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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5745741 No.5745741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just tossed this bitch in my oven with some olive oil, rosemary, thyme, and garlic powder.

>How long should I leave it in for?

>> No.5745756

Shoulda made some rabbit pie.

What do you have your over set for? did you chop it up? Is it together and just stuffed with seasoning?

Details, anon.

>> No.5745768

my bad, just rippin some bowl.

>chopped to 2"-3" bits
>ovens at 350

>> No.5745775

bump for no food poisoning

>> No.5745798

I usually preheat oven to 425 brown the rabbit in a pan on medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes and then pop it in the oven for 6-8 minutes. I use the juices and simmer them on low heat on the skillet for a couple minutes after. Make sure you dont get it too dry, though.

>> No.5745803

Welcome to dry city.

Population: 1 rabbit

>> No.5745809

op here, and you are correct sir.

how do you prepare it before hand? Do you leave it on the bone? What do you use to season it?

>> No.5745820

>white people

>> No.5745832

Marinade for an hour before beforehand

1 rabbit
1/2 c. melted butter
1/2 c. salad oil
1/3 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 clove minced garlic
1 tsp. oregano
1 tbsp. chopped parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper

pretty good one I found online. I usually make a rabbit pie though instead of doing it like this.

Did you just up and toss the rabbit into the oven on a whim with no idea what you were doing?

>> No.5745836

Rather eat rabbits than the insects you eat

>> No.5745844


Looks like you'd rather eat twinkies than rabbits too, chubbs

>> No.5745866

I don't think they make twinkies anymore

>> No.5745868

i'll try that. I know how to cook food so it's safe to eat, i'm not a tard. However, I've never cooked Buggs Bunny before, so I kinda just winged it with some stuff I thought would go well with it. I'll also admit to not being the greatest chef either.

i had a friend recommend cooking it up in chicken broth. It sounds pretty good, anything else to add to that?

>cause spearchuckers in africa don't hunt for their food

>> No.5745880

He doesn't really look fat. Let's see your picture, faggot.

>> No.5745883

Did you do the thing where you squeeze all its inside to the one end and then throw it under your legs for all of it to be fire out of its body?

>> No.5745886

dude what

>> No.5745926

My step mom would bread and fry the rabbits we brought home. I don't think she did it any different than frying chicken.

>> No.5745934

Has anybody ever cooked up some rabbit gumbo? I've been wanting to try it, but gumbo is such a treat that I can't stand the thought of fucking up an entire batch.

>> No.5745943


i'm 6'1" and weigh 177.... how am I fat?

>> No.5745948

you look jewish
put yourself in for about 6 hours

>> No.5745961

Thank you skeleton

>> No.5745963

i'm actually mexican......

half.... but if Obama is a halfie and can still be called black, then goddamnit, so can i.
>not to be taken as me liking that tard.

>> No.5745964

you're a jewish nigger?

>> No.5745969
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>tfw can't cook wild rabbit to delicious medium temp cuz diseases

I usually braise the legs for dat dere confit, and let my family eat the dry ass other meat because they like well done faggotry anyway.

>> No.5745970

Other half Polish?
you look like a friend of mine

>> No.5745974
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yea, let's go with that.

>> No.5745983

Scottish, English, German, Swedish, and Beaner.
>One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.5745991

that's a nice size hare. what'd you shoot it with? the only thing I've used succesfully on them has been a .410. my 30-30 and 30-06 both turned it into dog food

>> No.5745995

just a couple months ago I weighed 230.... i made the mistake of getting a pass to the dining hall at my uni.... but I proved I can lose 50 lbs in 2 months, AND I feel I've earned the right to tell fatties to get the fuck in shape.

>> No.5746024
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hahahahahahahahahhaha, 30.06, oh god. I wasted my gif on the wrong wrong post. fuck I laughed so hard I got a lil light headed.


kek, I used my 10/22. I stal/k/ed that fucker for like an hour, I kept missing high. Finally I hit a patch a dirt, it poofed, the Buggs was stupid enough to stay, I adjusted for poof, perfect heart shot.

>> No.5746030

Are those fucking jet streams?

>> No.5746041

nice 22, nikka. I have a remington 597, I now have a tacticool stock and dollar store type aimpoint on it. I accidentally broke the original stock so I got both of those for about 150. Worth it.

>> No.5746045
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naw, those are powerlines.

>> No.5746049
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did you catch him like this ?

bare handed

>> No.5746051

>I've earned the right to tell fatties to get the fuck in shape.
why not tell heroin addicts to drop their needles?
most don't know or have motivation to do so
actually engaging with them would be hepful

>> No.5746056


>> No.5746057


>> No.5746065

/ck/ - Racial Tensions

>> No.5746083
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thx, here's the family photo.

I actually took out another rabbit with a headshot with that 1911 at ~60 yds

>> No.5746093

how is a jack-knife a weapon?
I'd sooner punch someone in the throat than stab with a nice little tool like that

>> No.5746100

>hammer's down
>grip safety not compressed

>> No.5746107

jack knife? the buck? it's fucking fantastic, more a tool than a weapon I would argue. I used it to skin that rabbit. It still could fuck someones day up, tho.

that giant knife on the left is a piece of shit tho; twelve bucks from harbor freight. but it's nice to have a thrasher knife that you dgaf about n won't worry about dulling the blade too much.

>> No.5746109

always leave a rake spikes down regardless of anything
gun shoot bullet kill bad

>> No.5746121

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.5747455

only on level far superior than your pay grade

>> No.5747487

WTF, did that guy get deaded?

>> No.5747491

>month does not end in 'r'
enjoy your tularemia

>not believing in chemtrails
stay gullible, /k/ck/

>> No.5747513
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he got turned into a rag doll that is all
fact is my girlfriend likes this sort of treatment "its sexy" they have said

>> No.5747612
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cause 2 days from August to September will make a difference.

as for the chemtrails...

fuckin tard

>> No.5747614


>> No.5747616
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like I said, you're a fucking tard

>> No.5747840
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> hunting rabbit in the summer
> enjoy your bubonic plague

>> No.5748525

well I feel fine.

>not knowing what diseased organs/meat looks like

>> No.5749415

>being this mad

>> No.5749502
File: 3.26 MB, 640x360, 36e7ea2a-46a8-4c5f-9e9a-92382cbfe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, i'm a pilot, I can deal with a lot of stupid shit, but I have lost all patience for idiots that think the gubmint is poisoning us through aeronautical transportation.

I could sit and explain the economics behind why chemtrails retarded, I can sit here and explain the physics behind contrails, and I can sit here and go on from personal experience on how chemtrails don't occur.

but i've gone over it too many times to give a fuck anymore. It just pissed me off because I know that no matter how much solid evidence I produce, they're still all like, "hurr, da gubmint is gassing us from da planes." They're worse than religifags, because philosophy is at least debateable, the science explaining contrails is not, and yet they go on about, "durr, Chemtrails turn on n off, Das why dey not alwurs der."

>> No.5749514

You gonna die

>> No.5749530


do you not inspect the meat of your kills? you can see any bugs or worms in the meat.

do you not cook your food? Heat will kill any bacteria. Any food will make you sick if you don't prepare it right.

>> No.5749606

I just don't see why you're making such a big deal of it in /ck/. It's like telling everyone not to think of elephants for the next ten minutes. Would anyone have thought about elephants in the next ten minutes if you hadn't been ramming it in everyone's faces? Probably not. I sometimes go days without thinking about elephants, weeks even. But no, you have to start making a big fat hairy fucking deal about chemtrails in a thread about you shooting a helpless rabbit, you son of a bitch, and then desecrating its corpse by eating it instead of giving it a proper and respectful burial. I hope you get tularemia, you rabbit-murdering bastard.

>> No.5749699

Thats chubby. You are one ugly fuccboi regardless. Or do they call those glasses and clothes "normal" in the US of A?

>> No.5749923

they're actually designer, and I weigh 180, faggot.

I didn't bring it up, douche. A better analogy is saying that anon brought up mammoths in a fashion that implies all current elephants are mammoths. I'm just appalled by the stupidity of those people

I wonder how mammoth would taste.... fun on a bun!

>> No.5749928


can you please fuck off?

>> No.5749954

>I wonder how mammoth would taste
You can still get mammoth. You just have to be extremely rich. It's oodles of money and there a finite supply.

>> No.5750480

>acoustic bass guitar

>> No.5751426

I'll bet you also think someone mentioning they're a girl is "HURR HURR I HAVE A VAGINA" attention whoring.

>> No.5752291

What songs can you play?

>> No.5752829
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>posing with your kill

>> No.5752931

How else are you going to prove that it was you who killed it?
Girls aren't going around bragging to their friends about the big fish they caught