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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5768120 No.5768120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>local grocery store has both bulk bins and self check out
>ring up three pounds of pistachios as white flour
>three pounds of pistachios for a dollar

I'm a bad person. Anyone else do this?

>> No.5768130

I'm not a nigger so no

>> No.5768133

yes, you are a bad person.

>> No.5768154

that's literally stealing

>> No.5768161

Yes, other people do this. They're called niggers.

>> No.5768162

It's stealing but unless it's from some mom and pop shop then I don't give a fuck. I don't do it but I don't give a shit if safeway loses a couple bucks worth of pistachios.

>> No.5768172

>big businesses aren't real businesses

>> No.5768177

I saw some dumb bitch get caught doing this, the person employed by the store that hangs around the self checkout things asked to look at her receipt and then called security over, I'm not sure what happened after that, she got whisked away somewhere.

>> No.5768179


Of course they are, I just don't care if someone steals from them as much because it hurts them less than it would hurt a small business. I still don't do it.

>> No.5768212
File: 12 KB, 437x323, bropic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it hurts them less

Tell that to Juan and Carlos who get tortured and berated by their caucasian boss after the store closes because profits are down. They can't just hop back over to their "casa" in Mexico, they have no "casa" to go to

They're even running out of masa

Because-a da boss-a, he-a eat it-a all-a like-a da pasta

>> No.5768716

This never happened. I've been caught doing this before and the employee just corrected me.

>> No.5768720

Not gonna lie, I've though about doing it... A lot. But one, it's wrong, and two, how embarrassing would it be to get caught. depending on the stores policy the consequences probably wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.5768732

ur one cheeky cunt mate, i swear, i swaer o nme mums life ill shrek u

>> No.5769300
File: 111 KB, 427x427, 1410104783472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HEB pick six beer station
> get 5 dogfish head 120's
> 1 heineken
> scan the heineken 6 times
> mfw

>> No.5769332
File: 59 KB, 635x357, Cumbre-Iberoamericana-Espana-Chavez-FotoAFP_MEDIMA20140602_0196_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>juan and carlos

>> No.5769333

Yeah, I know. It's the first time I've done this. I had the pistachios in my cart, and I was gonna pay for them legit, and then I just suddenly... didn't want to.

And it was so easy.

Maybe today I'll go back and buy three pounds of white flour for the price of pistachios.

>> No.5769412

Who gives a fuck. Ring up ten pounds of pistachios for a pound of flour. Why should anyone care? The markup on most groceries is already stupid high. You're not the only one stealing. And free is free so long as you get away with it. That's my belief. Stealing is ok if you're willing to shoulder the risk.

>> No.5769415

I'll do it with apples sometimes- there's no stores around here with bulk bins. Get a bag of Honeycrisps, ring up as Red Delicious or something cheap. They just show up as "apples" on the register so nobody can really question it.

>> No.5769739

would be funny if you got busted for buying flour for the price of pistachios

>> No.5769809

but aren't those already have set prices?
like I see those make-your-own six pack things and charge like $7 for 6

>> No.5769862

Don't do that. For several reasons. It can backfire and prices can increase. Someone in charge of this shit might lose their job when the numbers are off so much. You can get caught and depending on the person that catches you, you could be in deep shit and in jail for stealing or just told you messed it up and corrected.

>> No.5771384

I knew somebody desperate enough to do this. Hit a rough patch and got to know the PLU's. He'd enter something cheaper but close in numbers. It was easier to feign ignorance since only one or two numbers were off.

>> No.5771404

>buy three pounds of white flour for the price of pistachios.

You might want to take out a second mortgage first.

>> No.5771409

I really doubt someone in charge can get sacked for people lying on the self check out. There's more than one and you're not supposed to hover around everybody and double check what they're doing.

>> No.5771515

nah, you're doin good

>> No.5771526

Assuming people get away with it, nobody knows where the pistachio inventory is disappearing to.

All you have is numbers that don't seem to match with reality, so now someone's got to figure out how to explain that.

>> No.5771915

>she got whisked away somewhere

Yeah, no.

No store in america can legally detain you for anything short of assault or murder. Especially not for attempting to steal some fucking nuts

They'd march your ass over to the register and say "Pay for it or get out" and that's it.

Hell you could say "no" and walk out with the nuts and they couldn't stop you they could only call the cops

>> No.5771919

>Take bags of flour to self checkout
>Ring up as pistachios
>Self checkout watcher wanders by, sees
>"Uh sir, I think you accidentally entered the flower as pistachios. You're going to way overpay. Here let me help"
>Watch helplessly as the register helper tsks quietly, deletes the 'pistachios', and scans the bags of flour normally
>"There you go buddy. Have a good one okay?"
>He thinks you're mentally challenged
>Can't correct him because you would be admitting to stealing
>T-Thanks... y-you t-t-too

>> No.5771920

Most companies have a policy that says they cant physically restrain you and you can try to run away but most people dont and they most certainly do call the cops.

>> No.5771923


>> No.5771930

you're a thief, you decide if thieves are good or bad

>> No.5771934

>get organic on-the-vine tomatoes
>ring up as bananas

>> No.5771938

Not a grocery store, but I used to work for a major hardware store.

Our "asset protection manager" detained people on a regular basis, and kept both cuffs and a tazer on his person for detaining shoplifters.

From what I understand, any kind of major store will have someone similar on staff.

>> No.5771939

I sometimes do this when getting pine nuts and put them through as peanuts.

Fucking pine nuts are $80 a kilo

>> No.5771940


do the people working at the self-checkout department at your supermarket just pay no attention or something?

I've had this fat cunt come up and look at the self-serve stuff (I had bran) to make sure it was bran. Like what bitch, I'm going to ring it up as bran instead of oats so I can save a 10 cents?

>> No.5771941

Yeah lots of places have it by different names, loss prevention, security, etc

>> No.5771942

the ones here only seem to care if you buy alcohol

>> No.5771943

>get organic on the vine tomatoes
>ring up as regular on the vine tomatoes

its like you want to get caught

>> No.5771944


well yeah because the system literally prevents you from ringing up alcohol so they have to intervene to tell you that you're too retarded to read the huge sign that says you can't buy alcohol at self checkout

>> No.5771949

The one I go to. You go to the are of the store. You weigh your shit. Then it prints off a barcode and you put that barcode on the bag and then take it through the registers.

What I do is I print two barcodes. As an example, say I want to buy almonds and charge myself for flour. I print off the almonds barcode and put it on the bag. I print the flour one and stick it on my finger. As I get to the self serve chekout I get the bag of almonds and pretend to scan it, but with the barcode facing away but holding it so the flour barcode on my finger scans. I dispose of the flour barcode.
I was once caught and acted genuinely confused. When I presented the bag of almonds with the correct sticker on it I said "I just d-dont understand".

The young girl thought it must have been some sort of error. I paid for the almonds and started hitting up a different store.

Yes it's a nigger thing to do and I'm not even poor. I just enjoy it.

>> No.5771967

>get cocaine
>ring up as flour

>> No.5771978

not american

>> No.5772008

Ive gone to a winco and bought 25 lbs of almond meal for my bakery by marking it as corn flour.
which was 1.45 a lb.

I dont regret shit.

>> No.5772035

Yeah this is the way to do it. One time I had to buy organic limes for guac cuz they were out of regular limes.

I just rang them up as regular, fuck I didn't even want organic limes so I didn't feel too bad about it.

Would love to be a fly on the wall for getting caught for some shit like this. Were they just doing a random check?

Pretty smart idea though.

I once rang up arborrio rice as printed the barcode as sushi rice, far cheaper. Even if someone were to check that I doubt they'd even notice let alone care when I feign indifference

Hell the one lady didn't even know what unshelled walnuts were when I had them in the regular checkout line

>> No.5772036

I do it all the time with expensive, organic fruits and veges by ringing them up as regular cabbage/bananas. As a vegetarian I pretty much eat for fucking free. I get a week's worth of varied produce for 10 bucks

>> No.5772039

My fancy new upscale grocery store doesn't have self checkout, so only thing I can pull this on are the big bins of grains and stuff where you get your barcode sticker right there by keying in the item code

>> No.5772135

sigh and might be bait. just got my county tax notice hope all them little ones are ok all is well and I Don't mind paying i just wish they would allow me to donate directly, donate directly I have enough thick wrapping paper, scented candles and last years candy. i would give the 25 to the school. and open competition on class ringsandPhotos. hade 3 total paid>1500, value apparently not much since i lost all three ain't worth the weight. yes looking at you jotson and olan mills? 500 for hs pics and the album. of course I must . used to got a kiss and a reach around.....sorry ck . just pissed and amazzed

>> No.5772275
File: 960 KB, 500x279, tumblr_mxtjjxWiq81qzt7d8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no op just common as dirt. i never steal stuff cause someone or how makes it up, don't kid yourself wrong is wrong, no justification. yeah food to feed your family wrong all you must is ask I hate a damn thief even the big three, Judaism. Christianity, Islam thou shall not steal. first time you say except this once you have lost it .A slippery slope and a train wreck at the bottom.no great morale fag.same as lying dad and mom tought me be honest. ttellthe truth and shame the devil abpve all else be honest life becomes simple and fun. and don't say anything about anyone you would not say to their face and curb you goddam mother fucking tounge. you aint no rapper and it makes you sound 7th grade. who is your neighbor. Try to be
one.if someones down don't pile on and kick them.

>> No.5772284


i'm kinda burnt out on my year of shoplifting like a fucking maniac from grocery stores, i probably got away with thousands of dollars worth of food, but i was a paranoid wreck. i was getting away with an unbelievable amount and i was so sure i was going to get nabbed when i least expected it.

i'll only do the bulk item switch with stuff that looks alike from a distance. like any green pepper with the significantly cheaper jalapeno. none of my stores have bulk nuts unfortunately, i love that shit.

>> No.5772290

Who said it was in America?

>> No.5772294

>used to work checkout lines
>christmas time comes around
>we sell bigass turkeys and smallass turkeys
>because they are frozen solid and have some moisture on them the barcodes peel off easily
>literally half of the bigass turkey birds that I went to scan had a barcode of a smaller turkey placed over it because they were half the price and didnt think i'd notice
>casually rip off the barcode and scan the real one and laugh internally at the scowls people would give me

Also I never pay for garlic and spices, sometimes I put my drink and sandwich on the one side of the self service checkout, scan the sandwich, put it in the bagging area, pay for it, then take my drink and sandwich and walk out, I actually got caught doing this once and I just feigned blanking out over what I was doing, scanned my drink and left.

>> No.5772296

Your post actually makes me wonder if there's a way to put a twist on the bulk bagged grain/nuts where you surround something expensive as fuck in a bag of something else.

Would survive more superficial scrutiny, but you'd be fucked if they caught the bag within the bag

>> No.5772298


fact is most employees manning the self checkout give a grand total of zero fucks. if they don't see it, it has nothing to do with them. and since they typically aren't required to audit anything but IDs for booze, they can always claim ignorance. but that's almost overthinking it--i'd say the double bagging shtick is too convoluted and would attract attention from wandering managers, or loss prevention if they're watching the cameras. so it's much easier just to get a bag of cashews and ring them up as peanuts.


>> No.5772300

Yeah agreed

Funny how in the last place I lived the grocery store nearer the ghetto had no self checkout but the other store (same chain) in the college-kid area had a bunch of self checkout lines

And by funny I mean 'totally expected'

>> No.5772312


>Your post actually makes me wonder if there's a way to put a twist on the bulk bagged grain/nuts where you surround something expensive as fuck in a bag of something else.

We get trained on simple methods of shoplifting and "concealment" is one of them, but honestly no one really checks every single bag of everything.

>> No.5772671

Yeah it makes you a bad person. I work for a grocery store with bulk bins and self-check, in the bulk section specifically. What you do gets under my skin almost as much as the little shits and niggers who just stick their filthy fucking hands into my bins to steal a snack.

>> No.5772689

I hate you and hope your bakery goes under

>> No.5772691

Big Businesses account for stuff like missing or stolen products. They have a buffer.

>> No.5772715

I do this with honey crisp apples all the time. $3.99/lb? Nope. They're now red delicious' and they cost $1.49/lb

>> No.5772716

Why didn't I think of that?

>> No.5772732

Maybe you're a good person?

>mfw realizing /ck/ is full of thieving niggers

this thread is sickening

>> No.5772762


>> No.5772808

>Used to work cash at grocery store
>Gave no fucks
>Would ring organic as normal because too lazy to remember organic codes
>If customer brings up stuff from the bulk section and forgot the code, I would just put it as a no scan for cheap as fuck because I didn't care enough to make them go back and fix it, and i was too lazy to go back and fix it myself
>Friends and family got so many discounts
>Was liked to many customers because I wouldn't hassle them over items that where "supposed" to be on sale. I would just ring it up as what they said it should be
>I would also swipe changed from the till to buy shit on my breaks, never caught
>Zero fucks given, all day every day

>> No.5772924

>Go to grocery store that has basil and self-checkout.
>Put parsely and basil in same baggy.
>Ring everything up as parsely - save $3.00.
>Tell friend who's family owns company that grew that basil I stole it - not mad.
>No shame.

>> No.5772929

Life is a full circle, just sit back and try to educate those willing to listen

>> No.5772936

Get pounds of the 14.99 olive bar olives, cheeses and meats.
Ring it up as bananas.
Never feel bad.

>> No.5773018

Jobs where you don't give a fuck are truly the best. I always "price match" my friend's shit for half off.

>tfw taking food from the deli for free for lunch for the past 6 months

You can't even feel bad because you get paid shit

>> No.5773054

Well you could have got an education and not get paid shit to do a job an autistic monkey could do.

>> No.5773138

What I do is
>go to fancy cheese area
>get port salut
>place in pocket
>get some cashews and pistachias, place in bag, put in pocket
>small ribeye cuts place down front of pants
>also steal shittoness of robo nerofen plus etc
>buy something nice for real (consider "I am paying 4$ for choco milk and allllllll this other stuff) so it doesnt feel like you're getting ripped off 4 dolar fucking choco milk)
>pay, leave
>rince repeat so many fucking times never get caught

>> No.5773192

In a perfect world.

>> No.5773490


you morons piss on anyone you perceive to be an SJW and then come here with this moralfaggotry?