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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5742784 No.5742784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it with you fags who own dishwashing machines but insist on handwashing your plates and cutlery? What the fuck is wrong with you people, seriously? Life's too short to handwash shit.

>> No.5742795

sorry OP, sometimes I want to reuse a dish right away not in 2 hours

>> No.5742807

Couldn't fill up the dishwasher with all the dishes I owned.
Now it's just that my newest roommate keeps the sink filled.

>> No.5742919

>not washing all your own dishes

But really, my landlord doesn't want to replace the busted piece of shit we have, so I just wash everything by hand
A couple of beers on the mantle in front of the sink, some tunes on full volume and dishes become a one hour event i can get behind

>> No.5742944

Yeah a pan, pot, and a dish takes me hours, HOURS to wash op. Enjoy your bills.

>> No.5742978

Most of the time the dishwasher is full and I'm too lazy to run it, and I need the dish that's in the sink right away.

>> No.5742986

if you aren't a fucking mongoloid, washing by hand takes less time and less water.

>> No.5742989

This is the problem I have. I'm out of spoons long before the washer is full

>posting in a troll thread

>> No.5742998
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Theres just something relaxing about doing a little sinkfull of dishes here and there.
I just put on some music and sorta zone out for a bit. Theres never many of them, because its just me here.

I have a dishwasher, but I save it for when i've been a really lazy fuck or made a late dinner, and theres more than a small pile that I don't want to fuck with before bed.

>> No.5743000


And then you still have little specs of food on your plates and they smell like detergent residue

>> No.5743201

I was really hoping this thread was about washing potatoes or other food in the dishwasher. anybody got info on that?

>> No.5743218

Lol @ using a bacteria ridden sponge and cross contaminating everything

>> No.5743224

I guess you probably could, though it'd be a pretty big waste of water unless you got like a really huge shitload of veggies in there.

My question is.. does the water get hot enough to cook eggs?

>> No.5743235

I have a dishwasher and never use it. Dishwashers are shit OR used in the food service industry where it would actually be useful.
I can hand wash my own dishes in like 10 minutes, even a large amount. How the fuck is that a waste of time? Also, I can buy only one type on dishsoap and that's it. No wasted water, no bullshit, just me not being a lazy piece of shit.
Also, the people that wash potatoes in a dishwasher should be gassed. That is pants on head retarded. All that sediment that is in a common dishwasher, all that bullshit when you could spend 5 minutes to wash them like a normal person.

>> No.5743255

Wash everything in the dish
cook ware

I get hella angry at people who just think they can shove everything in the wash

>> No.5743260

use a thin green scourers near boiling water and no bacteria in significant amounts that you would be made sick

>> No.5743415

No not hot enough. .. but you can cook fish like salmon
->seasoned and sealed in a bag 70°c for 1 1/2 hours

>> No.5743432

Loading a dishwasher or handwashing can both be considered meditative exercises, but the dishwasher is doubtless the more costly option. If you consider life to be too short for either, I rather suspect yours is unexamined.

>> No.5743759

Paranoid much
I've been eating off plates washed with a sponge ever since I was born.

>> No.5744002

When I start to cook anything, I fill the sink with hot, soapy water and wash whatever is in there unless it is a cat.

Then while I'm cooking, as soon as I finish with a cooking utensil or anything else used in cooking, I wash it. By the time I sit down to eat, everything I used to cook it with is washed.

Usually, I just rinse off the plate and utensils and leave them in the sink to wash the next time I cook something.

Since most of my time cooking is just waiting and watching, it doesn't take any more time to wash dishes this way. Also, if I am cooking something and going to wait until later to wash things, I tend to get bored and not watch the food very closely.

>> No.5744008

>not washing your cat in hot soapy water as you're cooking

>> No.5744056

This argument really depends on the living situation. If you live by yourself, there's no real reason to use a dishwasher since you don't need to own more than a couple of each dish. You can just clean the dish as you use it. But if you live with other people, family or roommates, then a dishwasher is indispensable. You'll have multiple times the number of dishes, and more important than the time it takes to wash the dish is the SPACE in which you can store the dirty dishes. A dishwasher hides away dirty dishes people leave on counters and the sink and shit. On the other hand, if dishes in the sink pile up, you can't fucking wash the dishes because there's too many dishes taking up the space you need to wash them.

>> No.5744176

>not just washing your dishes right after you use them/eat your meal
thats why i never have a bunch of dishes to clean, and dishes never take more than a minute to do

>> No.5744248

Wash by hand and then into dishwasher.

Also, using the plate warmer function.

>> No.5744283


i give my plates/bowl and utensils a quick once over in the sink for large chunks then i place it in the dish washer.

and occasionally wash my roommates plates too. since he usually leaves them in the sink until they pile up and his girlfriend ends up washing them. feels kinda badman.

>> No.5744292


I live alone, and it's only really useful when I have people over or when I end up with dishes all the way to the dining room. Otherwise, I enjoy doing it by hand every few days, there's something calming there.

>> No.5746719

I don't mind washing my potatoes by hand.

>> No.5748052
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>Not just washing every dish right after you use it

>> No.5748461

lazyness speaks
enjoy your shortcuts
reminder shortcuts lack body that discipline stands upon

>> No.5748469
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>not washing the now empty part of the plate after every bite

>> No.5748475
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I live by myself

There is only ever one dish to clean ;__;

>> No.5748490
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I do too. I just wait til everything is dirty and then clean everything at once

>> No.5748491

Then why are you posting on a message board?

Why not track this guy, find his house, and deliver the message in person?

Oh because it's easier to post on a message board isn't it?

Congratulations, you just took a shortcut. Probably one of millions throughout the day unless you also don't use cars, phones, grocery stores, a house you didn't build yourself, etc etc.

>> No.5748497

wow just wow
get this guy a fedora

>> No.5748498

lol wut, I just use a rag.

>> No.5748500

so what does fedora mean now? I know it was for edgy atheists once upon a time

>> No.5748507

i wish i had a dishwater, asian fag here, youngest of my family, i have to wash everybody dishes.

>> No.5748590

Dude no I'd have crusty dishes in there for like 2 weeks since it takes so long to go through them all

Beside, using the dishwasher wastes a lot of water

>> No.5748597

*tips fedora*

>> No.5748602

handwashing something every time you use it takes a lot more water than using a dishwasher to clean many dishes at once

>> No.5749647

Used to be hipsters, but it wasn't really a strong association. Then r/Atheism over at Leddit banned the use of mass-produced image macros in a misguided attempt to make the place less of a circlejerk, so people started making image macros of themselves, which is how we got all those pictures of neckbeards in fedoras. That's when it really became a negative thing, though nowadays it's just used against whatever you don't like, be it hipsters, atheists, MRAs, SJWs, edgy tryhards, ska bands, etc.

>> No.5750037

do you also do your laundery in the nude by pounding garments with large rocks in a river?

>> No.5750224

Because I grew up being the dish washer, so I'm not a lazy shithead. I live alone, anyway, doesn't take much time to rub soapy water and blast shit with water, anyway.

>> No.5750253


Someone told me once about being in Taos, New Mexico around 1970 when hippies were common and seeing two hippie chicks walk into a laundramat, take off their clothes, wash them, dry them, and put them back on.

I don't know if he was joking or not.

>> No.5750260


Are you one of those twits who just holds the plate under running water and pokes at it with a dish rag, possibly with a little soap on it?

The average dishwasher uses 6 gallons of water per cycle (4 for energy star rated) (I looked it up with Google).

Fill a sink with water to the level necessary depending on the number of dishes you need to wash and add soap. Another sink for rinsing.

You shouldn't need as much water to wash your dishes by hand as it takes for a dishwasher.

>> No.5750264


>keeping dirty dishes around until the dishwasher is full

I bet the roaches love you.

>> No.5750279

have you realized your parents abused you?

>> No.5750286

>doesn't take much time to rub soapy water and blast shit with water, anyway.

Especially if it hasn't had time to dry and attach it to the dishes.

For example, if I'm cooking rice it only takes me a few seconds to wash out the steamer if I dump the rice in a serving bowl and then immediately wash out the steamer. Let it sit overnight and it takes plenty of soaking to loosen up the bits of rice and then a scouring pad or steel wool to scrape them off.

>> No.5750310

>What the fuck is wrong with you people, seriously?
More like what the fuck is wrong with my dishwasher. Fucking thing is useless if you don't clean things off before sending them through, begging the question, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? Maybe if I had a high-pressure hose in my kitchen and could just blast all the shit off my plates it would be worthwhile, but as is it's a waste of space.