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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5744130 No.5744130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Signs you grew up in a white trash househould

>> No.5744146
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>> No.5744148

You mean aside from the house having wheels?

>> No.5744158
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>> No.5744168

That stuff's pretty good though. The Sav-A-Lot generic one is better with a different spice blend.

>> No.5744179

agreed I got some italian spice kind a while ago and it was god teir with some pesto

>> No.5744269
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>> No.5744281

let's post some black trash foods

im sure there's a lot of black trash in here

>> No.5744284

>tuna helper


>> No.5744287

I had some hamburger helper (can't remember what kind) for the first time recently after my fiance raved about it. He normally has fairly good taste, so I gave it a try.

Salty. Plasticy. Oily. Disgusting.

Someday I'll learn how to trust again...

>> No.5744290

Oh it's not that bad. If you use packet tuna instead of canned it comes out pretty alright.

>> No.5744295
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>> No.5744296

Hamburger helper is literally a starch and spices in a box. It's not the product, your fiance is a dipshit at cooking. Oversalted, didn't drain the hamburger, etc.

>> No.5744307

Absolutely. A lot of those prepackaged mixes make no sense to me at all, why buy a box with pasta and spices in it when I could just... use pasta and spices? It would certainly taste a whole lot better.

I guess I was hoping it was some magical 'terrible food' that has enough MSG to be delicious.

This is why I don't let him cook unless I'm there to teach him how to do it. I finally got him to make a good scrambled egg, now we're working on pancakes. Start from the bottom, move to the top.

>> No.5744312

Well we grew up pretty poor, but we we usually got like veg or meat that was getting close to or on the 'sell by' date and either cook it all up as a big meal to eat for the whole week or deep freeze the meat. Usually made different soups or stews and had them over rice.

>> No.5744321
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>> No.5744322

Those boxed kits are just there so people can throw together something quickly without having to think about it to feed their family. Unfortunately not everyone learns how to cook growing up.

>> No.5744327

Don't have a pic, but those generic 2 liters of soda that cost like 20 cents less than brand name are the definition of white trash to me.

>> No.5744596
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yeah bro, faygo is the nectar of the white trash gods
also video very related

>> No.5744601

I ate government cheese.

>> No.5744618


Please explain to a non-American what this is

>> No.5744621

>black trash foods

Isn't it called soul food?

>> No.5744629
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>> No.5744643

Stroganoff? or hamburger helper?
hamburger (and chicken, tuna) helper has all the dry ingredients and starches.
They're one skillet dishes to feed a typical family

>> No.5744659

fried chicken
grape soda
anything else?

>> No.5744662

>Please explain to a non-American what this is

It's a package of "instant sauce powder" & noodles of some kind. The idea is you buy a package of ground beef (aka "hamburger") and add this to it in order to make a finished meal.

It's cheap shit food for people who can't cook.

>> No.5744746
File: 104 KB, 270x379, kaboom-cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking bullshit was a welfare kid's first wakeup call to the ugly lie that would be a staple of his existence. Most of the time your mom bought home those shitty generic cereals with two-color boxes that tasted like packing foam because those were the only things that WIC allowed her too. Then one morning at a sleep-over at your "rich" friend's, you dig into your first bowl of Apple Jacks and in that first bite it's like the world transitions to color. After that, every bowl Toasted Oats or Kix is like a slap in the face to the monochrome reality that has been forced upon you, and much of your freetime is focused on getting mom to spring for something that a kid with actual tastebuds might enjoy without having to dump a cup of sugar into the powdered milk. Then one day this box comes out of her shopping bag and for a moment the clouds part and you swear you heard hear harps sounding in the distance. Look at all of those colors, and are those neon smiley faces? No way this is that healthy crap. And those big red letters of the silly name KABOOM suggest an inevitable amped-up sugar blast. And sure that's a pretty jacked up looking clown, but you're just so happy to have cereal represented by ANY character that you ignore the "vitamin & iron" red flag mere inches away. You hastily tear into the box and quickly pour a bowl and just slurp directly from the bowl, not even bothering with the sugar (surely this won't need any such suplimentation) nor slowing down for a spoon before your mom can smack it out of your hand. And you can barely get the first gulp down before realizing the horrible lie you've just been subjected to: it's the same tasteless packing foam you've been eating your entire life, reshaped and obscured in food dye. The rest of it gets flushed down the toilet, along with the part of you that was still a child, and you resign yourself to running out the rest of the clock on your black & white life.

>> No.5744756
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>> No.5744772

What's wrong with toad in the hole?

>> No.5744778
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None of those are a toad in a hole.

>> No.5744780

So why can't you just add hamburger to mac & cheese or to ramen?

>> No.5744788


You can. What's that got to do with anything?

>> No.5744798
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>monster mash sundae
>coupons coupons coupons

>> No.5744799

5-star post

>> No.5744861
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Eh, might not be exclusively white trash, but I do see a lot of dropouts and Puerto Ricans.

>> No.5744897
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$0.50 cent walmart food and a mom who didnt let me do shit growing up, you're the reason why I struggle with being fat and borderline annorexia, thanks.

>> No.5744920
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that was fucking beautiful.

>> No.5744973

what's the point of hamburger helper then?

>> No.5744989


Hell if I know. I was just answering the other question and explaining what it was. I have no idea why anyone buys it.

>> No.5744990

my grandmother would buy CASES of those

>> No.5745035

it seems like those would settle into a nice equilibrium

>> No.5745043

They do until dat dere binge.

But hey I'm down 27 pounds

>> No.5745095

>Whole Wheat? What are you a tree hugger? We need to get 8 more loaves of these they're going away fast
>Didn't you hear that Hostess is going bankrupt. It be american not to buy more of this

>> No.5745153

My mom pretty much has a feeding fetish that she took out on me. Always made sure I had seconds at dinner, brought me snacks, refilled my drinks for me. I was obese until I moved out 4 years ago and now I'm only 160 and trying to get /fit/. I also eat autistically healthy.

My dad and her split up and now her new husband is obese and so are her cats. Very weird.

>> No.5745170

My mom's not like that, I just grew up poor so she never had the time or money to really feed me only healthy stuff, plus her eating was fucked up cause when she was young she'd get fat just from eating three times a day, no thyroid issues or anything. It's whatever.

>> No.5745454
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>> No.5745458
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>> No.5745516

>you dig into your first bowl of Apple Jacks and in that first bite it's like the world transitions to color. After that, every bowl Toasted Oats or Kix is like a slap in the face to the monochrome reality that has been forced upon you

fuck. i had that exact same experience

>> No.5745720

what do you mean the egg is the toad and the bread is the hole.

>> No.5745841

>fairy bread
more like FAGGOT BREAD

>> No.5745849

according to this thread my family ate like white trash, despite being upper middle class well-to-do jews...

>> No.5745863


>> No.5746080

That lifestyle has to be a joke and everyone is in on it.

>> No.5746086

toad in the hole is sausages in yorkshire pudding

>> No.5746186

If I combine the two is that like Australian PBJ?

also, no avocado on toast

>> No.5746827


chitlins. fuck them with a rusty pipe. the smell is burned in my memory and my cousin and grandpa loved those nasty shits.

>> No.5746844
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>> No.5746847

Somebody screenshot plz

>> No.5746850

I was rich growing up, but my mom was a cheapskate, so most if these apply to be.

>> No.5746851

Your question answers itself and you are becoming enlightened.

>> No.5746855

i'd love to see a company market their cereal using the term "sugary" in this nanny state era.

>> No.5746858


>> No.5746928

I'm glad my mum knew how to cook good food :)

>> No.5746954

This brings back awful memories.

>> No.5746986

It's like being back at the trailer park.

They can be removed, those shitty skirts are awful though. They don't even keep the feral cats out.

>> No.5747102
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>nascar branded pepsi products in general

>> No.5747108

>Dale Jr. Sour
I wonder what the Tony Stewart flavor was? Tony Stewart Bitter.