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5744509 No.5744509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, Pepsi

>> No.5744514

>dat market research

>> No.5744515

So are these mirrored left to right because they're filled from the back?

>> No.5744518

This is clearly a Dollar Tree specific planogram.

Also, where's the Sierra Mist in the GDM10?

>> No.5744544

>giving pepsi this kind of merchandising space
top kek, seriously fuck pepsico

>> No.5745395

Pepsi supplies the coolers. Not surprising they get to say what goes in it.

Don't like it? Look in the next checkout aisle over, they alternate with Coke coolers.

Except Coke's started putting smaller bottles in Dollar Trees. The Pepsi products are still 20oz, for now.

>> No.5745417

I dont get it, what the fuck do they want in that picture??

>> No.5745460

We had a coke one at a local place I used to work at. Pretty sure it's standard for the companies to do that. Lays chips, those had to be displayed in a similar fashion as well.

>> No.5745500

Every inch of Walmart is planned out the same way. You can usually find a bunch of the layouts taped to the shelves in some part of the supermarket section where the employees are halfway through restocking.

>> No.5745511

it looks like they want pepsi to be on top. I mean it looks like the whole thing needs to be in a certain order but pepsi on top seems to be the most important thing

>> No.5745553

20oz for $1 is still shit, you can even go to fucking mcdonalds and get the biggest one they got for $1.

>> No.5745558

Pepsi is on top in all of them, only difference with the last one is that it has Dr Pepper mixed with the water

>> No.5745559

how is that different from what I said?

>> No.5745562

Have you never worked retail?
Big vendors always have a certain way they want merchandise displayed and they have plans for whatever fixtures they make in different arrangements depending on what merchandise is available.
They even laminated it so good on dollar tree for having their shit together.

>> No.5745563

That's a regional thing dumbass. Where I live, their prices for sodas are the same not all $1.

>> No.5745564

Because three of the boxes with "Pepsi on top" have X's through them, meaning that's clearly not the point?

>> No.5745569

what do the Xs have to do with anything? what are you asking? why pepsi made these charts or why someone put Xs through them?

>> No.5745982

They stopped putting Mt Dew Throwback 20 oz bottles out for individual resale. Fuck Pepsi.

>> No.5746036

I don't get it?
Is it supposed to go like

Dr Pepper \ Dr Pepper \ Dr Pepper \ Dr Pepper
Mtn Dew \ Mtn Dew \ Mtn Dew \ Mtn Dew
Pepsi \ Pepsi \ Pepsi \ Pepsi
Diet Pepsi \ Diet Pepsi \ Diet Pepsi \ Diet Pepsi

what does Pepsi even mean?

>> No.5746866

This is the same shit they do in grocery stores they want what sells most at the most convinient hight so fat lazy potatos can easily grab a syrup drink. I have litteraly seen a fat person try to squat to get som dr pepper and give up only to grab the pepsi at chest hight. Its a bizzare brilliant sikining practice and everyone does it because it increases profits by a small margin. Next time your in a grocery stor look at the bottom shelf and try and guess why its not in the centre shelf.

>> No.5746882

The X's through them means those aren't the displays that particular store has, this gets distributed to every dollar tree in the country, some of them have dr pepper in with pepsi, some don't, and they have different kinds of fridges.

>> No.5746888

Pepsi doesn't mean anything, it's a buzzword product name.

>> No.5746914

It means just four shelves. So they cant put in a shelf to have large bottles.

In Australia I don't see a lot of Pepsi products, only the movie theaters and KFC/Red Rooster have them, everywhere else is just Coke, or Coke fridges with 1 or 2 rows of Pepsi.

>> No.5746980

Bottom shelf things are lower priced usually, top shelf are higher priced. Like, for dried pasta or cold cereal. Soda seems to be the only exception.

>> No.5747459

I did a market research off the street once and they stood me in front of a large wall, then rolled down a poster of a supermarket drinks display. They track your eye movements on a camera to see where you look first (usually you go top to bottom like a book).

That's why their top products are placed at the top of the shelves, extensive product testing from consumers on what they see first at the shop.

>> No.5747469

>they rolled down a poster
>people looked at the top first
What exactly were they trying to prove? If they rolled it out to the left people would have looked at the right side first.

>> No.5747472

wait, why is this bad, or controversial, or why is this a thread?

>> No.5747519

I'm with this guy. y'all are arguing about some dumb shit

>> No.5747523
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>> No.5747525

so i don't see the problem

>> No.5747527
File: 276 KB, 518x428, areyouamadfishtoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except Coke's started putting smaller bottles in Dollar Trees. The Pepsi products are still 20oz, for now.

>drinking so much soda that you know this kind of thing

>> No.5747531


This reminds me of the old Malt-O-Meal commercials (the knockoff cereal that came in bags) where the guy would walk down the cereal aisle in a squat because that brand was always situated on the bottom shelf.

>> No.5747535


Found it:


>> No.5747551

that guy had some nice leg strength

>> No.5747557


>15 bottles of pepsi
>8 bottles of mountain dew
>15+8=23, the sacred number of the Illuminati
>Pepsi and Mountain Dew->PM, possibly referring to the Prime Minister of New Zealand

It's all coming together

>> No.5747635


that's why you don't skip leg day, bro. you might be called up for a malt-o-meal commercial gig one day.

>> No.5747941

I don't understand this thread. Have you guys never heard of a planogram?

>> No.5747980
File: 47 KB, 383x504, 1345687727359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water shunted into the corner


>> No.5747996

I don't even know why Diet Pepsi is still around, it has to be by far the worst "diet" soda on the market.

>> No.5748055

It doesn't sell well, people aren't dumb enough to pay for something they already pay for at home that runs free. I mean they might want it cold but that's why we invented freezers.

>> No.5748219

>hes never seen a retail memo from a major corporation