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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 300x300, Scissor pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5771419 No.5771419 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ who else cuts their pizza with scissors?

>> No.5771435
File: 35 KB, 599x427, How-cut-a-pizza-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scissors are best for that spiral.

>> No.5771492

My pizza cutter sucks ass because it is plastic, so I usually end up using scissors anyways.

>> No.5771518

I don't understand why anyone would use scissors over a regular pizza cutter?
I have put this to the test before.
With scissors you have to touch the hot pizza all over, you do not get as straight of cuts, I had to clean the fuck out of them before and after I was finished.
The regular circle cutter is faster, straighter, and easier to clean.

>> No.5771561

Why not just use a fucking knife?

>> No.5771586

I did but it freaked my mother in law out everybody loves Raymond style so now I only do so clandestinely. I prefer it due to the preferred yeasty highly risen crust style we like to eat and because my (poor quality?) pizza stone has a porous quality that makes a weird noise if a knife or slicer is used. I guess I should just take it off the stone but it's all hot and shit I just like to wedge it up with a silicone mitt and get shit done with the scissors.

>> No.5771811
File: 10 KB, 500x300, pizza knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, 30 bucks gets you an Italian bat'leth.

>> No.5771823

is that from mortal kombat?

>> No.5771828

Cutting hot pizza so the cheese oozes onto what ever your cutting surface is?

>> No.5771868

I never but not a bad ideaI have a wheel slicer kif you like home made thin/ medium crust it's worth the 10/15 bucks
>inbe4 All the "pro chefs" chime in about their hundred buck wustif pizza cutter. cheap is fine.

>> No.5771901

>everybody loves Raymond style

>> No.5771986

I can't be assed to buy Pizza cutter even though I make ton of pizza, most of them suck ass and it's useless unitasker when scissors work plenty fine.

>> No.5771991
File: 41 KB, 300x300, worf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew human culinary tradition could be so, sophisticated

>> No.5771992

Also just use a knife

Why can't you use a knife

Put the knife in the middle of the circle and cut as far as it goes, then turn the pizza around and cut through the rest

You're not making 60 pizzas a day, you don't need a special tool for this

>> No.5771993

You nerds will be the death of me

>> No.5771997

Are you from st louis?

>> No.5772003

I'm from st louis. You want to hang out? i maade a trip just to respond to you. :)

>> No.5772009

Imminent rape

>> No.5772010

I found this humorous. Qapla'.

>> No.5772012

Apparently only St. Lousians do this.

>> No.5772050

underbasted roast

>> No.5772053

So you don't want to hang out? .-.

>> No.5772056

Do you want to Skype?

>> No.5772060


I really hope you guys end up rubbing dicks. So cute.

>> No.5772065

Would you like to join?

>> No.5772071


I live near Houston. Also, I'm spending Wednesday night with a trap, so I'm good.

>> No.5772481

Scissors are faster and easier than knives.

>> No.5772484


>> No.5772498

Always. Except in restaurants, it's just so much more convenient.

>> No.5772510


>> No.5772515
File: 910 KB, 1259x686, Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 3.50.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5772517

What sort of faget cuts pizza with scissors... it's an idea beyond stupidity and I'm sure your hand gets dirty. What's wrong with a pizza cutter?? And did you know you can cut pizza with a fork and a knife too?? That's the best solution here in Italy and THE way to cut a pizza at the pizzeria.

>> No.5772530

Mexicans cut their pizza with Little Scissors

>> No.5772551


Can anyone explain to me if you don't have a pizza cutter why wouldn't you just use a large knife instead of scissors? How do you justify that? It's not easier to cut a pizza with scissors instead of a knife,it definitely takes more time, it's also retarded as fuck. The only way i could see myself cutting pizza with scissors if i were wasted and all my knives would be dirty.

>> No.5772554


Well Mexicans also eat goat eyes and are looking for trabajo outside of home depot...

>> No.5772559

>What's wrong with a pizza cutter??
Not everyone has one
>And did you know you can cut pizza with a fork and a knife too??
Scissors are more convenient.

>> No.5772560

Joke [admittedly poorly constructed
Your head

>> No.5772564

Scissors work better than the circle ones

big chef's knife is the best though

>> No.5772570

what else would you cut it with?

>> No.5772587

HOW are scissors more convenient?? I'm seriously confused.

>> No.5772620

I throw my pizzas on a cooling rack after getting them from oven so knife would actually require me to first put the pizza on cutting board which would make it slower and I'd have more dishes to do.

>> No.5772708

Just quicker and easier.

>> No.5773948


>> No.5773959

I just whip my dick out and whap it down

whap it down

>> No.5773966

>Not everyone has one

And you only own chopsticks for eating utensils, so really thinking outside of the box and using a knife and fork is right out. You'd probably take your eyes out with spoons just trying, you fucking cretin.

>> No.5774422

>My pizza cutter sucks ass because it is plastic

are you form bonglandia?

>> No.5774476

>Pizza cutter
>Implying it isn't the best tool for cutting anything thin

For fuck's sake.