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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 600x399, fuul english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5785384 No.5785384 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5785386

First for fried tomatoes

>> No.5785391
File: 112 KB, 800x532, bandeja-paisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks grandpa. I'll be over here enjoying my superior plate filled with beans and fried foods.

>> No.5785396

That's a dinner.

>> No.5785412
File: 565 KB, 1023x767, 1042761260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5785419

With the exception of the rice, it's the same fucking thing as OP. A plate of meats, sausages, beans and eggs. It's not my fault lardass Brits eat supper for breakfast.

>> No.5785446


0/10, would not eat.

>> No.5785459

Well I suppose if you want to do it the English way, you could substitute the delicious buttery-textured fruit for a big knob of butter. Also drown the whole plate in gravy.

>> No.5785470


I believe the word you're looking for is slimy.

>> No.5785474

I'll bet you think apples are slimy too. Stop purchasing rotten produce.

>> No.5785477

You're eating some rotten-ass avocados if you think they're slimy.

>> No.5785486

That is just a work of art. The black pudding and mushrooms are things I miss when eating a north american fried breakfast

>> No.5785504
File: 817 KB, 1187x850, bandeja paisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn. I'd probably have to share it with at least a couple of other people but that's one of the most delicious looking things I've seen in a while.

>> No.5785518

Fuck you Brits, that looks good!!! I'd add more crusty bread but then I'm a Colonial!!!!!

>> No.5785522

For some reason, that all looks like it's made of plastic, or resin, like fake food.

>> No.5785524

Yeah, I usually only head over to the Columbian restaruant to have one when I'm really drunk or hung over. Only time I can eat that much food is when alcohol is involved.

>> No.5785527

That looks good, but I'd replace the white rice with some leftover pork fried rice

>> No.5785531

Check out some sbarro pizza, then you can see that plastic sheen and the morons that buy it.

>> No.5785547

I've never had a full English, I feel bad now.

>> No.5785555

Why do those tomatoes look so desaturated?

>> No.5785575

>That bacon thing

What...is that?

It's beautiful

>> No.5785579
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>> No.5785591
File: 61 KB, 897x653, i'montoyoufaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you didn't post this here after it was deleted from /mu/

>> No.5785598
File: 37 KB, 500x333, 20100913-colombia-llanos-ternera-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off cat faggot!

>> No.5785614


El Chombo - Macarron Chacarron

>> No.5785617

I know it's wrong, but I always get chips with my full english. Don't like black pudding either, but apart from that there is no better way to start the day.

>> No.5785644

Fuckin' terrorist!

>> No.5785678


As you shouldn't. Black pudding has a primary ingredient of blood and is forbidden from the Christian diet. Way to keep yourself pure fellow englishman! England first, ENGLAND

>> No.5785714

Context forms an important part of reading comprehension.

>> No.5785737

I am unaware of any orthodox Christian tradition which forbids blood. Just the ones who want to pretend that they're Jewish.

>> No.5785758

Welp, nevermind. Looks like there are some old school Eastern Orthodox who won't eat blood. But given how many Romanian and Russian Orthodox I've met who eat blood sausage, I didn't think that was the case.

Fuck 'em though, they're only orthodox if you don't count the filioque.

>> No.5785776

Oh look, it's another failure of a british thread with the same 5 pics.

>> No.5785892

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. You eat the largest meal for breakfast to provide energy for the day's work.

>> No.5785921
File: 39 KB, 550x412, english-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might have a point if this were an English breakfast and not an English supper. And let's not forget your late-night drunken kebab.

>> No.5785993


>> No.5786179

stegosaurus meat?

>> No.5786183

Better. Chicharrones.

>> No.5786208

too much meat and eggs. an adult doesn't need that much protein.

>> No.5786220

Lel enjoy your no muscles

>> No.5786243

>m-m-muh health..
Keep that shit in your vegan threads.

>> No.5787163

>britbongs with muscles
this isnt a YLYL thread guy

inb4 someone posts the one or two british weightlifters in the world

>> No.5788322

I think I'm in love

>> No.5788384

>eating protein gives you muscles
Post a pic of your fat gut for us all to admire.

>> No.5788390

That actually looks pretty good. Except for that disgusting black pudding stuff

>> No.5788394

>Except for that disgusting black pudding stuff
Vegan detected.

>> No.5788409

I love meat, m8. There is just nothing appetizing about consuming animal blood

>> No.5788421

>There is just nothing appetizing about consuming animal blood
You might as well be a vegan. You are actually worse than vegans, you are an urban processed food carnivore. I bet you post shit on vegan threads a lot too. How is that weak jaw line treating you? Try eating the whole animal sometime.

>> No.5788426

have you tried it? it's pretty tasty, it's like a spicy oatmeal sausage more than anything

>> No.5788427

y'know apart from the bacon and the sausages and the eggs

>> No.5788431
File: 45 KB, 650x479, Flintstones-Ribs-Car-1394579196466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5788432

just because someone doesnt like black pudding doesnt mean their any less of a meat eater...im not a huge fan of it but i'll eat it if it was served to me

>> No.5788440

One of these days when I visit England I'll have a proper full English breakfast, that includes blood sausage, so my chance to try it.

Blood sausage just isn't something that I've ever seen on any menu here in the USA.

>> No.5788447

highly recommend it, you could just make one yourself its not difficult, its mostly fried

>> No.5788560

disgusting. no surprise when people who eat like that are such irrelevant barbarians. keep spending your life digesting food.

>> No.5788561

It looks like the vertebrae of some small animal.

>> No.5788568
File: 164 KB, 1200x900, 14725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5788580

black pudding mate, don't say blood sausage.
Its basically just like eating a big scab.

>> No.5788600

god , how can people eat such a thing for bfast...

>> No.5788609

its called 'pudding' rather than 'sausage' because there's very little meat in it, so 'blood sausage' is wrong

>> No.5788634

I'll give you the griddled tomatoes, Bongistani friends.

But beans, fuck that. And yeah, I've had your "tinned beanies in TOE-MAH-TOE dressing".

Also, Cumberland Banger with maple syrup>all those weird ones full of fucking oats.

>> No.5788644

Wrong, all sausages were called puddings back in the day. It held over for some things.

>> No.5788648

We can see in the OP pic, A couple pieces of black pudding, two links of white pudding, a scoop of tiny puddings, a slice of pig pudding, a couple of sunny side up chicken puddings, and two grilled halves of ground pudding.

>> No.5788710

>syrup on a savoury sausage

Fat pleb.

>> No.5788729

As a kid I never knew what it was they ordered.
I always used to think they bought a side car for their car and it was too big or something.
But now I see its dinosaur ribs.

>> No.5788913

why is there toast in those napkin holders?

>> No.5788918

Because it's a toast rack

>> No.5788930
File: 67 KB, 620x413, 1403285870195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga likes soggy toast

>> No.5788934

Scotch egg?

>> No.5788969

>that disgusting black pudding stuff
Have you ever actually tried it or are you an 8 year old?

>> No.5788972

why do you bits eat like barbarians? cmon, i know youre not too bright but you could sure do better

>> No.5788978
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 9161257C0Hc6uMu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those nasty chunks of tomato

>> No.5788982

Looks like someone took a watery shit on your plate.

>> No.5788992
File: 67 KB, 450x250, French-Breakfast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5788999

They look sick

>> No.5789000
File: 65 KB, 588x392, roast-rib-of-beef[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is the worst fucking roast I've ever seen. Pic related is how it should look.

>> No.5789008


Where is the fucking protein

>> No.5789010


> Cumberland banger with maple syrup

So much wrong

>> No.5789037
File: 948 KB, 1850x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My breakfast today is pic related. I started cooking it and realized I had no beans ;_;

Also hash browns under the eggs, and I already ate the sausage. I will not be eating for the rest of the day.

>> No.5789046

10/10 would consume heartily. I'm quite jelly actually.

>> No.5789122

The bane of most cafe fry-ups is low quality sausages. Tubes of grey mush, i dread to think of the ingredients.

>> No.5789304

Awwww yeaaah

>> No.5789356
File: 66 KB, 736x597, akee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5785598-This one got me

The 'big slices are breadfruit.

>> No.5789364
File: 163 KB, 2832x1374, Breadfruit-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5789365

don't talk shit on sbarro you faggot

>> No.5789439

It's not something that should be eaten as an everday breakfast, although some people do. The past few times i've had one is when i've got up early and I know i'm not going to be eating a lot or anything for lunch so the next main meal is dinner.

>> No.5789449

That's what I thought until I ate it. You're already consuming the flesh of a dead animal, but you only think that's normal because you do it all the time. If you had never done it before and someone asked you to eat a bit of heated up flesh from a dead animal you'd think they were insane.

>> No.5790565

Not to mention that same flesh has thousands of tiny veins and capillaries filled with blood already.

>> No.5790681

Nigga you done good

>> No.5790705

Lolwut, Hindus in India often go their entire lives without seeing anyone eat meat but they don't freak out when they come to the west and see it happen. Control your effete vegan rage.

>> No.5790730

Get out of here ya sissy

>> No.5790735

that's because indians still usually consume milk so they haven't gone insane from malnutrition

>> No.5790761

>Those overcooked carrots

Everything else looks divine, though I personally am not a fan of peas. Roast potato...mmmmm.

>> No.5790785

As an Americlap, I do have to say I love a full English. (That should be the name of a sex move). I'm lucky and have several stores around me where I can get Heinz beans, HP sauce, and black pudding, and everything else I can just make myself, which I do often, especially after a night out at the bars.

>> No.5790796

Oh yeah, that's another good reason to have this sort of thing for breakfast. Most of us are raging alcoholics.

>> No.5790802

We're not so different anon.

>> No.5790817

I love mushrooms. I love beans. Literally anything like black pudding--boudin noir, zungenwurst, sausages containing blood/kidneys/leftovers--is scrumptious. Of course eggs with runny yolks. Looks wonderful.

>> No.5790970

>carbs carbs carbs
are you getting ready for a marathon?

>> No.5792270

South Wales has become known as one of the worst places in the world for steroid abuse. Place is fucking rife with it

>> No.5792603


7/10, needs coffee without the fucking fat added to it and a french cutie on the other side of it...

>> No.5792615
File: 12 KB, 242x359, coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those eggs
You did good anon.

>> No.5792642

So what constitutes an English Breakfast?

Eggs of some sort- fried, scrambled, over easy whatever.
Baked Beans- Are these the same as the Bush's Baked Beans that I get from a can, or something different?
Sausages- Anything special here?
Toast- It looks like it's folded over for some reason?
Mushrooms- Fried in the pan with the sausage I assume
Ham- Looks like ham to me, or back bacon?
Hockey pucks- Whatever these are supposed to be, they look badly overcooked
Tomatoes- Just a tomato, cut in half?

Anything I'm missing?

>> No.5792661

The hockey pucks aren't burnt they're just black pudding. Its pork blood and oatmeal.

>> No.5792665

Hash browns
Baked beans
Black pudding
Fried egg
Grilled/fried mushrooms
Brown sauce/ketchup

These are the full list. You can omit or substitute anything you like. For example, leave out the toast and hash browns and use fried bread.

The point is that it's customizable to your tastes. You need the meat, eggs and beans though, I'd say.

>> No.5792722

Absolute core elements to me are:


With the caveat that those alone aren't quite enough to be a full English. From that point, your options include (in no particular order):

Black pudding
White pudding
Hash browns
Bubble and squeak
Fried bread
Various other regional breads

Accompanied of course by tea, ketchup / brown sauce, and if you're still peckish afterwards, marmalade on toast.

>> No.5792773

No me antoje HP!

>> No.5792777

Colombian Pork Rinds. Made all natural.

>> No.5794110

We talk about english breakfast, not american disgusting plate

>> No.5794128

>american disgusting plate
Are you serious niggersaurus? You eat fucking coagulated blood sausage, if you like it cool beans but do not try to cast stones about what's disgusting.

>> No.5794129

>Oh look, the people that invented stargazy pie and jellied eel are calling better cuisines disgusting.
Don't you have a war to lose, nigel?

>> No.5794166
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1341155807655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people eat that fucking much for breakfast?
It looks like a giant plate you'd expect during thanksgiving or some shit.
I'd be so goddamn full and sluggish that I wouldn't be able to get anything done but lay down and sleep

I generally just have coffee, toast, and a couple eggs. At most.
Even then I feel nice and full.
I don't think its very healthy to feel 'stuffed' at every meal

>> No.5794233

This does not make sense to me(American)
You have your blood puddings, which is a sausage, than your dessert puddings which is something that looks like steamed fruit cake, than I also see the Yorkeshire puddings with the sunday roast dinners which look like pop-overs or american biscuts. Whats the deal with puddings Britan?

>> No.5794238

with a bit more starch or vegetables, I could spread that out across a day no problem.

looks fantastic and would devour

>> No.5794239

where are the cigarette's???

>> No.5794367

Some people eat it after doing the first chunk of work in the early morning, but yeah, generally that large a breakfast is going to be had on a lazy weekend.

>> No.5794390

I put the leftovers of last night's curry takeaway into an omelette

fucking hell it was good lads

>> No.5794391

it's a working man's breakfast, for farmers and the like.

>> No.5794846
File: 174 KB, 1600x1576, DSC_0610.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have issues
american breakfast, monday through friday
see, you can eat this while driving
on the way to work, with a coffee
cuz we have jobs

>> No.5794857
File: 50 KB, 360x240, pepperoni-pizza-slice-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont usually wake up till noon saturdays, so if we have breakfast at all its probably pizza we ordered at midnight and were too drunk to finish

>> No.5794870
File: 43 KB, 475x316, eggs-hash-bacon-toast-pancakes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then sundays we have time for a real big breakfast
pancakes eggs bacon hashbrowns, orange juice
maybe substitute some french toasr in there, an omelette, sausage, or hamsteak
notice something?
>no beans
>no tomatoes
thats not breakfast food.

>> No.5794896

pudding used to be for anything that was boiled, now we associate it with sweet puddings

>> No.5796961

How do you get the eggs to look like this?

>> No.5797133



>> No.5797140

tomatoes are great for breakfast on biscuits or breakfast sandwiches. Nothing like a thick slice of fresh from the garden Cherokee Purples on a warm, from scratch biscuit biscuit. Damn I wish summer wasn't almost over my indoor tomatoes are better than store bought but are nothing compared to sun ripened summer tomatoes.

>> No.5797674

on high heat using left over bacon grease, over-easy style. One of the yolks broke when I flipped it but it was still relatively runny, It was so delicious.
I love a big unhealthy breakfast on Saturdays. A days worth of caloric intake

>> No.5797841

>Full English Breakfast
>Full English
You guys realize that you're weird as fuck and your food sucks, right?

>> No.5798096

Great, thanks.

>> No.5798139

>high metabolic rate
>calories just any another word

>> No.5798180

>bacon and eggs

>> No.5798189
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Marco would like a word with you.

>> No.5798193
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>> No.5798945
File: 7 KB, 211x250, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee and bread

wheres the protein

>> No.5799057

For me, a large full english at a cafe is a once a month thing on a weekend.

Couldnt eat it every day.

>> No.5799066

Marco would put his name on a microwave burger from a garage these days. Long past being relevant.

>> No.5799479

Remember, in a good hotel you can go back for another plateful.

>> No.5800038
File: 68 KB, 600x397, traditional Bahamian breakfast, prepared with seasoned Bahamian ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real post drinking breakfast. Bahamian fish boil and johny bread

>> No.5800645


>> No.5800653

No idea. A little bit of Irish oatmeal does me.

>> No.5801123

my full breakfast is thus:

Eggs, beaten then fried in egg rings.
sausages, either beef or pork OR pork chipolatas.
short cut bacon
wholemeal toast
baked beans


orange juice

>> No.5801342

That is not a days worth of calories. Unless you used six tablespoons of oil to fry your shit in.

>> No.5801440

Let's see, it looks like:
2 eggs (~160)
slice of bacon (~50)
handful of mushrooms (~20)
handful of tomatoes (~30)
2 frozen hash browns (~280)
and apparently a sausage (~50)
and probably a tablespoon of bacon grease (~120)

So around 710 calories. Maybe he's a small child on a diet.

>> No.5801642


What on earth is an egg ring?

>> No.5801667

Imagine a tin can cut in one inch high slices. Keeps the egg circular in the pan.

>> No.5801675

If there are no chips, it's a shit breakfast.

>> No.5803210

ya make sure to stock up on calories so you can jerk off and play league of legends all day bud

>> No.5803277

That looks fucking amazing

>> No.5803281

Protein for breakfast is much healthier than carbs. Protein early in the day, carbs later in the day.

>> No.5803299

That looks fucking good but I would be hungry again in like 30 minutes with no meat or cheese or egg or something

>> No.5803311
File: 16 KB, 224x220, 1452103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating tomatoes
don't you know those are related to nightshade? They are poisonous and you will die. stop eating such a shitty plant.

>> No.5803315

i've never heard this advice before, and for good reason. there's no reason protein would be better in the morning and carbs later in the day. if anything, you would want carbs for the energy and protein later in the day if you had been doing physical labor to help your muscles recover.

>> No.5803324

Elementz would like a word.

>> No.5803692

>eating eggplant
>smoking tobacco
>performing alchemy with belladonna


>> No.5803788

>so dense that light bends around you

>> No.5803896

Did that make you feel better?

>> No.5804096

First time I saw one I thought the black pudding was coal

Tastes almost the same, too

>> No.5805620

>how can people eat such a thing for bfast...

I don't understand that either. I don't even feel hungry for an hour after I get out of bed. I find this pretty unappetizing. And those greasy looking mushrooms - with PORK! yuk.

But to each his own.

>> No.5805626


At last - a civilized person! Probably slender too.

>> No.5805644


With an habanero it looks like. That will wake you up.

>> No.5805987

This is fine if you plan to have some kind of brunch at around 11am, but otherwise it's just not enough, especially with no meat, fish, cheese etc