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5752738 No.5752738 [Reply] [Original]

I always order my burgers extra rare.
If they won't make it that way for me, I know I am in an establishment of poor quality and I leave.

>> No.5752742
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>> No.5752756

>wanting to die of ebola/worms/madcowdisease

Darwinism at its finest

>> No.5752766
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The odds of you dying from a rare burger are less than dying in a plane crash.

>> No.5752783

The odds of you dying in a plane crash are less than you getting hit by a car, but the numbers of people actually killed by being hit by a car each year are far higher than those dying in plane crashes, genius.

That only works with steak because steak is a solid piece of flesh. With a burger you're talking processed food, with the possibility of bacterial colonisation being far higher, especially if the cold chain hasn't been properly maintained. Lightly warming the bacteria in the middle of your burger is a one-way ticket to Shitsville, and you know it.

>> No.5752788

>The odds of you dying in a plane crash are less than you getting hit by a car
>the numbers of people actually killed by being hit by a car each year are far higher than those dying in plane crashes
Well, yeah.

>> No.5752797

Are you high already?
For fucks sake its not even noon yet.

>> No.5752839

I lolled

>> No.5752938

+1 internets to OP today

Dear diary,
Today OP was not a faggot.


>> No.5752944

Today OP also has diarrhea from eating rare burgers.

>> No.5752948

lol +1 to you too

>> No.5752957

In truth that never happens.
If ecoli is found in hamburger meat it makes the evening news.

>> No.5752960

Hamburger has a bad taste to it if it's not at least well. I can't do fish or ground hamburger less than well. Chicken/steak/pork I can do medium/medium rare.

>> No.5752962

There could be all sorts of bacteria in there, not just Ecoli. I've gotten food poisoning from restaurants before and I just shit for a few days, but I don't alert the local TV station.

>> No.5752964


Unless you literally incinerate your beef, any prions inside it will survive the cooking process.

Happy eating!

>> No.5752979

None of that food poisoning came from ground beef I wager.
Also , most of what you assumed to be food poisoning was almost certainly something else.

>> No.5752989


>Getting a typically less than quality cut of ground meat cooked anything less than medium rare

You had might as well remove the bun, condiments, and crack an egg over top and call it french cuisine if you insist on being an edgy shite in a restaurant that serves something as lowbrow as hamburgers.

>> No.5752993

>medium rare chicken

>> No.5753025


Are you saying OP might as well imitate beef tartare? I mean beef tartare isn't just ground beef.

>> No.5753055

Medium rare is just code for "cooked until all threats of disease are killed", you know. The proper temperature that you always see warning signs for.

>> No.5753060

Lol nope.

>> No.5753459

Ordering steak rare is great, but burgers...eh. I always order mine MR. Never rare. Unless you KNOW that it was hand ground on-site by reliable butcher from quality cuts of steak then you are taking a big risk. E.Coli O571:H7 is no joke.

>> No.5753577

One day it will be too rare and you will be kill.

>> No.5753602

That is bullshit anon. Ecoli in ground beef is insanely rare.
It look at the numbers before you spout alarmist babble.

>> No.5755245
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The big risk is a burger strike.
If a large enough well done burger gets sucked into the engine it can often disable it or even cause the blades to turn into high speed shrapnel .
Even so the odds of dying from a burger are slim.

>> No.5755288

OK so ignoring all the people saying it'll kill you or not and shit, OP is still disgusting.

Doesn't he realize he's essentially eating a babyfood version of an uncooked and inferior cut of beef? Presumably with cheese on it.

I suppose it is terrible American.

>> No.5755295

Funny how if we called it steak tartare it would be a delicacy and he would be an enlightened European.

>> No.5755308

In my superior expert opinion, the texture of rare beef does not go well in a burger. For the sandwich's sake, the patty should be cooked to at least medium.