice
You poor, poor soul.

Do you need a hug?

Also, OP is male and most certainly not anyone's mother. :3

>> No.5799675


Tits or GTFO

>> No.5799679

>wearing that outfit
>string tomato sauce in a pan

Staged as fuck.

>> No.5799689

I'm a jew and have no fucking idea why goy-ass motherfuckers like you enjoy bagels and cream cheese for breakfast

>> No.5799717


i'm a jew and bagels are pretty cheap for how filling they are.

>> No.5799750

jew here too. Could not imagine breakfasts on weekends especially without cream cheese + lox + bagels. Being a vegan jew must be torture.

>> No.5801225
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I'd suggest purple Kool-Aid and Spaghetti-Os.

>> No.5801236

This eggs are fucking disgusting unfertiziled fetuses full of chemical run away and cholesterol

>> No.5801240

I don't like that pic. :-(

>> No.5801248

>unfertiziled fetuses
you've lost all credibility and you are doomed to walk the earth forever, as a downy

>> No.5801259

Why? She's very ugly. It's no loss.

>> No.5801318

Hot pan, damp cloth, wipe it down in a few seconds it's not hard don't give it time to cool off.

>> No.5801411
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>> No.5801457

All the egg hate...

Free range organic eggs from your own chickens and then we're talking

>> No.5801653

>mixed-race chirruns
This is one of the big reasons my Nigress ex and I broke up: I didn't want to raise kids that ultimately look very little, if at all, like me. I'm almost ashamed I feel that way... but I do.
It feels wrong, somehow, to have half-black kids even if I know that those kids have half my DNA. The fact that white genes are recessive means that the likelihood they'll look anything like me is slim to nill.
I would honestly find it difficult to love my kids if they're half black, even if I love their mum.
Am I a horrible person?
That's why the pic makes me sad. I worry that secretly, deep down, a lot of white parents of half-black kids feel the same way. I worry for those children.

>> No.5801666

A-are you a wizard?

>> No.5801768

A lot of white people are very racist so you're not alone.

>> No.5801779

>want to raise kids that ultimately look very little, if at all, like me

Who gives a shit?

>> No.5802157

>As a busy, working Mom, I often struggle with making breakfast each morning. Does 4chan have any tips on cooking foods that are a nutritious part of a complete breakfast?

As a chef? Make it the day before. Our pasty chef is a mom and her husband is never home. Its SIGNIFICANTLY easier to assemble some breakfast-ey items at night when you're awake, wrap em in foil, and grab-and-go in the morning than actually think about doing it in the morning.

That being said:
Hardboiled Eggs
Breakfast burritos - you don't really need to go overboard with home versions, srsly.
English Muffins on a toaster.

You can make pancake batter the day before too - at which point its stove, pan, butter, pour, flip, cook, eat in like 10 minutes.

Anyway: I like omelettes personally. I can chop or even cook the veggies the night before, put em in a tupperware,a nd in the morning i just need a nonstick pan to make it fast while my coffee's brewing and go

>> No.5802162

>. I'm almost ashamed

ALMOST ashamed... means nothing. you're a piece of shit. get over yourself.

>> No.5802365

You're not a horrible person, just a really full of yourself. It sounds like you're not the type of person who should date outside his race, you're clearly hung up on "m-muh heritage".

>> No.5802407

Please be in London.

>> No.5802434

best post of the whole thread

>> No.5804212

Keep this shit on /fit/