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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 636x477, jdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5779910 No.5779910 [Reply] [Original]

Burger King Japan’s limited-time Kuro Diamond and Kuro Pearl burgers. Yes, that is black cheese. It’s dyed using bamboo charcoal, with the onion and garlic sauce made with squid ink.

>> No.5779911
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>> No.5779919
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>> No.5779935

That's some gimmicky shit mang, seems perfect for GLORIOUS NIPPON!

>> No.5779939
File: 337 KB, 554x618, beyond violent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so triggering.

>> No.5779941

Why not make the patty black too?

I'm sure they have the technology.

>> No.5779953


>> No.5779959

Why not just shit on beef and eat it, looks about the same.

>> No.5779967
File: 77 KB, 650x284, kfc-party-christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has a thing for 'gourmet' fast food, they have burgers that cost $10. JUST the sandwich not even a combo meal. It comes in a special deluxe box with a paper sleeve and a fancy bag.

KFC in Japan has a special Christmas meal set that costs $40, it's so popular that they have to pre-order it months in advance to get one. I guess maybe it's because Japanese people eat meat much less often than Americans so it's considered kind of luxurious.

>> No.5779977

>family bucket
I could eat like 3 of those meals all to myself

>> No.5779989

Burger should be made with bat meat so it's the gothiest food ever.

>> No.5779991


>> No.5780002
File: 254 KB, 826x954, mfwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerifat of peace and prosperity

>> No.5780004

I recommend going to a doctor if your shit is coming out black

>> No.5780010

>they have burgers that cost $10. JUST
Taht's the average price in Europe at mcdonalds for most fancy sandwiches too.

>> No.5780036
File: 78 KB, 720x540, me&pigeons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian, 6'4 160lbs actually

>> No.5780040

Why are you wearing a pigeon costume?

>> No.5780041

why are you lying on the internet.

or wait, did the dollar get that weak and useless?

>> No.5780047 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't most nips get gas and/or diarrhea from cheeseburgers due to being lactose intolerant slants?

>> No.5780050
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larry kosilla

>> No.5780054
File: 191 KB, 893x909, afar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please check your privlege before you slander minorioties on this board. ty men

>> No.5780070 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I know nips and gooks can't drink milk but the mongols can, and they've probably raped enough chinks to spread the tolerance among all the zipperheads. It was wrong of me to lump all the narrow eyed sharkfuckers into one gastronomic category.

>> No.5780097

You're an idiot

>> No.5780114

Lactose intolerant people can eat a small amount of delicious dairy products without running into negative effects, they just can't eat them regularly or in large amounts. And of dairy products, cheeses, yogurts, and such tend to be milder on the digestive tracts of the poor bastards than straight up milk.

Also lactase persistence isn't a strict mendelian on/off trait, it exists by degrees in different populations. We think of it as an on/off thing (in the sense of a disease we call lactose intolerance) in the west because full lactase persistence is a trait of the majority of western/northern European populations and their colonial descendants, despite being a minority trait in humanity overall.

>> No.5780129
File: 26 KB, 500x338, 1144324-gorgoroth_king_of_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I love it.

>> No.5780132

i would try that
I wish i lived in japan
i went there once and had burger king but i just got an apple pie.

>> No.5780136

I want to make bread this black, someone tell me out to make black shiny ass bread like those buns.

>> No.5780163


so edgy so dangerous

>> No.5780173

rub tyrons penis on it

>> No.5780182

Probably squid ink, lots of it. Then an egg white wash over the top as it cooks.

>> No.5780211

Not all cheese has lactose, they could make a processed cheese from non-lactose cheeses.

Or just put lactaid on the burger.

>> No.5780214

In france €5 or 6 for a single BigMac.

>> No.5780217

>not eating a pack a day of Oreos


>> No.5780226

They are good, does anyone know of a good recipe for wafer-type cookies similar to Oreos sans filling?

>> No.5780449

/fa/ approves
gr8 memchrome fit
w2c hot buns

>> No.5780466

People actually go to /fa/ ?

>> No.5780471

>coke zero
make it a diet coke and we got a deal.

>> No.5780476
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>you will never even visit japan and get to see all their cool shit like robot sentry guards patrolling the streets

>> No.5780506

To be fair a normal meal at burger king (so add fries + drink) will run you at least $11 USD worth here in UK

>> No.5780519
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>> No.5780696

post nudes

>> No.5780736

They could've done this to promote Pokemon Diamond & Pearl seven years ago.

>> No.5780773

>>they have burgers that cost $10. JUST
>Taht's the average price in Europe at mcdonalds for most fancy sandwiches too.
10.00 USD = 7.74304 EUR


Most expensive Burger Germany: ~5.39 EUR
Menues can easily cost more than 7.75 EUR

>> No.5780847

You look like Macklemore but gayer.

>> No.5780971
File: 20 KB, 380x285, 120110-star-wars-burger-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad I couldn't taste the one Quick made for Star Wars.

>> No.5780974

Are these the same person? White people all look the same.

>> No.5780981

>party barrel
That sounds fun as fuck.

>> No.5781007

Try reading about KFC in China and Japan. It's fucking hilarious. Apparently Japanese people like to make reservations for Christmas or American Thanksgiving at KFCs and do so well in advance. Furthermore, Colonel Sanders is implicated in the curse of a Japanese baseball team's drought.

Other funny shit includes an incident in which a major Chinese advertisement across the national stage was bungled terribly. "Finger-licking good" became "Eat your fingers/hands off great" or some shit.

I think there might be a wiki page devoted to this somewhere.

>> No.5781023
File: 76 KB, 640x853, Coroner Sandersu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The China incident doesn't appear to be listed anymore. Oh well.

>> No.5781059


wtf is up with people posting their pictures to win argument on /ck/ these last couple of days

>> No.5781066

ok i don't get how the one with veggies is supposed to represent a diamond while the veggie-free one represents pearl. it's like they just slapped random names on there. at first i was like oh cool a pokemon promotion, and then i realized diamond and pearl have been out for fucking years. wtf is this.

>> No.5781082

Do not try to understand engrish. It's just there because English words are cool.

>> No.5781084

When I was in China this was pretty much all I hate

Plus McDonalds delivers on scooters

And when i went to Pizza Hut it was actually like a nice upscale sit down restaurant, even had an upstairs dining room

>> No.5781840

What does Kotsuno mean?

>> No.5782173

the fuck is this shit cancer burger?

>> No.5782213

How else would one prove they are not fat?

>> No.5782218

>"Eat your fingers/hands off great" or some shit.

You gotta admit that if the food is so good that you eat your own hands, it's probably a compliment.

>> No.5782267


It's all apart of the great reddit shift.

>> No.5782527

It's too bad that black Chicken McNuggets aren't made then they could be called Chicken McNegroes.

>> No.5782560

nigger nuggers

>> No.5782581


who else but insecure faggots and attention whores even need to?

>> No.5782618

It's a lose/lose. Once somebody brings up your weight or health as if it's important to anything, they won't drop it until you prove it and then won't drop it if you do prove it.
Scenario 1, they provide proof they're not a fatty fatty and then you all gang up on the faggot who wants attention.
Scenario 2, they ignore the attacks over and over, people in the thread continue calling you a fat fat and disregard everything you say until you prove you're not.

To really win you have to insinuate the other person is fat first.

>> No.5783630

I'd actually like to try that squid ink sauce.

>> No.5783648

I wonder if it tastes different than Italian squid ink

>> No.5783650

>not preferring the real Coke taste of Coke Zero
Come on, co/ck/mongler.

>> No.5783656

no dude you just have to not give a fuck and let the moron win in the game he's playing with himself. i promise it's that easy.

>> No.5783929 [DELETED] 

Imagine if this happened in Murica.

>Black burgers at BK
>Niggers chimp out and say it's racist

>> No.5783959

It could possibly be due to their mass exposure to American culture during occupation.

>> No.5783992

>I guess maybe it's because Japanese people eat meat much less often than Americans so it's considered kind of luxurious.

KFC tricked Japan into thinking Christmas is about fried chicken.
No, seriously.

>> No.5784028

I just don't!
I tried and didn't

>> No.5784034


>> No.5784580
File: 45 KB, 450x450, 1409428166260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they do this?

>> No.5784581

>squid ink and bamboo charcoal
nothing really unusual for japan. I'd eat it.

>> No.5784594
File: 69 KB, 447x507, rules of corey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preordering fast food

how has /ck/ not lost its shit over this?

>> No.5784627

Japan is a weird place. When this sort of thing comes up, you just smile and nod.

>> No.5784628

Your opponent might always argue that's this photo wasn't yours. If you would do photo with "sup /ck/" to prove that you aren't fat, you're a fucking moron. So yeah, best way is to ignore fat accusations.

>> No.5784634

Thank you skeltor

>> No.5784637

Honestly if you want to prove it, you can just timestamp it with something the anon asks you to write on the timestamp, but honestly who gives a fuck. If "lol I bet you're fat" is even worth replying to, it's probably not worth arguing about to begin with.

>> No.5784807

looks better than the crap they serve here in the states

>> No.5784868

You're ignoring the other part of the scenario
which is what i said you would do
i said you would ignore anything else said and keep going on about how fat or something the person is

>> No.5785305
File: 40 KB, 600x442, black_teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So deerishus!

>> No.5786363

someone watches abroadinjapan

>> No.5786963
File: 88 KB, 400x300, PrettyPatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying the Japanese invented wrong-colored burgers

>> No.5786998


are you kidding, apart from being black it's exactly the same

>> No.5787030


When Japan does pleb things, it's considered high culture because that's where "muh animes" come from.

Some of these guys would drink piss if it were delivered from Japan

>> No.5787039


To fully appreciate the flavor of your food, you taste with all five senses.

>> No.5787049

Are you silly, the civilized japanese don't drink piss, they're high culture, they resort to sneak attacks.

>> No.5787051

>it doesn't taste different or anything
>we just used black food dye
Are Japs really this retarded? They didn't even use černý chléb/Schwarzbrot for the bun, which to me just seems obvious.

>> No.5787093

No, because flavor is a taste sense. You can argue that smell is important as well.

and there's more than five senses.


>> No.5787872

It's not properly black though, just dark brown.

>> No.5787889
