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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5757779 No.5757779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT food that probably tastes good but you will never get to eat

Bald Eagle

>> No.5757792


Land of the free.

>> No.5757793

Bald eagle probably tastes fucking terrible

>> No.5757794

fuck off

>> No.5757798

>Bald Eagle

Why do you hate freedom, OP?

>> No.5757799

puppies, kittens... Asian food right?

>> No.5757804
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>Bald Eagle
I hope you fucking die tonight.

>> No.5757806

Pretty sure that plenty of people regularly eat this, unknowingly of course.

>> No.5757818

Polar Bear meat

>> No.5757869

Whale meat. I've always wanted to try it. On the flip side, I've eaten a hell of a lot of gator down in southern louisiana. I suspect many people will never get the chance to dine on some gator tail.

>> No.5757881


>> No.5758048

Eat her bald eagle

>> No.5758057


>> No.5758058

Unpasteurized milk and dairy products.

>> No.5758070

every book ive ever read says that horse is pretty tough meat because they're so active

for me it'd have to be antelope, springbok or some of those ungulates from africa or the eastern countries. i may never have the time or money to travel there on a gaming trip.

>> No.5758074

I've wanted to eat bears in a row. Like, have a line of chefs and each one is an expert at cooking a different species of bear and understands their nuances. Pandas would be included of course.

>> No.5758078

>komodo dragons spit can kill you
i want to eat one

>> No.5758079

I hope youd give red pandas and koalas a shot too

>> No.5758080

Giant tortoise. It was so delicious, sailors couldn't stop eating them and a live one never got to England for 200 years. They would stack up dozens, but sailors said they tasted better than anything they've ever had, and they would eat them all.

>> No.5758088

Yes, anything that I thought was a bear as a kid. some kind of black bear brisket, koala kebabs

>> No.5758093

Dolphin does not taste good at all. It has the texture and taste of fishy beef liver. Even fresh raw dolphin had a strong fishy smell. Also had horse sashimi and it tasted like a gamier beef.

>> No.5758107

Kinder eggs ;_;

>> No.5758108

Remember that one time feminist passed prohibition in the USA?

>> No.5758110

>lips that touch liquor will not touch ours
Fuck them and their ultimatums

>> No.5758112

Or that time they got the vote

>> No.5758165

>Kinder eggs

You are worse than a child molester.

>> No.5760153


>> No.5760157

>deer/moose/rabbit/squid meat will probably become illegal in your lifetime

>> No.5760165

Gator tail is fucking delicious. Though it tastes a lot like good chicken.

>> No.5760176

Actually it's rare and only in rural areas. They wouldn't eat puppies and kittens because they are small.

>> No.5760257

I've had horse sashimi. It was ok, nothing special but it wasn't particularly tough. Now whale was really tough

>> No.5760295

Thats why there are so many videos and pics of it going on in big cities right?

>> No.5760312

If you read Old Man and The Sea by Hemmingway, I think he described dolphin meat unfavorably.

>> No.5760317

just go to the fucking butcher, retard

I will never get to eat full goose pate, gator, snake, whale
>or pussy

I want to try them all though. Feels bad being white bread

>> No.5760326

Gator tail meat is served in chain restaurants, not really anything special.

>> No.5760329


>> No.5760331

Kinder Eggs are not that great, and are dismal for a Yuro chocolate.

>> No.5760333
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i want to try some

>mfw seeing pictures of rich, red whale tail online

gypsy detected

just fucking buy some

>> No.5760336

Landry's seafood in Texas, most specialty meat places in the Texas, Louisiana area also carry it. Almost every restaurant in Louisiana I have been to had it on their menu.

>> No.5760342

probably why I've never had it. The most south i regularly go is south carolina

time to find some qt's and go on a road trip

>> No.5760346

Also, Pappadeaux restaurant.

>> No.5760348

Gypsy? not sure I get the reference

I've always wanted to try it for its minor historical significance, it's supposed to taste like a fattier chicken

>> No.5760350

hedgehog is their national dish

>> No.5760355

>National dish

>> No.5760356

oh jesus, for some reason eating things that small has never appealed to me, I've had both frog and squirrel before and they more or less disgusted me
mind you the squirrel was much better than the frog

Capabara would be good too actually

>> No.5760364

Frog is awesome, someone didn't cook that right.

>> No.5760366

What is the issue?

>> No.5760370

They are nomadic people to the best of my knowledge, the only nation they might harbor a claim to would be India.

>> No.5760387

is english your second language? i was gonna post a really snarky reply but feel magnanimous today

>> No.5760389

tasted 'fishy'

>> No.5760395

English is my first language, I'm a little shaky, but can get by with French and Spanish. My informal Spanish is pretty good. So what are you getting at?

Well, yeah, they are a little fishy, can't blame you if that is what you didn't like.

>> No.5760399

Zebra. Their meat looks so rich and irony when they get ripped open on natgeo.

>> No.5760401

A nation is not the same as a State. Granted, they've been conflated for a long time, but a nation is based on shared heritage, and statehood/citizenship is based on politics and location.

gypsies are a nation without an official state

>> No.5760414

I will admit to taking a more modern/narrow definition of nation, you are absolutely correct in a culturally based nation. Nice to have a civil exchange every once in a while here.

>> No.5760417

You can always get yourself 1

There is only 1 left in the world though so you better hurry anon and eat it before they run out

>> No.5760420

>not being Australian
>not eating your own coat of arms

>> No.5760430

when fish tastes fishy it means it's not fresh, so the taste is pretty much associated with spoiled food

>> No.5760433

np m8

>> No.5760444
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>> No.5760450

Okay, then something is way off, when I say fishy it's that briny fresh from the sea taste, if the frog is from a swampy area they have a slight grassy/swampy taste.

>> No.5760494

He was talking about the fish also called Dolphin. You can tell by the description of it. Mahi-Mahi I think it's called

>> No.5760502

A J Gators is a chain restaurant that serves it. Not sure the chain extends beyond the tidewater region of Virginia though

>> No.5760576

That entirely depends on what you're defining as a "gypsy", because around these parts (UK) what we'd call gypsies are often other types of travellers (particularly irish), and aren't regarded as much a nation as they are as a group of thieving subhuman scumbags, making "gypsy" (or gippo) a pretty severe insult.

>> No.5760602

the south does sell gator, you do know that right?

>> No.5760637

fuck on

>> No.5760705

>tfw you got to eat Kangaroo

it's like venison and beef had a delicious delicious baby

>> No.5760709


I don't see why either of those would taste particularly good or better than other birds and large fish and you only want to eat them to be an edgy little faggot.

>> No.5760733

>you want to eat foods related to foods you like to eat so you are edgy
This is the same reason I've yet to try veal. It's a bit too edgy to eat babies for me, but I have no problem eating adult cows.

>> No.5760746

I was lifeguarding at my town's lake the other day and some geese landed on the water. I felt a significant urge to kill one. Not because I want to kill it, but because I want the meat.

My dream is to live in an abandoned airport hangar with a collection of cars and bikes. The nature of the airport would create a massive clearing, which I would use to hunt/kill whatever walked onto my property.

>> No.5760780

Weren't giant turtles supposed to taste fantastic?

>> No.5760796


Not sure how many people here have had crocodile or kangaroo, p gud

>> No.5760805

Are you sure you dont mean RJ Gators?

>> No.5760807


>Bald Eagle

That's our national bird, you stupid fuck.


Maybe after we give 'em time to boost their numbers a bit. I bet it's tasty, but I'd rather not wipe the poor fuckers out. Unless that thing about them raping people is true.

>> No.5760813
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Of course its true. Otters also maul and rape seals and even keep their bodies around for a couple days to rape some more.

>> No.5760979
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>you will never eat a nice capicola of Metridiochoerus

>> No.5760988


>> No.5761018

Came here to post this.

>> No.5761024

>there are at least 14 cases of dolphin rape reported each year in the US

>> No.5761059


>> No.5761069

>That's our national bird, you stupid fuck.
You are anti-Murrican for not wanting to eat your national bird. Turrurist!

>> No.5761080

>not wanting to consume pure american spirit

>> No.5761116

unpasteurized milk tastes mildly cheesy, but otherwise pretty much just like normal whole milk.

>> No.5761123

Their meat looks like pork and tastes like prok.
My father told me that.
In the old days they eat those stranded dolphin body.

>> No.5761126

veal tastes nothing like beef. You're missing out. Go to a nice restaurant and order veal marsala, and eat that delicious baby cow.

>> No.5761168

>foie gras

Fuck California

>> No.5761206

I really fucking wanna eat snake. I don't think it's illegal, but finding a fucking snake whrere i live would be a pain in the fucking ass. Man vs Wild just makes it look so appetizing

>> No.5761242

I've wanted snake even since I watched Temple of Doom as a child.

>> No.5761245

Snake, too

>> No.5761248

and pate

>> No.5761267

Why the hell would squid meat become illegal? Or rabbit?

>> No.5761271


>> No.5761292

>bitter kissless neckbeard detected
wtf is with all the /pol/ creeping into /ck/ tonight?

>> No.5761332

Predators usually taste fucking terrible.

>> No.5761339

>Grow up eating meat
>Nothing too interesting, venison, gator, bear
>Vegan now
>Always wonder what shit like Tiger and Panda would taste like
The more endangered something is, the better it probably tastes

>> No.5761351

>people only go on one board

>> No.5761353

Actually, once I was in Canada and I found a bald eagle's feather. I pulled off some bits and swallowed them with water.

I did it specifically to be able to say that I had eaten bald eagle.

>> No.5761367
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All those endangered tortoises. There's so many writings from past centuries of how good they tasted and turtle soup used to be considered one of the best tasting things ever. It still is but uncommon now due to whiny faggots.

Too bad Hitler was a vegetarian, he really missed out.


Dolphin doesn't actually taste that good. Yes, I did try it. You can if you go to certain prefectures in Japan that specialise in it.

Bald eagle? It might taste good, probably. You can search people who have eaten eagles before, they supposedly taste pretty good.

>dat projection

Funny how the scandals proved these are the exact kind of people that complain about /pol/. You must be new here because it's been like that forever now. Now go be a fat SJW neckbeard at tumblreddit, Michael Moore or that landwhale Zoe or whoever else.

>> No.5761373

Dolphins are the closest thing we have on Earth to orcs. I say hunt them to extinction before they achieve sapience.

>> No.5761374

Horse is a little tough, but the flavor is nice. It reminds me a little of deer

>> No.5761390

Whale bacon. Apparently that stuff melts in your mouth.

>> No.5761394
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Horse is slightly tougher but it's in no way too much.
It's slightly sweeter than a regular steak and it's actually really tasty.

>> No.5761461

That's not a legitimate explanation.

>> No.5761503
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100% sure

>> No.5761527

you can get all of that in the south. Whale you may have to go to Canada or Alaska or japan

>> No.5761535

Agreed. I actually thought my friend was joking when he said we were eating fried gator. I would love to get some again.

>> No.5761536

Snake and gator are legal. Just order it if you can't find it locally. I haven't had snake, but you should definitely get some gator.

>> No.5761546
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>> No.5761547


Well that and it's a predatory bird and would taste like shit, but okay.

>> No.5761571
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Snake is great. I had rattlesnake fritters when I was at this old west tourist thing in Arizona (near Scottsdale I think?) and it tastes exactly like chicken with the texture of gator
>mfw floridafag
>mfw unlimited gator and publix brand anything+subs

>> No.5761605

>probably tastes good
>top of the chain predators

no, no they don't. there's a reason we hunt for deers and not wolves.

>> No.5761612

You can get gator at places all over the gulf coast. It isn't rare or restricted or anything.

>> No.5761619

>top of the food chain

Nigga they taste like squab.

>> No.5761623

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I've had turtle soup, but it was canned and only had 4 little pieces of meat in it. I'll bet those 4 have some meat between them

>> No.5761975

When I was an infantryman in the 82nd Airborne Division, we caught a rattler in the northern training area. We cooked that sumbitch up over an open fire and ate it with Tobasco. It tasted like gator tail.

>> No.5763580

I don't know what horses you ate, but here in Italy horse meat is prepared in a way that it almost melts in your mouth, you have to select the good parts of course and also use a cooking hammer if it's too wide.

>> No.5763608

The reason you cannot eat dolphin now is because they are dangerously high in mercury. If you think tuna is high in mercury, it is nothing compared the the mercury levels that dolphins now have in their meat. But go ahead and poison yourselves.

>> No.5763696
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Almost all predators taste like shit, OP.

>> No.5763785

duh that's why thy're top of the food chain nothing wants to eat them

>> No.5763803

Lions and sharks eat humans though.

>> No.5763811

How good do you think human tastes?

>> No.5763817

Pretty metallic probably. Raw vegans are probably delicious, except for the brain.

>> No.5763827

If you eat canned tuna chances are you got some dolphin and porpoise in there.
Oh and to the people saying predators taste bad, pigs eat meat wen they can, and a lot of food fish are predators and tasty as fuck.

>> No.5763830

Humans taste like pork, this has long been known.
So unless you're going to say something like pork isn't tasty, then you have to acknmowledge humans are tasty.

>> No.5763843

Shark is pretty delicious.

I'd like to try turtle, they are protected here in Ausfailia though.. My theory is every creature that lives in a shell or exoskeleton is trying to hide something tasty.

>> No.5763855

I agree. Any animal with defence mechanisms is hiding something.

>> No.5763888

dolphin is nasty like your eating the liver of someone who drank a lot of beer. Whales are tough and literally tastes like your eating wet rust.
I have no idea why people continue silly traditions for awful tasting things.

>> No.5764026

I hear police officers taste like bacon.

>> No.5764847

Hahahahaha suck shit!!!! In China you can eat that and donkey. Dem donkey burgers r sooooo goooood.

>> No.5764851

No one eats puppies or kittens. The type of dog that is eaten are not pets. People don't buy pet dogs and eat them or grab them off the street and eat them. It's like certain breeds of dogs that have good meat that are for eating.

>white people are stupid

>> No.5764872

Fucking source?

>> No.5764880

Fuck yeah kangaroo is the shiznits.
I usually get it if my local store has it and I can afford it.

>> No.5764882

Theres lots of info on it

>But they don't just kidnap babies. Sea otters also rape baby seals to death. Male otters will find a juvenile harbor seal and mount it, as if he were mating with a female otter. Unfortunately, part of the mating process involves holding the female’s head under water which ultimately kills the seal pups (and over 10% of female otters). For over an hour and a half, the male otter will hold the seal pup in this position, raping it until it is dead. Sometimes when the seal pup dies, it is just let go and the otter will begin to groom itself. Some otters, however, will hang on to the dead pup and continue to rape its dead and decaying corpse for up to a week later.

>Harris and her colleagues describe one incident in vivid detail:

A weaned harbor seal pup was resting onshore when an untagged male sea otter approached it, grasped it with its teeth and forepaws, bit it on the nose, and flipped it over. The harbor seal moved toward the water with the sea otter following closely. Once in the water, the sea otter gripped the harbor seal’s head with its forepaws and repeatedly bit it on the nose, causing a deep laceration. The sea otter and pup rolled violently in the water for approximately 15 min, while the pup struggled to free itself from the sea otter’s grasp. Finally, the sea otter positioned itself dorsal to the pup’s smaller body while grasping it by the head and holding it underwater in a position typical of mating sea otters. As the sea otter thrust his pelvis, his penis was extruded and intromission was observed. At 105 min into the encounter, the sea otter released the pup, now dead, and began grooming.
On some occasions, they further note, otters would guard and copulate with the seals long after their victims had died -– as much as seven days afterward, in fact.


>> No.5764971

Jeremy Brett is so cute

>> No.5764973

The Spoto's Steak Joint near me gets a game menu every two weeks and depends on what they can get their hands on. Get a trial platter and it'll have stuff like Venison, Crocodile (or is it Alligator?) , Kangaroo and stuff. I've gotten it a few times and I remember elk is really good, kangaroo is great and the best is Ostrich

>> No.5765003

>Bald Eagle
Are you a fucking commie

>> No.5765019

I've eaten snake in the army. We caught it ourselves on Fort Bragg. It was a Rattlesnake. We gutted it, skinned it and cooked it. We ate it with our MRE bottles of hot sauce. It was delicious.

>> No.5765030

I read that as
>kangaroo schnitzel

>> No.5765080

And beating them to death in horrific, violent manner in order to improve the taste? How are you going to justify that?

>> No.5765083

Justify to who? God?

>> No.5765100

Roger that. Good point, To whom are we justifying our diets?

>> No.5765105

kinder eggs a shit

seriously man they're bad chocolate and you get a shithouse toy in them, big whoop

kinder bueno on the other hand...

>> No.5765106

to whom*

>> No.5765108


Why would you want to eat Murrica' son? Still, shame we don't get to eat dolphin.

>> No.5765112

I was replying to someone who was trying to justify puppy eating you fucking moron.

>> No.5765116

>tfw will never eat lion

>> No.5765118

Have you ever eaten lamb?

>> No.5765120

I am aware. Would you answer the question please?

>> No.5765122

Justify to whomever he was trying to justify it to in the first place, since he felt the need to.

>> No.5765129

Fuck you that puppy would eat you if he had a chance

>> No.5765134

I'd love to try fresh emu but there is no way I'm going to hell on earth to find some. Can aussies even buy emu meat in stores or is it just considered too large or foul to eat? (or maybe because the emus defeated the aussies in the great emu war of 1932)

>> No.5765135

He'd nibble on my ass cheeks then bark, wanting to play.

>> No.5765143

If he was a mutated shell of his ancestors, sure.

What breed is the most mutated and disgusting version of "dog"? Pug? English bull?

>> No.5765144

And yet, nobody has answered how a rational, compassionate human being without any trace of autism or sociopathy could possibly justify to the world the practice of beating a dog to death because the fear makes them taste better. That's fucked up no matter how you slice it.

>> No.5765148

If you were starving, George, you'd bash just about anything over the head and eat it.

>> No.5765149

Normies can lack compassion you know. Normal people do "fucked up" shit all the time. Take a psych class brot.

>> No.5765161

You mean humans. Sperglords are not people. Maybe I should beat them to death with a stick and eat it.
Eating something is one thing. Having an industry based on the cruel and inhumane torture and killing of an animal is so fucked up it can only happen in the land of soulless slopes.

>> No.5765169

So ts olnl okay if you say its okay. Glad to know who's in charge of the slughter house.

>> No.5765172

Dying, in the eyes of said sentient dying life form, is always cruel. Normal people just don't give a fuck because ain't nobody got time for that. People got shit to do and lives to live. And lives to sustain with the energy from dead shit.

>> No.5765176

You're not going to find many people who would agree with the torture of an animal, little asspie. I know you don't quite "get" people, and their whole "having emotions" and "caring about life" thing, but the majority of human beings are firmly against animal torture. Basically everyone but asspies and serial killers. Also, why do you type like such a fucking retard? Is that also because of the autism?

>> No.5765178

Surely you're not denying that there are degrees of cruelty in death. The idea of "no good way to die" is bullshit. Everything has to die, so you might as well make it comfortable.

>> No.5765187

Most life forms don't want to die. If they are aware of a potential threat, they will do all sorts of crazy shit to avoid it. Mice chew their own legs off when caught in sticky traps for instance. You really think the mouse is gonna appreciate your attempts at comforting him before his death?

This humane treatment of animals stuff is bull shit. It doesn't make the animal feel better if he/she is aware of the inevitable, it makes you feel better.

>> No.5765192

Which is why it's okay for you to torture small animals to death for your own enjoyment? Is this a confession?

>> No.5765210

Define "okay".

>> No.5765238

Okay in your mind, asspie.

>> No.5766602

I want to try elephant and kitten stew

>> No.5767612

What the fuck did I just read?