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5730546 No.5730546 [Reply] [Original]

I bought like 200 instant ramen packs and I need to know what brand of water to use (pic related)

>> No.5730561
File: 331 KB, 1647x1154, Fotolia_49532769_Subscription_Monthly_M[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guess what. I have some good news for you. You don't even need to go out and buy bottled water because you have free water right in your own house! (assuming you don't live in Africa)

>> No.5730563

Trust me

>> No.5730569
File: 418 KB, 800x640, stovetop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking instant ramen
>not distilling your own water
>not customizing mineral additives

>> No.5730576

Cry into a bottle until you have the preferred amount. You might want to use less flavouring though, since the salt content of your tears would already be enough.

>> No.5730579

voss forever

>> No.5730588

Might try this method

>> No.5731766
File: 19 KB, 260x195, Peter_Popoff-Miracle_Spring_Water-5729452_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Godless heathen!
Clearly you should use Peter Popoff's Miracle Spring Water!

>> No.5731770

Not using coconut water for everything

>> No.5731888

Ramen with coconut water actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.5731908

200 of them? Why would you buy that many noodles to begin with? Don't you know how to cook, or are you just not willing to do so.

>> No.5732495

Coconut milk maybe

Coconut water would just be gross

>> No.5732513


people still think it's their best option for cheap food despite it being junk food and more expensive than pasta, beans, and rice

>> No.5732533

Someone confirm this. Sounds intredasting.
Also doesn't Ramen take a long time for your body to digest?

>> No.5732542

People still use bottled water? What kind of 3rd world country do you live in that you need to do that?
In case you didn't know, you can not tell the difference between bottled and tap water.

>> No.5732669

Dude, I can blind taste test 7 different bottles of water.

>> No.5735053

Oh I can, especially bottled v that South Florida sulfer water. That's some nasty smelling and tasting shit.

I can tell the difference in New York water too, it's more chlorine smelling then a decent bottled one. I like that smell in fact and have no problem drinking the tap water, but just sayin' I can tell the difference.

>> No.5735464

You're Clapistani, right?
Go with Evian, it's the best you guys have over there.

>> No.5735469

>you can not tell the difference between bottled and tap water
Maybe in any civilized European country, but the water I had in the US was absolutely disgusting, both tap and most bottled water.
Evian was one of the exceptions, since it tastes just like tap water we get here.

>> No.5735507


>buying instant ramen pack aka poorfood
>buying one of the most expensive water to cook it

seriously ?

>> No.5735514

The only water that, you know, tastes like water.

>> No.5735533

evian is one of the few waters that doesn't taste like tap water

>> No.5735546

Get a fucking filter pitcher or something if you can't stand the idea of using tap water with your ramen. By the time you get through all 200 packs you'll have broken even with the cost of buying the water in bottles.

Or just get the big bulk gallons of distilled water from the grocery store. Brand name water is a scam.

>> No.5735552

If youre worried about your water tasting bad, buy a filter for your sink, or a pitcher filter you can fill and then pour clean water out of.

They sell them at Target and Walmart

>> No.5735560

American tap water, maybe.

>Filter Pitcher
Doesn't help, but at least the water tastes slightly less shit

>distilled water
Not gonna poison myself here, mate.

>> No.5735621

>distilled water


>> No.5737911

You know what Evian is backwards son?

>> No.5737918

>Not gonna poison myself here, mate.

You seem to be confusing distilled water with deionized water bro.

>> No.5737971

Enjoy all those hormones
Enjoy the resulting oestrogen

>> No.5737988

because of his ramen or his bottled water though

>> No.5738117
File: 84 KB, 640x858, a55c8016f15da7b9618eab4028bf8aac[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Make sure to throw some fruit in there, too. Even if you're just using it to make ramen, it gives the water a health and flavor boost.

>> No.5738162
