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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5774196 No.5774196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that cancer cells are growing in your body and if you aren't eating to prevent cancer, you're eating to get cancer :)

Reminder to eat amla, turmeric, berries, hibiscus, kasha, black beans, cruciferous vegetables, and sweet potatoes everyday

>> No.5774200

But turmeric is gross. I don't even know what amla is. Everything else is delicious

>> No.5774214

>I don't even know what amla is.

Could you be more American?

>> No.5774226

it's chill dude, i smoke tons of pot and read somewhere that cannabanoids eat cancer

>> No.5774232

yea that worked great for steve jobs right

>> No.5774235

How can you be more or less of a nationality? You either are a member of that nation or you're not.

>> No.5774259

your wankfest is that way >>>/int/

>> No.5774262

your hearts in the right place but that smiley is tactless

>> No.5774273

By being more provincial than cosmopolitan.

>> No.5774281

Turmeric is pretty mild so i add it lots to everything. Hibiscus tea is awesone and i drink it every day.

>> No.5774286

I take it you're a "citizen of the word" then?

>> No.5774288


>> No.5774291

I already have cancer. So far its reallynot as bad as I thought it would be. Literally I got diagnosed in January and my doctor is just "keeping an eye on it" for now. All fairness it's an older ppl cancer so he's hoping it goes into remission in the next year (I've been told it's possible) if not I'm going in for a shittastic evasive surgery that would leave me on hormone therapy for the rest of my life.

>> No.5774294

No, I don't believe in worldliness.

>> No.5774295

Thanks for reminding me about the hibiscus. I bought a huge bag of hibiscus a month ago, and put in the pantry and promptly forgot about it. Derp. But, all those other foods I eat on a regular basis. I add turmeric to all kinds of stuff.

>> No.5774316

Shit man, I hope it goes into remission.

>> No.5774323

I'd like to see a meal that uses amla, turmeric, berries, hibiscus, kasha, black beans, cruciferous vegetables and sweet potatoes.

>> No.5774336

what would make it go into remission though?

>> No.5774348

I thought cancer was caused mostly because of the radiation of Chernobyl spreading all over the world, I don't think changing your diet is going to prevent that.

>> No.5774378

jobs had cancer at 24. all things considered he did pretty well, especially given the toxic metals he was exposed to as a teen in silicon valley

mcdougall has an interesting video about it

>> No.5774379
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>> No.5774380

>tfw vegan

feels good

>> No.5774385

what kinds of things do you add turmeric to? i'm having a hard time fitting it into my diet

>> No.5774390

I'm not a doctor but as far as I understand there's a chance that within two years it may just go into remission by itself. If not then I go under the knife.

My doctor told me to avoid red meat and smoking as it can actually make it worse. I straight up went cold turkey on both things as soon as he told me to but I wasn't much of a smoker anyways I just like the odd cigar. I also don't really like the taste of red meat so that part was easy too.

He says if I stay active and exercise, eat healthy and the like that there's a good chance it would go away or at least not get worse. I also took some sort of vaccines that either make it go away or at least stop it from getting worse. I can't remember really. Anytime the doctor tried to talk to me I zone out and go to my poy place I guess.

To be perfectly honest I don't really dwell on it unless I have to go for a check up. Today I had to go in and I was on the verge of tears the entire visit and trip home but now I'm watching dinosaur planet and feel pretty good.

>> No.5774394

can do. I'll just add beef:-)

that's tact.;-)

>> No.5774402

*happy place... Goddamn phone.

And yeah of course the smoking and red meat thing do make it worse obviously, I meant to say it makes it spread faster

Cooking actually got my through the hard parts, actually it takes my mind off things. I love coming to /ck/ and reading all the threads, some of them make me laugh so hard I cry. Thanks guys, seriously. You all make my day! Hopefully if I'm well enough I plan on going to culinary school next summer and that's what keeps me going strong.

>> No.5774418

I was diagnosed in Dec 2011 with Sarcoma and have been battling ever since. Right now I am stable with very little cancer left in my body and scanners every 3 months and taking pills that make my hair white every day. Hopefully it goes into remission in 18 months!

To cure myself I used a raw vegan diet+fasting+hemp oil, all doctors were against it but it was all or nothing. The cancer had reached my heart so I had to use the big guns.

Best of luck!

>> No.5774425

rough stuff, anon. wish i could trade places with you. i'm probably going to kill myself anyway

>> No.5774438

vegetables like peas and carrots, cauliflower, meat rubs, fish, cream based soups, almost everywhere. hell we had a vegan dish for brunch, tofu scramble. peppers, onions, tomatoes, tofu, turmeric. I liked to fry that shit in bacon fat/butter mix, they can tongue punch my fart box.

My favorite is fried paneer cheese in ginger, garlic, coconut milk, cream, coriander, turmeric, and cilantro leaves.

>> No.5774447

Keep up the strength man. If you want a funny movie about cancer, watch 50/50, but only you're feeling capable about it.

>> No.5774451

Lol cancerfags

>eating crucified vegetables

>> No.5774454

Holy shit that sounds rough. I have a type of genital cancer. It. Fucking. Sucks.... More than you can ever imagine.

I'll never have kids, I'm pretty much sterile and if I get the surgery it'll seal the deal on that one. I can't even look down there or touch myself, it's too scary mentally. I got really angry when I was diagnosed. I felt like my body betrayed me more than anyone else in the world ever could but i think I've come to terms with it. I actually joke about it now and it gets me some weird stares from friends but they're glad I have a sense of humor about it.

You see I'm only 23 and I guess this kind usually only affects 50+ so my doctor is at a loss as to how to treat me without crippling me. I chose abstinence and promised myself I wouldn't have promiscuous relationships like my friends and that's kind of my biggest regret... Now I may never have the chance. But now I laugh a little when I think of the "use it or lose it" saying. I guess that shit was true.

But I'll get through it cause I don't have Abby other options and I'm too stubborn to die.

>> No.5774458
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>> No.5774488

Whoa man. That's not cool. I might have to have my junk amputated. Don't kek at me.

>> No.5774508

ok, i'll have to try adding it to veggies

>> No.5774516

Wait, so what's amla?

>> No.5774522

>Spent 96 days between May 1st and September 1st outside, shirtless, with no sunscreen.
>4th year of doing this

I'm not worried, I'm just 100% certain that skin cancer will kill me.

>> No.5774532

indian gooseberry. tastes awful

>> No.5774602

The best way to have it as amla ka murabba which is a kind of pickle or preserve. That said most Indians also have it for its medicinal properties rather than the taste. Some also enjoy the taste. I'm not one of them.

>> No.5774661

[citation needed]
Take your woo elsewhere, vegan shill.

>> No.5774965

What is the original context of the pic?

>> No.5774982

This post is complete bullshit. Don't listen to this retard. He probably buys Cherokee hair tampons for his mna period.

>> No.5774983

I'm about to have some broccoli and red rice with ginger sauce. Cancer won't know what hit it

>> No.5774988

You mean you have penile cancer? Or prostate cancer?

>> No.5775005


Probably penile cancer. I hear certain viruses in chicken can dramatically increase your risk of getting penis cancer, among other cancers


>> No.5775008

I always kind of hope that I get cancer as a young person. Maybe not something that kills me, but something bad enough that I can take a sick day at work and not have to get a fucking doctor's note. Like, are you going to tell the cancer guy that he can't take a sick day? I could say things to friends like "that joke was so bad it gave me cancer" and find it incredibly funny while they feel uncomfortable. I'm pretty okay with the concept of death anyway, so even if it were fatal I think I could deal with it. Keep showing up to work looking like a holocaust victim and have people tell me that I should go home and rest and then throwing shitty company policies back in their face about sick time just to make them feel bad. I keep coming in to work even though I have terminal cancer; I bet you feel like an asshole for all those years of corporate bullshit you pushed on me. Then, on my death bed, I can ask for my boss to come and see me, because who the fuck can deny a dying man his last wish, and then I get to tell him that I regret spending all that time working a shitty job instead of living my life.

Man, that would be fucking awesome.

>> No.5775014

According to that, it is from repeated occupational exposure. And it looks like it's still pretty inconclusive. Were you hanging around a lot of chickens?

>> No.5775015

Studies have showed that a veggie exclusive diet increases the risk of cancer by 60% among males age 21-47 and women age 19-38.

>> No.5775019



>> No.5775095

{sauce needed} :D

>> No.5775527

>Daily reminder that cancer cells are growing in your body and if you aren't eating to prevent cancer, you're eating to get cancer :)

Why do people post such stupidly wrong things as if they are true?

The real fact is that the older you get, the greater chance that you will have cancer. By age 50 or so, it is way more than 50% of the population. By the time you are 60 or 65 it is probably close to 100%.

Most cancers never become clinically significant simply because there is not enough blood supply to the cancer to allow it to grow quickly. If the body does build a blood supply to the cancer, then watch out.

There has been plenty of research into angiogenesis to try to find ways to slow down or halt the development of the blood supplies to cancer. Of all the foods in our diet, one of the best angiogenesis inhibitors is turmeric.

To build blood supplies requires iron. Thus, people with excess iron in their body may be more at risk because the necessary iron is present. Avoiding red meat and smoking would help in this regard. So would not cooking with cast iron.

>> No.5775531


Sounds more like testicular cancer.

>> No.5775533


That said, the young are far less likely to have cancer.

If you really want to avoid cancer, have Downs Syndrome. Supposedly about the only cancers they have to worry about are testiculcar cancer and anemia. They have higher levels of natural angiogenesis inhibitors in their body and so the only cancers they are likely to get are those that already have a good blood supply.

>> No.5775536


Also, turmeric may help retard or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

>> No.5775539

>tfw ive been trying to drink and drug myself to death for years now
>tfw cancer would be a relief because it would assure my death while simultaneously allowing me access to high-power pharmaceuticals

>> No.5775543

>If you really want to avoid cancer, have Downs Syndrome.
this is the best thing that has ever been said on /ck/

>> No.5775558

I don't think you understand cancer.

>> No.5775668

He said it usually only affects 50+ so it's probably not testicular. Testicular is a young man's cancer.

>> No.5775691

>because bob marley didn't smoke tons of the ganja and die from cancer anyway

>> No.5775692
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>things I don't do are scary and dangerous
>things I do are harmless and it's genetics

When I was your age at least I had the integrity to admit that I just didn't care about my health.

>> No.5775697

>turmeric is gross

Wow. A guy who doesn't cook with turmeric. You must be making some bland dishes

>> No.5775965

Row row, eat more owniowns!

>> No.5775974
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>mfw antioxidant overuse have recently been linked to a higher risk of getting cancer and the health nazis are killing themselves at a faster rate than normalbros.

>> No.5775979

Wasn't Marley was hacked to death with a machete?

>> No.5776088

>Daily reminder that cancer cells are growing in your body and if you aren't eating to prevent cancer, you're eating to get cancer :)

Couldn't you at least try, OP?

If cancer cells are growing in your body, you have cancer. Eating or not eating to prevent it isn't going to change that.

0/10 must try harder

>> No.5776090

none of that disproves what you greentexted

>> No.5776095

Your immune system takes care of some of the cancerous cells iirc.

>> No.5776094

>the young are far less likely to have cancer
that's only because it takes so long for cancer cells to divide to a size that is obstructive

>> No.5776110

nope, not from natural sources and whole foods :)

>> No.5776133


Most cancers never become clinically significant, but it has nothing to do with the immune system. It is because they don't get a blood supply to bring them enough nutrients to grow.

>> No.5776147


Got any source on that? Antioxidant supplements and certain vitamin supplements are usually shown to be harmful, but not antioxidants or vitamins from actual food as far as I've ever seen.

>> No.5776164

tfw cancer at 22

>> No.5776270

Genital cancer op here... You're a Dumbass. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm terrified of living as a mutilated human being. I'm terrified of living the rest of my life as an amputee. And the whole shoving it in your works faces thing? Nope. I keep that shit to myself. It's embarrassing and anyone I have told looks at me completely different now. Like a wounded/sick animal or something.

Fuck you and your retarded fantasy. You want sympathy? You want to tell ppl to go fuck themselves while your body rots? Kill yourself. It's not that great. You forget that chemo and radiation therapy would cripple you just as much as cancer itself, I'm afraid of the day I can't do my job. You clearly didn't get enough hugs as a child and it sounds like you got bullied a lot; now you just want your "oppressors" to feel sorry for your pathetic ass.

>> No.5776272

>Reminder to eat amla, turmeric, berries, hibiscus, kasha, black beans, cruciferous vegetables, and sweet potatoes everyday
I'd rather just get cancer.

>> No.5776814
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Damn dude, that sucks. I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it though. I wish you the best of luck. Have a friendly eel.

>> No.5778001

Dude why did you get diagnosed? Lots of pain? And best of luck in life!