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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 500x500, 0002100065893_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5742929 No.5742929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pic related
Eating some right now actually.

>> No.5742937
File: 459 KB, 1024x681, dino-chicken-nuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit what anyone says, no matter the amount of guilt Velveeta will always be delicious.

That being said, their perfect food partner is dino nuggets.

Those two during boozy nights are just........sweet lord.

>> No.5742943
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>> No.5742947
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my favorite meal when i'm immensely drunk: boxed kraft macaroni cheese on top of a chicken patty.

>> No.5742950

Those smiley-face potato things that I can never seem to find anymore.

>> No.5742972

What is guilty about whey product? I don't understand, there's nothing inherently wrong with it.

I mean, you should feel guilty for supporting Kraft but it's not like there's no off-brand products that are exactly the same as Velveeta so whatever.

>> No.5742980

Velveeta is amazing piping hot, but disgusting just warm.

>> No.5742992
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I just can't resist these fuckers.

>> No.5742996

So glad my parents are educated, successful, and took raising their children seriously.

>> No.5743001


my parents fit all 3 of those categories and they still did a shit job because they have issues out the wazoo

>> No.5743004

sounds like your parents are underacheiving losers if they paid that much attention to you

>> No.5743007

Lunchables Pizza
my protein diet consists of 90% beef
Real mayo

>> No.5743010


Logical Fallacies: The Post

>> No.5743011

Grade 10 English: The Post

>> No.5743012

>Lunchables Pizza

I don't care how old I get, those just won't stop being delicious to me.

I could just drink a packet of that sauce straight.

>> No.5743047


it's a strange phenomena
I'm 26 and kind of a food/drink snob (tips fedora) but for some reason I find those little cold bland pizzas to be irresistible..

that sugary sauce is the deal sealer

>> No.5743058

pizza bites of any brand

cheese whiz

>> No.5743061
File: 5 KB, 261x193, i+love+totinos+pizza+rolls+_ea5eef9bcb6b904645ef9a0b537af20c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5743064


I love pizza rolls too but you'd think by now they would have come up with a containment solution

>> No.5743068
File: 47 KB, 586x330, plinkett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-mail me if you wanna pizza roll.

>> No.5743069

are they called rolls? and what do you mean containment solution?

>> No.5743070
File: 71 KB, 610x458, 20130206-totinos-cooked2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce always oozes out and burns the shit out of your mouth.

>> No.5743072

its part of the experience

>> No.5743074


When baking the crust leaks filling onto the foil/pan that you bake it on.. makes a mess and shorts you on filling


>sauces oozes out
>burns your mouth

you're a special one aren't you

>> No.5743075

You have to master the art of microwaving them just so. If done rightly, most of them will not leak, and if you eat them carefully, you will not burn your mouth.Eat more pizza rolls, padawan, until you have mastered it.

>> No.5743077

I-I just get so excited.
OK, will be more cautious next time.

>> No.5743078

oh. i just let them sit for like ten minutes. i like them warm not hot. i feel like i enjoy them more because i can just shove them into mouth and chew away with no concern.

this board seems to be so much better at night.

>> No.5743086

>this board seems to be so much better at night.
>pizza rolls
i'd uh

>> No.5743101

what would you like to discuss then?

and fyi, i was referring to the temperament of the posters, not the subject matter of the posts. in the day, this board seems like /b/ with a food theme.

>> No.5743107

what's your problem with pizza rolls? we gonna have an issue here palooka?

>> No.5743110

>microwaving your pizza rolls and not getting a crispy crust


>> No.5743117

this with a can of tuna and a half can of rotel.
>no rergets

>> No.5743120

I think it is perfectly valid to nuke them since they are already garbage.
Besides, preference in g texture is entirely subjective

>> No.5743141

>criticizing people's garbage food choices on a garbage food thread

just let us eat our delicious salty trash in peace

>> No.5743155

Same here. I'm 28, also love good food and beers. I go to whole foods for my pretentious beer fix. What's funny is I don't seem like that type at all. Which is probably why I still secretly love lunchable pizza.

>tfw you are grocery shopping, pretend to be eyeing some deli meat, but really want to pick up a couple lunchable pizza boxes.

I don't have the heart to do it for the past 5-6 months. I bought one when I moved into my new apartment then cause I had no power and told myself "Hey, I still gotta have dinner...might at well get something ready to eat."

>> No.5743160

>not knowing how to get a cripsy crust in the microwave
You don't know shit about pizza rolls, and you know it.

>> No.5743168

fuck yeah plinkett reviews
These videos alone made me go out and buy a big bag of pizza rolls when I was in college

>no oven in the dorms
>microwave them
>drench in Valentina muy Caliente
Watch TNG episodes drunk, eating pizza rolls, roommates friend comes over and asks if I'm watching Star Trek for "a class or something"
I drunkingly ask "What...is that a thing?!!?!"

>> No.5743178
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are you me?

>> No.5743191

I don't know. Do you like that Banana beer they have too? That is one of my favorites.

>> No.5743398
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The shaped macaroni tastes better than the elbow macaroni. Fuck anyone who thinks they taste the same

>> No.5743400


>> No.5743495


>not throwing them on a pan with oil

poor deprived soul

>> No.5743517

Single white guy here.. bring your mac and cheese to the next level by frying up some chorizo and mixing it in with some green chili's. Oh yes!

>> No.5743551

mah nigga
adding cheap chorizo to shit is my game. Them chorizo and eggs.

>> No.5743593
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>>5743517 has the right idea. Even just grilled onions or a can of rotel is great.

I still buy pic related for convenience and because they stay forever. I probably still have some of these from years ago in the back of a cupboard that I will find one day and eat thinking I bought it a month ago and not know the difference.

>> No.5743626
File: 659 KB, 1287x965, chili-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These in general. Junk, processed, but so good.

>> No.5743706

The texture I totally different. fuck I want some shaped mac n cheese now.

>> No.5743775
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>> No.5743779
File: 56 KB, 410x410, 13016434[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza rolls
>not getting the huge one

>cooking these straight on the rack
I can eat these fuckers erry day.

>> No.5743977


I'm curious, what exactly makes these a "garbage" food? Not that I'm completely ignorant and think that anything in a green wrapper or says "NATURE!" on it is automatically healthy, but those look basically fine to me. Probably better than anything else in this thread so far. Something about them I don't know? Not that I've had one in recent memory anyway, but should I be avoiding them?

>> No.5744027

My niggas.

>> No.5745367
File: 9 KB, 150x300, bananabeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean this stuff?
I'm not much of a beer snob, though I love trying new and unique booze. I'm typically pretty content with my ghetto Mickey's, but this banana bread stuff is amazing.

>> No.5745916

>have high-paying job
>live very near half a dozen gourmet and health food stores
>still but bullshit like Cinnamon Life cereal, chocolate milk, Velveeta shells and "cheese" and pizza rolls every week

Goddamn I feel like a child sometimes, but this shit is just so good. The cheese Totino's pizza rolls are fucking amazing. I even go the extra mile and toss them in olive oil before baking and I've mastered the art of extra-crispyness without making them burst.
I have to go to the gym 5 days a week just to stay in shape but it's fucking worth it.

>> No.5745928

Any boxed noodle dishes
Pizza lunchables
Banquet dinner with the chicken fingers and brownie
Anything from the costco frozen isle

>> No.5745935
File: 39 KB, 512x384, surimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some surimi is really bad, but it can be quite tasty.

>> No.5745953
File: 31 KB, 552x559, yy3W4ZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pepperoni seasoning
lel whet?
>Sausage & Pizza Topping
>Pizza Topping
the fuck is pizza topping?

>> No.5745989

canned fruit in jello & root beer

I use sugar free jello and diet barq's now as an adult, but every damn time in the supermarket, I get these three things. Not budget busting or extremely unhealthy, but I want to stop and I don't know how. *single tear*

>> No.5746006

Eggo waffles.

On a hot day I just love to pull a blueberry or cinnamon one out of the box and eat it still frozen.

>> No.5746013
File: 224 KB, 1529x536, party pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5746150

microwaved chicken hotdogs on white bread

>> No.5746151

With ketchup?

>> No.5746169

That's weird, bro.

>> No.5746174
File: 74 KB, 450x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those goddamn frosting covered sugar cookies grocery stores have that are usually themed to whatever holiday is nearest. They have the taste and texture of densely packed powdered sugar, but fuck me if they don't taste delicious.

>> No.5746183

This nigga speaks the truth.

>> No.5746188

Last thing I ate was the last of those cookies.
It was even that color

>> No.5746247

More surface area for cheese sauce to adhere to = better taste

>> No.5746255

Fucking litehouse cookies man, those things are fucking nostalgia in fucking cookie form. Fuck they are so fucking good.

>> No.5746302

Thicker pasta=better taste
Pasta isn't just a sauce-delivery vehicle. Even when it's shitty pasta it's still tasty.

>> No.5746324

shaped mac just has a better texture imo. even just wheels are better than elbow

>> No.5746326

>Bake two pizzas at the same time
>Cook just long enough so that it's not cold but the crust hasn't crisped yet
>Put them together
>Enjoy a crude 1300 kcalorie calzone

>> No.5746339

I eat so much frozen shit but those are fucking disgusting, totally inedible

>> No.5748516

chips and soda pop