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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5792657 No.5792657 [Reply] [Original]


So what do you take from this? Pretty much everyone's suggesting to drop meat and especially dairy, as well as sodas and push for more vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Also less salt, more potassium.

Let's face it, this change will come and it will benefit many people. I'm not telling you to never eat meat or cheese, I love my cheeseburgers, but I only have one with premium ingredients every two or three months.

What do you feed your children? Are you beginning to eat more plant based?

>> No.5792675

>this change will come
not in my house
and not with my vote

>> No.5792688

>your children

what are you doing here?

also yes, it is rational to stop eating they way we've been doing for the past decades, but it takes time for the uncultured masses to change habits.

>> No.5792698

Why not anon? Is it the taste?
If you skip to around 28:00 you'll see how most americans are doing and it's scary. Pretty much 98% of the US population has poor consumption of whole grains, fruits and veggies. It's bizarre. When you eat a meal, it shouldn't consist of fried potatoes and charred beef along with bleached treated deodorized white flour buns.


Whether this will come in two or twenty years, it all comes down to when the lobbying will not be able to outbuy the public's health.

>but i'm healthy, top lel
>implying you don't laugh at all those whales driving through your walmarts
>implying you want a future consisting of fat people and pay more taxes because they're getting horribly sick

>> No.5792700

If you worry about what people will do if you try to take away their firearms, you have no idea what will happen if you try to take away their meat.

Eating meats, to the complete exclusion of all grains and fruits and the relative exclusion of vegetables, allowed me to lose seventy pounds. Physical health largely improved, libido outrageous, increasingly fit.

The health of a vegetarian diet is the great lie of the nutrition world in the post-war period, particularly as concerns the health-benefits of grains. There are no benefits to eating grains, unless you desire to get fat. It's very easy to turn into a landwhale eating largely grains, regardless of the type.

>> No.5792701

>I love my cheeseburgers, but I only have one with premium ingredients every two or three months.

That's really far between. I doubt having one every 2-3 weeks would be any more of a problem.

>> No.5792703

What's the point? even if you can change the food habits of most people, they are going to change them again to something else in like 30 years.

>> No.5792705
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I don't have children.

But I've gone to a mostly whole-grain/bean based diet. I would guess most of my calories come from black beans, oats, and brown rice. Also I make smoothies pretty frequently which incorporate greek yogurt, which is my only regular exposure to dairy. Protein is pretty much entirely from fish and eggs.

>tfw your nutrition has gotten 10,000x better since you got on food stamps

>> No.5792711

What are you talking about? Grains make you fat? Dafuq man.

I've been eating spelt, millet, quinoa, amaranth, rye, oats, rice and many others for 5 years now.

I haven't gotten fat and nobody that actually eats this has. Stop this bullshit propaganda. The people who wrote wheat belly and grain brain are fat themselves. People actually eating whole grains are lean as fuck.

>> No.5792717

for me it's primarily not wanting to pay for these faggots

if everyone was healthier and smarter, we would be dealing with less issues and less cost, therefore lower taxes.

so yeah, i'm all in favor for a diet that says goodbye to the number 1 killer in the US (it's not terrorism, lol)

>> No.5792718

not op, but:

>you have no idea what will happen if you try to take away their meat

I don't think the idea i to take away anyone's anything, but to just put more emphasis on eating less meat and mre whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, whether that be done by subsidies or just government nutrition recommendations.

>The health of a vegetarian diet is the great lie of the nutrition world

The diet may not work for you, but it's pretty consistently shown to be healthier overall for most people. Try not to take your anecdotal evidence and assume it's the truth for everyone.

>> No.5792801

>the number 1 killer in the US
That would be sugar and HFCS, well those are are two, but they are pretty alike.

>> No.5792882

I don't want a future with leftist policies making me responsible for daily eating and exercise habits of others, nor do I want them to be responsible for mine.
not him, but I worked at a vegetarian restaurant, and most of the stuff they sold there was terrible from a health perspective

>> No.5792899

>vegetarian restaurant
>not vegan
there's your problem anon

>> No.5792904

some of the worst dishes were vegan

>> No.5792909

>trust me, i worked at a vegetarian restaurant

unless you actually post a recipe or anything there is no way a discussion is gonna happen..

>> No.5792929

im not gonna go full vegfag or anything, but im trying this diet where i only eat meat on the weekends and i feel a little better i gotta say

>> No.5792947

not really interested in discussion, since most of the vegan discussion on this board is shitty trolling
suffice to say a lot of margarine, simple carbs, fried items, and low protein content not from varied sources in the majority of the menu items
point being, it's just as easy to have a terrible diet with the exclusion of meat and dairy than including it

>> No.5793153

will eating this way make all the latinas here in the south actually look like Freelee BG?

if so, I'm all for it bro, too hard to find a nice latina around here

>> No.5793294

I'm fucking glad. It's astounding that we have so much nutritional evidence freely available that shows how bad these foods are for you, yet people still believe meat and dairy/eggs are a healthy, necessary food group. The average person still thinks vegan/vegetarians are weird and that you need excessive amounts of protein if you're not a bodybuilder.

>> No.5793331
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Potassium = constipation. I am already constipated enough.

>> No.5793358

whaat? my wife eats a lot of potatoes and bananas daily and has the nicest poops ever.

what's your diet like? why do you think it's the potassium?

>> No.5793371

PopTarts, Ramen, Canned Chili, Spaghettios, and beer.

>> No.5794782

5 hour video
5 hours

>> No.5794790

>still no realized carbons make you fat.
It's not the meat that make you americans pig disgusting it's the fucking cola you drink in 5 litre containers

>> No.5794798
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This is how vegetarians spend their free time.

Why can't we just have the papers they're reading what is the point of this conference.

Why is that cute semon demon in the background just standing there.

>> No.5794876
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