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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5796807 No.5796807 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to cooking with hemp, and need some help that isn't just a bunch of vegans arguing how good it is

Aside from a smoothie, what can I make with this?

4tbsp brings my fiber and protein up to par, so I won't be doing much more than that

Also, I work for an office that drug tests once a few years, and it's coming up. Does stuff like this show up?

>> No.5796820

Fuck sorry for the orientation, I even told the camera that I was holding it up

>> No.5796821


It won't make you fail a drug test but why?

I use hemp protein sometimes to mix things up. It tastes like gritty broccoli powder. Banana makes it more palatable

>> No.5796823

Depends on the variety of hemp cultivated but even then you can never be too sure, sometimes eating poppy seeds gives a false positive for opium for example

I stay away from hemp, too high in omega 6 and my body just doesn't like it all that much

>> No.5796827

what is that stuff? hemp seed or hemp "fiber" whatever that means

>> No.5796834
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Like I said, it looks like an easy, cheap way to bring my protein and fiber levels up without eating to many empty carbs or fat

I'm on a 500 Cal deficit

Here's my daily nutrition, at least for today

>> No.5796848

why the fuck do you have a goal for saturated fat and cholesterol?

>> No.5796858

It's not a goal to eat them, this program strictly shows you how much you could eat in a day to stay with in your goal of losing X pounds in X months, if try to keep it under that amount, and I'm doing better than I thought I would. Today I kinda splurged on salmon onigiri though.

>> No.5796862

make oatmeal pb cookies with it
hide it in salad dressing
maybe mix it in hummus?

>> No.5796870

I fucking lo ve hummus! And it's on sale near me for $2 a tin!

I heard about cookies, what do I replace it with? Or do I replace anything at all?

>> No.5796889

i just add it into the cookie blend and if it makes it too thick i just add some liquids

>> No.5796913

Thanks man, again I'm pretty new to all of this, not just dieting but cooking in general.

>> No.5796944

simple recipe i use for my pb cookies
i use ~1/4 cup sugar instead, then add in oatmeal n other stuff till it looks good, I never measure anything lol. they harden up once they cool. goodluck dude

>> No.5796948

uhh, why don't you just eat some potatoes or fruits and vegetables?

>> No.5796979

while that would cover the fiber, my protein would be off and i dont like whey protein powder. I'm counting calories here buddy, my reserve is 1700 but i usually only get to around 1600 or so and feel "satisified"

>> No.5796985

thanks mate, ill need it! my perge days are shitty and something heavy like this will be an awesome treat!

>> No.5797039

> vegans arguing how good it is

we don't argue unless a troll shows up, our advice can be interesting so don't be like that.

>> No.5797882


If you're on a strict diet like that hemp is a really bad way to go about this. The protein is incomplete so you'll have to make up the difference with something else.

Just use something more conventional, the reason hemp has a following is that vegans want the omega 3.

>> No.5798439

What do you mean "incomplete"? I eat a lot of fish and sausage at home and work, could that complete it?

>> No.5798453


incomplete in that it does not contain enough of some essential amino acids, I think it's methionine and one other that vegetarian protein sources usually lack, but it's been a few years since I took biochem

animal protein sources are "complete" so if you eat them then you're fine

>> No.5798474

Yeh I eat fish a lot, and beef when it's on sale near me, so I'll just keep up with that

>> No.5798475


Almost half the fat you ate is saturated, 7 grams of fiber, 466 grams of potassium.

I think you ought to focus more on whole foods than trying to balance this out with supplements. Sweet potatoes and some legumes would help you out with potassium and fiber.

>> No.5798487

That day was a bad rep of my usual intake, as I kinda splurged on some fish and had a hand full of chips

Yeh though I need those 3 real bad. I hear good things about sweat potatoes though, and they're way over priced near me, so I'll wait for next week's farmers market

>> No.5798525
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>sweat potatoes

Anyway, have you ever made split pea soup? Where I live a pound of dry split peas is $1-$2 and only gives about 650 calories. Very high in fiber, protein, and potassium, and it's extremely filling so not something you have to worry about overeating.

I make mine extra thick, let it cool and solidify, add a little salt, and eat it like mashed potatoes. You can also cook it with black beans and spices to make it really savory.

>> No.5798535

I don't know why but I hate peas, I don't know if it's the flavor or what but I get this weird feeling in the back of my mouth and get a headache every time I eat something with peas in it. Same thing happens when I eat kraft cheese

>> No.5798545


Do you hate FRESH peas, like the kind people use as a vegetable side dish? Or specifically SPLIT peas? 'Cause they don't taste very similar. Split pea soup is creamy and has a mild starchy flavor, not like the pea flavor of fresh peas

>> No.5798567

well, what the fuck are you trying to do, cut or lose weight? why don't you be more clear about what you're trying to do

>> No.5798600


As the guy telling him to avoid hemp, this is true, animal proteins are more complete than hemp, but plant sources can be complete too (for example the classic rice and beans combo, or if you're a supp freak, rice protein and pea protein)

People (carnists) often ignore the vast variety of nutritious things between BACON BACON BACON and 420 BLAZE IT sacha inchi obscure ethnobotany powder.

Not telling anyone to avoid animal protein, just trying to stem the borderline misleading info here. There is of course more to nutrition than protein alone.

>> No.5798622


Hemp IS a complete protein dumbass. So is Quinoa. So is Buckwheat. So are soybeans.

You don't know shit about nutrition, better stick to acidifying your body with carbonic gases.

>> No.5798634

The fuck does soda have to do with this discussion?

I smell an ex ham planet.

>> No.5798648


I did not reference soda in any way. You shouldn't post about nutrition. Let everyone guess at how dumb you are instead of making clearly uneducated posts about nutrition.

>> No.5798686

>I was just pretending to be an ex fatty

>> No.5798698


The idea of incomplete proteins is kind of dumb anyway. In theory, it would only matter if you only ate a single food all day every day. In practice, even doing that would still get you adequate usable protein because "incomplete protein" doesn't necessarily mean it's missing necessary components, it just may be lower in some amino acids than others, meaning 8g of protein may be more like 6g of functional protein (assuming again that the one food is the only food you eat all day). There are exceptions, like corn that hasn't been nixtamalized, but for the most part "incomplete protein" is a non-issue.


>> No.5798751

Yeah, complete protein concern was pretty well abandoned in the seventies, but it lives on due to marketing ("superfoods" etc.) and anti-science pop media. The balance of amino acids has a solid scientific basis, but it's just not a practical concern for people due to the reasons mentioned except in extremely limited-source diets. (E.g., people who can't eat many foods for medical reasons, or people who are poor and get almost all their nourishment from the same very limited number of foods, e.g. subsisting on breadfruit and coconuts on Polynesian islands).

>> No.5798783

Any peas, I kinda like them frozen as like a treat but peas is always a side dish in my family, all kinds, it's a mix if the texture smell and taste.

I know it's kinda pleb but it's just one food I don't like to eat if I don't have to

>> No.5798793
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Fair enough, you could probably swap the peas out for lentils. Just like split peas, they're high in fiber, potassium, protein, etc


Just one cooked cup of either has half your daily fiber needs

>> No.5798977

Just looked it up, the carb content is pretty much 100% fiber so Yeh I guess I'll look up some I like, there's a discount grocery place next door to my work so I'll stop by next I'm in

>> No.5798986

Well guys thanks for the input, from what I'm seeing here it's gonna be cheaper and easier to just go out and buy some natural sources of fiber, and to eat more lintels and what not.

I guess I'll use this stuff on my purge days, and I'll try to add it to some salads or what ever

>> No.5799167

Also, just a thought, I eat a lot of onigiri, but not just as junk food, what do you guys think of adding it to the rice as it cooks?

>> No.5799201

I think you got that wrong anon.

>> No.5799206

the voice of reason

>> No.5800225

THIS, is this place full of shills or something? keep posting the truth brother!

>> No.5800237

To hell with hemp protein. It's incomplete and also shitty. Get whey protein. Isopure zero carb or syntrax nectar/sweets/latte. They mostly have 0 carbs. Whey is a complete protein. Make it with water, milk, almond milk, whatever you want. I make it with water usually. I like the Syntrax Latte Cappuccino.

>> No.5800287


OP wants extra fiber though, not prostate cancer

>> No.5800327




>Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score values, which measure the degree to which a food for humans is a "complete protein",

>Hemp nuts contain complete protein. They are a highly digestible balance of all 20 known amino acids (both essential and non-essential) and in higher quantities than most other plant sources of protein. Hemp nuts are 33-35% protein. A mere 2 tablespoons of hemp nuts contain approximately 11g of protein!

>> No.5800684

I love this stuff, I eat it with a spoon sometimes. its like this weird cheesy nutty flavor.

>> No.5801031

>How do you know if someone is vegan?
>they'll fucking tell you

>> No.5802621

op here, if anyone is still watching this thread, ive tried the stuff i bought in a few dishes

it went very well in my ramen i had last night, i managed to get about 2tbsp in, i also cooked it into some cheese and ate that in a dilla for lunch today
if this thread is still up ill post a pic of some rice im gonna try to cook it into

I really dig the flavor of this stuff, its kinda like dried broccoli with a celery leaf like after taste

>> No.5802686
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eating something called Syntrax

>> No.5802871

>be talking about cashews on /ck/
>having a nice conversation
>troll shows up

I think this ^ is more accurate.

I can't believe how many people don't know hemp is a complete protein.

>> No.5802890

you guys still dont get it, huh? i dont care if its a "complete protein" or not

I eat other meats as well, im looking mostly for fiber with the protein being a plus. honestly the only reason i bought this instead of Metamucil or something of the like is because it was a bit cheaper and it unlike pure fiber products it seemed like i could cook it into a dish and add flavor to it, rather than just a substance

if you want ill make a hemp as a replacement thread and leave you there so we can get some cooking advice instead of you guys complaining about it being inferior or on par

>> No.5802899


the fiber in hemp protein just comes out of your ass as sparkly black dust

source: I got some of that "hi fiber" hemp shit and that's what it did

>> No.5802934

>out of your ass as sparkly black dust
its pure dietary fiber, so thats why

thats what im looking for though, non soluble fiber i get enough of from other shit, pun intended

>> No.5803375

I'm back, it came out nicely! I made 2 cups of rice using 2tbsp of hemp and into 2.5 cups of water

What's weird is that the smell and flavor is almost completely gone, so I guess it all boiled out since I have to seal my lid with a towel to get it to seal

I'm gonna try it in some other stuff and see how well it does, I've got some beans soaking right now so I'll boil it into the broth and again but it on here when I can tomorrow if this is still up

>> No.5803385
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Whoops forgot the photo

>> No.5803645

wait, you cooked the hemp in the rice? might not taste bad at all but I rather eat the hemp protein I get as is to preserve the nutritional content.

>> No.5803660

Doesn't cooking it ruin it's health benefits?

>> No.5803763

hey hivemind bro

>> No.5804534

Even their website mentions cooking it into other dishes, though most of those said to bake it or just sprinkle on top

You guys may be right about this though, cause as I said there was no smell or after taste like usual, and my breath didn't smell at all after. Hey though we're experimenting here

>> No.5806033
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