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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5796630 No.5796630 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid food myths thread; share

>eat your crusts, it's healthy for you
The crust is literally composed out of the same flour the inner bread is made of, just more scorched.

>> No.5796637

>Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming
it' bullshit

>> No.5796638

>don't wash mushrooms, they'll get soggy

>> No.5796641

>don't add salt to your eggs until after you're doing cooking

>> No.5796642

>Don't eat ground beef rare
Okay faggots

>> No.5796645

is this bait?

>> No.5796648

>women are better cooks

>> No.5796650

>inb4 people use this thread to brag about their dietary choices

>> No.5796652

not unless you're retarded

>> No.5796658

>red meat doesn't cause cancer

>> No.5796660

>veganism is healthy

>> No.5796668

>knowing how to make mac n cheese from a supermarket does not make you a better cook than your mother, little Timmy

>> No.5796672

>searing seals in the juices

>> No.5796676

depends on the kind of mushroom, the age of the mushroom, how you wash them, whether or not you dry them after, and what you mean by soggy

>> No.5796686

>women can drive

>> No.5796688

this, faggots need to stop saying that

>> No.5796691

bread crusts have significantly higher concentration of antioxidants

>> No.5796698

it may be true that women are better cooks, but men are better chefs.

>> No.5796702

>(insert gender) is better at cooking

>> No.5796703

>not eating bread crust

5 year old detected

>> No.5796709

>doesn't eat the crust

whatever, I like them and I do believe they are worth eating.

>> No.5796713

I didn't say I don't eat crusts, I don't waste shit.
I was merely ranting on the perceive myth that the crust is significantly better.

>> No.5796714

>implying any animal products don't eventually cause cancer.

watch nutritionfacts.org channel on youtube with dr.gregor almost every video is about how meat and fish and eggs and milk is bad for you.

>> No.5796715

I don't think it's a myth.

>> No.5796716

Eating before bed makes you fat

>> No.5796718

>nutritionfacts w/ doctor greger
>unbiased opinion


>> No.5796729

>preheating the oven does anything

>> No.5796733

>you swallowed a watermelon seed?
>lol it's gonna grow in your stomach now

>> No.5796736

That's just not true though. It depends on the particulars of the genetic makeup of the person consuming meat, the frequency consumed, and the balance between consumption of meat vs. consumption of vegetables and fruit.

More specifically it's about meat sugars (taurine) not being offset by the phytonutrients in vegetables and fruit. It's more likely that the cancer is caused by the methods by which the meat is raised in addition to the diet of consumption rather than simply the meat itself.

If you would care to refute this I'm open to your arguments.

>> No.5796765

lol i never wait for the preheat
I just set my oven to 425 deg, plopped pizza in and the pizza was perfectly good right after the preheated buzzer went off. like who fucking waits for that shit?

>> No.5796767

"I cannot refute what I don't understand, but dammit, I'm gonna yell loudly to make it sound like I have a point and if that doesn't work, I'll claim you're just a meat industry shill who shouldn't be trusted and that my opinion is Totally Unbiased™."
- every vegan ever

>> No.5796768

If it causes cancer in ANY circumstances, you're an idiot for not just cutting it out completely since you don't need it anyway. Besides, you're murdering just because it's yummy you psychopathic fuck.

>> No.5796771

you know you can always read the studies he cites directly, right?

>> No.5796773

that's true tho

>> No.5796775


>> No.5796777

That's exactly what my dad thinks.

For years of my life, I always wondered why Papa Murphy's sucked so hard. I don't let him cook pizza anymore.

>> No.5796779

So those animals would live forever if no one killed them?

>> No.5796780

ayy lmao

>> No.5796783

I guess it's ok to murder you and eat your flesh just because you won't live forever anyway.

>> No.5796786


>> No.5796787

So long as I was knocked out first, as is the regulated process for any animal slaughtered today.

I'm sorry you can't see dharma.

>> No.5796789
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>never trust a skinny cook.

>> No.5796791

bread crusts are healthier tho

>> No.5796792

So tell me why we don't put all sharks and lions and cats in jail for murder

>> No.5796798

They actually need to eat animals to survive, as opposed to raising them in holocaust level conditions and slaughtering them en masse just because they think it tastes nice.

>> No.5796799

>beans don't belong in chili

>> No.5796802

can you guys not have this conversation here?

>> No.5796804

Why do humans have teeth designed to tear meat then if we're not meant to eat it?

>> No.5796806
File: 291 KB, 1341x1137, thrill of the kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hunt not just for the meat but because it's fun. Who knew that millions of years of evolution would cause hunting to be associated with pleasure?

>> No.5796808

>holocaust level conditions and slaughtering them en masse just because they think it tastes nice.

Don't ever wonder why people don't take you seriously, calm down that rhetoric if you want to be taken seriously and not just as a joke

>> No.5796809

Nah, its dependent on factors other than gender, some of which are themselves based on the way we treat people of different genders.

>> No.5796813

It doesn't matter what we're "meant" to do. We don't NEED it, so you have no excuse for murdering animals.
>murdering for fun
>not a psychopath

>> No.5796815

>can't refute my point
>hurr durr I won't take you seriously you're just a joke

>> No.5796817

guys, please. we don't need to have these arguments in every fucking thread

>> No.5796822
File: 342 KB, 1024x768, Fangs_01_rfc1036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do humans have teeth designed to tear meat

We don't.

Here's a picture of teeth "designed" to tear meat.

>> No.5796825

You realize that many products that come from animals that aren't food, like medicines, plastics, glue, cosmetics and some others.

It's OK if you want to be vegan, but that won't stop animal slaughtering and not all people want to become vegan.

>> No.5796828

You can't murder an animal. Most animals are completely incapable of conceptualizing the idea of death, many animals are incapable of feeling pain as we know it.

Don't blame me because you're mad, blame a few million years of bashing lions and cheetahs to death with rocks.

>> No.5796829

>not all people want to stop being serial killers
Oh ok, I guess that makes it fine.

>> No.5796830

But that's wrong, because if everyone on earth was forced to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables, billions would starve due to the lack of land space that can be used to grow. Many more would die from the general imbalance of nutrients provided by their new diet

>> No.5796835

Serial killer implies your killing for no purpose other than to kill.
We're killing for food, there's a difference

>> No.5796836

ITT people being baited, hard

>> No.5796838


LOL @ people ITT trying to convince others that veganism isn't a mental disease. They're like feminists who call men with working vision rapists who stare rape all day, just completely delusional and out of touch with society

>> No.5796840

Unnecessary food. You're murdering for a luxury product.

Just grow people food on the land where you're growing animal feed, retard.

>> No.5796843

Do you have to write sticky notes to yourself so you remember to breathe? Or is that considered tree murder?

>> No.5796844


Which animals do you think are incapable of feeling pain?

>> No.5796846

Do you need an oxygen tank to breathe after your lungs collapsed from the fat caused by your flesh diet?

>> No.5796847
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It's amazing how you went way too crazy to be taken seriously in your first post but they all still took the bait.

Why are you so easy, /ck/?

>> No.5796853

Tell you what sugar tits. I think tomorrow for dinner I'm gonna have a nice burger. Juicy and delicious, on second thought make it a double, with some bacon yeah.

>> No.5796857

>can't refute any logic
>hurr imma eat more meat that'll prove me right
All that cholesterol must be damaging your brain.

>> No.5796859
File: 787 KB, 1456x2592, erwinstanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that cholesterol must be damaging your brain.

Surely they will catch on now, right?

>> No.5796866

Guys why do we keep replying to this mentally ill person every thread?

It's always the same argument and no ones opinion ever gets changed.

Instead of replying we could just ignore his attention starved ass so he can move to a better environment suited to his kind (like tumblr, or similar hugbox sites found on the internet)

>> No.5796869

It's a troll you abso-fucking-lutely retarded retard.

>> No.5796877


A vegan diet is not only fruits and vegetables, and it can provide every nutrient except B12.

Here's a report from the UN about land use. On page 17 it recommends a global shift toward a low-meat diet, so as to reduce the amount of land needed for food production.


>> No.5796880

>If you get brain-freeze, just tap the roof of your mouth with your tongue repeatedly
This is bullshit and it doesn't work.

>> No.5796891

Tapping it doesn't work, but actually pressing and holding it up there for a while does.

>> No.5796897

"Incapable of feeling pain as we know it"
Please keep up.

>> No.5796898

>eating food makes you full

>> No.5796906

I want to believe you, but by the time I get my next brain-freeze, I will probably forget.

And I don't want to induce brain-freeze right now to test it because I have this feeling that you're bullshitting me and this is exactly what you want me to do. If this is the case, then fuck you.

>> No.5796911

Do you have an ulcer or tapeworm?

Either one of those can cause you to keep feeling hungry even when you're actually full.

>> No.5796932
File: 658 KB, 1280x800, 1279128713543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little kids need to follow this shit though. as a life guard almost half the time there was a birthday party kids would wolf down pizza and cake, and at leas one of them would barf in the pool. its not the swimming its the little fucks eating so much that if they move around their going to barf anyway. or they cant eat pizza cause weak bby stomachs, really either.
get rekt fgt

>> No.5796933

i like your cat anon 7/10 would rub tummy :)

>> No.5796938

sharks can only breathe in water and it would be too expensive to build water filled jail cells for them that have airlocks so they can go on their lunch break without spilling all the water everywhere. Of course, if we don't put sharks in jail we can't put any other predators in jail either because that wouldn't be fair.

>> No.5796945

You'll get fat if you went to bed right after eating

>> No.5796946
File: 259 KB, 1200x1200, sharkcage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course the backwards gov't puts people in them instead

>> No.5796962

Yeah, I don't know how they got the idea that it's not okay to put animals in cages when they're mean but it is okay to do so with their fellow humans. But that's just how it is and we gotta deal with it.

>> No.5796973
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>> No.5796981

did you make that myth up?
how amerifat does a family need'a be to make up "the crust is healthy for you"?

>> No.5797014

>you can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat
Biggest lie I ever dun heard

>> No.5797017

The only thing they ever eat which isn't covered in melted cheese and grease is the pizza crust, so to them it is the healthiest food there is.

>> No.5797027

I'm honestly unsure how this could still be fun after doing the same thing over and over again in different threads.

The results are always the same. Not sure hwo this person keeps on going without getting bored.

>> No.5797033

The magic of autism anon

>> No.5797055

because idiots stil bite

>> No.5797073

>Tipping at a restaurant is necessary.

>> No.5797076

I found the vegan

>> No.5797083

Difference is, we don't like humans being left in the wild. If a human is left to be eaten by predators or die horribly of disease we try to help them, we donate money to better their lives. If a human is attacked by a bear and we have the ability to save them then we pretty much universally will.

This doesn't apply to animals. If an animal is left to the mercy of nature then nobody gets upset because that is precisely what we want. If an animal is being hunted then we will not automatically side against the predator like we would with a human.

Face it, human life is valuable in a way that animal life isn't - even to you.

>> No.5797084

You eat the bread crusts because they're yummy and wasting food is for tards, you idiot.

>> No.5797096

Animal feed isn't intentionally grown, it's the byproduct of growing crops for humans. It's the shitty bits of corn or whatever that we can't sell as people food.

>> No.5797160
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>> No.5797174

>rare and medium rare isn't enough to kill all the bacteria in a steak you have to cook it well done

>> No.5797182



>> No.5797189

>anything antioxidants

>> No.5797190

>But that's wrong,

this phrase should really warrant a ban

>> No.5797193

First time talking with a vegan?

>> No.5797460

>raising them in holocaust level conditions
PETA shill detected.

>> No.5797464

>niggers don't tip

>> No.5797468

>If it causes cancer in ANY circumstances,
Everything causes cancer in certain circumstances. EVERYTHING.

>> No.5797469

>cold water boils faster than hot water.

>> No.5797472

Well done isn't the best way to have steak.

>> No.5797479

On a more interesting note, hot things freeze faster than cold things.

>> No.5797488

>hot things freeze faster than cold things.
Hmmm, interesting. TIL

>> No.5797489

But how can you have any pudding if ya don eat yar meat?

>> No.5797493

Has to do with there being a larger initial thermal gradient, resulting in a more rapid heat exchange.

>> No.5797497

Who doesn't eat there meat?

>> No.5797505

Children that want to eat their pudding first.

>> No.5797510

>tfw your parent serve you dry, under seasoned and over cooked meat

>> No.5797513

Parents used to say "don't shower 30 mins after you eat" and forced me to wait at least 30 min. They also said I would get sick in the future and say "you'll regret it when your older" after one day where I had to go somewhere so I showered early. Fucking dad

>> No.5797514


You're shit

>> No.5797551


>> No.5797556

I say that when I don't feel like showering after eating

>> No.5797560

Gotta eat big to get big come on

>> No.5797646

never eat the anus of a banana, it wont respect you in the morning.

>> No.5797656

you press on the roof of your mouth to apply pressure on the ganglion which is transmitting the pain, so it inhibits the transmission. it's not bullshit. cold food causes rapid constriction of the blood vessels near the ganglion which triggers a pain reaction.

>> No.5797693

>disagreement should be a b&able offense
This isn't plebbit, you know.

>> No.5797697

in case you're stupid, when it comes to baking, you need the cold dough to hit the hot oven to make the steam for things to rise.

>> No.5797739

Look at this retard and laugh.

>> No.5797746


i have always eaten the seeds, they dont taste bad, have loads of vitamins. i dont understand the people that take the time to spit or pick them out.

>> No.5797762



>> No.5797765

it's not if you eat a lot and go swim in cold water. You 25C pool isn't really the problem.

>> No.5797768

no, it doesn't Actually to these days they still don't know exactly, all experience test seems to only end up with "might help but isn't enough and surely doesn't actually explain" conclusion.

>> No.5797795

You're slightly off there. You can't murder an animal because an animal isn't human, isn't sapient, and otherwise doesn't have a mind worth giving two shits about. There are creatures in a grey area, sure, but cows? Nobody cares except those who insist on overly anthropomorphising animals. Aka furries.

Yes, it is easy to make a convincing argument that a lot of vegans are furries.

>> No.5797829

Cows definitely experience pain and anguish, they bond with their young and such.

Dismiss pigs and you must also dismiss dogs. And toddlers.

Chickens can be sweet and affectionate too while obviously they're not as smart.

There's no hard line to indicate when an animal is intelligent enough for people to care about its wellbeing. You're assuming your line for said grey area is the only correct one.

>> No.5797855

dogs aren't human tho, so you can't murder them.
Toddlers/babies have something that no dog has, potential. and humanity. But the potential for sapience.

>> No.5797865

Enjoy your toxoplasmosis

>> No.5797898

>toddlers have something that dogs don't have, potential


I was following you for most of that but these "life is precious" arguments start to fall apart when you have to resort to "future potential virtualperson" operation rescue newspeak.

>> No.5797904
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He likes to have his tummy rubbed.

>> No.5797906

and i suppose guzzling semen is good?

>> No.5797912

>tfw always ate my crusts
>never listened to mum
>now my hair's curly

>> No.5798110

It's not about being healthy. It's about being wasteful. Eat the crusts, or you're a wasteful shit.

>> No.5798118
File: 93 KB, 477x317, 1350442151891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute!
pic unrelated

>> No.5798148

>a while
Waiting a while stops the pain as well..

>> No.5798206

This isn't bullshit, retard.

Most of your blood is sent to your stomach to digest your food, if you swim your muscles need the blood but wont fucking get it and you will cramp up and drown cuntface.

>> No.5798214

Every word of that sentence is the most astoundingly retarded drivel I have ever heard. Please consider suicide

>> No.5798266
File: 60 KB, 316x609, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blood is sent to your stomach to digest your food

>> No.5798284

Statistically men and women get into the same amount of accidents, but men get into worse accidents and engage in risk-taking behavior such as speeding and not wearing a seatbelt more often.

> men are better drivers

>> No.5798285

he's right though, faggots.

your body sends blood around that area to help digest food, which is why you feel tired after a big meal sometimes.

also your stomach has as many cells similar to brain cells as a cat's brain.

>> No.5798287
File: 41 KB, 460x345, 1391745633937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, I didn't think anyone could possibly be more retarded than the vegan troll in this thread, but you managed to shatter all expectation

>> No.5798417

isn't your argument "(animal) life is precious" ?

>> No.5798427

how so?

>> No.5798466


OP here,

this is the exact reason you are told to wait 30 minutes to swim after eating. Your blood pumps oxygen around your body, supplying the oxygen to organs and muscles in order for them to function properly. When your stomach is actively digesting food your heart needs to distribute more blood to your stomach as it is working harder... Which results in less blood going to your muscles as you move them swimming, which causes cramps and problems which will risk you drowning!

I only told you because I didn't want you to get hurt, but it seems you didn't listen in middle school, so why would you listen to me now?

>> No.5798513

The day /CK/ got schooled.

>> No.5798560

THe only animals capable of experiencing abstract thought (feelings, ideas, intellectual understanding ect.) are Humans, Crows and Honey bees.
also, in a similiar way to humans, cows, particularly females have inate affections towards their young. it's all instinct. we all have instinct.

>> No.5798574

depends what oven you have

>> No.5798587

reading your post gave me cancer

>> No.5798592

"Red meat rots in your colon for years" - woman nutritionist bullshitter

>> No.5798693

Learn something:


>> No.5798713

Absolutely true for like 80% of cases.

>> No.5798721

Five star post in every respect

>> No.5798796

>raw is more healthy than cooked.
>'cave man diet'

>> No.5798799

>/ck/ knows how to cook

>> No.5798813


>> No.5799559

all that aside, who would WANT to go swimming on a full stomach? it'd be uncomfortable at the least

>> No.5799692

Our tiny ass "canine" teeth may have the same name, but that's about it.

>> No.5799706

Otherwise known as just another Tuesday

>> No.5799719

They certainly aren't for chewing plants, bud. Also, the very fact that we can process meat at all (much less the fact that we're better at processing it than we are at processing most plants) should tell you something.

>> No.5799740


So why do gorillas, camels, horses, frugivorous monkeys, etc have canine teeth? Canine teeth doesn't mean meat-eater, canines are useful for a lot of things, including eating plants. Bite into an apple and the first tooth that you instinctly bite into it with is your canine.

>> No.5799744

Yes, just completely disregard the other part of that anon's post.

Stay classy.

>> No.5799748

>Bite into an apple and the first tooth that you instinctly bite into it with is your canine
Hey turbonuts, do you know what that's called?

The flesh. Checkmate psychopath apple serial killing scumlord

>> No.5799752


The other part wasn't even worth responding to. Any animal can "process" meat, but unlike an actual carnivore, when humans eat meat it tends to lead to adverse health consequences like heart disease.

>> No.5799768

Apples literally fall off of their trees. Not eating them would be a waste. And removing an apple from a tree has no ill effects on the tree's life. Try that with cow next time you need one of it's limbs.

>> No.5799770


The guy's just fucking around, responding to it seriously makes you look bad

>> No.5799797

Oh snap, better change my user name...

>> No.5799857

Animals literally die. Not eating them would be a waste. And removing an animal from an ecosystem has no ill effects on the ecosystem's life. Try that with a carrot next time you murder it

>> No.5799865

>Animals literally die

Unless you are finding dead animals as your sole source of meat intake, literally every animal you've ever eaten was killed to be food.

>> No.5799881

thanks i will

>> No.5799889

And getting some of them essential amino acids our body doesn't make unlike true herbivores.

>> No.5799904

Animals aren't eternal lettuce for brains. They're going to die very shortly after either way

>> No.5799912

If a cow could eat you, it would and zero fucks would be given from cow. I see no problem eating cow then.

>> No.5799921

How can you call yourself vegetarien if you swallow so much semen?

>> No.5799923

>same amount of accidents, but men are less careful
That literally means women suck at driving while men drive just as well without trying. You just proved his fucking point, cockstench.

>> No.5799927

No matter how many arguments there is on /ck/, nothing will change, vegans would still be vegans, meat eaters would still eat meat eaters, people would still order fast food instead of cooking them, and people would still order their stakes well done with ketchup.

There is no need to justify what you eat.

>> No.5799932

>well done with ketchup
>There is no need to justify what you eat
There's a need to justify that bullshit! How the fuck can that taste good? Why the fuck would anyone put ketchup on any kind of meat?

>> No.5799933

Vegans started it thinking they are so superior to every other animal in the world

>> No.5799937


>forcing your beliefs on how meat should be cooked/eaten

>> No.5799939

I'm not a vegetarian. I eat meat. Doesn't mean I can't say any of the things I've said.

>> No.5799942

I don't care if you eat it scorched or off of a live fucking animal, anybody who eats meat with ketchup should be fucking quartered. Shit's just nasty.

>> No.5800050

>you have to wait for the water to boil before you throw pasta in
>fat makes you fat, starch is good for you.

>> No.5800069

Then you are retarded.

>> No.5800135


>>fat makes you fat, starch is good for you.

Both are true though. Stop being an edgy "I watched a documentary and now I know more than every doctor in the world" douchebag.

>> No.5800453

>using ketchup as a condiment over the age of 12 is OK.

>> No.5800458

What's wrong with chicken fries with ketchup?

>> No.5800461

>ketchup is a condiment for children and despite it just being tangy tomato sauce it's juvenile and immature
stay off the internet

>> No.5800471

never trust a fat cook cuz hes taking the food off your plate before it ever gets to you

>> No.5800506

I like the young, white ones.

>> No.5800538

Not if they're burned.

>> No.5800557

Could not stop laughing when I saw this. Haha I love you anon

>> No.5800568

Humans wouldn't have evolved into humans without the proteins found in meat. It was one of the key reasons our ancestors brains advanced so quickly and efficiently. Eating meat made us smarter along with other carnivores, we triumphed over veggiefags like yourself.

Did you learn anything in school?

>> No.5800579


Here's an interesting video that examines that idea (which is held more by fad diet promoters than actual anthropologists)


>> No.5800586
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>> No.5800605
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>"Don't drink too much tea, you'll get dehydrated."
>I only drink 16oz of tea a day, maybe 32oz if I'm in a mood, and can tolerate caffeine
>Coming from someone who drinks at least three times as much coffee by volume daily

>> No.5800839
File: 1.82 MB, 360x240, 1383156638143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it actually might I've met some women who couldn't even cook instant mac. like set fire to their house couldn't cook instant mac.

>> No.5801221

Okay I eat meat like once a week but because you have to be such a gigantic fucking faggot I will buy meat every day of the upcoming week. God fucking damnit I hate people like you.

>> No.5801241

Could you stop obsessing over America for one day?

>> No.5801264

Because it's fun?

>> No.5801274
File: 7 KB, 83x131, hirrurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't stop laughing

>> No.5801289
File: 331 KB, 519x640, phgsphds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every doctor in the world
nutrititionists haven't believed this for 15-20 years. i eat fried food twice a day and i have a bmi of 20. deal with it, breadpleb.

>> No.5801314

Too good for ketchup guy rekt hard

>> No.5801331


It's true that blood flows to our stomachs after eating a big meal. While there, it gets busy absorbing nutrients, leaving less of the stuff available to deliver oxygen and remove waste products elsewhere in the body. But does is this competing demand for blood what causes cramps?
The truth is that we have enough blood to keep all of our other parts running just fine after a meal. In fact, some competitive swimmers eat something immediately before a big meet to give them the energy they need to perform well. Also, during exercise, our bodies produce adrenaline that actually helps deliver oxygen to the muscles that need it most. And even if a cramp seized a swimmer in a particular part of his or her body, it's highly unlikely that it would be severe enough to cause a drowning accident.
Of course, as with many nuggets of folk wisdom, there's a kernel of good advice within this old wives' tale. There is a difference in terms of quantity and type of food eaten and digestive speed. Simple carbohydrates like those in a bag of potato chips are more quickly broken down than the fat and protein in our much-loved burgers. So if anyone has just indulged in a big meal fresh off the grill, splashing around in the pool is just fine, but it might not be such a bad idea to wait a bit before engaging in any seriously strenuous swimming.
One theory suggests that "stitches," or cramps, are caused by the weight of a full stomach tugging on the ligaments that hold it in place. Whether or not this is true, it's a fact that a full belly can make any exerciser uncomfortable -- and in some cases can lead to vomiting.
So as long as we're not talking about world-record breaking distances, it's perfectly safe for kids to chow down and dive in. Good news for little ones, but there goes mom and dad's chance to enjoy those extra drowsy minutes on the picnic blanket after lunch.

>> No.5801611

>Taco Bell doesn't use real beef!
>McDonald's uses worms for their burgers!

>> No.5801655

Depends on the meat, fish is really healthy, the Japanese people consume and live over a 100 years, chicken is healthy too if you cook it the right way, red meat isn't very healthy, but if you consume it with moderation you would be fine.

>> No.5801657

That's because you're young, tard

>> No.5801665
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's debatable. We can consider these things healthy relative to red meat, but in their own right it gets more complicated. The president-elect of the American College of Cardiology, for example, talks in this article about how he had to remove even (lean) fish and chicken from his diet because they're still loaded with cholesterol


When it comes to long-living Japanese, they traditionally didn't eat as much fish as you would expect, and the longest-living people in Japan have been the Okinawans, who eat the least amount of fish (about 3 ounces a week on average) and who mainly center their diet around their famous sweet potatoes.

>> No.5801683

Is still not a vegan diet though, besides getting supplements from meat is more convenient and cheaper than artificial vegan supplements.

>> No.5801696


>Is still not a vegan diet though

Sure, just pointing out that the people used to say fish consumption is healthy have some of the lowest fish consumption and longest lifespans of any population with access to fish. About 96-98% of their calories are from plants

>besides getting supplements from meat is more convenient and cheaper than artificial vegan supplements

I wouldn't say that. The only supplement necessary is B12, which can be as little as 3 cents a pill, and B12 in supplement form is a lot more reliable than trying to get it from meat, especially as you age and lose the ability to extract it from food.


>Nearly two-fifths of the U.S. population may be flirting with marginal vitamin B12 status if the population of Framingham, Mass., is any indication.
>the researchers found no association between plasma B12 levels and meat, poultry, and fish intake, even though these foods supply the bulk of B12 in the diet. “It’s not because people aren’t eating enough meat,” Tucker said. “The vitamin isn’t getting absorbed.”
>The researchers also expected to find some connection between dietary intake and plasma levels, even though other studies found no association. And they did find a connection. Supplement use dropped the percentage of volunteers in the danger zone--plasma B12 below 185 pmol/L--from 20 percent to 8.

>> No.5801720


Their tongues look so pelty

>> No.5801792

>being pathetic enough to care about other living things.
my sides

>> No.5801807
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>bored on Monday night
>decide to see if /ck/ is still as stupid as I remember
>make some obvious Poe's Law tier vegan posts
>people are still biting two days later
>people are going to keep biting after this
My sides.

>> No.5801843

>trying to justify to yourself that you aren't a loser for pretending to be someone else on the internet
>pretending to laugh histerically

>> No.5801884

The crust is good for the health of your jaw, teeth and will is important for developing a good jaw line.

>> No.5801937

Our nervous system relies on feedback loops, the parasympathetic nervous system doesn't overpower the sympathetic nervous system I.E. if the muscles demand blood the heart will prioritize the muscles not the stomach. Also the pain from a cramp isn't ischemic in nature(from lack of blood) it is pain directly from a muscle over stressing itself.

>> No.5801948

Not him, but you guys are fucking idiots.

I stopped posting after the third bite, and left the thread after the first 30 minutes of newfag gullibility.

>> No.5801965

I never even bit, I just pop in to let people know they're losers when I see the need.

>> No.5801967

>drinking water and eating watermelon will cause you to get water overdose.

>> No.5801990

So many things in life can give you cancer or contribute to it moron. Since the day you were born you have been on a crash course to death.
>If it causes cancer in ANY circumstances, you're an idiot for not just cutting it out completely since you don't need it anyway
>bring this fucking stupid and unrealistic about life
you know i can always read his cherry picked cited studies am i rite?
>tfw cholesterol is a major role in hormones and in brain tissue

>> No.5802005

From a metabolic standpoint its not ideal either. Start of digestion will trigger insulin to be released which as we all know is focused on storing energy, not metabolizing for ATP needs. Granted there will still be aerobic functions going, the overall stature of the body right after the meal is proper digestion and storage. During exercise the body is going to promote glucagon over insulin to mobilize energy stores as glycogen in the muscle tissues and liver will start to be depleted (time dependent on intensity). With that in mind, it is certainly possible to exercise after eating, but not necessarily ideal.

>> No.5802417

I don't believe it's just gullibility.

On /tg/, occasionally there's an obvious /SJW/pinko/etc bait thread. The autistic fucks go to town on it, that feeling of righteous anger and self superiority must be addictive. Despite the obvious bait, they still bite. Some of them flat out admit that they know it's bait but that it is fun, I shit you not.

>> No.5802420

>on /tg/
>anything not in quest form

>> No.5802423
File: 13 KB, 304x224, 1410573432128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was right >>5801807

>> No.5802426

>on /tg/
>anything in quest form