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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 290 KB, 525x394, scrambled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5762329 No.5762329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, why does everybody hate scrambled eggs?

>> No.5762330

Everybody doesn't.

>> No.5762332

Nobody does.

>> No.5762334

>everybody doesn't

literally everybody I know hates scrambled eggs

>> No.5762335

Leave Williamsburg then.

>> No.5762337

Literally no one i know hates scrambled eggs. Where do you live?

>> No.5762338

I live in washington

>> No.5762344


>> No.5762351

yes, people from DC need to say that they come from fucking DC, they're confusing the shit out of foreigners

>> No.5762357

Yeah, that's where I'm from and I was gonna make fun of you if you were too.

>> No.5762497

They probably make them wrong. Scrambled eggs in the OP look pretty shitty.

I love scrambled eggs.

>> No.5762513

People frequently cook the shit out of them, rendering them dry and unpleasantly tough.

>> No.5762525

Large or small curds, /ck/? Do you salt+pepper or do you like the eggs plain? Personally I like a small curd with no salt or pepper. A good egg should be able to stand alone with no seasoning.

>> No.5762530

I've always hated eggs in every form. Enjoy your prostate cancer, carnist scum :^)

>> No.5762588
File: 92 KB, 4102x2526, vegansbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat vegetarian highest rate of cancer

Eggs are one of the finest and most complete and nutritious protein sources available. Their modest price is also highly desirable.

>> No.5762610

>that extremely flawed Austrian survey

>> No.5762626

>surveys are only correct when they say what I want them to

>> No.5762640

>Implying one of the least important states in the union has the right to use that name without any additions, and the goddamned capital of the entire country needs to step aside

>> No.5762651

>Face-to-face interviews were conducted by questioning the subjects about their socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behavior, diseases, medical treatments, and also psychological aspects.

That is very unreliable data. Most people don't know anything about their self. Ever ask a skinny and a fatty how much they eat?

>> No.5762666

>Within the cohort, vegetarian compared with nonvegetarian diet had no effect on overall mortality
This is specifically comparing vegetarians with health-conscious non-vegetarians, neither of which had a significant difference in mortality(though vegetarians had fewer cardiovascular-related deaths), but both of which were far below the mortality rate of non-vegetarians that were not health-conscious.
tl;dr if you're smart and conscious about what you eat, then you will be much healthier than someone who isn't. Going vegetarian over non-vegetarian makes no significant difference.

>> No.5762673

end joy you're prostrate canker


>> No.5762689

Why are health fags ruining threads on /ck/? This didn't happen before the vegan influx a few years ago.

>> No.5762690

did you mean to quote me or the other guy, because that just says that high-fat diets are linked to prostate cancer and high-veg diets decrease your risk.
Like this other study
>heavily consuming milk, cheese, eggs and meat makes you 3.6 times as likely to get prostate cancer

>> No.5762693

Not even a health fag, that dude just said something stupid so I called him out on it.

>> No.5762709

because they are so often done horribly. i'm pretty sure everyone loves them when they are done properly but usually they are just done horribly or they were done properly but left in a waterbath (not sure if that's what it is called) and got ruined that way

>> No.5762714

i mean seriously, prove me wrong.
when you see scrambled eggs in any hotel(or the like) breakfast, they are just solid, not runny at all and no seasoning either.
i think i've been to like dunno 100ish hotels and they are very rarely runny at all

>> No.5762740

It's just one of those foods that's easy as fuck to to do at a level between awful and passable, but needs actual attention to do well so places like hotels that offer free breakfast for people that have already paid and will most likely be leaving soon anyway just half-ass it.

>> No.5762770

the saddest part is, if these fags truly cared about being healthy, instead of pretentious health cred, they would replace all their meals with soylent.

>> No.5762797

I've started to eat eggs for the first time in my life and they're so versatile.
Like WTF man, theres like a billion different days to cook them and they'll all taste different

Scrambled are nice with some bread

>> No.5762811

muh phytonutrients

>> No.5762850

I love scrambled eggs when done right.

Heat some kind of fat in a pan, when hot crack eggs right in, stir a little and let them settle, repeat until almost done looking, put on plate, season with salt n pepper.

The only change I make sometimes is if I'm adding herbs or maybe some green onions I add them right into the eggs while cooking. I heard that adding the salt while cooking the eggs contributes to them being watery.

>> No.5762897
File: 217 KB, 1058x856, 1393614347760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy Scouts. Everyone who has ever eaten at a scout outing has eaten scramblers prepared by a 10 year old whose only knowledge of cooking comes from watching cartoons where they stir everything continuously, supervised by a scout master who won't tell them that not everything needs continuous stirring but makes damn sure to tell them to cook the eggs until they're brown, dry, and horrific. Most never recover

>> No.5762953

I live in Washington and I like scrambled eggs

>> No.5763036

Then everyone you know us a huge faggot.

>> No.5763082

Wow, it's a scrambled egg thread without that fucking gordon ramsay video being posted in it

fucking incredible

>> No.5763090

How does Gordon Ramsay make scrambled eggs?

>> No.5763093

Had scrambled eggs with some onions and peppers (both diced very finely) mixed into them on some buttered toast for breakfast this morning.

Was bretty gud.

>> No.5764245

then they are making them wrong. i suggest this


>> No.5764343


eat a dick

>> No.5764351

I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's alright. I was vacationing at this water park here with my family a couple of months ago, and goddamn their buffet was fucking great and it was the only time i tasted really good scrambled eggs.

So don't diss it till you eat a really good one.

>> No.5764379

oh fuck i'm hungry now

>> No.5764897

Man my family makes them completely different. I still enjoy them though

>> No.5765007
File: 631 KB, 1871x1705, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a failed chive omelette I turned into a kind of scrambled egg dish and it was delish. I don't know anyone who doesn't eat eggs, it's a generic breakie food which is high in protein and is so versatile

>> No.5765016

Get fucked ashole we do what we want. We take your taxes and never actualy fix our shit. Also i love scrambled eggs cook them in bacon fat. But i like fried eggs better. Some people have just never had good scrambled eggs. I had a friend eat some i made and he loved it despite always hating it. Turns out he was eating them hard instead of super soft with a lot of cream and butter like your supposed to

>> No.5765027

> breakie
Fucking what?

>> No.5765037

Almost every man gets prostate cancer if they don't get anything before.
Your argument is invalid.
Deal with it.

>> No.5765057

>supposed to
Fuck you cock smoker I like them dry and firm not snotty. Opinions mother fucker respect them when they deal with obviously subjective things like taste in food or one day you will push the wrong neck beard past the point of no return and next thing you know the.gaping hole in your head will be filled with a stinky virgin penis because why not they already committed a murder might as well throw rape in there too but it will be the gunshot wound to your head being raped not your ass because that is fucking gross poop comes.from there

>> No.5765059

>grandma made my favorite scrambled eggs
>she died when i was 7 and never got her recipe
>much time passes
>with my aunt for the first time in a decade
>she makes scrambled eggs the same way
>ask her for the recipe
>there isn't one
>she just undercooks them
damn good

>> No.5765075

Assume breakfast?

>> No.5765078


>Mental illness


>> No.5765090

í like mine basically like a gently stirred (not shaken) fried egg.

dunno why people cook the hell out of it.

>> No.5765227


>> No.5765263

I just figured out a pretty good egg trick tonight. There are other ways to accomplish this, but this is super easy. Put a layer of panko breadcrumbs in a cup, shake in some seasoning. Crack an egg into it. More seasoning an panko on top. Swirl the cup once to help the panko stick to the egg. Then run around the inside edge with a spoon. Dump into a pan with 1/2 inch hot oil.

Breaded fried egg. Probably works good with scrambled egg too.

>> No.5766237

Fuck you perma virgin and enjoy your tasteless brick eggs.

>> No.5766958
File: 42 KB, 618x557, 1398348559686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga
>undercook all my eggs whenever I make scrambled eggs
>brother tells me that looks like shit
jokes on him

>> No.5768057
File: 5 KB, 272x185, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5768072

"overcooked" has always been my preference.
undercooked is underwhelming

>> No.5768123

I love them. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.5768227

I only like my eggs with large curds and slightly runny. Kind of like a aborted omelette.

>> No.5768240

That's not scrambled eggs that's egg mush.

>> No.5769153


Yes, it looks disgusting, like mashed potatoes, without any texture at all.

>> No.5769171

I loved scrambled eggs as a kid
Now I fucking hate them. But, I always forget how much I hate them so I decide to have some, whether make them myself or at a restaurant and then I quickly remember why I hate them

>> No.5769337

Scrambled eggs are god tier, when made correctly. I think many people just think they hate scrambled eggs because all they've ever had were bad, dry, rubbery scrambled eggs.

>> No.5769374


They have texture, it's not just mush. You don't have to add creme friache and shit but the whole taking it on and off the heat method produces very nice scrambled eggs.

I personally tend to prefer other preparations of egg because you can't go wrong with a nice egg yolk "sauce", but can still enjoy well made scrambled eggs.

>> No.5769387

British colloquialism.

>> No.5770261

scrambled eggs and rice with soy sauce is the best.

>> No.5771437

>soy sauce on eggs
My nigga

>> No.5771439

Scrambled eggs represent failure.

They are what one resorts to when they fail at making fried eggs and must salvage the meal.

People don't like being reminded that they fail.

>> No.5771461

My mom made them like a shit, it still haunts me today.

>> No.5771462

that took a while, it was something like 17 seconds last time till someone linked that video

>> No.5771541



>> No.5771547

Not really unless you eat dry scrambled eggs. If you've tried and failed to make an omelet the egg is already overcooked and dry and rubbery.

>> No.5771631

not bad, 6.5/10

>> No.5771635


>> No.5771642
File: 13 KB, 400x300, smiling shiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite way to eat scrambled chicken cum:


I started cooking them in a little pot and never looked back.

>> No.5771651

have you made them nigga? theyre good. much better than what my mother makes.
also pepins omelettes are pretty boss too.

>> No.5771661

i prefer omelettes because you can stuff them. if i just want plain eggs, i'll have an over easy egg for dat yolk.

>> No.5771662


Fuck, I just realized you had just posted that


>> No.5771668
File: 41 KB, 440x400, recipe-image-legacy-id--1201452_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made that recipe before. It gets this really nice consistency like pic related. It's not mushy at all, it just looks like that. They taste very creamy.

I hate how my parents make them now, in comparison. They always seared the shit out of them.

>> No.5771713

like a fucking crack addict

>> No.5771751

like a whipped husband

>> No.5771755

the same way as your mom when she's giving me a helping hand

>> No.5771912

Good scrambled eggs should be just this side of being a sauce.

>> No.5771945


Jesus Christ, I'm crying over here. How fucking predictable are you kids?

>> No.5771954

No. Fuck you.

Washington DC predates you bitches. Get off our name dick.

>> No.5772157


Lel, I thought the capital was in Washington State. I just looked on google and found the white house is on the east coast. WTF.jpg

all these years..

>> No.5772168
File: 494 KB, 500x259, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
