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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5767100 No.5767100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw listening to /fit/ for cooking advice

>> No.5767109

>eating literal grains and oats
Fitness people don't care about the taste of food. They only eat stuff that is going to make their body better.
/ft/ and /ck/ would not get along if 4chan boards were people.

>> No.5767112

Don't forget the literal whey protein isolate.

>> No.5767117


>Fitness people don't care about the taste of food. They only eat stuff that is going to make their body better.

Ha, I fucking wish /fit/ was like that. /fit/ isn't a health board though, they're a bodybuilding board. They're interested in nothing but quick muscle gains and short term weight loss by any means necessary, whether that means drinking a gallon of whole milk every day or going on some toxic ketogenic diet or going on steroid and hormone cycles.

>> No.5767150

>being fat

>> No.5767167
File: 149 KB, 736x491, 531242134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vegan
>meals are like from /fit/ but actually taste good.

>> No.5767173

keep telling yourself that skellington

>> No.5767177

stop trolling me bones

>> No.5767180

>be vegan
>waste away because there are no protons in my diet

>> No.5767184

>tasting good

>> No.5767191

That's cause almost no one on fit can cook. When they have their "post pics of your meals threads" people will post shit that looks fucking disgusting and tons of people will respond saying how good it looks.

I'm a /fit/izen too but thank god I could cook, I'd rather be either skellington or fat than eat the garbage most of those guys do.

>> No.5767211


>meals are like from /fit/
>typically quite low in protein

dude I even unintentionally make vegan things all the time but just no, also the thing in the picture looks like complete shit

>> No.5767212

Despite common medical knowledge, you don't need protons in your diet.

>> No.5767227

Then how do I get big?

>> No.5767231

oats + squatz

At least /fit/ was right about that much.

>> No.5767255

Oats have protons, retardo.

>> No.5767258
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And oats are vegan. Checkmate.

>> No.5767266

Got any good recipes for quarks or neutrinos?

>> No.5767291

You still eat oats, fuckhead.

>> No.5767294


I said checkmate, idiot. You're done.

>> No.5767305
File: 17 KB, 499x326, 1405902495199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like alien jizz on cement turds with tampons on top

>> No.5767312


It looks like a hearty cracker with pesto, pepper, mushroom, and tomato. The fuck are you trying to talk shit about?

>> No.5767334

>tfw /fit/zen and good cook.

>> No.5767579


I hope you are embarrassed.

>> No.5767583

you don't even know what its made out of, could have decent protein content.

>> No.5768166

>that picture
come on people, notice obvious trolling why don't you

>> No.5768168

was is this, op. looks pretty good actually

>> No.5768173

degenerate...stop lying to yourself

>> No.5768176

/fit/ pls

>> No.5768186
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>you don't need protons in your diet

>> No.5768197
File: 20 KB, 425x411, 1339740898974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls i want to know

>> No.5768199

the more i look at this the more it looks like raw meat and lentils

>> No.5768204

>vegan "food"
>tasting good
Top kek. Would you like help recovering from your eating disorder? You don't have to suffer anymore.

>> No.5768290

>but actually taste good.
I don't understand, you just said you were vegan.

>> No.5768295

Shit son I didn't know that I did not need atoms in my diet. Thank you for telling me.

>> No.5768385

Add more water if you don't want to eat a brick.

>> No.5768393

>implying food doesn't taste great when you're starving

>> No.5770048

you don't like it so it must be a troll. nice logic.

>> No.5770052

chain smokers detected. you can't even taste the tomato can you?

>> No.5770070

What is wrong with being fat as long as you feel healthy and know what good food tastes like?

>> No.5770167

you can tell yourself you feel healthy as much as you want. youre not though

>> No.5770215

<yfw \fit\
<yfw \ck\

I'm never gonna make it

>> No.5770234

>tfw want to be /fit/, but all they do is shitpost and say "read the sticky" if you have any questions

>> No.5770257

>wanting advice from Ausschwitz survivors and eternal bearmode bulkers who are on SS + GOMAD since they are 2 years old
/fit/ is a terrible place for actual advice.

>> No.5770265

you do understand the sticky answers pretty much every basic question, right?

>> No.5770283

i cant take /fit/ seriously at all, i remember watching a show about some high school senior trying to get into a strongman competition years ago that had to eat like 8000 calories a day and he ate italian forever
shit /fit/ would turn their nses at but /ck/ would die for

>> No.5770303

not how to buy all the equipment for a home gym

>> No.5770358
File: 201 KB, 700x3287, 1410118297705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fit/ is pretty bad but /ck/ is full of people who think that vegetables will turn you into an anemic little twig so I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

>> No.5770369

oh great, a butthurt vegan tripfag. exactly what we needed

>> No.5770436

oh great, a butthurt shill carnist that tries to sway everyone away from veganism with stereotypes and other deceptive propaganda

>> No.5770446


samefag as fuck

>> No.5770452

>dropping your trip

You're a walking stereotype.