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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 315 KB, 835x699, ignorant2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5796190 No.5796190 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, /ck/??

This person spent 21 dollars on grapes and is calling people who claim to eat healthy on a budget liars

>> No.5796193
File: 396 KB, 1144x699, ignorant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the full story

>> No.5796198

Did it come with a blowjob or something, when I went to the US I noticed food was considerably cheaper than over here in bongland, yet I get way more than that for $32 when food shopping

>> No.5796199


How do you find these sites? I hear 4chan complaining about the tumbeler all the time but I assume it's a self-inflicted pain. I went to /mlp/ once, couldn't stand it for more than 2 threads.

Are there people who just spend their entire day looking for outrageous tumbelers so they can get angry about it?

>> No.5796200

I fully agree. Food is so expensive, especially fruits/vegetables. I went vegetarian and I'm still not saving money from not buying meat.

>> No.5796205
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Wtf, who the fuck just buys $30 worth of fruit, a couple bags of nuts and a 20oz soda?

I'm fat and I'll shame them all I want. Just spent $20 on 3 chicken breasts, potatoes, a loaf of bread, pepperjack cheese; and another $20 on a handle of decent bourbon.

People are fucking stupid.

>> No.5796212

that's exactly the problem. processed "food" contains little more than sugar, fat, flour, and additives. And that's a lot cheaper than using fresh veg etc.
21 dollars I could have believed, but 32 seems to be quite a lot. (Although I live in Germany and am not familiar with prices in the US)

>> No.5796215

>Red Bell Peppers are $1.98 each
>two dollars for a fucking pepper
eat me

>> No.5796220

is this what americans actually believe?

>> No.5796221

They didn't even buy anything useful that they could cook with, though. I'm not American but surely basic vegetables are much cheaper than that.

>> No.5796222

>page can't be found
How old is this OP?

>> No.5796229

>not fat shaming

>> No.5796230
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top kek

It's been going around, half the notes it seems of people calling this girl out the other half seem to be idiots agreeing with her. i personally asked her why she spent $21 on grapes and she replied with this

>> No.5796232

It was probably a pricing error. She's retarded for paying for it instead of just saying she didn't want it.

>> No.5796234


Very recently, like within the past few hours.

>> No.5796236


its till on her front page

>> No.5796239


amazing how there is no receipt listing the prices, I just came from the grocer, and buying IN SEASON produce is a helluva lot cheaper.

>25 lb bread flour $9
>25 lb rice $11
>15 lb potato $5
>6 lb frozen corn $4
>5 lb ground beef $11

>grand total = $40

Food for months. Eating healthy on a budget is possible, it's fucking morons who think they have to have their strawberries in September instead of 4-5 months ago

>inb4 I know their raspberries, just making a point

>> No.5796241
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i fucked up heres the full post

>> No.5796243


see this

>> No.5796244

just went shopping and got
>4 sweet potatoes
>3 onions
>bunch of bananas
>bag of apples
>2 heads of broccoli
for under $20. no idea what kind of grapes that person is buying.

>> No.5796247
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It's not only hard to eat healthy, it's expensive. We know that. Ever seen prices on tofu? or organic shit?

>> No.5796248
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Ok so I went to the page but there isn't much here.

Where do you find this stuff?

If tumbler is so bad, why does it seem like 4chan is constantly digging around in it for stuff to get offended by? Why not just look at something more constructive and entertaining?

>> No.5796249


>> No.5796251

LOL that person is just silly dumb.

>> No.5796254

This. I think grapes are like $3 for a bag that size at the grocery store I go to.

>> No.5796267


>constantly digging around

I have a tumblr, someone reblogged it and it was on my front page. How you can't seem to find it even though the link was posted is beyond me.

>> No.5796289

So this bitch is dumb. I read through her shitty TUMBLRRRRRR. She's trying to justify the purchase.

>don't buy FUCKING GRAPES if they cost that much and you would have spent $7 on some very healthy FRUIT.
>would you buy a $27 steak if McDonalds sold it then say Mcd's is too expensive? NOOOOO. Just don't buy the fucking expensive item.
>buy some veggies like lettuce or spinach you stupid shit
>buy a chicken breast
>buy FROZEN vegetables for half the cost
>buy some green beans
If you buy the things you need and PORTION OUT how many meals it makes it WILL BE CHEAPER than fast food. Unless you are retarded. The difference is you will spend a bit more up front like.....I don't know....ALL OF HISTORY has done when buying from a grocery store.

>McD's at $7 a meal average 3x a day would be $21 A DAY
>You could buy a bag of spinach leaf that would be 3-4 meals for like $5. ($1.66 serving)
>$10 for 12 frozen chicken breast (or $ .83 per serving)
>green beans from a can are like $.90 (can make 2 servings so $.45)
>dressing for your fat as fat ass is like $6 for what 14 servings? ( $.42 a serving)
>fuck it lets get fancy and squeeze some fresh lemon on that bitch. $.40

Total for 3 meals:

>> No.5796290


No, I see the link just fine. I just don't see how you get to it, unless you already have the link. But now I see, you are part of a blogosphere or something, and someone tweeted it at you. How awful.

>> No.5796301

i... can't tell if you're serious.

>> No.5796316
File: 555 KB, 573x655, shieettt nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? Does this bitch live in Alaska or some shit? Nigga fucking grapes are 1.99/lb did she fucking buy a box to stuff her face with?

>> No.5796319
File: 115 KB, 172x316, nutrition-bottles[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what a pineapple costs around where I live because I never buy them, but grapes are like $2 a pound, and a little carton of raspberries isn't going to be more than $4. That looks like about three pounds of grapes total, give or take, so the grapes and raspberries would be $10, plus the $1 nuts... $11 dollars not counting the pineapple or Sprite.

bitch is trying to pretend she's eating healthy when she's buying sugary fruits and soda, lel

>> No.5796320


how old are you friend?

how did you get to this site?

from this very brief exchange i get the feeling you do not use the internet very often.

>> No.5796326

>sugar sugar and more sugar

Well, at least it is fruit, right?

Tofu is unhealthy to eat. Eating healthy is super cheap.

>> No.5796330

she lied. she posted the receipt and the total was $24.58, a far cry from $32.

>> No.5796336

>spending $21 on grapes

The only point she made is that some people are poor because they're fucking stupid.

>> No.5796340


I'm in my 30s. I use the internet extensively and I work in technology.

I completely shun social media and blogospheres and twitters. They are disgusting to me. I was on thefacebook (yes that was what it was actually called) for a year or two, back when it was a small, closed-access site. No more. I see my family and friends using it and I find it completely incomprehensible now.

I communicate via email, traditional voice calls, and SMS. I've been on 4chan since 2006. A friend mentioned it, I checked it out, and it was agreeable to me, so I stayed.

>> No.5796341

I live in LA and green grapes are 50 cents on sale, and 70 cents regular price.

>> No.5796351

>and is calling people who claim to eat healthy on a budget liars
As difficult as it might be for her to understand, you aren't supposed to eat two bags of grapes, a whole pineapple, a 'small container' of rasperries, and a soft drink in one sitting.

>> No.5796358

do they grow there? I'm in colorado. pretty much the only produce we grow here that is hyped is peaches.

>> No.5796360
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I don't know, I"m a little drunk now. List was not complete.

>> No.5796366
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>> No.5796373

Are you me?
Heheh, but seriously, that sounds just like me. I don't use any social media sites, I also find them repulsive. This is the only site I use to communicate/converse with people. If I want to talk to friends or family, I call, message, or email them. That's it. I don't have time or inclination to constantly read the details of everyone's insipid little lives and look at narcissistic pictures of them.

>> No.5796376

Not sure, but I've seen vineyards in the central valley. I mostly shop from here: http://superkingmarkets.com/pages/los-angeles-weekly-ad It's an ethnic-type market but the food is super cheap. I got yellow peaches for 69 cents/lb last week. I cook food for the homeless, and feeding 50 people on $100 is really easy, but you have to do a lot of prep work.

>> No.5796379


Well if you want to completely remove yourself from it that's your choice. We can go on and on about the ethics and sociological impacts of social media but whether you like it or not it's not going anywhere. Soon you're going to be one of those people complaining about the lack of handwritten letters. It's become such a huge part of marketing and business and while I respect your reservations you've got to accept it; social media has revolutionized the world of communication and it's not going anywhere.

>> No.5796392


It's not a time issue. I'm just disgusted by the way it turned from a simple "hey let's post our pictures and send each other funny messages" to industrial scale inanity. Things were better when you had to be associated with an institute of higher learning to be allowed an account.


I don't work in marketing. I respect the job that marketers do and the influence they have on the company's bottom line, and I'm glad that the job isn't mine. It's like cleaning sewers or cleaning up murder scenes. No thanks, but all the best to you.

Many of my friends still write handwritten letters. I'm not complaining, because they still exist.

>> No.5796407

Not the guy you're responding to, but your post epitomizes the reasons why I avoid social media.

>> No.5796418

Eating to survive is cheap, eating healthy is not the same. Healthy food is expensive.

>> No.5796425
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Top show good gentleguy! I choose to commune with my kith and kin through the tip-toppest method of elegant correspondence as well! There savages shall never know our euphoria...poor devils.

>> No.5796428


>Things were better when you had to be associated with an institute of higher learning to be allowed an account.

so elitist, then?

>> No.5796429

>it's not going anywhere.

It is moments like this that I find solace in the theory of a meteoroid induced worldwide catastrophe wiping out 99% of human life every couple thousand years.

It seems we are long overdue for another one.

>> No.5796435


>Things were better when you had to be associated with an institute of higher learning to be allowed an account.

>higher learning
>implying ivy league college students aren't posting stupid bullshit either

get fucked

>> No.5796444

No, it's not. Fancy out of season healthy food is expensive. Simple and in season healthy food is dirt cheap.

It's autumn for fuck sake, do buy grapes, buy apples and pumpkins.

Also berries are really hard to farm so they are always expensive and a luxury food. don't buy berries if you are poor. You can eat heallthy without fucking berries.

>> No.5796446

I completely agree with you. The reason I added time to my post is because I was thinking of some friends of mine who do have social media accounts, and they spend entirely too much time on them, involved in juvenile exploits. And yes, I do realize where I am right now, we're not exactly the height of maturity around here, but we also can pick and choose what to get involved in, and leave it whenever we like, and since it's anonymous, I don't have people constantly trying to get my attention with idiotic details about their every little move.

>> No.5796454


There really isn't any way around the fact that intelligent people tend to have more interesting things to say. Sorry if this is elitist.


That seems rash. I don't think it's going to be a meteroid though. We have enough weapons here on earth to take care of business. Nuclear apocalypse is absolutely inevitable. The only question is when. Hopefully, after I'm dead.

>> No.5796456

Grats on spending $20 for 2 days worth of calories

>> No.5796458

I'll never understand why Americans are so against elitism.

To answer your question, yes, things are generally more agreeable when you exclude the plebest of plebs.

>> No.5796460

that was just what i got from a produce market, asshole. who shops just for pure calories, anyway?

>> No.5796464


you guys do know you can choose who you follow, right? just like you don't have to click on every other shitty thread you find on here?

>> No.5796467


>tfw work at grocery store where grapes are 2.69/lb

Grapes are one of the worst buys you can do. Shit's always overpriced. Bags of apples n'shit are better.

Or just grow your own fruit like blueberries or raspberries.

>> No.5796477

Well, there is pretty good evidence that it's happened more than a few times already. You know how the moon doesn't have an atmosphere so you can see the surface, which is nothing but craters. Earth would look the same if it weren't for water and plants covering everything.

What do you think happens to the creations of our civilization when they are exposed to the elements and not being cared for? They will rust away and disintegrate.

>> No.5796480

At 6pm I leave my gym and go to the local supermarket, just as they're marking down the expiring produce.

Today I got 4 nectarines, a large punnet of strawberries, a fuckton of blueberries, 4 fillets of lemon sole, 4 chicken breasts, a ton of large stuffed mushrooms and some potato dauphenois read to go in the oven, a couple of bottles of diet soda, a bag of lemons, a large cut of brocolli, a savoy cabbage, a stick of butter, a tarte tatin and tarte au citron, and a couple of chocolate pastries for £15 ($22ish).

Supper for 3 days there (I'm trying to bulk so going for a calorie surplus), including pudding, and fruit snacks for the week. £15 would buy me just two KFC meals.

>> No.5796482

Not only are they overpriced, they are rarely ripe enough to enjoy and if you let them sit around to get riper they will just get moldy.

>> No.5796483

>Southern Kalifornia
>Grapes available year round
>As low as 69 cent a lb frequently

Some people are prudent, some are not.

>> No.5796489

I blame the fact that people can't shop for shit

You can't just go to your local giant and get a great value on vegetables and fruit

You gotta shop around to look for the best prices

Most if not all of the great shopping prices come from asian grocers from my area

>> No.5796490

Yes, buy local produce. If that bitch had done that she would've paid much less.

>> No.5796492

>some healthy food that have expensive growth cost are expensive
No shit asshole.

>> No.5796494


Of course something is going to crash into earth at some point, that's not what I meant. I meant that the time scales are different. Humanity-destroying asteroid strikes are what, every few hundred thousand years? I think nuclear apocalypse is all but guaranteed to happen within the next few centuries. We won't have to wait for any asteroid.

>> No.5796495

Learn to cook for fuck sake. Buy what is in season. Buy in bulk.

>> No.5796498

The fact that people like you are on social media is one reason I avoid it.

>> No.5796516

Not every few hundred thousand, try every few thousand.

How far back goes our recorded history and how far have we come technologically in what 2000, 3000 years? Incredibly far.

So far that it seems laughable to think that humans have existed fro more than a hundred thousand years in our current form with out current mental capacities without having done jack shit but then suddenly without any biological or mental change we started picking up slack?

>> No.5796520

Even grapes in fucking Alaska don't cost that much unless you live somewhere you can only get to by single-engine airplane or boat where milk is $10 a gallon.

>> No.5796524

Are you ignorant?


>takes a while to discover the wheel
>but once you do it's there forever and it can be expanded on
>same as fire
>we don't have to re-discover these things

>> No.5796528

Are you in Alaska or something? Bell peppers are like 68c American near me

>> No.5796562

I may call bullshit on the chicken, but dude you hit the nail on the head on this one.

I don't usually like to get caught up in these "fat hate" posts but some times it really does get to me

>> No.5796571

Florida, it was at a wal mart food store and the red ones were 1.98

>> No.5796574

They went to Whole Foods. Shit there is way over priced, no cheap meat cuts or pieces, and ready made food is horrible. The local produce in Okc is from Texas and Mexico.

>> No.5796575

I specified frozen because that shit in the bag is cheap and not exactly the best but better than MCD's. It's usually on sale for $8-$12 for 10-12 pieces.

>> No.5796577

buying stuff out of season is obviously expensive

>> No.5796590

I don't know where you live, but have you ever been to a new England farmers market in February? In season, aside from animal products, means onions, potatoes, turnips, and stuff like that.

Unless you mean sauerkraut and kimchi, having access to out of season "fancy" vegetables is a very good thing.

>> No.5796613

Grapes here are $3/lb but who really buys that many fucking grapes?
Instead she shouldve got a quarter of a bag of grapes then got veggies and chickpeas and make her own hummus.

>> No.5796614

Red bell peppers are about $2 each at the pleb grocery store in my mixed income neighborhood.

>> No.5796626

$23 got me 18 eggs, 2 lbs red lentils, 2 lbs white beans, half gal Milk, 3 onions and 3 1lb containers organic peanut butter.

It doesn't get healthier than that. American tofu is disgusting

>> No.5796656
File: 171 KB, 538x643, jhgfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: a dumb, fat moron behaves like a dumb, fat moron.

>pic related. first supermarket circular out of the 4 in a 1-mile radius of where I live in northern NJ

>> No.5796673
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circular pic #2

>> No.5796689
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and 3 (this market blows)

>> No.5796690

>doesn't even think to shop intelligently and avoid obviously scam-level expensive products and buy things where they are cheaper

its like this idiot went and found the most expensive grapes on purpose to prove a false point as part of their agenda, whatever that may be.

to me it seems as if theoretically speaking, someone doing a thing like this may possibly have an agenda to trick people into feeling that eating healthy isn't worth it.

I won't trust this. I know how to eat healthy on a budget.

>> No.5796699

bagged apples whole and fresh YEA, but sliced apple bags are always a scam.

>> No.5796705
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I forgot that Pathmark and A&P are now the same company, so it's the exact same circular with the food pics located in different places.

So here's the azn market on the other side of town

>> No.5796766

Red and yellow peppers are always overpriced at Wal-Mart. The green ones are usually $0.98 a pound.

>> No.5796795
File: 1.23 MB, 856x856, titteringstrumpets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks fruit and soft drinks are health food

>> No.5796803

>implying organic food has health benefits
top pleb
>directly stating that tofu is expensive

>> No.5796810
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>a soft drinks

>> No.5796826

Maybe you have cheap tofu, I have quality tofu, and quality means higher prices.

>> No.5796831


>McD's at $7 a meal average

I only get fast food once or twice a year (if I'm on a road trip or in someone else's car while drunk, and they suggest it); in any case, I always feel like shit afterwards.

But seriously, how could you possibly say an average meal at McDonald's is $7? You can get three burgers for a dollar each, and three small fries for the same. Just how fat do you think people are?

>> No.5796833

Well, it's a drink and doesn't have alcohol in it.

So I guess it works?

>> No.5796841


Combo meals are easily $7+ at fast food places

>> No.5796851


>things were better when you had to be associated with an institute of higher learning to be allowed an account

Fucking this.

It's sad to think how most anons here were nowhere near college in 2004.

>> No.5796863


People actually buy combo meals when every place has a value menu with smaller, much cheaper versions of exactly the same shit?

>> No.5796881


>sliced apple bags
How does that even work? In my experience an apple will turn brown within minutes after slicing.

Do they treat it with lemon juice or some other acidic material?

I've seen em in fruit cups, but those were in a syrup of some kind. I can't imagine that for a whole bag of apple slices

>> No.5796892

>central california
>fruits in season as cheap as you can get anywhere

this is why you don't live in shit states

>> No.5796894

Not eveyone's poor with fast food a part of their staple diet.

>> No.5796899


His mom slices his apples every morning and he thinks she buys them like that (and feels superior posting about it anonymously online).

>> No.5796903


>> No.5796908


No idea what you're even trying to say.

>> No.5796916

>diet sprite zero

>> No.5796920

Just came from Whole Foods. I bought a bag of cotton candy grapes (fuck yeah),a giant box of strawberries, a box of raspberries, one of blueberries, one of blackberries, and a 3 pound papaya for about $20 including taxes. That's buying all organic. I don't know where the fuck this bitch is buying her fucking grapes that she would pay $21 for them.

>> No.5796924

Subway sells apple slices in bags all the time.


>> No.5796927


There is no way that's 5 pounds of grapes. thats like 2 pounds.. I bet her fat rolls were on the scale.

>> No.5796934

Pretty sure I could live off of mcdonalds at only $5-6 a day, did it for a week once when I was broke. It's shit for nutrition but I didn't starve.

>> No.5796969

>so $18 compared to

What's your point? You could also buy a big ass bag of frozen veggies for like $3 that will last 4 servings (mixed veggies too) and some chicken and eat for less than $9 a day

>> No.5796995

Even at five pounds it should have been $12.45 and not $21.75.
She clearly cannot into simple math and/or is too autistic to tell the cashier she fucked up.
How in the fuck does she not notice that she's being overcharged for fucking grapes?

>> No.5797024

The OP pic describes it as a soft drink. I didn't look closely. And if she's buying bottled water she has even less cause for complaining about money.

>> No.5797026

that tumblrite is stupid
eating healthier does cost more, and is less practical for many other reasons than cost of materials alone
poverty-stricken people and areas have less access to fresh produce, or regular food stores of any kind, they also work more hours for less pay, and thus have less time for preparation and planning of their meals, which is a requirement for "cost-effective healthy eating", even as described in these threads. Yes, some families buy the price-gouged gallon of milk at the liquor store on the corner, because they don't have the time or money to buy a railcar ticket across town to the nearest grocery store. And they also don't have the carrying-capacity to make those trips worthwhile (as opposed to loading up a shopping cart, cart to car, car to home).
Yes, some stupid lady bought 32 dollars' worth of grapes and a pack of peanuts. Because she's stupid.
But there's a direct correlation between poverty and poor eating habits, I don't see why that's even up for debate. You have to be in a more comfortable position in life (in terms of money, free time, transportation, location, etc.) to be able to fully take advantage of the methods that would make "healthy eating" more cost-effective than other, less-healthy options.
One dumb girl spending 22 bucks on grapes isn't an argument, but neither is wildly inflating the imagined average price of fast food meals to make them seem like an irrational option.

>> No.5797035

you don't need muh fresh locavore produce to meet your nutritional needs. you can cover your fiber & micros with beans.

>> No.5797038
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it's sprite zero, not water
"a soft drink" is a bit of a... lofty, pretentious way of saying it. and buying a 20-24 oz portion that probably costs ~50-70 cents more than a 2-liter bottle of the same content is not a cost-effective way of 'drinking healthily'.
but it ain't water

>> No.5797053

Wrong wrong wrong wrong

>poverty stricken asdsadasd
They have the SAME grocery stores that anyone else does. Stop pretending like "rich white people" have magic stores that blacks can't shop in. Walmart has fucking vegetables. Krogers. sams etc. Now if your talking soup kitchen poor then sure, but that is the smallest percent of the population so fuck off.

>cost more
IT LITERALLY does not. It CAN if you are stupid. Eating healthy only cost more UP FRONT because you are buying in a bulk instead of a single meal. But it has clearly been domonstrated the fucking frozen veggies and chicken are cheaper than fast food.

>more hours
the average person working around minimum wage works LESS than 40 hous a week. MOST professionals work 60hours a week. Stop making shitty excuses.

>they cant get to the store/carry shit
First, VERY VERY VERY few people live THAT far from a store. Second, you can carry enough groceries by yourself for DAYS worth of food. Also you can take the bus (people with cars have to pay gas and insuraance and shit)

The correlation is SKEWED to make people feel bad for the "underprivileged." That SAME data shows that there is a lack of KNOWLEDGE on eating properly, and let's adress the elephant in the room that mainstream wont. LAZINESS to do the right thing. Cooking properly takes time and effort, but we can find time to spend 4 hours on FB and at the bar but not cooking a crock pot full of food.

The problem for over 95% of people is LAZINESS to do what needs to be done to eat right. Get fucked.

>> No.5797058


you need to travel more

>> No.5797077

I've lived in 5 different states in the US. And have traveled to all but alaska. It's not as bad as people try to pretend it is.

It's just easy to blame everyone else.

>> No.5797093

>>5797058 here

I'm not gonna say that a lack of healthy-eating education isn't a problem though. But people are working on that, the First Lady's pet cause for the past half-a-decade-plus has been health-conscious education. I'm in support of that. But you can't seriously be telling me that lack of education in those areas is the SOLE REASON for the correlation between poverty and obesity, diabetes, etc.
Laziness got nothing to do with it, either.
Average working person works less than 40 hours a week at one job, because if they get more than 30-something, the company gets all these obligations to give them healthcare and shit like that, so you get a second job to make up for the fact that your amount of work has been kneecapped from the start. Who do you think is living and supporting a family on 15 hours of 8.25 an hour retail work a week?
You're writing off these whole swaths of people who actually exist with one-liner answers for why they shouldn't. DON'T HAVE A CAR? TAKE A BUS! FOOD DESERTS? PRACTICALLY NOBODY LIVES THAT FAR AWAY FROM A GROCERY STORE! BOOM, PROBLEM RESOLVED/ignored.
Single mother working two jobs to support three kids is somehow lazier because she doesn't have time to cook a weeks' worth of meals ahead of time, because a professional works 60 hours a week (but has a wife who manages the house and does the cooking so that he doesn't have to, ignoring completely the possibility that they hire outside help like a maid or cook, which they can afford).

You scare me, sincerely.

>> No.5797107

poor people in ancient rome used to eat street vendor food daily

they couldn't afford hovels with kitchens, the means of keeping food, or the time to cook food

but now, we tell people to work 2 part time jobs and live off rice and beans 2 meals a day 6 days a week to keep up the illusion that our nation is okay

>> No.5797113

>they don't make a lot so they buy food that cost more (fastfood)
Okay so they are stupid and lazy?

I can seriously tell you that education and laziness is the main problem. Have you ever read a fat persons blog like OP posted? Most people are fucking stupid as shit. they were raised on MC'ds and now they raise their kids on it. It is 90% an education and laziness problem.

>food desert
Those are fucking rare. Fresh food, produce etc is available almost everywhere.

>problem resolved/ignored
So people who offer solutions are the ones ignoring the issue? How about you stop making fucking excuses. Especially ones that are easily disproved. Prove to me how many people don't live within 15 miles of a grocery store but DO live that close to fast food. I'll wait.

>the poor mom who made shitty decisions has time and ability to take their kids to fast food places but not cook?

Are you an idiot? cooking a meal takes 30 minutes at most. Driving to the fast food place and waiting for food then eating there takes that long or more. AND wastes more money on gas.
And most normal people have BOTH partners working. this isn't 1927.
>afford a cook
Stop pretending like people that rich arent less than 1% of the population.

You scare me for being so stupid.

>> No.5797126

I don't know what planet you're on but on this one it's September, not February.

Also, I didn't say that it is bad to have access to out of season produce, just that it is not as cheap, so when you are poor and need to feed yourself, you go for what is in season. How is that hard to understand?

Meat, onions and potatoes are all very filling and cheap if you choose the right cuts or ground. If you go easy on the salt and butter it's even healthy.

>> No.5797128

Yes, they work less than 40 hours... at that one job. They have two 35 hours jobs so that the employers don't have to give benefits. Maybe they even have a third smaller job to make ends meet.

While the desk jockey spends 50+ hours at his one office that he drove to in his working vehicle, part time workers go from a shift at one establishment, then travel (often by public transportation) to the other, all in the same day.

So instead of a 30 mins to an hour in morning traffic, ten hours at the office, then an empty highway home (since they're overworked and miss the normal 9 to 5 travel schedule), you get a morning commute on a bus/train schedule, six to eight hours at one job, more buses or trains, then another six to eight hours at the other job, then a bus/train ride home.

Don't forge to pick up your free grapes and cook a square meal for the kids.

>> No.5797141


>USDA was at the forefront of identifying food deserts and working to eliminate them when the Department created its High Priority Performance Goals. USDA's Economic Research Service estimates that 23.5 million people live in food deserts. More than half of those people (13.5 million) are low-income.

>> No.5797146

I think what everybody is forgetting is that the argument is about FAT shaming, not unhealthy shaming.

You can eat unhealthy food every day and still not be fat. The same way you can eat healthy and super expensive food every day and be morbidly obese.

Being fat comes from eating more calories than you burn. It is entirely irrelevant if your calories come from healthy food or unhealthy, fatty or fat free, fast food or home cooked. That is all irrelevant.

All that actually matters is you calorie count. If you go over it, you become a fat cunt and being poor is absolutely no excuse. Actually, you should be thinner if you are poor. Buy the cheapest food, eat less of it, save money and be thin.

>> No.5797147


to which you say
>So people who offer solutions are the ones ignoring the issue?

if your solution to 23 million people in the United States living in a food desert is, "Those are so fucking rare, fuck off, nobody lives in those places",
I'd say your solutions aren't really cutting it

>> No.5797149

Then don't fucking buy the red peppers. I get them when they're on sale for variety, but I don't mind sticking with the red ones most of the time.

>> No.5797151

And wrong again. Most people with 2 jobs work 20 hrs average at each. So they work the same as everyone else. And again that is still the MINORITY even though the majority is obese.


>work 9 hours at full time job
>hour in traffic because rush hour (30 min each average gubbment data)
>10 hours out of house for work

>2 jobs poor person
(most work within 10 miles of their home so less time in traffic)
>works average of 5 hours per job
>spends average of 1 hours commuting on bus (15 mintues each trip average on a bus, gubbment data)
>11 hours out of house

OHHHH THEEEE HORROORRRRRRfor those poooorrrr people

So now you have basically the same amount of time as a full time employee to make excuses for being fat and feeding your kids like shit.

>> No.5797157


>oh the horror for those poor people
you know, it actually does suck to be poor in America

>> No.5797161

uh huh

Within a couple of miles of almost any urban neighborhood, “you can get basically any type of food,” said Roland Sturm of the RAND Corporation, lead author of one of the studies. “Maybe we should call it a food swamp rather than a desert,” he said.



>> No.5797163

yeeeaahhhhh see>>5797161
Stop making excuses fatty

>> No.5797172

>it's nothteir fault!!!!!

The persistent mythology of food deserts seems immune to evidence that continues to contradict long-held assumptions. This month in Health Affairs we have yet another in a long line of studies that show simply opening new supermarkets in food deserts neither alters dietary habits nor has an impact on obesity. - See more at: http://conscienhealth.org/2014/02/the-persistent-mythology-of-food-deserts/#sthash.uzkrkSON.dpuf

>> No.5797184

A week's supply of snacks I bought today as a comparison.

0.5 gal organic milk $3.99
complete protein, bioactives, tasty, convenient

12 medium free-range eggs $1.99
complete protein, filling, 2-10 minutes to cook

1 can refried beans $0.99
fiber, lysine, satisfying, convenient

6 whole wheat bagels $2.49
fiber, calories, convenient

5 honeycrisp apples $4.26
fiber, vitamins, satisfies sweet tooth

5 bananas $1.46
fiber, filling, convenient

5 oz. spinach $1.99
fiber, vitamins, minerals, takes 2 minutes to make a salad

1 huge bunch of kale $1.50
fiber, vitamins, takes 5 minutes to prepare, throw it into miso soup

1 bottle of cheap ass red wine $5.99

total $25.14

>> No.5797186

i just remembered i have strawberries and a pear, why the fuck am i eating doritos right now?

>> No.5797196


>> No.5797200

I used to live in a certified "food desert" in chicago. But I still had a sav a lot and an aldi within walking distance

>> No.5797205

noone fucking said fruits are cheap, much less to buy nearly 6 pounds of grapes

>> No.5797347

>Fresh pineapple, $5+
Canned pineapple in pineapple juice, $1/can (1 can = 1/2 pineapple)

>Fresh raspberries, $4-8
Frozen Raspberries, $3-6 for 3x as much

>Grapes ever

>> No.5797368

>live in australia
>expensive as fuck food and everything else
>only spend $100 a fortnight for two people for 3 meals a day

wew it's fucking nothing

dumb bitch just doesn't know how to shop

>> No.5797388


Eggs and milk aren't healthy though

>> No.5797416

Superior Grocers near my apartment frequently has all varieties of grapes on sale for 0.99c/lbs. I could buy everything she has listed for around $11 if I waited for berries to go on sale for $2.50 again. I live in a damn expensive city, too.

Dumb bitch needs to stop shopping at whatever overpriced hipster store she's decided on.

>> No.5797420

>>buy dry bulk grains and beans for majority of caloric intake
>25 pound bag of organic barley for $30, 25 pound bag of organic whole wheat flour for $28, 20 pounds of black beans for $20, 20 pounds of lentils for $16, etc
>>atleast 3 months worth of lean, high fiber, cholesterol lowering, blood pressure lowering meals for $100 or so

>grow leafy green vegetables,, vine fruits (tomatoes, peppers, etc), herbs, and root vegetables in back yard
>buy other produce when it's cheap, in season, and on sale

If you got the money, you can enjoy berries and all kinds of exotic fruit and veg every day, but it's not necessary. Just get what you can afford, and don't try to get all of your calories from imported grapes and a box of raspberries. Healthy as they are, they aren't the centerpiece of a healthy diet. Pick out some starchy whole plant foods to provide cheap calories, supplement with whatever fruit and veg you can afford

>> No.5797474
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I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say goodnight, /ck/.

>> No.5797484
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You can pick junk food (pic related: Richart chocolates) that are very expensive, and healthy food that's very cheap. This person seemed to pick healthy food that's very expensive (raspberries are probably the highest price-per-pound fruit at most US grocers) to try to deceptively make a point.

Raspberries don't produce much per fruit per area of land, harvesting from thorny plants has to be done by hand within a very narrow window of ripeness, and from picking to point of sale requires very rapid delivery, careful packaging to avoid damage, and careful temperature and humidity control. That's why a little tiny box costs so much unless you live near a raspberry farm, and even then they're not cheap (maybe $3 a pound).

Potatoes, by contrast, produce a lot of usable food per acre, allow leeway in the harvest window, and can be mechanically harvested, resulting in a price of 5 cents per pound wholesale from farms this year. They're hardy and easy to transport, and if they're kept in cool, dry, dark storage, they last 2-3 months.

>> No.5797486

Sweet dreams.

>> No.5797506
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Thanks. Means alot. You guys are the only friends I have. Only thing worth living for.

>> No.5797547

Stay strong, boyo.

>> No.5797555

>I communicate via email, traditional voice calls, and SMS

I don't even text, I've never seen the point. Just call them if it's that important!

>> No.5797607

you forgot to edit out her number

>> No.5797623

I think I know why people are so fat. Its not that they are expensive its that they lack knowledge and education about food.

>> No.5797668

you cant into math
and you are looking at the wrong line
then again grapes are a quite expensive fruit, why would you need 5.74 lb of it,
just buy apples or other cheap fruits

>> No.5797719

>1 huge bunch of kale $1.50
That's a lot cheaper than my neck of the woods. Unrelated but relevant to thread kinda, I've noticed Asian markets have significantly cheaper produce but it's just a pain sifting through all the shite

>> No.5797724

It's called 'soft' as opposed to 'hard' as it doesn't contain alcohol

>> No.5797750

that's not the only defining quality of a soft drink.
The term originated from using yeast fermentation to carbonate drinks, with soft drinks having very low alcohol content

>> No.5797778


knowing is half the battle!!!!

no seriously, at least 50% of it is conditioning. if they were raised to eat like shit, that's really fucking hard to break out of even if you're educated. and if you're depressed, which is really easy to become in our culture, you don't even really want to change.

>> No.5797779
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either way the bitch lied. She said she spent 32 dollars but she only spent 24. It's also 5.74 pounds of grapes which if I'm not mistaken is a lot of fucking grapes.

her "32 dollars" is the price before savings. her actual receipt is 24.58

>> No.5797790


>> No.5797797

>Buys a fuck load of fruit
>Nuts? All you got is fruit and you want nuts?
>Diet soda
This is a fatty's idea of "healthy".

>> No.5797810

>Be fat
>Want to go on diet
>go to super market with only £10 every 2 weeks
>get plenty of healthy foods that will last me more than 2 weeks
>i am now save money and become less fat

People who complain that eating healthy is expensive are just making fucking excuses, either that or they are completely retarded like the person in OP's post who spent all that money on healthy shit that they can't live off of and will all go off within a week or two.
How hard is it for these people to walk into a supermarket and pick up the cheap, healthy, foods that come in big quantities?

>> No.5797816

Bitch refuses to check for prices.

It doesn't matter if it's healthy, you have to check if you can afford it.

I bet the dumbass grabbed 2 bags of grapes thinking they were only 2.49 each instead of checking to see that it says 2.49 per pound.

>> No.5797827

Yeah but that probably comes down to the education systems fault for being too expensive for her, some how. its a lot cheaper to just go for the shittest easiest school, not her fault at all!

>> No.5797831

>Remember kids! Fruit are bad because reasons! Eat more bread and meat!

>> No.5797845

I think if you packaged it in an oxygen free environment it would be fine. Pack it in nitrogen or something

>> No.5797850

what do you make? I am interested in this and impressed.

>> No.5797866

this. my basic food budget, excluding booze and special shit, is 20-50 bucks a week for two people

>> No.5797867

>I can't use my brain to think of other situations besides right now

Onions potatoes and meat every day for an entire season isn't good for you

The only valid response to my post would have been "eat frozen vegetables"

You can't just tell poor people to eat seasonal only. And here I'm usually being called the bubble yuppie

>> No.5797868

>before I start, just letting you know I don't live in the states

I love to eat fruit and vege's but that shit is expensive. Currently a special going at my grocer for two capsicums (bell peppers) for $5. Banana's are probably the cheapest fruit I can buy weekly, going at $2-$3 dollars a kg. Grapes? Don't even think about it, that shit routinely goes for $6-$7 or even $8 a kg. Potatoes and onions are routinely cheap, you can get them for $1-$2 a kg. Frozen vege's are just as if not more expensive than fresh. Buying from a small green grocer is better for prices and keeping with the season, but they're still expensive to be eating a lot of it.

If I bought fruit and vegetables to incorporate into a week of food, even if it's replacing snack foods and lunches, easily adds $50 onto my normal budget. I cannot afford that shit, that's my bill money. Bills are most important than five fruit and vegs.

I can go to the fish and chip shop and spend $20 to feed 6 adults. If I tried to buy 'healthy' food with that much money for that number of people, i'd be fucked.

I can spend $1 and get a packet of chips to fill me up, or spend $10 on buying ingredients for a healthy meal.

When you are living in poverty, your groceries are the easiest place to cut costs. My country suffers from both a terrible poverty problem as well as an obesity problem. It's routinely shown that these two correspond. It's insanity that poor people have to turn to shit food to feed their families because they can't fucking afford to eat healthy.

>> No.5797871
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>soda not junk

>buying two of the most expensive non-exotic fruits

>> No.5797872

Biased cunt your basic food's like vege and fruit are GST free.

>> No.5797883

people, please. not everyone on tumblr is crazy. i run a very cordial gay BDSM blog, for example.

>> No.5797887

Now explain to me why buying fish and chips at a fish and chip shop would be cheaper per person than preparing the fish and chips at home? You realize they have to cover the costs of their food (many places buying directly from the same supermarkets you go to) AND pay their workers. Even if you aren't buying fruits and vegetables it's still way cheaper than $20 to feed six making that stuff at home, and you can spend the remainder on healthy foods, yeah?

>I can spend $1 and get a packet of chips to fill me up, or spend $10 on buying ingredients for a healthy meal.

You understand that 10 dollars on healthy food is not just ONE meal, correct? It's multiple unless you're goddamn ginormous.

Also why are you not buying cheap veggies and fruits? Apples and carrots?

>When you are living in poverty, your groceries are the easiest place to cut costs.


>My country suffers from both a terrible poverty problem as well as an obesity problem. It's routinely shown that these two correspond.

This is largely due to poor education, not lack of availability.

>It's insanity that poor people have to turn to shit food to feed their families because they can't fucking afford to eat healthy.

But you're looking at a very limited ideal of what "healthy eating" means and saying "fuck it." Do some research and stop being so lazy.

>> No.5797892


Are you the SAME guy who's BEEN posting these half page rants ALL night? Get A hold of yourself MAN, and stop capitalizing RANDOM words FOR emphasis. It's makes YOUR writing UNPLEASANT to READ.

>> No.5797895


Also, in response to one item in your post - I'll never understand why people consider internet and cell phones to be non-essential items.

If I lost my job those would be the last two items I'd give up. I'd sooner give up shelter than internet access and a cell phone. You can't get a job without those, and, in my line of work, I certainly couldn't keep one without them. I suspect you'd also have a hard time finding and applying for aid, looking for alternate shelter, etc.

>> No.5797896

because fish is fucking expensive????????????? one fillet for one fucking person costs fucking $6. That's the cheapest, skankiest piece of fish I can find from a fish monger.

>You understand that 10 dollars on healthy food is not just ONE meal, correct? It's multiple unless you're goddamn ginormous. Also why are you not buying cheap veggies and fruits? Apples and carrots?

Yeah, it is just one meal. I'd fucking know because I'm the one fucking making it.
>inb4 not budgetting/buying right stuff
cuz going over all the fliers from the three supermarket/groceries in my area and deiding on a payment plan and a menu for the week that's cross referenced with the shit I already have before leaving the house isn't responsible shopping.

Apples and carrots are fucking expensive. a kg of apples would be one snack a day for one week and about $5, if not more. KG of carrots are the same price if you get good tasting ones. $3 for the very large woody ones that are only fit for horse consumption. Am I supposed to feed myself on carrots and apples for dinner? Are you fucking kidding me?

>internet bill

>not knowing literally everything is done via the internet when currently on the internet.

I pay my bills via it, I maintain contact through friends and family via it, I search for jobs, track bus time schedules, find doctors in my area and monitor plenty of other shit, do my current work via it all in one place. That shit is way more fucking important to my life than eating five helpings of fruit and veges a day because if I didn't have it I wouldnt have any fucking money to pay for food, or a place to cook it.


>> No.5797897

>Are you the SAME guy who's BEEN posting these half page rants ALL night?
Na, first post in a week or so. It's really not a half page, most of it is quotes, calm down breh.

>Get A hold of yourself MAN, and stop capitalizing RANDOM words FOR emphasis. It's makes YOUR writing UNPLEASANT to READ.
We all have opinions, but I thought they weren't excessive.

>If I lost my job those would be the last two items I'd give up. I'd sooner give up shelter than internet access and a cell phone.
You know lots of public libraries have internet access for free right? And how would you give up shelter but not have internet? And how is paying that more important than health? Prioritize

>> No.5797899


>This is largely due to poor education, not lack of availability.

or it's due to the fact that its cheaper.

you can rant at me all you want but it's not going to convince me otherwise. I live this life, I know what I'm going through and what the prices of the shit I buy is. I live as frugally as I possibly can because I'm fucking broke. If that means being unhealthy for a couple of years then so fucking be it.

>> No.5797909

>You know lots of public libraries have internet access for free right?

With limitations, during library hours only, and for limited periods of time. Not responding to an email in time can cost you a job opportunity. Every day without work is a kick in the nuts.

>And how would you give up shelter but not have internet?

Ever heard of these newfangled portable computing devices that you see all those starbucks hipsters carrying around? I can use those anywhere that can get a mobile phone signal.

>And how is paying that more important than health? Prioritize

What are you, a pyramid slave in ancient Egypt? My health can take a beating for 6 months while I look for work. YOU prioritize. You're out of your mind if you think it's better to compromise your job-getting abilities even in the slightest so you can eat more #localvore #superfoods.

>> No.5797914

Where the fuck do you live that you can get beef for less than $4 a pound?

>> No.5797915

>because fish is fucking expensive????????????? one fillet for one fucking person costs fucking $6. That's the cheapest, skankiest piece of fish I can find from a fish monger.

Where do you live that you can't find frozen fish packs for less than 20 dollars?

>Yeah, it is just one meal. I'd fucking know because I'm the one fucking making it.

It's possible you are an idiot for throwing ten dollars of ingredients into one meal and then complaining after. Show me a sample frugal meal you make that costs 10 dollars.

>$3 for the large woody (carrots) that are only fit for horse consumption.

where are you even finding these in super markets?

>Am I supposed to feed myself on carrots and apples for dinner? Are you fucking kidding me?

Carrots, rice, and eggs is a simple and cheap meal. Throw in some chicken, frozen if you need and you're looking at ~$2 meals

About the internet, it's vital and I understand this but if you're shortening your life and claiming you can't make room in your budget for food, than you really should explore every option of cutting costs. Because if bread, rice, leafy greens, and chicken is too absurd to pay for then you're goddamn nuts and should cut costs everywhere you can until it's feasible.

>> No.5797923

My whole point wasn't that the internet isn't a necessity just that if you're eating to the point of obesity or otherwise unhealthily that is significantly damaging to health to "cut costs" then you really need to seek out all opportunities to cut them elsewhere as living is pretty important.

>My health can take a beating for 6 months while I look for work. YOU prioritize. You're out of your mind if you think it's better to compromise your job-getting abilities even in the slightest so you can eat more #localvore #superfoods.

Ending an argument with a strawman is a sure way of getting taken seriously. What of my suggestions were superfoods? Why are you typifying me as someone of that ilk? To justify your own opinions on the matter without having to actually look at my arguments? I'm not suggesting to buy acai berries or wild salmon or pounds of pine nuts. I'm stating that cheap frugal meals can be made, and they can still be healthy. And really if you're only eating at a fish n chips place (assuming you're the same person) everyday for every meal than why are you on this board? To tease yourself with all the people talking about cooking, or to talk about how you eat at one place, or is it to respond exclusively to threads like these?

>> No.5797924

If you're paying more than $2.50 for a pound of good quality tofu you're being ripped off.

>> No.5797926

Currently, not on sale, local supermarkets have ground beef ranging from $3-$4/lb

>> No.5797934

It's like you don't even want gains.

>> No.5797939

>I'm not suggesting to buy acai berries or wild salmon or pounds of pine nuts

Nor am I suggesting you spend $120/month on verizon fiber so you can stream HD cat videos all day.

Why is internet and cell phones always the first example of places to cut costs? What kind of person still thinks this way? It's like you're repeating talking points from a 1990s pamphlet from the Contract on America, when everyone still had land lines and the internet was a toy. This isn't the 1990s anymore. If you show up at my office unsolicited, wearing a Mens Wearhouse suit and offering a paper resume, I'll take one to get you back in the elevator more quickly, and it will get dropped in the trash instantly.


Why do people like you instantly use the word "strawman" when you yourself are using the same logic? Do you believe it somehow shields your arguments from criticism automatically?

>> No.5797944


And no, I'm not fish and chips guy. At this point easily 2/3 of the regulars on /ck/ are in this thread arguing with one another. Get over yourself.

>> No.5797948

>Why is internet and cell phones always the first example of places to cut costs?
It isn't. It's just the most obvious due to the fact someone is obviously using it. They can lower their plan to lower download speed, they can use public options, etc. My point is, if you're going to cut costs of food and maintain an unhealthy lifestyle that could be threatening and cause obesity then other options should be looked at for cost cutting.

If someone is obese and develops any form of disease, large or small, it's going to be far more costly than buying healthier foods and living a healthier lifestyle. What is so controversial about this statement?

And what exactly was my strawman?

>> No.5797963

>someone is using the internet
>they are obviously spending too much on something they don't need

This is your strawman

No one plans for unemployment to be a long term situation. There's certainly an argument to be made for looking after your health, but most people, at least most people I know, would consider the suit, the haircut, the phone, and the internet connectivity to be priority #1, and everything else is negotiable. You don't have to tell your interviewer you ate TVP mixed with parboiled rice for the last 20 days in a row, or that you showered at the homeless shelter. You do have to tell him if your cell phone service was cut off or you won't be able to respond to followup emails over the holiday weekend.

>> No.5797981

And I understand all of this. What I don't understand is why we're uselessly arguing semantics when I'm making the argument as to long term health being the most important. His situation isn't that of waiting for a big break in interviews or homelessness (he made the argument that he needed to feed 6 people, I think they'd be irked if he chose to be homeless to keep his internet, unless I completely misunderstood why he mentioned fish and chips places being 20 dollars for six people). You're making an extremely specific argument here that isn't even applicable to his situation based on what he's said. And the point still stands that he could eat healthily but he chooses not to because he's under the delusion that healthy meals cost ten dollars to make per person, and I don't see how anyone can reasonably believe that.

>> No.5798899

No it didn't. http://zidbits.com/2011/07/why-are-carbonated-beverages-called-soft-drinks/

Why Are They Called Soft Drinks?

The word ‘soft drink’ owes its origin to simple advertising. The makers of artificial (and natural) flavored carbonated beverages were having a difficult time marketing their product nationally thanks to the fact that the name for these beverages varied from region to region and even city to city. For instance, in different parts of the United States and Canada, flavored carbonated beverages can be referred to as pop, and in other parts, soda, in yet other parts there are other names.

Vintage Pepsi Ad
Vintage Pepsi Ad
Internationally, it’s even more difficult. For example, in England soft drinks are called “fizzy drinks” in Ireland they were called “minerals”. So because they couldn’t refer to their product in the generic sense on national (or international) advertisements, the manufactures chose the term “soft drink” to be more or less a universal term for their non-alcoholic carbonated beverages.

>> No.5798917

>ignores all the facts ITT that have been posted
>Doesn't say where he lives so he can be refuted
>thinks over priced cheap shit food is the way to go
>thinks FOOD which causes you to live is more important to cut cost on than, phone, internet, tv Jordans, trendy clothes, going out at night etc.

Well done sir, well done.

>> No.5798925

this is just fucking stupid and clearly written by a teenager.

>go to friends house
>use free wifi in the MILLIONS of places that have it
>apply in person
>get a pre paid phone for like $10 with enough minutes until you get a job
>go to any number of govt run employment centers
>go to any number of private run employment centers

>making horrible excuses for being dumb.

>> No.5798932

You sure are making up a lot of things and stretching the truth quite a bit.

>4/10 would let tell me a bed time story

>> No.5798946

>takes the most extreme situation to make excuses for fatties being fat
>hurrrr but .01% of the population is like sadksadaldlnfanfsfnf


>> No.5799020

>only 0.1% of the population is a skilled professional who depends on internet access to communicate with potential employers

No, we're not all Mexican day laborers here on /ck/

Same goes for you, big strong man >>5798925

>I need internet therefore I'm a teenager

Spoken like a shitstain who has never looked for work

>> No.5799306


>> No.5799516

>our nation
And which one would that be where the the previous statement is true?

>> No.5799527

I'm in Ottawa and green peppers are about $2/lb and red/yellow peppers are $3/lb.
Chicken is the worst fucking thing ever here. Its usually like $7-8/lb for boneless skinless breasts and it kills me. Beef is usually cheaper.

It gets a bit annoying and I miss Murrica.

>> No.5799553
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The price is bullshit, but they do have a point.

Fruit, Veggies and food in general are rather expensive these days.

>mfw a tiny bag of dried fruit costs like, 4 smackaros

>> No.5799610

I could easily feed myself on 32 dollars for a week

>> No.5799746

She made a deceptive point, all right, but it was with the fucking gold-injected grapes if you'd bothered to read her receipt.

>> No.5799756 [DELETED] 
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Hey /ck/
I have $12 left on my amazon gift card and I want to buy an unusual snack with this purchase, since I'll get free shipping anyway.

What should I get?