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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5769897 No.5769897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>vegans are talking about vegetables, waah I'm so oppressed
>foreigners are offering to sell me foods that I haven't heard of, waah I'm disenfranchised now
>an expert said something I like isn't healthy, waah it's the nanny state
>plebs are forcing me to put ice in my scotch, waah I was born in the wrong decade

Remember when being "manly" didn't involve so much self pity?

>> No.5769899

>I am the voice of the faggot

>> No.5769902

A manly man would ignore all of your pet groups and yourself, OP.

>> No.5769921

>nobody's listening to my psuedoscience, I can't be stupid!

>> No.5770143

don't send me back to /pol/ because I only go there sometimes, but OP makes some great points.

we live in a disgustingly politically correct world where everyone is stepping on twigs afraid to say what they mean without someone being offended.

we as human beings give way too trucking many cop plops over what other people think and do and live and breath.

I do what makes me happy, I'm vegan, no hate.

>> No.5770145

*cow plops
>get pulled over
>police lets me off with a warning
>cop drank too much coffee
>cop plops his pants

MEN don't bitch and whine and moan when someone says "I only eat plants"

>> No.5770158

the same men get angry when feminazis "oppress" them with angry tumblr posts.

>> No.5770159

When you are forced to involve them in your meal plans you do.

>> No.5770181

>Homebrewmen making brews, sharing info, drinking, chillin'
>Homegrowmen growing veggies, raising animals, sharing info, sharing seeds via the mail, posting pics
>Homebreadmen baking loaves, sharing tips and tricks, posting their youtubes and videos
>etc etc etc

Seems fine to me. Just "hide thread" the things you don't like and report rule-breaking posts. Seems like a thread full of contrarians and whiners to me.

>> No.5770183

>we live in a disgustingly politically correct world where everyone is stepping on twigs afraid to say what they mean without someone being offended.
Some folks think they have to do that. I don't give a fuck about whether or not how I choose to eat offends someone. If someone is offended I'm of the opinion it's their problem, not mine. (Also, I find people being offended is usually pretty funny, and laughing at them for it just makes them all indignant, which is even funnier). But I don't care who is vegan, keeps kosher or eats every meal at McDonald's. That's their business. And how I eat is mine.

>> No.5770194

if you have pushy people as friends, its time to get new friends.

christian fanatics that scream at you that you'll go to hell if you don't think exactly the way that they do and believe exactly what they believe in are the same type of character that try to manipulate others. Not dissing on christianity at all, just that type of annoying person who sticks their foot in the door.

assuming that all vegans are the same is stupid.

>> No.5770202

that is the way all vegans act on this board

>> No.5770203

pterry cool bro, would hang out with and wear tinfoil hats with to avoid electronic infetterrance.

I'm gonna eat some lettuce, FOR FREEEEDOM!!!!

*bro fist*

are you that type of person that has vegan friends and they quietly sit in the corner and say "its okay I will eat when I get home" but you pester them and go "EAT THE MEAT" chanting "EAT IT EAT IT EAT IT" and then make a huge scene and call them picky eaters, and then blame them for ruining dinner?

>> No.5770214

sorry m8, you've been trolled. you understand, the trolls pretend to be meat eating extremist fanatics or "carnists" and go into all the vegan threads and troll them and derail the threads like crazy.

then the trolls put on a different mask and pretend to be vegans and raid the meat threads and troll them to create the same equal and opposite angered response. in doing so, they socially engineer a war putting two sides against each other and then they step back and laugh.

they are essentially the sith from starwars. emperor palpatine. darth sideous.

>> No.5770216

I don't remember the last time I ate a meal and didn't feel self conscious about it.

>> No.5770222

>are you that type of person that has vegan friends and they quietly sit in the corner and say "its okay I will eat when I get home" but you pester them and go "EAT THE MEAT" chanting "EAT IT EAT IT EAT IT" and then make a huge scene and call them picky eaters, and then blame them for ruining dinner?

confession: I started doing that to a vegan at a BBQ this summer and realized what I was doing about 1/3 of the way into it. I was ashamed and stopped though.

>> No.5770227

Are you mentally ill or something?

>> No.5770236

No one here cares about vegans and their personality disorders. We are only annoyed when they start preaching their bullshit and insertjng their opinions where they aren't welcome. And by the way, your entire thread is filled with you being a whiny bitch. Even if it's meta whinjng, it's still whining.

>> No.5770241

Ignore the j instead of I. Android keyboard.

>> No.5770243

>I'm gonna eat some lettuce, FOR FREEEEDOM!!!!
So am I. Got a couple bunches today from the dudes at my fave organic farm.

>> No.5770270
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my cool nugga, thousands of miles apart on the internet, and yet still my neighbor.

>> No.5770281
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>> No.5770315
File: 172 KB, 600x400, VeganTank1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fixed for reality

>> No.5770335

what a wild majestic person. I want to know this person and eat fruits and vegetables with them and live happily ever after.

>> No.5770342

>MEN don't bitch and whine and moan when someone says "I only eat plants"
Of course they do. Men, on average, are just as emotional as women.

>> No.5770357

Don't you know criticism = censorship?

>> No.5770410

That seems contrary to common sense and everyday experience.

>> No.5770521
File: 289 KB, 381x424, Idisagree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole fucking point of this board is to have one person say something about food and then have a hundred other people say the first person is wrong for any number of reasons.

People like to bitch, moan, and adopt a persecution complex and a victim mentality.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back into the chili thread and resume insisting that it be made with beans.

>> No.5770525

Beans is filler and takes away from what chili is.
If you have a chili contest for best chili, and you allow beans, then everyone has their own bean they use. It becomes a bean contest.

>> No.5770528

It's sad that this board has devolved into that. It used to be a "nice" board with actual recipe sharing and inspirational ideas. Now it's kind of an autistic cesspit of trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.5770536

Having a wind tunnel of a board that only reinforces what you believe/think/say and only agrees with you is boring. You can go to google to find whatever you want like that, there are several thousand women blogs that will encourage you and share recipes.

4chan doesn't have that and don't you try to change it, it's the one place we have.

>> No.5770542

I was talking about how this board used to be, cancerous newfag.

>> No.5770549

>It used to be a "nice" board with actual recipe sharing and inspirational ideas.

There's still a lot of good threads. There were always a lot of shit threads. But the only time the board was polite and high-content was when it was a dead board. You can have board activity or you can have no trolls. You can't have both.

>> No.5770553

yeah, they should just make everyone put plain beef and tomato in a pot and whoever makes it taste the best wins

because nobody uses different cuts and grinds for their meat, or spices, or cooking times, or cooking methods, or just shut up already nobody cares

>> No.5770559


That's even worse than beans.

>> No.5770562

you're right, just beef. not even cooked, whoever makes plain raw beef taste the best wins. that's the only way to have a truly pure contest.

>> No.5770565

Wah wah, a/s/l

>> No.5770568

Beans are filler. The sauce is tomatoes, the substance is the meat. Chili is meat sauce.

>> No.5770588
File: 8 KB, 250x200, 1256203295001-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen.eat when hungry, drink when dry, provide for those less fortunate. try not to f yhings up. the difference between fois gras avec poleta and chicken liver over grits is nil. hardest choice, you must decide

>> No.5770607

chili is supposed to be made with chili peppers, not tomato. chili purists can't even get it right. that's why nobody cares about keeping beans out except for the people who don't like beans.

>> No.5770625


You'd think with a name like "chili" people would at least be able to figure out where the red came from.