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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 600x338, Burger-Cut30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5770267 No.5770267 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hold your sandwiches like this?


>> No.5770293


>> No.5770318

i hold my sandwich however the fuck i hold my sandwich
it aint none of your goddamn business

>> No.5770340

but the method shown in op is more efficient.

>> No.5770355

If you need instructions on how to hold a sandwich, then you have some problems.

>> No.5770359

what the fuck is wrong with the guy in OP's pic's ring finger?

>> No.5770373

most of you heathens need instructions just to breath. its a wonder half the morons(like you) on /ck/ can even finish a captcha.

>> No.5770388

says the guy with a spelling error in his post.

>> No.5770412

I make a point not to overfill it because my pet peeve is food dropping out of my tortilla or bun or whatever I'm using to press food between it.
I've hit my dog because some food dropped out of my carefully put together sub and he ate it before I said he could

>> No.5770413

That's some hardcore projection, bro.

>> No.5770423

I try to remember a time before captcha
all I can remember is having to scroll up to the top of the page to reply

>> No.5770462

That is how I hold my Whopper, because the condiment can make the patty slide a bit and the distribution will be fucked later.
This is not how I hold my sandwiches. I hold my sandwiches with one, manly hand, because cutting is for fags and tiny, women hands.

>> No.5770472

Is it just me?
When I buy a cheese hamburger, I'll of course go through the motions of paying for it and whatever. When I'm finally ready to eat it I take it apart piece by piece and assemble it up better. Usually I have to line up the burger patties (2 > 1 this is basic math) and try to salvage the cheese. Scrape it off if I have to, then press it down into an even thickness. So on and so forth.

>> No.5770516

cheese hamburger

>> No.5770550

I eat hamburgers with knife and fork

>> No.5770603
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, cramer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5770627

Nobody does and it pisses me off every time I see this in a fast food commercial

>> No.5770639

I sometimes cut huge burgers in half with a knife

>> No.5770674

come the fuck on. This video is attempting not having down syndrome to being a "scientist." I hate videos like this, and you should be ashamed for your support of such blatant buffoonery.

>> No.5770680
File: 121 KB, 400x505, 1409958149432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off viral marketers

>> No.5770687

I actually wrote a letter to Carl's Jr. HQ because of some stupid commercial with a supermodel eating a burger with ONE FUCKING HAND! Who the fuq does that?

>> No.5770727

so...do people who have had issues with stuff falling out the back end of their sandwiches

really not figure out to hold the back end of their sandwich a bit better? we need youtube instructions for this?

like, as soon as your sandwich starts falling apart, you'd think you and your hands would instinctively try to patch up the holes in your shitty way of eating handheld foods.

what is wrong with people

>> No.5770860


I do the same thing. I can't stand haphazardly thrown together sandwiches/burgers. I'm really meticulous about them and hate mess or uneven distribution.

>> No.5771169

Please don't hit your dog for eating shit that you drop on the ground, you're a fat piece of shit.

>> No.5771188

I throw away the buns because they have too many carbs.

>> No.5771253

the dog should know better

>> No.5771753

i don't, but i never have problems with my sandwiches/burgers

>> No.5771767

the dog won't know better unless the owner trains it, and in this case the owner is a brain dead piece of garbage

>> No.5771798



>> No.5772141

Is it really any wonder people need to be instructed how to hold a sandwich when 90% of people don't even know the right way to peel a banana?

>> No.5772175

I don't need to hold a sandwich like that because I'm not a fucking child and don't slop shit around,

>> No.5772182

This was actually Japanese(iirc) test, like in a laboratory and actual science behind it with scientists and shit.

>> No.5772251

All of a sudden, science has become this new-found phenomenon? Like it has just been discovered or some shit?

>> No.5772278

Save your money.