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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5773085 No.5773085 [Reply] [Original]

Time for another version of the best thread on this board. Where the al/ck/oholics feel feels, and the non alcoholics watch and laugh/pity/fear becoming us.

How's your monday, brews?

>tfw my life would be amazing if not for my incessant need to drink
>somehow miraculously acquired a hot girl i'm just getting to know
>tfw she sent me nudes tonight
>tfw she wants a dick pic but I'm too sloshed to get it up
>fucking alcoholism

>> No.5773099

>tfw she wants a dick pic but I'm too sloshed to get it up
oh god I know this feel all too well. I have this problem when I get trashed at the bars and pick up a chick and we get back to her place and get in bed and I can't perform. Jesus that sucks ass.

>> No.5773206

For me the problems come at a later stage.
I can get hard without any problems but i can't orgasm. I can just sit and masturbate furiously until my dick and my arm hurts and then i give up.

>> No.5773207

>Life is finally back on track
>working out regularly
>eating properly
>have a good sleeping schedule
>get shit done
>go grocery shoppin- oh shit, there's the liquour store... and its open. well shit... byebye order, hello vodka

>> No.5773235

I've been on a bender since last week. I'm starting to get worried because my gums are starting to bleed and I've been getting more and more bloody noses.

>> No.5773237


At least you made it that far, anon.

Monday is the most depressing day of the week for me, because it's the day I tell myself every week that I'm going to stop.

Every week I buy a weeks worth of healthy food on Sunday to prepare me for my new start in the week ahead

Every week I still end up drinking every night and throw all of that food away.

>> No.5773293

>throw all of that food away.
Why do you throw it away?

>> No.5773304

Imagine too drunk to bother cooking

>> No.5773329

>not giving it to homeless people

>> No.5773341

Can't you just cook it later then?
Most stuff doesn't spoil that fast.

>> No.5773353


It isnt about how fast it spoils, its the fact that I am too drunk to eat it. I drink every single day

>> No.5773387

Nevermind, I read your first post all wrong. I thought you bought a bunch of food before the weekend to cook when you had time off but just drank instead and then threw it away when the weekend is over.

>> No.5773438


It's a pain in the ass. I used to be such a great cook and I'd fool myself into buying steaks, joints of meat to roast, nice quality veg, but I never manage to cook it. I'll just buy greasy kebabs after I've drank 12 beers instead

>> No.5773559

happy monday, anon. fuggin/chuggin titty splashes of diet root beer + cum waterfalls o' seagrams 7. heaven on the rocks.

>> No.5773581

this. I can get it up fine when I'm drinking and fug for hours but cant usually cum. I'll keep at it until i get bored or shes getting worn out then sometimes fake like I'm cumming in the condom.

>> No.5773697

Day 6 cold turkey for me. I'm feeling fine and I think I'm going to make it. The first day was the hardest and after 3 days I had no desire to drink. You just got to go for it. We can all make it guys. I was drinking about 500ml of shit whiskey a day too.

>> No.5773789

>not carrying a pot of yogurt to splash into a condom

>> No.5773846


thinking you have no desire ito drink after the first few days is pretty common, at least i felt the same way. (on my 2nd month, also was drinking close to wat you were a day)

the real challenge is going weeks at a time. the boredom becomes unbearable tbh. the only thing keeping me sane is smoking weed all day from the time i wake up, but even with that, every night is just such a drag, I can't be fucked to do anything longer then 20 min without saying fuck this shit is wack and quit and go back to aimlessly browsing 4chan or other bullshit online.

to anyone with experience quitting lengthy periods of time does your ability to stay interested and enjoy things in thing's ever come back ? for the record i have also been doing an hour of cardio daily for the last 2 weeks, but it has not made any difference on my ability to enjoy things.
when i was drinking i could do whatever i wanted for as long as i wanted and stay entertained it was awsome. still trying to find a way to get back to that without drinking, don't know if thats possible only time will tell.

sorry to everyone for the rambling pointless post, i guess it just helps slightly to put put the shit ive been feeling into actual word's.

>> No.5773962

Anyone else feel like reading these alcoholic threads just makes you want to drink more?

>> No.5773974

No, thank you anon. You asked a question that is at the core of the entire reason I don't stop drinking. I've done it a few times. It was easy to not consume alcohol. However, it was also some of the most boring fucking days (or weeks) of my entire fucking life. You fucking nailed it. To a fucking tee.

As comedian Doug Stanhope put it, "boredom is a disease worse than cancer" ...seems a little harsh, but, I'm happily and eager to murder myself in the future for a chance to avoid boredom....and I've got plenty of outlets, but, nothing seems good enough.

H A L P, ETC.jpg

>> No.5774022

not physically possible.

>> No.5774023

someone post that one article about the health benefits of drinking

>> No.5774029

Yeah, it's psychological

>> No.5774037

Oh, I get that part. It's just not physically possible for me to drink more. I'm 7 deep on a 12 pack of Longtrail Double Bag at 7.2% ABV. I'll kill this 12 pack and probably a bottle of red wine afterwards. I've got work at 7am. I'm just saying it isn't physically possible for these threads to make me want to drink me...I'm at capacity.

>> No.5774164

That makes sense. I had just kind of pushed the inevitable trip to the store to the back of my mind until i started reading this again. I also did a day of tapering off yesterday but im getting thirsty

>> No.5774192

It's ok. Not an alck but a serious pothead and i'm out of weed so that's sort of depressing. This bud light is helping but I need a doobie.
Sad thing is I need to be saving up for my move to Europe but I know tomorrow the first chance I get i'm going to pick up that eighth.

>> No.5774246
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pretty good

talking to a couple slam whales on okc

drinking some shitty homemade salty dogs

>tfw things are going ok but you've never gone this long without fucking up hard before so danger lurks around every corner

>> No.5774255

yes. i want to be part of the brotherhood.

>> No.5774302

i can relate to this. for me quitting isn't much of a physical drag but I'm painfully bored out of my fucking skull and can not sleep for shit. I no longer enjoy smoking weed, I wish I did. if I'm not drinking or working I'm restlessley twiddling my thumbs if I'm sober. I oughta find me a good gf to keep me balanced, I don't drink much when I've got a grill to attend to.

>> No.5774312

what kind of yogurt?

> Greek yogurt best yogurt

>> No.5774329

You want to be an alcoholic? What are you drinking?

>> No.5774595


A week and you are scared? Try 7 years padawan

>> No.5774911

This guy's hard

>> No.5775468

About to pour my first drink for the night. What's going on al/ck/y's?

>> No.5775470


OP here

I've just returned from work, puked on the drive in so I came straight home for a sick day.

>> No.5775475

Well done m8. Ever had a DUI?

>> No.5775478

>Try 7 years padawan
No thanks. I don't have any interest in becoming a complete fuckup and a huge disappointment like you.

>> No.5775479

Have you tried to not get completely shit faced? I usually treat myself to a couple glasses of wine near the evening, 4-5 times a week. Gives me a slight buzz and helps me enjoy my drawing. :)

>> No.5775481

>this bullshit

>> No.5775486

Succesfully quit after 8 years. Feels good man.

>> No.5775500
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So I'm just wondering, do you guys actually go to meetings ever, or just post in these threads?

Also, a cat.

>> No.5775512

>made it a couple months nodrinkan
>got absolutely wrecked all weekend non stop
>make a complete ass of myself multiple times
>cold sweats and nausea ahoy!
>woke up in the middle of the night and now can't stop thinking about suicide
Man I'm a fuckin mess

>> No.5775515

Hang in there bro, eventually you'll turn your thoughts into actions. Wish I wasn't such a pussy so I could lol. I'm such a Fucking faggot

>> No.5775564


unfortunately no.since i started drinkin at about 16 i always drank to get hammed. i don't like being not knowing what im doing can't even see shit cuz my vision is white drunk, but i do enjoy being alot more drunk then slightly buzzed, there's a very certain sweet spot for me that i have figured out after years of drinking.

whenever i try to have only a few drinks, as soon as i stop or run out, i get really angry and will be left in a completely shitty mood, even if im partially buzzed.

as for quitting, im still going strong but just laid in bed from about 10pm-3am (now) trying to get tired by watching a movie and fall asleep and after about 2 hour's of lying in the dark i said fuck this. i really can't stand lying there just endlessly thinking about nothing. i feel like i don't even have flowing thought's anymore, it's just a blank space up there with a few random thought's that trickle out then nothing. makes falling asleep really hard.

>> No.5775686

Can't drink anymore on account of the a-fib. Fuck me. 26 years old and I wasted my last few good drinking nights on smirnoff. I will never know what good liquor is

>> No.5775701

They're all a bunch of fedora neckbeards pretending to have a manly affliction while imagining themselves to be like Hemingway or someshit. Most of the fags in here could probably be drunk under the table and could be considered serious lightweights who only purchase alcohol under the pretense of self loath so they can feel like jaded, romanticized tragic figures to themselves when really they're just losers looking for attention. Nobody in here is a real alcoholic. They drank a few times, felt depressed, then looked up online the symptoms of years of alcoholic abuse and emulated the patterns from there. End game is funding the rehabilitative industry in hopes of getting people to feel sorry for them with forced sob stories and hopefully free friends that will suddenly fix their social lives.

like this "man I'm a fuckin mess". Ahaha, jesus some of you people try so hard to be tragic. Get over yourself.

>> No.5775704


I had an equally bad day yesterday.

Sometimes I can go a few days and especially if I get super trashed then the next day I will chill out. But this weekend went on a bender drank a lot of vodka and beer and yesterday I was so fucked up throwing up all day, sweats, shakes. It was not fun.

Suicide is bad news though you may want to see some professional help if you aren't already. Bad hangovers will fuck with your mind and nothing seems enjoyable to me until i sober up some.

>> No.5775713

that horrible post speaks volumes about you. your homosex is radiating.

>> No.5775715
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>> No.5775781

im thinking about getting some premium lights

light beer in australia is low alcoholic beer not low carbs

any success with this

>> No.5775813


beer thread

>> No.5775846
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Yea, if you guys really feel like you have a problem, go to an actual AA meeting. You'll either realize you don't really have a problem, or you'll get the support you need. This... whatever this thread is, its not gonna achieve anything.

Also, a baffling diagram.

>> No.5775864

that diagram rustles me gently

>> No.5775923

liquor gets the job done quicker :)

>> No.5775930

i know m8 thats the problem for me liquor is like cordial for me thats why i prefer beer

dont get me wrong i love liquours but in my drinking career i need to drink beers to at least keep things at healthy pace

>> No.5776040
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So six double shots everyday isn't a dependency?
Whoa great news I'll step it up to 8

>> No.5776194

I like how everyone avoids the subject of AA.

>> No.5776205
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>Accept a high power into your life
>We won't say God but we totally mean God

AA is a cult exploiting vulnerable people, don't be so naive to think they're actually out to help people

>> No.5776215

Your higher power can be drinking too but they frown on it. You just have to be okay with admitting you need help to get through it and can't do it alone, you need God/Alcohol to do it

>> No.5776224


I went to one once. Everyone was 20 years older than me at the least, except for one incredibly whorish looking 30 something year old girl. Not kidding, she looked like a prostitute.

This is the UK so it wasn't so HURR GOD but the basic "twelve truths" are the same as they were when they were first written (by some american bible basher) so that's where that comes from. In the meeting I went to they basically explained that the basis that AA was founded on was "god" but they do not force it upon you in any way and they tell you to take what you want out of it. Most people prefer "higher power", as in, there is a "higher power" in you that you can use to stop drinking.

They had a whip-round of stories and by the end I didn't really feel like I belonged there. Their stories were terrible, these people had been through hell and back from their drinking. I didn't share, but if I had, it would be basically "I'm 24 I've been drinking 10 beers a night for 3 years straight and nothing has really happened except I've maybe lost a girlfriend because of it."

Also, everyone there had already quit. Some of them had quit for years but still went to AA every week for some reason. I didn't like that because I was and still am very much into my alcoholism. I felt kind of alone as I was basically sat around a group of people who had risen above what I am still suffering with.

I came away from it thinking, while I do still have a problem, I haven't fucked up even half as bad as those people had, but I sure as fuck don't want to end up like them.

>> No.5776226

I've got a question for you, /alck/.
I'm not huge on alcohol, the only drink I actually like is vodka. Now I'm trying to get into whiskey, since my main gripe with alcoholic drinks is how they try to mask their flavour by bringing in other flavoures (eg wine), but since whiskey has a high amount of alcohol in it already, I feel like I wouldn't have much of a problem with it.
Now what's a good whiskey to start with for someone like me?

>> No.5776229

anyone else just think theyre gunna have a cheeky 2 but end up with 5 or 7

>> No.5776230

Cooking drunk is fun though. The creations may be shit most of the time, but every now and again you make something that doesn't give you the heartburn and the shits at 3am

>> No.5776231


Why are you trying to get into alcohol?

>> No.5776235

i'd say try gin's before you try whisky

>> No.5776238

wow... 336 days, checking out the 4chans and randomly today I am drinking.

i lost 60 lbs.
i stopped smoking.
my business and relationships are going well.

i am on my 4th Habanero Sculpin... And I have no reason. It is 10:48 AM here.

>> No.5776263

Not trying to get into it, broading my horizons. I guess I just want to experience other flavoures for myself, and not only drink vodka all the time.
Doesn't gin taste a lot like juniper berries though? Or is the taste of them not as strong as it would be with the average whiskey?

>> No.5776265

Very this. I went to AA for about a month. (Not for alcohol really, more for other drugs.)
I stopped going cuz even though everyone in this particular group was younger, like 20-30, it just felt like being part of that community was more destructive than flying solo.
Every meeting felt like a pissing contest of who was more fucked up. And strangely, the more fucked up your stories were, the more people liked you.
The breaking point was when i got involved with this girl who went to the meetings. Literally a half second before I put it in her for the first time she breaks it to me that she 'might' have hepatitis...


>> No.5776283

gin with lime or lemon and soda water is legit drink where you can still taste the gin but its not harsh as fuck

many of these scotches wouldn't be a beginners drink you'd probably end up coughing and spluttering

>> No.5776564

i've been decreasing daily booze intake from blackout to 3 or 4 cocktails a night. mornings are significantly improved. no more hungover diarrhea. but holy fuck i am just anxious & mad at dumb shit. much easier to shrug off morans and IRL rudeness when you're inebriated.

>> No.5776578
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So today I woke up feeling like death, and picked up 2 colleagues for the hour long commute to work (we car share) and I felt dizzy and like I was going to puke all the way there. I get to literally 2 minutes away from the office and I had to pull over and throw up on the side of the road in front of them. Then I dropped them off at work and drove all the way back home and went to bed.

Because of this, I have decided for the 39182th time that I'm going to quit drinking. Tonight is night #1, 21:44pm and I haven't had a drink yet. If I can just make it to sleep tonight...

>> No.5776809


Finding homeless people to give raw meat and veg to.

Don't be so retarded.

>> No.5777482

I got sent home early. Severely hungover. I need help. Listening to AA speaker tapes right now.

>> No.5777541
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my. fucking. SIDES. I've passed out drunk every night for five years, I don't take breaks. I'm a flawed man but I take comfort in knowing I'm much less of a faggot than you.

jk with my serious response. decent troll post you made though, I like the cut of your jab.

>> No.5777556
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>Came home from work tonight, said hi to my roommates, mentioned I was gonna try not to drink tonight (up to two liters of straight whiskey a night, it's getting expensive)
>my girlfriend stops by for a few minutes before work for a smoke
>Fuck it, I'm already outside by my car, why not go to the liquor store

>3 bottles of whiskey and 1 bottle of vodka later...
>I walk into the house with my bottles and my roommate gives me a sad look and all I can think to say is "I'm not an alcoholic, I swear"


>> No.5777566

I'm trying to quit my alcoholism and just stick to weekends/a drink a night. Went a night with just a beer, a night with nothing, and then tonight kind of hung out with my brother and had probably 4-5 drinks worth when we split a big cup of vodka iced tea.

Am I going to make it? I don't want to get drunk every day.

>> No.5777620

>claims trollpost
>proves it with his own post

>> No.5777662

You're on the right track. Just the fact that you can cut down and be fine with that is a good sign.

>> No.5778456

>implying I drink for other people

>> No.5778469

Guys, I drink a shot every morning when I wake up. Am I an alcoholic? I only drink that shot, which gets me pretty drunk, but yeah. Thats it for the day until next morning.

>> No.5778530

It´s a habit, sure... Do you get any enjoyment out of it though? If not, you should probably stop. If so, then I don´t see the problem.

>> No.5778533

Nice Tom Waits reaction image my fellow gentleman. Keep pretending you're "cool" just like Tom Waits :^) I tip my fedora to you.

See >>5775701 for a diagnoses of your symptons, you tryhard.

>> No.5778534

Btw, is there anyone in this thread that actually still enjoys drinking and the lifestyle? Or just out of control people that lost their way?

>> No.5778535

Alcoholism is the new Aspergers/special snowflake disease losers diagnose themselves with.

>> No.5778538

They're all a bunch of fedora neckbeards pretending to have a manly affliction while imagining themselves to be like Hemingway or someshit. Most of the fags in here could probably be drunk under the table and could be considered serious lightweights who only purchase alcohol under the pretense of self loath so they can feel like jaded, romanticized tragic figures to themselves when really they're just losers looking for attention. Nobody in here is a real alcoholic. They drank a few times, felt depressed, then looked up online the symptoms of years of alcoholic abuse and emulated the patterns from there. End game is funding the rehabilitative industry in hopes of getting people to feel sorry for them with forced sob stories and hopefully free friends that will suddenly fix their social lives.

Personally, I drink. Not because I'm a little sobbing girl who needs her pity milk. I drink because it tastes great and I can hold my liquor. You losers are looking for somebody's shoulder to cry on and exploit alcohol for that fix. I am laughing at your lives.

>> No.5778543

Well, if this was /lit/ I guess the top part would hold even truer.

>Personally, I drink. Not because I'm a little sobbing girl who needs her pity milk. I drink because it tastes great and I can hold my liquor. You losers are looking for somebody's shoulder to cry on and exploit alcohol for that fix. I am laughing at your lives.

Abso- fucking- lutely! And I still show up at work every day and do my bit.

>> No.5778547


Fuck you. You dknt don't know ehst ive drrn or dkrn.

>> No.5778594

AA-fag here.

Just had a dream i was at a jewish wedding and had a sip of kosher wine. Spat it out, then realized i needed to call my sponsor and restart my day count.

Partier for 30 years, by the end could not get through the day without drinking.

Didn't realize I was dependent until I already was, blah blah blah

My life got better after I stopped. Less fun sometimes but better overall.

>> No.5778629

You spat it out... after drinking it ritually.If that is "falling off the wagon", the cult has fucked your mind.

>> No.5778638


11/10 post

>> No.5778705
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>> No.5778706

If you still go to parties or social events where people usually drink/get drunk, do you enjoy yourself? If so, how?

When I quit smoking my biggest fear was not enjoying parties anymore because I would have to struggle with the cravings. Which I find ridiculous today because unlike weed or alcohol, it didn't change my mood. If I had to quit both of the two latter, I don't think I could party anymore.

>> No.5778708
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>> No.5778865


I come here just because I find the lives of alcoholics to be oddly fascinating.

>> No.5778952

How bad is beer for your health? Lets say I replace a meal or two with beer daily. If I still get all my macros, will I be fine?

>> No.5778953

Why is drinking before 5pm so looked down upon in the US? Why can't I have a chocolate stout with my morning breakfast without getting dirty looks?

>> No.5779164
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Cheers stanbro.
I mostly try to stick to beer, but I'll do shots of something clear.

>> No.5779182

Get drunk friends. I love a stout or a mimosa or a bloody Mary in the morning.

>> No.5779199

Lol oh shit.. Something very similar happened to me a few weeks ago
>be me
>hungover as shit
>have to give mom ride to work at 7am
>feel like I'm gonna throw up the whole way
>think I am actually going to make it, we are pretty close to her work
>she pulls into an ATM.. Shit!
>dat line
>we finally get to machine, at this point I know it's all over
>we are about to drive off, she looks at me
>I am pale as have a sick look on my face
>proceed to open door and throw up everywhere while cars behind us in line stare
>mom is horribly embarrassed
> slowly drives off while looking at puke in rear view mirror
>she is disgusted in me
>tfw I'm used to it by now

>> No.5779224

Can I get a good list of good, sweet dark beers? Im so tired of tart and burnt shit

>> No.5779235

Beer culture is dead and you guys killed it

>> No.5779267

It certainly isn't

>> No.5779284


>Drinking Beer

You can't get drunk off Beer Anon

>> No.5779442

I take it you've never had an imperial stout, barleywine or double IPA. Shit, quads even.

>> No.5779902

Does anyone ever get a tingling numbness in the hands when stretching after a night of heavy drinking. I can't figure out if sleeping on my shoulders or it's the alcohol

>> No.5780592


>> No.5780796

Those make you fat, not drunk

>> No.5780854

>tfw majority of my family are alcoholics
>tfw probably going that way

Fuck it, I'll have another black russian.

>> No.5781294

yeah i get this in the middle of the night in hands/feet. poor circulation probably.

>> No.5781309

so im planning on buying 3 beers to drink by myself tonight, also gonna buy a blended whiskey cause i need a broader selection in my collection.
any recommendation? remember that i just want to get buzzed and drink straight out of the can cause im a pleb like that (and i dont have any proper beer glasses)

>> No.5781312


If you want cheapest buzz then steel reserve and icehouse edge (both 8%) are dirt cheap (USA).

A lot of good beer actually comes in cans though now. I lived in CO for awhile and a lot of good microbrews used cans.

>> No.5781314

im in sweden and have never heard of those 2.

>> No.5781319
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I've been sober since I read this post and got depressed. Poured all my liquor down the drain.

It's been over a month. I think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.5781390

>tfw 8am saison because you have nothing nonalcoholic in your fridge

I really need to plan better.

>> No.5781461

try refridgerating water

>> No.5781474

what's that?

>> No.5781477

I love to prep, and cook meals while getting absolutely smashed, later to find myself eating only a few bites with my hands in a David Hasselhoff-esque stupor and eventually pass out..

>> No.5781481
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>im planning on buying 3 beers to drink by myself tonight

>> No.5781489

straight outta reddit

>> No.5781501

the only thing close to a cold beer on a hot day is a cold glass of refridgerated water at 330am when incredibly thirsty/tipsy

>> No.5781503


I do the same shit. I'll come up with some great meal idea and I'm all pumped to make it then midway through from drinking while prepping and cooking I lose my appetite since alcohol is so damn calorie dense. Then I end up either not finishing cooking or make it and eat a little then have to put the rest away. At least if I make it through leftovers aint so bad.

>> No.5781519

weird, i just eat a TON after drunk cooking. but then again it's my only meal of the day ;_;

>> No.5781527

I find that I'm most creative with food when I'm drunk.

>> No.5782103
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vodka with blueberry/ black currant juice
taste pretty good.

>> No.5782130
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>tfw this thread started on Monday

I'm in good company. What's the percentage of 4chan browsers with drinking problems, do you think?

>> No.5782228

90% of /ck/ and about 50% of /tv/
I know this much.

>> No.5782276


I'm both /tv/ and /ck/. Why is it that so many coo/ck/s are alcohols? /tv/ is made up paedophiles and neets, but /ck/ seems to be mostly normalfags. How are there so many more alcohols on /ck/ than there are on /tv/? I've always wondered this.

>> No.5782280

Hey people that drink, is there a vodka guide or some shit?

>> No.5782290


I think most of 4chan has some dependency issues stemming from escapism, catch /v/ at 4am and you can get lists of the best drugs for your favourite games

>> No.5782300
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4am generals are the only reason I ever go on /v/ anymore

>> No.5782305


If you live in the UK

Zubrowski for good vodka
Chekov for cheap vodka, any cheaper and you're drinking nail varnish


I have to get up at 10 in the morning to catch those, I hate it

>> No.5782346

God I fucking HATE withdrawals. It's the fucking shortness of breath I get when I'm just sitting here the day after drinking that gets to me.

>> No.5782355

>day after drinking
No such thing. Just 'the moments before'

>> No.5782369

I don't get it.

>> No.5782383
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Not bad really. Day 2 of my Erasmus placement in Italy went wonderfully, and I've got another 8 days of fucking about before I actually have to do anything properly.

Although I do have to make pic related last. Picked it up on the flight out and it's as wonderful as I'd hoped it would be. Spicy, salty and smoky as anything, I've just got to be careful to ration it.

>> No.5782386

Woke up still drunk this morning.

Missed my Anatomy lecture class. Spent the entire period in the bathroom shitting, trying not to puke, and browsing /ck/

Made myself go to the Anatomy lab class an hour and a half later. Got paired up with two cute girls during the lab, get the sweats during class, so scared they would smell the liqour smell.

Excused myself from class and went and puked. Came back and tried to keep away from everyone the rest of the time.

I hated myself the rest of the day, told myself to get hydrated and be productive. Couldn't get feeling right no matter how much food, water, Gatorade or caffeine I had.

Finally broke down and got some Mexican food at a tienda and ordered some beer. As soon as I had the beer in me I'm already back to 100%. I hate myself sometimes.

>> No.5782615

some people say that it's because most people in the industry have an alcohol dependence, but it's also possible that alcoholics search for alcoholic threads on the food board

>> No.5782737

People who talk about beer are huge faggots. That is all.

Try this: be at a party, say "I think domestic and foreign beer are basically the same". The first dude to speak up, I guarantee you, is a huge faggot. Proceed to avoid for the remainder of the evening for excellent times.

>> No.5782755

>some people say that it's because most people in the industry have an alcohol dependence
can confirm
the bar that I frequent is where all the industry workers in town go after they get off their shift. every night I'm there they are always there drinking. the exact same people every night of the week. cool as fuck people though. better than hanging out at the sports bars with all the bros.

>> No.5782902

Awww did someone expose you as the filthy casual you most likely are? How did that make you feel?

>> No.5782909

Nah man, you're doing it right. Just chew minty gum all the time and your good to go.

>> No.5782970

Industryfag alcoholic here. Long hours, hard stressful work. When i get off im to drained to do anything social or productive. Yet i cant just come home and rest, body and mind are still in top gear. When i get home i take two shots before i even take a piss and keep drinking. It relaxes me.

>> No.5782986


Hmh, makes sense, I'm out of my home from8am to 7pm with a very hard working and technical office job, so i like to fill up my own time with beer.

>> No.5782991
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>> No.5783028
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day one 500ml whisky, day two 500ml whisky day three hangover/tired. day four no hangover, bored, sad, nervous.

repeated for 1 year so far.
i keep trying to get drunk enough to apply for a job, but just have a panica attack and am unable to do it. Soon I will need a job to keep drinking, so something has to give,

>> No.5783033
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Am a 12 beer a day alcoholic of the last 5 years.

As of Monday, I've tried tapering it down with the goal of 0 (although I average about 2 drinks). Trying to work out every day, and it really helps with the anxiety, agitation, and deals with the pent up energy. This is obviously a big change from being a galllon of beer couch potato to jogging/lifting every day and having one to unwind at the end of the night.

Today I had a headache, my first withdrawl symptom, so I had to go to my car during work and slam a beer. I.. I think I'm gonna make it. This weekend will be hard...

>> No.5783039

>i keep trying to get drunk enough to apply for a job

how could this go wrong?

>> No.5783042
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>> No.5783051

b but beer is good for you. Stop all that working out exercise bs. That's the devil I tells ya!

>> No.5783065

im honestly hoping one morning i wake up with an interview time lined up in my inbox, and then a couple days later i wake up and i;ve got myself a job.


>> No.5783072

are you the little sad faces or the smiling guy?

>> No.5783078

>that thumbnail

lol I actually sat and contemplated how much alcohol I've had to drink today when I saw that, thought the moonshine crept up on me quick tonight.

>> No.5783091

it is a mixed bag

If I decided to stop drinking for good, definitely would be bad. Looking forward to sunday so I can drink beer and watch football.

>> No.5783094
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As your attorney I advise you to keep drinking if you know what's good for you.

>> No.5783095

That's retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.5783109

I don't eat very much, but I sure do like to drink. I get absolutely shit faced when I do. Supporting my habit through bar trivia. I must have drank two gallons of Guinness last night...wondering if that is vomit on my shoe.

>> No.5783123

what, get so drunk you do the shit process to get a job and make it manageable?

>> No.5783135

It's sad that you actually believe this will work.

>> No.5783151

Protip: go to all your interviews drunk. Theyre probably just looking for some.drone to fill the role, at least theyll know what they are getting and you wont get fired the first day.

>> No.5783159

depending on how the day is going i'll either be smooth af and personable and friendly, or obviously just drunk

>> No.5783162

I do everything pretty drunk. Not at home, I'm comfortable there. Before I leave the house to go to a friends house, to shop, visit family, anything, I have my flask filled and I take three shots.
It works because I'm nervous and shaky around people, always have been, and I don't drive because it's too scary.

>> No.5783170

>2 liters of whiskey a night

bull fucking shit

>> No.5783224

ya think?

>> No.5783233

I need to get myself a flask.

>> No.5783245

Or just carry water bottle with vodka or gin. More natural looking.

>> No.5783255

I only use a flask because it fits in my pocket right, curved to fit right and it came with this neat little funnel

Can do this too but there's something more permanent about a flask I think, like I can use it forever.

>> No.5783300

>Coughing after sipping from vodka water bottle in front of people.
>pretend to be chuckling at something.

>> No.5783655

what's a good spirit to try? no vodka, no gin, no cognac please. 20-30 dollars, anywhere from pint sizes to 750mls

>> No.5783672

>tfw whiskey in my a&w root beer bootle

>> No.5783678

>being a wino

>> No.5783684


>> No.5783690

i saw that on Vice, fuckin gooks man

>> No.5783720
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that's a lot. I could drink a litre of whisy a day but I'd have to start at about 4pm and go till midnight.

>> No.5783956

you fucking hippie

>> No.5784538

Vodka and black currant. What's happening al/ck/s? Everyone had a good day?

>> No.5784544

Living in NZ sucks, you guys are all comad out when I'm just getting started :/

>> No.5784549

hippy, did you look at that picture?
Semi-rural middle-class household hipster cloths...
this kid's as normal as they come.

>> No.5784587

If you get drunk and blast techno what song do you blast?

I blast this.

>> No.5784599

>not blasting Avril Lavigne and the eagles while drunk

>> No.5784600

probably a random mix of hardstyle I find on youtube. I don't listen to music sober so I don't bother really sticking to artists.

>> No.5784602

Have any of you ever read John Cheese?


>> No.5784603

Something to make me feel small


>> No.5784606

Fuck reading lol, that's something I can only handle sober.

>> No.5784608

just paste it, no one going to go to cracked or buzzfeed for the obvious click-bait.

>> No.5784617


Well, if people don't mind me spamming the thread...

One year ago, I was hospitalized. I won't bore you with the details, so let's just say I was struck down with a case of having an enormous penis. Several vials of blood were taken for various tests, all of them coming back positive for a magnificent, awe-inspiring dong, which I was already fully aware of. What I didn't expect, however, was the doctor's first question when explaining my results.

"So ... how much do you drink per day?"

I started to answer, but he threw up a hand to stop me and continued, "If you don't stop drinking right now, you'll be dead before you're 40. You're 35, and your liver is already showing signs of shutting down. Then again, the faster all the drunks die off, the more space we free up in this hospital for people with actual medical problems that are beyond their own control." Then he punched me in the face and hobbled out of the room on his cane.

>> No.5784619


So I quit, cold turkey, after 22 years of what could only be called the my penis of alcohol addictions. That was a little over a year ago, and during that time I've discovered some things about quitting booze that they manage to leave out of inspirational movie montages.

#5. The Stench

For the first couple of days, stretching into the first couple of weeks, you sweat your ass off. Even on cold days, you can't keep a shirt dry with all the king's deodorant and all the king's men ... putting that deodorant on for you. (I'm not good with metaphors.)

As your body works overtime to rid itself of toxins, leftover alcohol and its byproducts that are stored in your lymph nodes will begin to seep out through not only your urine, but also your breath and the pores of your skin.

This isn't normal stink. If it was just persistent body odor, you could do something about it. No, this is stink on a demonic level. This is Stinkotronicus: Master of Stinkalarium, and it will make you do its bidding, lest it destroy you and all of those you hold dear. Showers do help, but their effect is very temporary and only seems to provoke it.

>> No.5784621


How bad is it? Another Cracked writer on the wagon (who posts as Yowhound) was actually kicked off of a public bus because of this ... in Europe. They've tolerated the French for thousands of years, but they couldn't handle one bus ride with a recovering alcoholic.

#4. The Nightmares

The stench isn't the end of the world (even if it smells exactly like how you imagine the apocalypse smelling). No, it's the insomnia that's the first major ass-kicker.

For many hardcore drinkers, "going to sleep" and "passing out" mean roughly the same thing. I personally never got black-out drunk, but I always went to bed with a good, deep buzz. I did it so often that my brain got used to the booze as a sleep aid. So much so that when I finally quit and the toxins began to disappear from my body, my brain became more active at bedtime and simply refused to shut down for the night (once more, this is common among detoxing alcoholics). But then, once you finally drift off, is when the fun starts.

That's when you get some of the most frequent and realistic nightmares you've ever experienced. Intense feelings of dread and anxiety thump through your sleeping mind, as if the stench demon decided to drift into your cerebral cortex.

Remember that your brain is not only more active but also in panic mode. It has become so used to having alcohol that it started thinking it was one of your normal bodily fluids. Imagine if you suddenly gave up food, taking all of your nutrients via an IV instead. Even if you were getting everything you needed, for a while your empty stomach would still send out the pain alarm that says, "INSERT FOOD OR YOU WILL DIE, DUMBASS!" The inside of a detoxing alcoholic's head is freaking out in the same manner.

>> No.5784631


One of the most common nightmares among alcoholics is the terrible recurring dream where you fall off the wagon. You fight all day to stay sober, then in your sleep you relapse. So in the dream you now have to explain to the people around you that you slipped. Not only do you feel all of the guilt and shame and frustration while you're dreaming, the feelings stick with you long after you wake up.

Like all the symptoms, it passes. What does not pass so easily is ...

#3. The Poop

It's like my grandma used to tell me: "John, when you really think about it, it all comes down to shitting. Now put in that VHS tape marked '5 Hours of Me Shitting' and I'll show you what I mean." Now, that video was a compilation of several different movements set to the "Moonlight Sonata," but if I had tried to make my own such video the camera's battery would have run out before I finished just one.

Alcohol has calories. Since a whole lot of an alcoholic's caloric intake comes out of a bottle, most alcoholics have very poor diets overall. So for instance, I would eat lunch, but by early evening, food would be replaced with booze. Drinking keeps the stomach busy, and alcohol suppresses the appetite. Then, maybe you binge on tacos at 2 a.m. As millions of college kids can tell you, the following day's result is known as "beer shits."

>> No.5784644


When you stop drinking, you subtract from the body all of those thousands of liquid calories, but now you're hungrier, so you eat to replace them. But a system used to digesting gallons of beer suddenly has pounds of meat and cheese to work on. It'd be like if a normal person spontaneously decided to spend a week slowly eating an entire moose.

The point being, have you ever shit an antler?

Because that's what it feels like. The intestines extract an insane amount of water from your feces, leaving you with a bowel full of granite. For me, this lasted for over a month before my body adjusted, and now I can pass a life-sized statue of the crucifixion through my colon. I'd write more about this, but I'm considering turning it into a book instead, as soon as I can find someone to illustrate it.

#2. The Urge to Murder

The first thing to go during detoxification is the mind. It starts to wander. Short-term memory misfires. The simplest tasks will require as much focus as defusing a time bomb.

There was a day in the first week of my own detoxification when I walked into the living room four times in a row to get my phone, but each time I forgot to pick it up. We've all done that before, right? The difference is that mine was ringing at the time.

Part of this lack of focus is because you're constantly tired from the insomnia/nightmare combination, part of it is the nervous system not having the security blanket of booze it's used to. And with that, came changes in mood.

The smallest things would irritate me into a full-blown rage. Little annoyances, like the person who was sitting at the same picnic table as me who wouldn't stop tapping his leg up and down, shaking the whole contraption. I wanted get a gun and murder him and all of the other people in the world who had failed to murder him up to that point.

>> No.5784647


Some people in that situation may have a few people close to them who sympathize with what they're going through (assuming they connect the bad mood with the alcohol at all, and they may not if they've never tried to quit). But to everyone else, you're just being an unmanageable twat. Fortunately, I still had my friends to make me feel better.

Well, I would have, if it hadn't turned out that most of my friends were in fact just drinking partners. When I told them I was quitting, they'd sort of nervously laugh, waiting for the punch line. Then, they'd respond with a genuinely surprised, "Really? Why?" Then they'd reassure me that I didn't have a drinking problem (because if I had a drinking problem, it meant they had a drinking problem).

That's when I'd find out that drinking was all we had in common. Then they'd start slyly trying to get me to drink, and I'd have visions of punching all of the skin off of their faces. So, for the first couple of weeks I wound up just avoiding people when at all possible. It sounds like a chickenshit way out, but it got me through the first of the bad spots without hurting many people in the process, and I murdered almost nobody.

Once the irritability subsides, you're about to reap the rewards of ...

>> No.5784648


#1. The Blissful High

For a few days after a person becomes completely detoxed, his body will get an unexpected dose of oxygen, real food and natural chemicals that will put him on a natural high. It's just a symptom, just like the pooping, and likewise it won't last. Truthfully, you don't want it to.

But in the mean time, rainbows will shoot out of your ass, and it will feel like the final scenes of Independence Day. You've overcome your addictions! The alien ships have been destroyed! You just did what they all said you couldn't do!

Except you haven't. There is no finish line with alcohol recovery. Ninety percent of alcoholics relapse within the first four years. There are still shitloads of ships up there, and each one of them requires Randy Quaid to improbably fly into it at the exact moment it attacks with its giant laser beam.

It turns out that drinking doesn't make a person an alcoholic. The part of a person's brain that makes him drink to excess is what makes him an alcoholic, and the mechanism for the addiction is still there. This is why people in 12-step programs say that you'll always be an alcoholic, even if you're not drinking. Alcohol isn't the disease; it's a symptom. Or rather, it's an attempt to self-medicate the disease.

It's hard for people to understand why I can't just downgrade from "alcoholic" to "moderate drinker." There are plenty of people out there who can drink in moderation. They can down a couple with their friends, shit on the hood of a cop car, go to sleep and forget all about booze the next day. I'm not one of them. Neither was my dad, who died at age 49 from this shit.

I think I'll find a better way to teach my kids the same lesson.

>> No.5784651


If you're a drunk and have started to realize that your story is going to end with a bunch of your friends telling hilarious drinking stories at your funeral, I promise you that quitting is totally worth it, despite all the bad stuff I described above. I'm one year sober as of last week, and I've never felt better or more proud of myself in my life. And in that year, I have not woken up even one time with a cock drawn on my face.


>> No.5784661

who the fuck is drawing cocks on your face? fucking knaves, the lot of 'em.

>> No.5784669

I'm a lonely guy that pretty much works 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday just to earn that cash so I can get trashed from Friday afternoon to Sunday night and start the process all over again the next week. Im supposed to meet my dad for lunch next week but I plan to suicide before that happens because I'm kinda ashamed of my life I live now.
Apparently I was supposed to be somebody

>> No.5784708

apparently nothing, we're all cut from the same cloth, we're all disgusting animals (though some hide behind christianity/booze/etc.). so why the weekend solitude, anon?
acknowledging the solidarity behind human animalism in all its grossness/beauty you'll be better able to explore your own disgusting beauty. the interconnectedness of everyone will draw you to those who are similarly situated.
now imagine that you read this post with a gun to your head. what do you say now?

>> No.5784721
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How many of you are "out of the closet" drinkers? I am certainly open about my drinking.

>> No.5784742


Functional alcoholic here. I don't volunteer just how much I drink, or how much I spend on alcohol each month. I understand I have an addiction but I'm not going to broadcast that. Of course, everyone drinks sometimes, so I don't have to go out of my way. I maybe take steps to dispose of my empties in a way that my neighbors won't see and think I'm a degenerate. That's about all.

Everyone has their flaws, everyone has something they'd ostensibly want to improve about themselves (but choose not to for whatever reason). I think it's ugly to make these things known for no reason whatsoever. Public displays of weakness and self pity are disgusting.

>> No.5784746

why did you appropriate out of the closet and use quotations around the phrase?
anyways, i am told i drink like a sailor.

>> No.5784757


I entirely disapprove of how negative consumption is portrayed, hence the appropriation of being out of the closet.

I think alcoholism and alcoholic are weaponized phrases, which is why I use the term alcophile.

I also don´t think regular imbibing of alcohol should be viewed as a weakness or a flaw. As long as you keep your shit together you should do what you feel right.

>> No.5784765


You don't think alcoholism is a thing? Are you some kind of wishy-washy naive hedonist?

I feel the same about alcohol as I do about sexuality. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's still disgusting to stick your tongue down someone else's throat in public. Conducting yourself with some basic class isn't the same as "weaponizing" a phrase.

>> No.5784773

Of course "alcoholism" is a thing. But even heavy drinking doesn´t mean two bottles of rotgut a day, starting at breakfast. And especially not drinking more than idk. 4 drinks a day or whatever ridiculous standarts they set for the term.

>> No.5784776

some friends act okay when i tell them how much i drink. Others just give suggestions on how to stop, really bad suggestions.
An absolutely never tell your doctor or psychiatrist if you ever want them to treat you well

>> No.5784792


Too slow


>> No.5784889

I like it.

>> No.5784898


Or drunkard, but that´s not really my style...

>> No.5784913

always used functioning/functional alcoholic.

in fact it is one of the only times you can tell other ppl that you're a functional person without sounding arrogant/autistic

>> No.5784925

The one problem I have with that is that it put too much weight on being functional. As if that was the redeeming bit of it.

I drínk because I want to enjoy myself and want to live a life worth dying for. I am not functional DESPITE my drinking. I drink AND I am functional.

>> No.5785418

i understand your sentiment, but you sound incredibly self-righteous, especially with your DIY terminology that is wholly unnecessary.

>> No.5785423

>tfw she sent me nudes tonight
Maybe it's because I'm old but I don't understand this feel at all. If you want to see her nekkid, why not just get together and get nekkid? Putting nude photos on someone's phone, or worse, putting them on the web, is remarkably stupid. And as it turns out, this stupidity coming back to bite people in the ass is a widespread problem these days.

>> No.5785458


Only for stupid people and normalfags

>> No.5785461

Which is exactly what I said.

>> No.5785464


I was contesting the widespread problem aspect

It's frankly not

>> No.5785499

its 2pm and im on my 4th beer, just like yesterday, same as tomorrow.


i love what you are.

>> No.5785505

People of the brew, tell me the secrets of sake

>> No.5785511

Not worth it. The cheap stuff is awful and if you want anything halfway decent, it'll be quite pricey. And to be honest, even good sake isn't all it's chalked up to be. Props to the Japanese for finding a way to get drunk on their staple crop, but sake isn't really anything to make special efforts for.

>> No.5785519

my fucking nigga

>> No.5785529

cheap stuff u can get at your local sushi place is pretty meh

but my dad once gave me a bottle he got as a gift when he went to tokyo on business. stuff was absolutely amazing, opened up a whole new flavor profile to me. i wish i would have taken a pic of the bottle because all the labeling was in japanese

>> No.5785539


How much could it have costed?

>> No.5785543

I don't know, but my dad got it from the president of a rather large industrial corporation in japan, so i imagine it was quite pricey

>> No.5785571

The price floor for good sake is about $25-30 a bottle in my city (NY)

The problem with sake is it's highly perishable but it gets treated like liquor at a lot of stores. So people end up with bad sake and think that's how it's supposed to taste.

>> No.5785679


I wasn't aware of this, many thanks anon, probably gonna be my problem if I buy, so I won't.

Not much into whisky, but haven't tried pricey whisky, should I buy jap whisky instead?

I heard it's all sorts of amazing

>> No.5785785


you are an alcoholic you should try and stop drinking for a couple of months if you can. then see how you feel. trust me, when you are in this kind of situation the only way you can get a proper perspective on things is to stop for a decent period of time

>> No.5785804

>periods where i got alright drunk every day
>weekend, there is no question about it
>really the one thing that makes me feel "good"
>always alone of course
i'm not gonna end up good am i?

>> No.5785805

>stop drinking
stopped reading

>> No.5785810

>at least a 12 pack of platinum or a fifth of hennessy every night
>pack a day habit
>never don't meet those two marks

We'll die horribly painful deaths lol

>> No.5785832

You live at home or do you actually work in between?

I guess alcohol is cheap in the US but somehow you have to finance the habit anyway.

>> No.5785836

im 41 and still kicking. ive been on blood pressure medicine for about 10 years but every year my lad results says all my numbers are good, now and then cholesterol is high.

drink 16 beers a night. its my medicine and like anon, only think that makes me feel good. an hero long time ago maybe without alcohol.

bad brain chemicals for the feels, but im borderline genius/autistic. complete shutin unless i drink. not fair, cant remain in a relationship more than a year. i quit finally. need robot wife

>> No.5785845

If you order or buy from a store that deals in a lot of sake you should be fine, they wouldn't be likely to sell you a three year old bottle of bad sake.

Regarding whisky in my opinion Japanese whisky is not for cost sensitive drinkers. When it's great it's *great* but expensive (minimum $100). At the lower end it's just priced above its value (just my opinion).

If you want a user friendly cost effective whisky I think tomintoul 16 is decent. It's about the same price as Laga 16 maybe a little less in some places.

>> No.5785846

i live alone.


i guess the only thing that keeps me in moderation is the my limited budget. I can't actually dare to imagine what happends when i graduate.

>> No.5785868


>Drink 12 500ml cans of 5% Beer every night since 2008
>I can physically feel all of my organs inside of me because they are so damaged, if I poke myself anywhere in my abdomen it hurts
>Haven't had a solid shit in 5 years
>I only know I'm done wiping when there is only blood on the toilet paper and not blood and shit.

>> No.5785873

Have a 1200 apt, a 2011 car and have nt missed a day of work in 4 years.
I jus function lol.

>> No.5785879

why are these blog threads allowed

>> No.5785887

They shouldn't be. I didn't mind the occasional alcoholic bitchfest in legitimate alcohol threads. But alcoholism threads are not /ck/-related. At least the wapanese food pic blog and the fast food advert threads are vaguely on-topic.

>> No.5785932


the japanese threads and even the fast food threads are absolutely on topic even if they're full of shitposting

that said while the alcoholic threads aren't necessarily entirely on topic I don't really know what a better board would be for them. /adv/ is 90% teenagers who are trying to to interpret blatantly obvious queues from romantic interests, so they wouldn't have much to contribute.

>> No.5785947

Have them on /b/ or /soc/ then, for all I care. This is not /ck/-related. Alcoholism is as unrelated as a thread on diabetes.

>> No.5786046


/alck/ is a very tame and tolerable general and it happens on /ck/ because the majority of 4chamblers who are actual alcoholics just happen to be old enough to be single and living alone/married and also share interests in cooking, and this thread prompts some good conversations. It wouldn't fit anywhere else, this is the best place for it with the best demographic of posters.

>> No.5786048


Stop having a seizure over a thread on an internet forum you gigantic faglord. Hide the thread if you don't like it, and hold your tears.

>> No.5786070

You idiots can't even contain it to one thread. I lost count how many times I saw 3-4 of these in the catalog. But if you bring up the fact that there is another thread, you drunks start defending this practice.

And this is all beside the point. It doesn't matter what sort of person is posting in these threads. What matters is that they don't belong on /ck/.

>> No.5786152


Every alcoholic in this thread is more level-headed than you are. Grow up you baby.

>> No.5786165

See what I mean? Make an actual argument or observation, and the response is "wahhh baby faggot!"

A level-headed person would admit that, yes, these threads are not on topic. And perhaps they should be better policed if they are to be here at all. But you've just clearly demonstrated why these threads are a blight. No respect for the rules, just "well I want to have it here so stop being a baby and let me do what I want."

By this reasoning, there should be nothing wrong with my starting a daily porn thread here.

>> No.5786176

>these threads are not on topic
Neither is your shitposting with regards to this thread. Two wrongs don't make a right, just report the thread and fuck off instead of bitching and moaning

>> No.5786196

If your that asshurt then send an email requesting an /alc/ board. Theres definitely enough of us on 4chan to warrant one. Until then this is the best place. Its a consumable and half of us are alcoholics. Stop shitting on the parade and hide the thread, these threads are a good outlet for us and they are helping people who arent into AA. Other than OC and cook alongs it is one of the only positive recurring threads.

Leave us alone.

>> No.5786207

/ck/ - Random

>> No.5786234

nigori is cheap as shit and delicious what are you talking about

>> No.5786239

you couldnt be more wrong

>> No.5786249


>maybe if I samefag hard enough people will pay attention to me

Fuck off back to /tv/

>> No.5786272
File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, 9c94e9d5-6df4-4561-9306-5d00a5ebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a SFW board for one.
There's also beer and liquor discussion in this thread.
Feel free to start another fast food thread though, you disgusting shitpig whiner. I'll be sure to hide it and not shitpost in it.

Pic related: I'm drinking a Gose before I move on to the bombers. Its a 3.5/5 for the style.

>> No.5786296
File: 1.37 MB, 1143x857, 20140912_184101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey al/ck/s just found one woot.

tldr, redneck beers have prizes.

we drink a fuck ton of beer.

if i run out of beer i will drink this collectors item [sic] without even thinkin lol. just sayin.

have a great night bros, i hear the neighbor's bass so i might wander over and listen, they usually spark a doobie and i do the watermelon crawl home.

>> No.5786301

Holy shit dude, that is like the same odds as winning the lottery. congrats on your find.

>> No.5786307

tastes fucking yuck lol
like piney dirt
cost fucking 9 dollars
fuck this smallbrew bullshit
I'm going back to vodka

>> No.5786316

>cooking drunk

you must have a regular hasmat suit or have iron skin.

>> No.5787831

Sup niggas, back on the vodka cranberry for another night. NZ time so you guys are comad but wake up well, Godspeed al/ck/s, you're doing gods work.

>> No.5788846
File: 52 KB, 531x345, 1410453377663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start drinkin for the day
>Diarrhea stops
>Stomach immediately feels better
>Feel like doing something other than lay around
>Feel like eating again
>Feel like going out
>Start feelin pretty good, everything's not that bad
>Go to bed
>Shitty fucked up sleep cycle from drinking
>Repeat pretty much, give or take.

>> No.5788986


>> No.5789387

havent had a drink all fucking day!!

>> No.5789402

haha fucking just poured one

>> No.5789406
File: 46 KB, 433x317, amon-goeth-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.5789412

Is that image real?

>> No.5789470


I went through a program associated with AA a few years ago before I lost my job. I told them I didn't believe in God and I wasn't going to stop drinking, but for the duration of the time I was in the program I wouldn't drink. They said that was fine. So after four weeks of them trying to force me to believe in their God the day finally comes when I would be out of their horrible program. As I'm getting ready to leave they sit me down and ask me to stay for another week; I decline and said I was going to go and pick up a six pack. They immediately pick up a phone and call an ambulance and have me taken away in a straitjacket and have me thrown in a state-run dump of a mental hospital. Fuck those people, their beliefs and their system. I would rather die a pathetic alcoholic than accept their "help" ever again.

>> No.5789481

edgy fedora detected
maybe if you loved god he would love you back

>> No.5789483


I used to drink a minimum of half a gallon of Vodka a day. I had to go to the liquor store twice a week to buy Vodka by the case because I was drinking so much.

>> No.5789485

Er could have just pretended
You're a fucking retard and deserved what you havegot.

>> No.5789539

Yeah dude it is. I think he may have gained weight for this new role however.

>> No.5789556

of course! you think every fatass gets shit out the womb looking like the Monopoly guy? they don't, most caucasians are physically attractive when they are at a healthy weight. but lots of us get fat as fuck and start wearing bad clothes.

>> No.5789574

Principles make you retarded? Please do us a huge favor and go suck a cop's dick. You can just pretend you like it, right? I mean, if you don't, you're a fucking retard, right?

>> No.5789625

It's one thing to have principles. Do you always have to say what you believe even when it could have terrible consequences?

Sometimes it is just best to stfu.

>> No.5789633


Yeah, but I didn't think they would throw me in a looney bin because I was going to drink alcohol. I've learned that lesson a shitty way because of those cunts.

>> No.5789641

Sometimes it is. If you're a bitch without any convictions

>> No.5789723
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140913_214912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sitting at the bar browsing /ck/
Currently 2 gin & tonics deep

>> No.5789783

hope night progresses well anon

shit the captcha said rpesy

>> No.5789793

I've done that more times than I care to remember

Cheaper to do it from home

>> No.5789879

Yeah but unlike most of 4chan i enjoy a little social fulfillment every once in awhile. Just gotta get a few drinks under my belt to rid the spaghetti from my pockets.

>> No.5789884
File: 95 KB, 948x1856, 2350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to hit the liquor store.

Knob Creek or Woodford Reserve? Or is there anything else better under $50?

>> No.5790010
File: 253 KB, 1686x614, typical 4chan alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5790017

Basil haydens and bookers is good aswell

>> No.5790061
File: 173 KB, 500x748, 130808[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too late, I ended up buying a bottle of this tonight. I'll try the bookers next time though, thanks.

>> No.5790129

I was going to say Woodford. I have a bottle next to my bed right now. For under 50, it's a perfect bottle of whisky. But for those living in Ohio or nearby, there's some real good shit called OYO that has a bit more character to it. All of their alcohol is amazing.

>> No.5790206


>> No.5790307

Who /cantstopdrinking/ here?

>> No.5790377

Bought handle of rotgut before noon, it should last me! ive already drank more than half. As i fall asleep i am already worrying how im going to settle down tommorrow night. I dont like wine but i bet i end up buying a big bottle tommorow.

>> No.5790803

its like im looking in a mirror

>> No.5790818


>inb4 it is only 9 am

>fuck you niggers

>> No.5790821


>> No.5790824

where the fuck do you live? greenland?

>> No.5790825

Anyone here have high levels or uric acid in their blood?

>> No.5790827

at least we aren't junkies like those nigger/latin/asian-potheads

>> No.5790830

I drink every day but I would never touch drugs!

>> No.5790839

Drinking makes me drugs

>> No.5790903


>> No.5791049

Anyone ever dealt with alcohol intollrence? I out drank my livers ability to produce the enzymes to breakdown booze. It is fucking horrible.

>> No.5791094

More info please?
Do you merely mean drinking till you black out, or are you talking about developing liver cirrhosis??

>> No.5791161

I am talking you drink so much in a period of time, you still feels withdrawal, but your stomach rejects booze... Instantly and violently.

>> No.5791670

> too hungover to visit grandparents
>"i... didn't expect to stay out so late and am tired..."
> horrible excuse but whatever
> ordered chunk food and am waiting for it to be delivered

I'm sure I'll regret it when they're dead

>> No.5791794

You guis aren't alcoholics, just faggots. I can drink any amount of alcohol in the world and get it up to a grainy thumbnail of jlaw leaks...
>but can't get a girl to go home with me
>are we all just doomed to fail?

>Always meet the women of my dreams on vacation, but one in particular, OMG.
>she lived a long way on the other side of where we met.
>it was a fling and neither of us was willing to relocate for an LTR.
Now she's married with kids and looks to be happy.
>My one chance at happiness.
>a million people from parents to employers to friends have told me to stop drinking.
>She was the only person I would have listened to and had the power to make me stop.
Life sucks

>> No.5791882

Oh god I've done that mroe times than I care to remember. Worst part is I don't even have to tell them anymore, they can just tell i'm hungover and be like "So I take it you're not coming over today?"

>> No.5792551

What health problems do you guys suffer from? My stomach and intestines are all kinds of fucked up. Diarrhea all the time, it fucking sucks.

>> No.5792581
File: 14 KB, 350x251, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try a new craft brew
>over-hopped swill thats barely drinkable

I really hate that the hipster faggots who have gotten into craft beers think this shit tastes good. Hops are there to balance the sweetness of the malt, they don't fucking taste good on their own. But they do make idiots feel "cultured" for choking down a glass full of that shit.

>> No.5792682
File: 25 KB, 331x271, 1406832991004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you take over 200 beer cans out for the recycling collection in the morning and you do it after midnight so that no one will see your shame

Anyone else know this feel

>> No.5792685


They hear it in the morning Anon

>> No.5792704
File: 30 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you and me could easily make 100 bucks if we had the balls to carry them to depots for returned cans to cash

>> No.5792707
File: 15 KB, 600x400, 13443454343545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hide all of my alcohol bottles in the bottom. The bottoms of 3 of our boxes are currently full of bottles.

>> No.5792725

is there room for positivity in this thread?

currently feeling great, lying in bed, drinking cheap cider. anyone else get an almost all over body high feeling when drinking lying down?

>> No.5792738

I don't understand the rules for shipping alcohol at all

can or can i not ship spirits to texas

prices are much better online for the 2nd tier of scotch

>> No.5792741

I can only get that high from drinking good hot tea anymore or maybe wine in bed after dinner

>> No.5792817

I feel your pain, mayne. something's gonna snap soon. I feeeeel it

>> No.5793445

hops r gr8 m8
sorry your palate is shit
after awhile they stop tasting bitter and you can savor the nuances of the different hop varietels.

>> No.5794431

my speech is getting worse