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File: 174 KB, 550x437, costco+chicken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5796093 No.5796093 [Reply] [Original]

List some food combinations that you find delicious even though they're not "conventional".

I'll start:

>Rotisserie chicken from Costco
>Tortilla chips

>> No.5796111

LOL! That used to be my goto drunken late night snack. Yeah, those two go together perfectly.

>> No.5796129

> drunk late night snack
> Costco chicken

Anon, you have some problems...

>> No.5796137

When I was 9 I liked to put Flinstones Vitamin Gummies in my Peanut Butter Sandwiches instead of jelly.

I used to(and still do) put spoonfuls of Nesquik in stuffing around Thanksgiving to make a delicious desert out of it.

I used to wait until chocolate milk in the carton was a little chunky and then blend around 2 cups of it with a banana for a slightly tangy, creamy smoothie.

>> No.5796139

sliced radishes + peanut butter on toast

>> No.5796141

Yeast + anything ever = delicious

>> No.5796144

I ate an entire bottle (180) of gummy vitamins in exchange for 8 dollars on paypal. Nothing bad happened.

>> No.5796161

figs and parma ham

>> No.5796370

Mayo and Soy sauce on rice
Mayo and Natto.
Is this what freedom tastes like?

>> No.5796387

>spoonfuls of Nesquik in stuffing
There is no god

>> No.5796453

If that's mayo made with apple cider vinegar, the hell yes.

>> No.5796496

Honey and bleu cheese on ritz crackers.

>> No.5796499


Breaking news! This just in! Fat and salt form delicious duo!

>> No.5797424

>pork chops

Been doing it since I was little.

>> No.5797432
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>> No.5797457

Peanut butter covered pineapples.

>> No.5797490
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Canned ravioli and ranch dressing.

>> No.5797494

Apples have been a combination for pork since fucking forever.

>> No.5797496

try plum sauce with it, shit's delicious on pork.

>> No.5797498

Cheez-Its + Fruit snacks, any flavor or brand.

Just a mouthful of both at the same time

>> No.5797499
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>mfw i found out the main ingredient in the sauce for tonkatsu is apple sauce

>> No.5797533

PB 'quesadillas' with peanut butter, sautéed onions and garlic, sliced steak and dill pickle relish. Fry in oil and you're in business.

>> No.5797585

go all the way! add basil and lime juice.
Fuck yeah vietnam!

>> No.5797874

Nice meme dude.
I actually have had it! My favorite is a mango sauce.

>> No.5797985

mcdonald's fries and mcdonald's icecream(plain cheap one in cone)

>> No.5798057

strawberries and bacon.

>> No.5798064

steak sauce on baked/mashed potatoes

>> No.5798071


not really too weird, but I usually dip microwavable burritos in bbq sauce. Makes them taste a whole lot better.

>> No.5798344

Ketchup on mashed potatoes

>> No.5798346

Cheese whiz and chips ahoy on sliced bread lol I used to do this all the time when I was younger.

>> No.5798367


>> No.5798379

Cocktail sausages with hot sauce

>> No.5798389

>Rotisserie chicken from Costco

Funny thing is that they are not making profit from selling these things and used more of a lure to the stores.

>> No.5798407

Don't knock it till you try it.

>> No.5798409

Toasted Peanut Butter and Bologna sandwiches.

>> No.5798416

Peanut butter on ham and fucking cheese

With sriracha

>> No.5798422
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These with gummy bears and a glass of merlot.

>> No.5798429

chicken and pineapple in a stew. it's pretty common, but i was still surprised how good it went together.

>> No.5798459

I'm partially scared

>> No.5798473

Nutella and foie gras on bread

>> No.5798483

French fries dipped in vanilla ice cream. But fries must be still warm.

>> No.5798486

Why not chop the chicken up and put it on top of chips with a bunch of cheese and melt the cheese over it in the oven? It would probably take no time and be a lot better.

>> No.5798499

But I just want rotisserie chicken and tortilla chips, nacho abomination.

>> No.5798508

but you're two simple steps away from delicious chilaquiles

>> No.5798515
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tortilla chips dipped in sweet n sour sauce.

>> No.5798536

>chicken curry
>chili chips

>> No.5798564

god DAMN that sounds good

>> No.5798576

My mom ate this when she was pregnant with my younger brother, and she'd always share it with me:
Pinto beans
Add ketchup
Add relish
I can't explain it...it's just good.

When I'm sick, I make instant rice, and add a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, unprepared, just straight out the can, more like a sauce. It's perfect for an upset stomach that's also really hungry (like flu or stomach virus).

>> No.5798579
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Lime juice in milk, gives it refreshing zest.

>> No.5798583

Also my mom likes to put cornbread crumbled up into her glass of milk, with just half a spoon of sugar.

creamed corn with a little sugar in it is good too. Add cloves or cinnamon and it's amazing.

In tomato soup, I add cloves, onion, garlic, and pepper. It's awesome that way.

>> No.5798585

I guess it's common enough, but I always get disgusted responses from anyone who sees me eat cottage cheese with hotsauce or savoury seasonings like salt and pepper, chili salt, celery salt, garlic salt, etc

but on the other hand I don't like to see people eating it like a yoghurt sub, with fruit, honey or granola.

On a grosser and more relevant note, tuna salad made with wasabi, louisiana hotsauce and mayo with cheddar or kraft singles on toast or a fucking rice cake or out of a bowl with chunky salsa

>> No.5798603

Peking Duck Sauce on everything

>> No.5798604

I might try that. I usually make my tuna salad with grey poupon dijon mustard predominantly, rather than mayo.
Any good wasabi brands I should consider buying? I live in a white, rural, area, so finding wasabi is relatively hard unless I hike out to a specialty store (which I don't mind doing, if it's worth it).

>> No.5798733

Frosted Flakes milk and all, and bacon

>> No.5798834

Scrambled eggs, and garlic & herb chicken kiev. Fucking deliscious.

>> No.5798884

Hoisin Sauce? Yup. Try it on roasted fingerling potatoes.

>> No.5799293

Lime juice curdles milk retard. Enjoy your milky lime-curds.

>> No.5799319

one time I was really craving a chinese chicken salad but had no lettuce so I just put the other ingredients in a bowl with the sauce and it was like eating some fucked up bizarro version of cereal but still really good

>> No.5799522


that is not new tho

>> No.5799674
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>> No.5799684

>Vanilla ice cream

Shit's cash

>> No.5799690


I can't explain why, just that it tastes good.

>> No.5799694

Reminds me I used to love chocolate and salty fries.

I often baste my bacon strips in sugar water too but that's normalish I guess

>> No.5799695

>Not Kahlua
Shit's casher!
Fuck! Amaretto also.

>> No.5799702

I fucking hate kahlua, but I could see amaretto being good.

Srs tho pour a dribble of Zubrowka over some ice cream it turns it into something godly

>> No.5799705

speaking of fries, this is probably a common thing but I always dip fries in shakes and whatever those fucking things are called from wendys

>> No.5799709

vinegar in almost any soup
especially chicke souo

>> No.5799710
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cut up hot dogs fried on the stove top dipped in maple syrup

>> No.5799711

Aw shit I just remembered another one. If I have leftover yorkshires from a roast I'll cover them with custard

>> No.5799760

Mic the maple syrup with a bit of ketchup
Omg soooooooooooooo yummy

>> No.5799773

Oh another I forgot, I fucking love cheese sandwiches with jerk sauce

>> No.5799776

Flaming hot cheetos and creamcheese bagel

>> No.5799807

>not dipping fries in wendy's frosty
everyone has known this for centuries

>> No.5799811

>not dipping fries in a wendy's frosty
everyone has known this for centuries

>> No.5799812

Smokey bacon chips and ketchup sammiches

>> No.5799813

Hot Tamales + Popcorn
Mustard covered pickles
gummy bears + doritos

>> No.5799816

a vegemite sandwich, with pringles..
dat vegemite crunch

>> No.5799824

Oh hell yeah.
Nothing like heading to Wendy's and getting a big order of fries, a chocolate frosty, a cup of chili, and just dipping your way straight to heaven.

>> No.5799826

ugh, I've always hated dried shrimp
it's like biting down on an insect

>> No.5799829
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Chick-fil-a nuggets with guacamole placed in those little bowl shaped scoops tortilla chips

>> No.5799841

I just can't handle any type of hotdogs that arn't costly. They just taste like shit

>> No.5799846

you reminded me of something kind of weird I make sometimes
basically just take those scoop chips, fill them with tuna and then top with whatever cheese you want, put in the oven until the cheese is melted.
little crunchy tuna melt bites
even better put a little bit of franks red hot under the cheese before you put it in the oven

>> No.5799850

are you me anon?

>> No.5799894

>used more of a lure to the stores
I hear the same thing about their tire department. Those probably taste better, too.

>> No.5799897

>cornbread crumbled up into her glass of milk, with just half a spoon of sugar.
Cornbread's made with sugar already. Jesus.

>> No.5799903

Bacon dipped in maple syrup. Super cheap fried bologna also works well.

>> No.5800565
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I can't afford to be picky, I just get pic related from Walmart in the Azn foods section. It costs either $1.98 or $2.98; I can't remember. Either way, not a bad price. The consistency isn't so much of a nice thick paste that you get at restaurants, and its color seems suspiciously bright, but the ingredients read "wasabi, water" (most of the other shit I have seen on shelves is wasabi 'spread' or 'sauce' which usually contains soybean oil, sugar and a fuckload of other additives) and it has the nice sinus-cleansing burn that I expect from wasabi, so it's good enough for me. Also it comes in a tube (cool).

beggars can't be choosers/10, recommended

>> No.5800683

white cheddar and straberry preserves
cook that shit in a pot and omg

>> No.5800760

I was going to say something to that effect.

Coconut milk would be okay though wouldn't it? Maybe with a splash of rum too. Nice refreshing summer drink right there.

>> No.5800897

Bacon on pancakes with maple syrup is a fairly common combo. You wouldn't expect it to be so good but it really works.

>> No.5801835

the fuck kinda cornbread you eating?
corn muffins are made with sugar.

>> No.5801886

Every cornbread recipe has sugar shitskull. Cornmeal already has sugar in it to begin with.

>> No.5801911


This is actually really good. There was a bbq place in my town that offered bbq burritos with bbq sauce, cheese, beans, meat, etc. To make at home just get a bigger tortilla, sprinkle with cheese and bbq sauce and put some meat in it and then wrap it around one of those microwave burritos. BBQ sauce and cheese are really good together, kind of like how they're making bbq pizzas nowadays.

>> No.5801923


Another thing that's good is to dump a can of cream of soup over some chicken and cook the chicken in the soup. Serve over toast.

>> No.5801929
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Sounds like shit on a shingle with chicken, i'm hungry now.

>> No.5801932
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Shrimp are fucking insects.

>> No.5801982

carrots and mustard.

>> No.5802064

Pizza with bbq sauce, very thinly sliced red potato, pineapple and jalapenos is absolutely GOAT

>> No.5802070

Mandarin orange slices on pizza.
GOAT hawaiian pizza
>mandarin slices
>hint of bbq sauce

>> No.5802071
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shrimp are decapod crustaceans, you fucking dick brain

>> No.5802075
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pic related

>> No.5802107

I'm with anon. They're fucking sea bugs and we still eat them. It's not a big deal. Shut up.

>> No.5802155
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Potato chips and any type of shredded or sliced cheese topped with cracked pepper, dried chives, and whatever else you feel like putting on top spice wise.

Fucking microwave that shit until the cheese melts. I did this all the time when I was little.

>Pic related, only these chips bring me back to childhood.

>> No.5802174

I like to put a laddle of cold, left-over chili on top of a slice of pumpkin pie.

I also eat grape jelly (not shitty brands), blue cheese, and liverwurst sandwiches.

>> No.5802177
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do you even phylogeny?

>> No.5802184

to be fair im sure even human meat would taste good with ranch

>> No.5802218

Southern cornbread has traditionally been made with little or no sugar and smaller amounts flour or no flour, with northern cornbread being sweeter and more cakelike.

This is probably a confusion on both our parts then. Every cornbread I've ever had has not had sugar in it. Corn muffins specifically have sugar in them. That's the difference, from what I grew up with.

>> No.5802229

Pringles on a peanut butter sandwich.

Only pringles work for some reason. Normal chips don't taste nearly as good. Pringles have that satisfying texture

>> No.5802464

Pear salad: fresh or canned pears, mayo, and grated sharp cheddar cheese.
Fuck you, it's goddamn delicious.

>> No.5802633

Not unusual. As a matter of fact, that's very traditional.

>> No.5802649

saltines with honey

>> No.5802653

Salsa and Cream Cheese
Fucking fantastic

>> No.5803218

honey and ketchup mixed together for nuggets

>> No.5803245

Everything you have listed is very standard

>> No.5803257

>have braces
>can't eat an apple like a normal person
i got really hungry one night and cubed some granny smith apples and extra sharp cheddar cheese and tossed it with some lemon juice and ate it
i don't know if this is a thing but I still eat it on occasion

>> No.5803340

I'm too afraid to eat something unprecedented
The weirdest thing I like along those lines is Dr. Pepper with a good cigar.

>> No.5803344

>Also my mom likes to put cornbread crumbled up into her glass of milk, with just half a spoon of sugar.
my grandpa always put pieces of cake in a glass of milk, it's actually really good and i prefer to eat it this way. it's like tres leches cake.

>> No.5803347

Oatmeal and chili

>> No.5803363

Sounds tasty! Apples & cheddar is a normal combination, usually in slices, and lemon is normal to put on cut fruit to keep it from browning

>> No.5803547

Hmm that does sound like it'd taste good but at the end of the day I'm a texture person, so I don't care too much for it.

>> No.5803559

Well I guess I like to make out with your mum

>> No.5803563

used to do that as a child

>> No.5804098

steak and dijon mustard (just a bit)