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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5743059 No.5743059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what are the golden rules of cooking? I'm a poor college student and I don't know the first thing about cooking.

>> No.5743063

1. Fuck up.
2. Adjust accordingly.

>> No.5743091

I like a manwich raw
with toasted bun
Here is a secret recipe:
Like in toaster oven
The bread
You put it in there and toast it
Then the meat is raw
But the sauce is warm
So it's good
With the bun toasted
Not microwaved
It's too flabby
So toasted
After that it's good
a couple minutes
Not too long
Then it's burnt
Not good
Just a little
And don't tell anyone about it
just toasted

>> No.5743109
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Eh, fuck cooking. Just eat exclusively fast food and food you can cook on the stove in five minutes like I do.

>> No.5743134

Just toast it, just a bit babe

>> No.5743159


>> No.5743169

this guy

also buy fresh ingredients

>> No.5743170

Watch your knife form

don't cross contaminate shit

don't waste food

>> No.5743204

>always let meat come to room temperature before cooking and always pat it dry before searing in a pan
>use very little seasoning at the start and taste as it cooks. You can always add more later on.
>3 tbs of fresh herbs are equal to 1 tbs dry
>don't overknead or stir too hard (don't ever knead hamburger meat, if you're into burgers. Just season and portion)

That's all I can think of right now, I guess it depends on what kind of food you're planning on making.

>> No.5743205

Cooking is complicated, difficult and requires lots of practice, follow recipes extremely closely until you get some idea of what you're doing(avoid cooking shows tho, they're almost always terrible).

>> No.5743213


>> No.5743226


Also, clean as you cook and you're all good. Don't be that jackass who leaves dishes in the sink for a week.

>> No.5743271

No color, no flavour.
There is a fine line between perfectly brown and burnt.
Render the fat from meats.
Cook fish skin side down first.
Buy F R E S H.
Learn the differences of flavour throughout the process of cooking (from raw to burnt. Onions are good for this).
To cook a perfect hard boiled egg in the microwave, just blast it for 2 minutes, shell and all.
Dry the meat before putting it into the pan.
Learn how to use a knife (aka not cut yourself)
Using 200 spices doesn't make you a good chef.

>> No.5743272

no sceak quote?

>> No.5743312

First two are bad advice.

Cooking frozen/cold steak comes out more evenly than if you defrost, but don't freeze your proteins if you can help it.

Aside from a few dishes, season evenly as you cook. If you add most of it at the end, you may be tasting something before the salt has dissolved, and end up over seasoning.

>> No.5743475
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>> No.5743487

-keep your cooking place clean
-have sharp knives
-use a wood cutting board
-Wash your hands
-use fresh vegetables
-buy local products
-msg is a no go

>> No.5743494

cheap and fresh

cook with yeast and flour
vegetables and fruits
dont get anything from a glas or tin

you'll be paiyng extra

>> No.5745092

Anybody got any tips on cutting technique. Recently bought a decent French knife set but I still feel like I cht slow as shit.
Also basic things like finger placement so I can safely try and chop fast. Ive seen so e cooks fly through peppers and carrots and onions like nothing

>> No.5745096


is your cutting board big enough?

>> No.5745216

1) Be patient
2) Pay attention
3) Butter, butter and more butter
4) As few ingredients as possible. Learn what goes with what, how things interact, what chemical processes are triggered when putting stuff together. Example: vinegar makes things cook.
5) Fresh ingredients. Fresh = 10 minutes ago. Not yesterday. With some exceptions: steak, beer, wine, vinegar,...
6) Learn about terroir: vanilla, pepper, salt, cacao, anchovy, oyster, pigeon, wine, cheese, vinegar... all taste different depending on where they come from, how they're grown or raised, brewed, what time of the year stuff is made. Understand why that is, or be scammed.
7) Learn from the best: Michel Roux, Paul Bocuse, Antonio Carluccio's older books, Raymond Oliver.
8) Avoid fads and fashion, stick with basics.
9) Don't bother with innovation, focus on nostalgia, memories, tradition. The former is a piece of cake when you master the latter.

>> No.5745220

Isn't wood porous?

>> No.5745303

only cork is porous

>> No.5745330

>Isn't wood porous?
Yes, ignore the shitposter with a list of bad tips, and the shitposters saying wood isn't porous. (You could split hairs by arguing it's semi-porous, but it's certainly not non-porous). This is fucking obvious. A lot of health departments in the US don't even allow wood cutting boards in commercial food prep, with good reason.

>> No.5745334


lol that's not true.

>> No.5745337
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>9) Don't bother with innovation, focus on nostalgia, memories, tradition. The former is a piece of cake when you master the latter.

>> No.5745345
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Alton Brown said: The only single-use item in your kitchen should be the fire extinguisher. And have a recipe to start off!

>> No.5745642

I've got two, one smaller for quick fixes and a pretty big wooden one for full on meals.
I dont think thats the problem

>> No.5745878

1.) Cleanliness
2.) Respect your ingredients

>> No.5746593

You're fucking retarded
Yes, and that's why wood is better to use than plastic for (knife-scarred (used)) cutting boards. Since the plastic is not porous, the bacteria is safely harbored in the grooves made by knife cuts, instead of seeping further down away from the surface of the board. These grooves are very difficult to clean properly.


>> No.5746598

There's no way you can afford all of those ingredients for only 5 dollars, even if you were to buy the smallest (not to mention the least cost-effective) portions of each. Just buy a pound or two or three of beans and rice.

>> No.5746605

All these fucks are getting way too serious. Real beginner tips.
1. Hot water and soap cleans the dishes, cold water rinses
2. Everything needs salt and pepper
3. Well yeah, they had a point, keep your area clean
4. Try and chop your ingredients as evenly as possible
5. Get a crockpot

>> No.5746613

>be creative
>buy a grill
>youtube is g8 m8

>> No.5746627

Follow a recipe
Keep your kitchen clean

>> No.5746651

There are a lot of shitty recipes out there on the internet, even among those attributed to TV cooking personalities. If something calls for stupid bullshit brand name season ("guy fieri's midwestern butt powder" or the like) you should cook something else instead. That said, there are a lot of good recipes too. Use your judgement before committing your money and food to a recipe!

Also take good care of your knives. Buy nice ones (25 dollar knife sets are not good knives), study how to use and store them properly (DO NOT just throw them in a drawer). Clean and store immediately after use, unless food over heat requires immediate action. TV personalities have been quoted saying that a good knife, properly cared for, should last generations. idk about that, but if you love your knives, your knives will love you back. If you abuse your knives, you will probably end up lacerating yourself as you try to force a dull knife through a tough steak.

>> No.5746659
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Clean as you go
Taste often
Season well but not all at once
Slowcooks are damn near impossible to fuck up
Meat should always rest to allow the muscle to expand while cooling and keep the meat moist
Instant meals aka Lean Cuisine are the devil
Food doesn't have to be incredibly expensive to be good quality - learn to judge the product you're purchasing
No, well done meat isn't inedible, if cooked by anyone with half a brain
Be the sieve. Listen to everyone and trust nobody until you've tried it yourself
Wash your fucking hands if you scratch your genitals while preparing any good product

>> No.5746788

I put a little vinegar in everything.

>> No.5747680

why a wooden cutting board instead of plastic?

>> No.5747682
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>follow a recipe

>> No.5747801

Stupid question here but if you've got a thick piece of beef (inch and a half thick) should you score the meat while marinating ?

>> No.5748844

Don't season a reduction until it's done reducing
Taste taste taste
Always use the hand-guard on a mandolin
For fancy plating, use odd numbers.
#1 plastic dulls your knife a lot faster
#2 plastic has more bacteria problems because, while the bacteria seeps away into the wood, it lingers in the knife-made grooves on the plastic.

>> No.5748848


You score fat, not the meat. This helps the fat render and, in the case of pork chops, helps to keep the out and can get you a nice, crispy skin.

For a marinade on a cheap beef cut, you can try docking it.

>> No.5748928

Egg. In shell. In microwave.


>> No.5748932

Soo..... it's okay to scratch my balls if I'm only cooking mediocre food?

>> No.5749253


>> No.5750433

Watch literally as many videos as you possibly can from this man.

He is your king. He is your ruler. He is God.


>> No.5750446

Start with soups. You can't break a soup.

Unless you underseason. Also, soups are cheap.