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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5746609 No.5746609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>refrigerating your eggs
How fucking stupid are Americans?

>> No.5746610

we've got different eggs than you, fuckwit.

>> No.5746616

What, the shitty kind that give you cancer? Why the fuck aren't Americans up in arms over this?

>> No.5746650

Because eggs are washed in America (Because unlike Yurop we don't like barnyard shit and bacteria in our breakfast), which removes the "cuticle", a protective layer on the shell, which makes it more susceptible to contamination and spoilage.

lrn2basic research, yurotwat

>> No.5746667
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>eating eggs at all

>> No.5746676

>not knowing the basics of agricultural preparation by governing bodies in major industrialized countries

>> No.5746711


stop it with the facts anon, this is just a troll thread.

>> No.5746712

Just no.
The statement has some truth...you should probably take out most of the yolks. But thinking you can evaluate the health effects of a food from a list of 30 nutrients...lol.

>> No.5746716
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>> No.5746720

everybody who wants to demonize foods that have been eaten for thousands of years will do things like that

they need to convince you IMMEDIATELY that they're right, because the more time you spend thinking about their argument, the more you'll see that they're really fucking retarded

>> No.5746721

Not to mention it looks like whoever made that picture didn't even look past 3 items on the nutrition facts. Shit, even in that list, eggs beat out bread as far as vitamins and minerals.
You need a balance of cholesterol and fat. Fat lipids are what keeps your neurons firing. Christ, not going to go into this in this thread.

>> No.5746741

I see that pic posted all the time and I have no idea what it's from or about, please enlighten me, anon.

>> No.5746744

>eating so many eggs that you can use them up before they spoil without refridgeration

>> No.5746751

I eat 6 every morning.
Sometime incorporate them into dinner as well.

>> No.5746767

>Only eats 6 every morning.
When I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large.

>> No.5746789


>fat lipids


>> No.5746800
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you caught that too, huh?

>> No.5746807
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>6 eggs
>he doesn't buy an entire grocery case of eggs and eat every single one, having to travel to different grocery stores each day to buy their entire stock of eggs
enjoy your no gainz

>> No.5746852

[s4s] meme, I really, really like that picture

>> No.5746895

Once an egg has been refrigerated, you can't store it warm because reasons, and they're refrigerated at the store because nanny state.

>> No.5746907

Not washing them would leave them less susceptible to bacteria then. Its superficial really.

>> No.5747148

>fat lipids keep your neurons firing
dude did you just finish bio 1 at high school? kek, obviously you need fat to function but you don't really need that much because your body will sacrifice fat wherever the fuck it can to keep your neurons firing because otherwise you'd be fucking dead m8.
sounds like someone is just itching to talk about those
>muh myelin sheaths

>> No.5747199
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>eating the period of a chicken

>> No.5747212

why not faget?

is that chewing tobacco?

>> No.5747290

Did you not read "covered in shit" Eurofag? Chickens are disgusting.

>> No.5747299

1. Americans are scared as fuck of bacteria (see: all the useless antibacterial soaps that get sold here despite them not being any more effective than regular soap) so they cry for the eggs to be washed
2. Washing leaves the eggs without protection
3. Refrigeration is needed to slow the growth of the bacteria that the scared Americans have mistakenly allowed access into the unprotected egg

>> No.5747303

It's literally just one large cell

>> No.5747316

>the useless antibacterial soaps that get sold here despite them not being any more effective than regular soap
Actually, antibacterial soaps ARE better than regular soap, but the lack of bacteria for our bodies to train off of weakens our defenses and makes us susceptible to disease and infection, so they come out about the same.

>> No.5747340

Either that or tea leaves.

>> No.5747815

>eating warm eggs

>> No.5747875
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>don't like bacteria on your eggs
>wash eggs to make them more susceptible to contamination
Amerifat logic.

>> No.5747895

Do you often lick your eggs, you pervert?

>> No.5747983

So eggs have less calories and more protein, what sort of vegan faggot are you?

>> No.5747987

I used to eat 7 a day while I was lifting.

>> No.5748019

Its a reference from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, idiot.

>> No.5748031

> letting feces fester in your house

>> No.5748038

>what is your own body

>> No.5748246
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>it's too hard to refrigerate them
>ill just eat the bacteria

>> No.5748250

It's not just bacteria, it's dirt, mold, feces etc and whatever the fuck is in a barn. I'd rather wash that shit off and put my eggs in the fridge like a normal person than have chickenshit in my scrambled eggs like a typical yuro breakfast.

>> No.5748303


>More protein, vitamin A, D and choline

Yep gonna continue eating eggs

>> No.5748394

I only stopped eggs cause god father died to high cholesterol, was pretty thin too.
>scrambled, not even once

>> No.5748431

>made omelette in england once
>shitty egg
>shit got in said omelette
>ate omelette
>never again

>> No.5748432

Different kind of cholesterol though.
Eat more cheerios

>> No.5748443

They are washed so they go bad faster.

>> No.5748582

>NOT refrigerating your eggs
How fucking stupid are Europeans?

>> No.5748600

Eggs take a long time to go bad anon.
Especially in the fridge

>> No.5748680

pretty sure that was /mu/
which, in some aspects, is not that different

>> No.5749089
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It's a gamete, not technically a cell.

>> No.5749104

>not shilling for FDA

>> No.5749125


broccoli killed my mommy ;_;

>> No.5749135
File: 48 KB, 350x339, 1408074409671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait they are supposed to be kept refrigerated?

>> No.5749143

I bet you don't refrigerate your bread either

>> No.5749880

I don't think theres even evidence than a warm climate spoils eggs quicker, but there is proof that mold grows on wet bread.

>> No.5749884

whats the gamete made from?

and Sperm and Egg are both cells.

>> No.5749896

I really really like this picture.

>> No.5749898

end joy you're prostrate canker

>> No.5749902

>not masturbating 7 times a day for healthy prostate

>> No.5749909

There's conflicting evidence for whether that helps or hurts, so I'll continue avoiding animal proteins and ejaculating in moderation.

>> No.5750052
File: 29 KB, 550x400, sweated eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sweating your eggs