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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5723355 No.5723355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with picky eaters /ck/?
Would you be able to date one?

>> No.5723365

>mfw my ex refused to eat peppers

It was like the only thing she didn't like, but it's a pretty fucking broad category and was a pain to work around.

>> No.5723366

I don't.
I wouldn't.

>> No.5723368

yea I dont care

>> No.5723369

>woman eats just 3 foods
>she looks like a picture of perfect health.

>> No.5723374

i just cant

>> No.5723377

>Picture of perfect health
>shes only 30

>> No.5723387

I'll date a catcher's mitt if I get to fuck it

>> No.5723389

She looks like she's been doing meth for 60 years.

My gf was a picky eater, I changed that.

>> No.5723393

No, the last person I dated was a very picky and boring either and never tried or liked anything. They would just order normal hamburgers with ketchup and mustard or a plain turkey sandwich when going anywhere. It was hard to decide on places we both wanted to eat.

>> No.5723410

These are probably stereotypes but picky eaters often tend to be spoiled and unwilling to compromise or see other's point of view, hence their restriction on food. Such people are a pain to hang out with even when not talking about food.

With that said I have a picky eater friend and we get along rather well, mostly because we've decided I'll cook whatever I want and he'll free to eat it if he want, but I ain't going to cater to his restrictions.

>> No.5723412

I did date one, it was the worst thing for a while. But whatever, there was no rushing her, as with any journey of discovery, it took time.

She had heaps of hangups about food and was a recovering bulimic. There were relapses.

When she was little she used to eat like a freaking neckbeard, chocolate, noodles, Mac n cheese, pancakes with marmite and whipped cream on top, and then her parents made her do weight watchers. So she started to eat a lot better, but only a very few foods, prepackaged meals and the like. Super duper picky. It was about then that I met her.

She would literally eat about six different meals, and two different snacks, and insisted on drinking diet coke. The same food, every day. Was always really reluctant to try anything new.

We were young, so she moved out of home and in with her then bf. We were fucking so she stayed at mine a lot and ate there too. Gradually introduced her to more and more different food. It was painful.

Eventually we moved in together with two flatmates, and she cooked the same thing every time that it was her turn. Whatever, at least she was trying. One of the other flatmates did the same, the other had about four meals up his sleeve.

So I tried lots and lots of different meals, when it was my night I experimented every time. Gf really liked some things, didn't life others. Some things that she was sure she wouldn't like, she did. I found myself echoing my mother saying "how can you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it?"

It took a long time, years in fact, but by the time we broke up, she wasn't weird about food anymore.

>> No.5723434

You are a good person.

>> No.5723460
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Oh god this lady is nuts.

>> No.5723472


>> No.5723474


>> No.5723489

>Assures she's healthy.
>Has a low cholestreol
Does she understand there are other things besides bad cholestrol that happen when you don't have a proper diet?!
She can't seriously be this fucking retarded, she's been alive for over 50 years and she's like a child.

>> No.5723522

Picky eaters ate people too. The thing is that I was a really picky eater when I was a kid. I was definitely a spoilt brat.

I think it's just one of those things that people grow into at different times in their lives.

>> No.5723598

>Picky eaters are people too.

I disagree. To live, to truly be alive, is to grow. To learn and explore, to be a better person than you were yesterday.

Everyone has individual days of stagnation, it happens. But to actively choose to never better yourself. To say "I have experienced everything I intend to experience, and will never learn a new thing." That is just a walking corpse.

Picky eaters are inhuman. They are walking dead men, breathing and consuming resources and demanding time and attention from people who still wish to live.

What I'm saying is it's morally acceptable, if not necessary, to cave in the skull of anyone who won't even try durian.

>> No.5723616

And how's your self-studying into the depths of math going?
You can't learn and explore in every direction simultaneously.

> use to think of myself as a picky eater before reading this thread
> use to throw up when dealing with certain foods
> number of foods I can't eat is getting smaller, but I feel its still larger than the usual.

>> No.5723620

"Marla Lopez, 54, who has been a picky eater her whole life. She's never eaten a piece of fruit or even tried a green vegetable. She remembers gagging on baby food as a toddler and has managed to live on three types of foods for her entire life: milk (and ice cream); white breads (including crackers, pancakes and tortillas); and potatoes (chips and French fries, too). Oh, and sometimes she eats bacon. "

>> No.5723685

I would never subject myself to catering for a picky eater. If you have legit issues like allergies and such I can understand and create a dish that won't call you discomfort. However if you're a picky eater for no valid reason you can starve on the streets for all I care. My son was a picky eater when he was a kid despite teaching him about proper nutrition. I starved his ass a few times and he straightened out.

>> No.5723742

My sister is a picky eater. Regardless of whatever health issues she may have because of it, her eating habits have severely hampered her social life. Whenever we go out to eat it is damn near always a pizza place because the only foods she eats from restaurants are plain cheese pizza and chicken nuggets. She (sort of) tries to eat new foods because she is super embarrassed about how she eats, but she's in her early twenties now and still eats the same shit every day.

>> No.5723769

>She remembers gagging on baby food as a toddler

What a load of shit.

>> No.5723770

Why even bother concerning yourself with picky eaters? Like, stop worry about them and ignore them.

>> No.5723780

No, doing meth for even a year will cause you to have a concave face and sores, 10 and you will be covered in them and have almost no body fat, 60...shit I think you would die after like 20 or so of straight meth use, that shit is bad for you.

>> No.5723808

Picky eater detected.

>> No.5723822

No. What I'm saying is why bother cooking for them if they're picky? Why even bother having them in your lives? Let them starve to death or eat shit.

>> No.5723823

I'll usually try to cook to adapt to their tastes because I cook for anyone who comes to my house (my SO says that I'm a manchild enabler), but I still openly make fun of them for being picky babies. I just like for people to be able to enjoy my food so while I hate picky eaters, I still want them to have a good experience.

I don't think I could date a picky eater though. My SO has celiac so some adjustments have to be made but that's not really the same, nor is it difficult to adapt to.

>> No.5723894

I dated a picky eater and it was annoying as fuck, but I am fairly patient so I dealt with it.

>> No.5723927


>looks like she's been doing meth
>no picking scabs on face


>> No.5723933


I have a sort-of friend in her early twenties that is the pickiest fuck I've ever known. Plain cheese pizzas and chicken nuggets fit her to a T. She has two brothers, too.

I know it's a snowball's chance in hell, but I might know your sis Anon. Just saying.

>> No.5723951

I don't like unsweet/sweet tea

that and avocados are the only things i won't eat

>> No.5723990

I'd only cater to a picky eater if they were getting treatment for their obvious mental illness.

Otherwise, they can eat what I make or not at all.

>> No.5724004

Can't be as bad as people that are allergic to everything
I used to know a girl who wouldn't survive walking through the candy bar and pastry aisle of a corner store unless she had a hazmat suit on, what the fuck do you cook for these people?

>> No.5724007

I love peppers but most things I eat don't have any at all. How was it remotely an issue?

>> No.5724008

>not telling us the 3 foods

>> No.5724010

Most picky eaters are horribly embarrassed by it and aren't the sort of entitled shitheads that demand to be catered to.

I was one for a long time and would usually just not eat rather than bring attention to it.

>> No.5724011

White breads, milk, potato-based chips.


>> No.5724012

Maybe they just really really like Stir Fry anon

>> No.5724015

Could you be a bigger faggot?

>> No.5724043
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>Friend refuses to eat anything with mint in it or anything vaguely mint flavored
I hate it

>> No.5724044

I like your friend.

>> No.5724046

But mint is shit anon

>> No.5724048

You can't. It has nothing to do with taste. It's all a mental thing. I have a friend who do not like fish. Raw or cooked but at a wedding, he was scarfing down mango and raw tuna salad on chips. When I asked him why are you eating fish, he responds was, "I thought they were tomatoes........oh they're not that good anyways."

>> No.5724052

Yes, I know two picky eaters. On has a severe anxiety disorder which partially revolves around food and loss aversion (he won't "take a chance" on a new thing because he might not like it, and then he will have effectively lost $5 or whatever, etc) and the other has a couple of autoimmune disorders that seem to have conditioned his palate as well.

>> No.5724100

>Can't be as bad as people that are allergic to everything
>I used to know a girl who wouldn't survive walking through the candy bar and pastry aisle of a corner store unless she had a hazmat suit on, what the fuck do you cook for these people?

It depends on the person's allergies, and the setting. I have a non-emergency-room reaction to dairy protein; good friends who I typically eat with know about it, and it's not a big deal. Personally I don't find accommodating limitations like that a problem, if cooking for just a couple people. I don't go to many big group meals, but when I do, it's either a potluck where I can bring something I know I can eat, or I'll eat a bit beforehand and make do with what I can eat.

For people with extreme reactions, you probably won't have to cook for them, because they're not going to want to risk their life on your not making a mistake. I've had two friends like this, one with severe celiac disease, and one with allergies to a lot of different foods (seafoods, tomatoes, etc.). In both cases, if we wanted to eat together, it would be at their homes. Sometimes I'd help cook, but I'd only bring ingredients I was sure were safe (e.g. fresh fruits/veggies). They both brought food with them when going on an afternoon outing where one might normally grab a bite at a restaurant.

>> No.5724138

I consider myself a somewhat picky eater. Fruits are no problem, I like most. Veggies I don't really like raw, but I'll definitely eat them steamed/cooked into the dish. In fact I can't really think of a vegetable I won't eat cooked. I can't stand mayo or ranch. That's about it. Sucks when friends wanna grab sub's, but I usually find something I like.

>> No.5724185

It's cute how you think everyone who uses a drug looks the same.

>> No.5724223

Pretty much this. Like 60% of my cooking is stir-fries, tex-mex, and cajun. Pretty much all with bell pepper. Bell pepper is my third-most-used vegetable behind onion and garlic.

>> No.5724232

I was a picky eater as a kid, but I have been getting more adventurous. Unfortunately, I still have trouble with uncooked tomato. It's on everything though, so I'd really like to learn to enjoy it. Is it just eat it more often and you'll learn to like it?

>> No.5724268
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My two exes were super picky. Then fun thing is that both considered themselves "open" and good food lovers.

The first one, my longest relationship, refused to eat salads. I love salads (usually have one everyday) and there were trips with her that I felt my body literally aching for some joocy tomatoes and crunchy lettuce. She considered herself a "vegetarian", one that does not eat beef but chicken and fish were ok. But literally the worst part of dealing with her wasn't that. She refused to eat onions adn garlic. Raw or cooked. You can imagine it.

The second one was just plain stupid, one day we were talking about sauces -we used to get stoned and talk about cravings- and she said her favourite sauce was Burger King's nacho cheese sauce. After that moment I just couldn't unhear it, and everything she said or did confirmed that I was dating a dumb bimbo. Maybe I'm just as dumb for not seeing it earlier, but god that was a relief.

>> No.5724299

I am increasingly suspicious that being a picky eater is a symptom of a mental disorder that may have been brought on by an abusive childhood. See the guy who only ever eats cheese pizza.

However, I am not sure that pressuring that person to eat other things solves the problem any more than putting cotton balls in the ears of someone suffering hemoragic fever.

Still, when considering a relationship, look at it as as big a red flag as bitten down finger nails or an unusually child-like voice.

>> No.5724319

I like onions and garlic cooked. Hate them raw.

>> No.5724323

I am a very picky eater, so as long as she is the same kind of picky it will be fine.

>> No.5724328


I just don't understand why you care.
Dude doesn't like mint, so what.

>> No.5724332
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Notice how there's never a picky eater that turns down shit like chocolate and potato chips.

It's always vegetables and proteins they're "picky" about AKA unhealthy people still acting like children because they were raised shitty.

>> No.5724337


I kind of get that, an average meal at a regular pub/restaurant here is around fourty dollars.
So I don't like to risk it, but when I go to south east asia where it's cheap I order everything and if I don't eat it no big loss.

>> No.5724397

Will eat them cooked. Will eat them raw.

>> No.5724450

That's not toooooo picky.

>> No.5724451

My father wouldn't eat cheese, so I had to cook around it until I moved out. No Italian, no Mexican, no casseroles, no quiches

A surprisingly large number of dishes use cheese

>> No.5724452

all of those can be made without cheese

>> No.5724473

My filipina fiance was a picky eater concerning vegetables. All I had to do was ask her to sacrifice and eat them in front of our future kids and she readily agreed. Now she tries out all the ones I asked her and has learned to love a few. How hard is it to ask someone to do something?

>> No.5724478
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What even causes picky eating? I'll try anything set in front of me as long as it doesn't look like shit or vomit.

I'll eat something I don't like just to be polite to the cook. Because I'm a fucking adult who knows better.
Are these people just that fucking childish? That they can't get over their toddler-tier tastes?

>> No.5724483

>i won't eat food if it looks icky

>fucking picky eaters!

you are the worst

>> No.5724488

There's a difference between something looking 'icky' and flat out looking like someone took a dump on a plate.

I'll eat haggis, dude, and that's considered pretty 'icky' by some standards.

>> No.5724497
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whatever punk

>> No.5724499

raw onion is really good for you

>> No.5724506


>> No.5724512

Is it considered "picky eating" to just prefer to not eat certain things?

Like, I eat a shitload of different vegetables, but I'd much rather eat some generic peas than some boc choi.

I don't like tomatoes or onions, but if they're mixed in to a salsa or something and I can't really get rid of them I don't mind eating them.

>> No.5724513
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>> No.5724529


I was thinking about this as well. I have a lot of preferences when it comes to food, mostly trying to avoid added sugar and sometimes meat. If I'm going out to eat with someone I'm fine with letting them decide. If they want greasy chinese, well, I would prefer something else but it won't kill me either.

>> No.5724532

Eeeh.. Kind of? But also not really.

Picky eating is just flat out refusing to eat something because you don't like it/don't want to try it. Pretty sure, anyway.
From what you said it just sounds like, well, preferences.

>> No.5724538
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Whould you eat this?

>> No.5724544

Depends. I can eat literally anything so I won't mind in some scenarios. Vegetarian is fine, having allergies is fine, not liking some acquired tastes is fine, only likes fast food is not. Ideally, a gf that is as open minded about me about food would be great.

>tfw no gf to go eat durian, offal, etc and try shit like natto, haggis, etc with

>> No.5724547

Looks good, but I think what he meant was stuff like balut, those worms in tins, etc.

>> No.5724548


>>5724544 here and not the person you quoted but... what's wrong with vindaloo?

>> No.5724557
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it looks like a loose bowel movement.

>> No.5724559

If people assure me it's good or if I'm at someones house, I'll try to put away my petty opinions and try it. Hell, who knows, I might end up liking it despite the less than appetizing appearance.

That is the worst photo of vindaloo I've ever seen though, just saying.

>> No.5724576


It also looks like vindaloo curry.

You guys are too easily unsettle by just one sense. Maybe if something smelled or tasted off too, but why would I judge it from its appearance when really, all curries looks to some degree sloppy?

>> No.5724580

Hell no. Everyone is entitled to a few foods they don't like, but if it's excessive I would never date that person. I can't imagine having to make two separate meals every time I cooked. I realized as I'm typing this that picky eaters actually make me mad lol. It strikes me as very immature, like children refusing vegetables. Except you can just slap an adult.

>> No.5724585


I fucking HATE everything tomato related. There it goes half of the italian cuisine for me. Fucking rancid disgusting tomato sauce.

>> No.5724898

>I'll eat something I don't like just to be polite to the cook. Because I'm a fucking adult who knows better.
Here it is, the reason I despise picky eaters.

I don't care if someone dislikes a bunch of food, sometimes it's just their responsibility to deal with it instead of whining up a shitfest all the time.

>> No.5724906

Sounds like she's just making shit up for attention to me.

>> No.5724912

its fucking simple. If you date a girl and she's a retardedly picky eater just hypnotise her and make her be able to eat the food she hates.

Shit's fucking handy. Can make people get drunk from drinking water if you wanted.

>> No.5724918

>pancakes with marmite and whipped cream

well done though

>> No.5724920

i don't understand how she doesn't have scurvy (amongst other things)

>> No.5724921

>breaking American news: woman doesn't eat cheeseburgers

>> No.5724924

I used to not like it... I think because a lot of the time, the tomatoes we'd get would be pretty shitty, flavourless and not very ripe. I started using cherry tomatoes in cooking - typically more ripe - and would just cook them less, now i'm pretty keen on raw tomatoes.

>> No.5724972

Is she actually?
Cos I would have said 46

>> No.5724975

She's 54.

>> No.5724985

I used to know a kid that refused to eat chips, pancakes and pretty much anything deep fried.

So it's not always just that.

>> No.5725032

she's 30 and looks 60

>> No.5725056

I used to have the same problem but realised it's because tomatoes out of season can be really gross and bland. Try them in summertime when they are in their prime. As >>5724924 said, cherry or plum tomatoes are a good place to start. They're sweet, less watery and taste good raw.

>> No.5725116

>just hypnotise her and make her be able to eat the food she hates.


>> No.5725125
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I use to not eat peas when I was a kid. If my mom made anything with peas in it I wouldnt eat it. I even remember feeling grossed out by peas.

As an adult I realized how uncool that is and I ate peas almost every day until I got over it. Now I love peas.

>> No.5725131

I am a picky eater. I can't eat anything with chilli in, it just hurts and I can't taste the food. I also can't eat raw onion, horseradish or other strong tasting foods. What can I do?

>> No.5725134
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>> No.5725136

bf has a very strong aversion to garlic. He can smell it on you for days after you eat it, and it apparently smells "like death"

I deal with it by not eating garlic unless I want to eat garlic more than I want to have sex that week.

>> No.5725138

are you autistic

>> No.5725148

Yes, I am literally autistic. My senses are all fucked. Still, anything I can do to cope with strong tasting foods better? I've been practicing a lot and now I can tolerate paprika and pepperoni.

>> No.5725150

Nothing, you just hate 'flavor'.

>> No.5725153


Sounds like you're solving your own problem, anon

As for raw onions, they're milder when they're chopped small and soaked in water.

>> No.5725160

I'll try soaking onions in water, thanks for the advice.

>> No.5725165

Burn them with fire.

>> No.5725265

I am dating one, a fat conscious (latent unhealthy levels of skinny) vegan who only eats peas and carrots.

>> No.5725268


>> No.5725286

>fat conscious

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.5725354
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>I am the opposite
>People give me odd looks when I turn down their cookies or whatever the fuck sweets, or they just keep urging me to eat it

pls no

>> No.5725399

>an average meal at a regular pub/restaurant here is around fourty dollars
>fourty dollars
Where do you live?

>> No.5725401

borderline anorexic

>> No.5725402

These niggas are right on!
picky eating is a problem. We were never meant to think this way. We have a full set of diverse kinds of teeth designed to eat anything on the planet. Dated a lactose intolerant, vegetarian, general picky eater in the past. Yes, it does carry into other things in relationships. They are also more "picky" about other things, don't need to be. Now dating a girl will eat anything. Cannot be happier.

>> No.5725406

i convert them into non-picky eaters by creating something delicious of the ingredient(s) they dislike

>> No.5725422

I wouldnt call her a picky eater then
I mean there are lots of dishes with peppers, but even more without them
I don't eat mushrooms, really just can't stand them, but I hate it and I would not call myself a picky eater just because I dont eat one category of food

>> No.5725423

One of my friends in school was a picky eater, used to only eat pasta with butter and cheese. I hung out with him last year, he's balding and has diabetes.

I laughed.

>> No.5725448

Picky eating doesn't cause balding.

>> No.5725453

>I'm a foody

>Get a gf

>Take her to restaraunts

Here is a list of things she wont eat. I swear to god a big reason i dumped her is her picky eating. She liked nice places but wouldn't fucking eat anything.

>Seafood of any kind or anything that comes from water
>Most cheeses
>Wine or beer only vodka tonics

Honestly so fucking annoying. Makes me think less of someone when they wont try it. We were on the Mediterranean and she wouldn't have the fresh fish they were catching for us.

>> No.5725457

>go to restaurant with friend and his group of friends
>every single one of them is a picky eater
>half of them don't even order a meal
>go to pizza place after so picky eaters can eat
>they didn't like the pizza crust
>go to mcdonalds after

3 fucking restaurants
please kill me

>> No.5725462


>> No.5725467

malnutrition can help accelerate it. especially diets lacking in zinc.

>> No.5725470

A picky eater who avoids veggies comes off as childish, a picky eater who avoids sweets comes off as pretentious.

Somebody who takes pride in it, like you, is the worst.

>> No.5725478

>> that list looks suspiciously close to mine
>Seafood of any kind or anything that comes from water
>Lamb (I just don't like it. It's not bad enough I wouldn't try again though)
>Tomatoes (getting better mmm salsa)
>Peppers (needs to be pickled)
>swiss cheese is the only cheese I find gross (mm bleu cheese)
>creamed spinach (fresh spinach is decent)

I'm not very stringent on this though. Had plenty of fish and chips in Alaska

>> No.5725483
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10/10 boyfriend material

>> No.5725519

I didn't detect that in the post, they're just sick of having food they're not fond of pushed on them repeatedly for no real reason after they've already declined the offer.

There's any number of reasons to turn down sweets. They could be diabetic/prediabetic, dieting (especially after weight loss when people would be most paranoid to fall off the wagon and go back to old eating habits), or just allergic to whatever's in it. It's not like turning down veggies as a whole because there's really no health reason to do so for the vast majority of people.

>> No.5725534

>They could be ...
He obviously isn't or he would've said so.
>I didn't detect that in the post
Want a trophy?

>> No.5725567

I'm saying that people giving them odd looks or assuming pretension for turning down sweets are being very presumptuous given that there are plenty of legitimate reasons to not accept something that serves little to negative nutritional value, let alone simply not enjoying the taste of it.

I just found it strange that you so strongly assumed that the person who made the post feels a sense of superiority in that and harshly judged them for it given that their post doesn't really belie any hint of that, just discomfort in having something they don't enjoy pushed on them.

>> No.5725578

My girlfriend had stomach cancer some years ago and they had to remove it. It's been re-routed into her intestines. She can only drink liquid foods. It was hard at first because I wished I could share things with her, and I thought she might feel sad because she couldn't have any. She really is an angel, though. She cooks for me all the time, even. It doesn't bother her one bit that she can't eat. She's a real trooper.

>> No.5725598

Whoa, slow down with those five-dollar words there, dude.

>> No.5725612
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Are you getting mad about the word belie

>> No.5725620

>How do you deal with picky eaters /ck/?
My nieces are picky eaters. One supposedly doesn't like fish, the other hates onions. I make it a point to feed them good stuff, regardless. As a result they will eat fish and onions on my recommendation, because they trust me to find acceptable versions of the foods they supposedly hate. The older one can't imagine a cabeza taco without onions, and the younger will happily eat the ceviche I make.

This reinforces a belief I have about picky eaters: they really don't hate the foods they claim to. They've just had early experiences with those foods done in a shitty way. I thought I hated eggplant for years, then I realized my first couple encounters with it were done poorly. Cooked properly it's fucking delicious.

>> No.5725638

I'm a picky eater I'll admit it, my gf is picky about certain food items which I like.
We survive just fine.

>> No.5725639

The guy who ate only pizza had similar metrics, but was a diabetic

>> No.5725695

>start dating girlfriend
>says she loves trying new foods
>go to her favorite restaurants
>decent food
>move in together
>she suddenly hates everything
>hesitant to go anywhere but favorite restaurants
>scrutinizes every menu online before attempting to try new places
>still makes special requests on ever order
>only eats "healthy" food
>still gets fat

>try to show her how to cook
>using food she likes
>she asks for specific directions
>give specific directions
>she fucks it up
>she asks how she fucked it up
>tell her exact problem
>she cries
>says she wanted to do it "her way" and have it turn out the same
>still only the tip of the iceberg

This woman is damn near 40 years old and yet behaves like a damn child when around food. NEVER tie your finances, in any way, to anyone else.

>> No.5725754

potato chips

>> No.5725760

It took me three marriages to get it right. But the heart goes out. Plenty olf middle aged women have unbelievably childish relationships with food. For many it seems like a way to assert themselves. If they can convince themselves they're lactose or gluten intolerant they can force the world to pay special attention to them. I believe it's a coping mechanism. Because let's face it, everyone pays special attention to a beautiful teenaged girl, but an average looking woman hitting middle age is practically invisible. Some don't deal with that very well.

>> No.5725782

Dating a vegan who is allergic to nuts and soy.

>> No.5725786

I went to university with a guy who fit that to a T. Pretty sure it's not that rare. He also ate grilled cheese and potato chips. Apparently one of my roommates knew another guy like that. Everyone called him "kids menu".

>> No.5725812

It's cute how you mix metaphors and can't even be humble about it when corrected.

She looks like she's been doing coke for 20 years, not meth. Meth gives you sores and no teeth, coke makes you look haggard and worn. Lrn2spkaccurately

>> No.5725837
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>> No.5725847

>current gf
>no mushrooms, onion, or garlic
>taking her out to eat last week
>she wants fucking Italtan
>Orders herself a calzone
>punctures it and scrapes every shred of mushroom and onion out of it
>server comes to collect the plates
>Catch him stink-eyeing the mountain of mushroom and onion on her plate
>I completely agree with him

>> No.5725873

So you wouldn't date someone who's a vegan or lactos intolerant I take it.

>> No.5725899

Good friend of mine is a severely picky eater. Though he is getting slightly better recently.

It is annoying for us as friends but it's terrible on his wife. She has gotten pretty big because of indulging his 'diet' of only pepperoni pizza, spaghetti with red sauce, fried rice, or plain hamburgers (no vegetables or toppings except ketchup), every night, for eight years.

Whenever we go out with them we have to go somewhere that has those foods, specifically pizza. Usually we end up at a pizza place. The wife meanwhile loves any kind of food. We introduced her to Indian and sushi and various south american stuff that she'd never had because of him.

Also just to head this off, she works full time with overtime, he does not have a job and never has, that is why he cooks and she doesn't. Yes, she could cook anyway. Yes, she probably should.

>> No.5725903

Why did she marry such a loser?

>> No.5725910
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> I deal with 3 of them. Everyday
> Currently dating 1 of the 3.

So here's the trick. Make the plain, picky food. Do it well and serve it.

THEN start rolling out your best dishes. The one that broke all 3 camels back was stir fry. I sat down with a plate and all of them wanted some.

mfw my picky eaters are 2, 4 and 23. (Dating the 23 year old fyi.)

>> No.5725935


He's attractive and witty. Also brilliantly intelligent. He can be caring and emotionally supportive when his meds aren't making him completely spaced out. When they got together he hadn't had his shit ruined by terrible anxiety/depression.

We've been friends with them for six years so I've seen a lot of shit happen to both of them. It's pretty sad to see where he is now compared to where he used to be. I don't know why I'm writing this on 4chan, sorry for /blog/.

Foodwise, we're share a home soon, so my wife and I are planning to cook for everyone. We're pretty decent home cooks. Hoping it'll help the wife a bit.

>> No.5725944

Smart thinking

>> No.5725992

Clearly he can't be that intelligent if that useless fuck is NEET

>> No.5725996

>plain hamburgers (no vegetables or toppings except ketchup)

This is my room mate. He only eats fast food, he gets the same thing every time and our town only has a few places. He's one of those America hating weeaboos, always talking about his good taste in Korean/Japanese food and how "Americans have no taste, 'I' prefer kimchi" in a smug voice with his eyes closed. Yea, he actually does that. Right before driving to get mcdoubles with ketchup.

He's put on about 40 pounds since I moved in. Only leaves the house for fast food, does this 4 times a day. Me and the other dudes living here only eat cooked food, and for the last 6 months or so have completely cut out artificial shit HFCS etc. We're good cooks, and always offer him some but he refuses. Even when we're in the middle of cooking, and tell him that our burgers will done before he even gets to mcdonalds, he still leaves to sit his fat ass in the parking lot to wolf down mcdoubles.

>> No.5726034
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I don't eat:

>Anything with added sugar, corn syrup, HFCS, honey, molasses, or artifical sweeteners in it.
>Processed food.

And eat bread in very small amounts.

I have my cheat meal once a week, which basically constitutes of something like a few oreos or some jam.

What do you think about me, /ck/?

>> No.5726037

>What do you think about me

No one cares

>> No.5726069

this x 100

>> No.5726082
File: 11 KB, 839x385, tumblr-logo-rectangle-white-on-blue-839x385px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thirding the not caring. I really really do not care. Here is a reaction image that I painstakingly searched and downloaded from Google Images, which I will post, to show how much I don't care. It is the name of the website that I don't care about either. It was either this or reddit, which I also don't care about.

Have I mentioned that I actually have a life and am not just pretending to be a basement dweller who spends his spare time (aka all of his time) complaining about how much he doesn't care about things?

>> No.5726139

What is going on with this filename?

>> No.5726142

My former roommate openly and almost proudly discussed his being a picky eater, he was also a fat neckbeard sleep apnea weirdo with "self diagnosed aspergers".

He didn't eat anything but boxed mac and cheese, grocery store bakery cookies, pasta, frozen pizza and goldfish crackers and boxed red wine for the entire year we lived together. He spent 30 minutes on the toilet like 2-3 times a day due to his intestines crying at his shitty diet.

Refused to try anything I cooked. The odd few times he did he would make a gagging noise and spit it out into his hand and then throw it away like a fucking toddler.

He constantly made whiny, self-deprecating comments about being fat and smelled horrific and constantly had his fan on and door open to combat his horrible smell. Christ I am glad that lease ended.

>> No.5726475

I have a friend that basically ruins everyone's fun when we're out to eat because of how damn picky she is.

She absolutely hates almost every kind of spice, seasoning, and sauce that exists. She will not eat anything if it's come into contact with one of the thousands of sauces/spices/seasonings that she hates. She eats everything extremely plain (the only thing she ever gets on sandwiches and burgers is one kind of meat and cheese, absolutely nothing else) and refuses to try anything new.

We toured Germany together, and the tour group took us out to dinner every night. She ate at maybe one or two of the meals they took us to, and even then she only had french fries or mashed potatoes. She refused to even try everything else. She wouldn't even try bratwurst. Sure, the meals weren't always that great, but at least fucking try the food before dismissing it.

I don't understand how someone like her can travel (she travels very often to different countries) when they refuse to eat anything that isn't from a very specific list of shit. She doesn't have any diseases or mental problems, she's just picky as fuck and it's really annoying.

She also refuses to drink anything with even a remote amount of carbonation in it. That's fine, but she feels the need to remind everyone of it constantly, and she also freaks out and won't let it go if she accidentally drinks something carbonated. It's just ridiculous.

>> No.5726479

His browser probably tries to put the whole path as the upload filename instead of just the filename.

>> No.5726756
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>I'm a foody

>> No.5726780

that retard is gonna be in for a big surprise if he ever goes to a japanese restaurant

>> No.5726793

Agreed. It's spelled foodie.

>> No.5726915

Nah fuck that, if they're not open to various foods what's the point of assuming sex could be any good

>> No.5726928

That train of thought makes no sense

>> No.5726949

>How do you deal with picky eaters /ck/?
Accommodate them. Don't pay attention to them if it bothers me. I have a large amount of food allergies so I'm picky by default so I can empathize.

>Would you be able to date one?
Probably not. Allergies I can deal with, again I have to, but if she is picky and dismissive it'll be off putting. I can be their friend but couldn't imagine a life with them because the pickiness would probably extend into many parts of their life

>> No.5726960

>tfw allergic to wheat and soy (gluten)
>tfw refuse to eat fried food because it makes me feel shitty
>tfw refuse to eat chips and such because my throat is very fragile from an incident where I split it open and nearly died

I'm not really a picky eater, but I seem like a dick when I refuse to eat what people fix without asking me what I can and cannot have... a few times, the host has gotten pretty angry about that. Does /ck/ hate me?

>> No.5726969

My wife is a fuss ass who would never try new things if it wasn't for me sticking it in her face and pestering her until she tries it.

She does the same to me and we make banter about it and generally works out very well both ways. No anger or resentment and we both regularly try and enjoy new things.


>> No.5726973


>> No.5726974

i used to be a pain in the ass with food when i was a child. my parents spoiled the fuck out of me

im ok now though

>> No.5726978

Why do girls have such terrible taste in food?

>> No.5726994

Not if you told me that shit.
Obviously if you sat around and watched me make it only to tell me you had that after I made it I would be pissed.
Any other time the other people are being cock suckers.

>> No.5727145

You were fucking her when she was with another man? Fuck you

>> No.5727154

I know more guys with terrible tastes than girls.

>> No.5727159

nice anecdotal evidence you have there

>> No.5727160

She was the one in the wrong not him. He wasn't committed to anyone.

>> No.5727163

nice confirmation bias you have there.

>> No.5727168

picky guys don't eat enough vegetables
picky girls don't eat enough protein

>> No.5727172

seems you have one too

>> No.5727176

>she lived with her bf while I was fucking her

You are a piece of shit. You willingly shared a girl? That is absolutely disgusting. Did she ever have her bfs semen on her breath when you would kiss her? Was she pre-lubed for easy access when she would stay at your house with a fresh load skeeted up in her pussy too?

>> No.5727178

So we are in agreement.
I'm glad we had this conversation

>> No.5727184

You're a filthy NTR sympathizer. Plus he's dumb for dating a chick that would cheat in a relationship.

>> No.5727197

I love my best friend, shes super great otherwise, but i cannot stand how picky she is.
We went to pride last month, and she refused to try anything new.
>lets try this bacon cheeseburger from a new food truck!
>noooo anon, we dont eat heree
it took me 20 mins to convince her, and lo and behold she loved it.
repeat every damn time we went to eat that weekend. The worst one was the indian food truck. fucking delicious curry chicken that she refused to try until i had it in my hands.
Best part was by the time she tried some of mine, the truck had closed for the night and i wouldnt share mine.

>> No.5727217

Some people are legitimately allergic to gluten, though.

>> No.5727224



nope, although granted I'm just nitpicking with words

>> No.5727345

Im pretty good about trying new things but I am really fussy about meat.
>only eat chicken, beef, lamb, and turkey meat
>bacon ham and sausage are the only pig meats I eat
>no seafood of any kind
>no boiled meat
>hate meat served on/with bones

I dont see how this could possibly get in the way. Like how many worthwhile dishes are there that are served with something mint besides maybe a rack of lamb or something?

When I was younger I would always pick the tomato out of my burgers and sandwiches but as I got older I am at a point where sometimes ask for tomato slices to be added to my big macs.

good point... i read an article somewhere about people going to restaurants and making up bullshit allergies or making too many special requests tend to be control freaks and only make those requests to feel better or something.

would not date maybe just boink her and leave.

>> No.5727348

I don't like peppers. Didn't eat them for most of my life. Now I can tolerate small amounts of them in my food.

>> No.5727355

I'll try anything, but i cannot handle the texture of even slightly wet egg. it makes me want to vomit.

>> No.5727398


shit, is that really a red flag for a meth user?

i pick at my face all the time, it's kind of addicting, i've mostly moved to my legs (goddamn my legs look terrible) but fuck i wonder how many people think i'm a tweaker

>> No.5727430


when i was a kid i hated all fast food except for burger king's chicken tenders and chicken fries

but i loved the shit out of some mushrooms

>> No.5727861

Being picky isn't a problem if you're not poor.
I'll not eat things I don't like because then I've fulfilled my caloric intake, I could have used that slot for food that was delicious to me instead. Eating shitty food someone has made for you is beta as fuck. It's rare that I don't like things and I will try -anything- (even if it looks like shit), but if I don't like it I'm not eating it.

>> No.5727897

Hunger is the best sauce.
send them to concentration camps and look at how they eat the grass

>> No.5727906

I am one. I have a huge list of shit I don't eat. I still try to eat everything on it once or twice a year just in case; a few years ago I found I could actually eat and enjoy bacon. Most of the rest of the pig is still out, though.

Also fuck pepper.

>> No.5727908

That said, when I'm a guest I at least try to eat everything. If the Buddha can die from eating pork offered by his hosts, I can put up with a lot of shit.

>> No.5727909

>friend of mine dislikes steak and seafood
>his parents kitchen consists of a microwave and a single hotplate that cant even boil water

I would like to introduce him to real food, but im pretty sure it wouldnt help at this point.

>> No.5727910


That's not the pickiest eater

>> No.5727929

>someone actually married that thing

>> No.5728299

I think picky eaters are just too afraid to try new things, and only want to eat their ABSOLUTE favorite foods all of the time rather than eat a decent food once in a while. My sister could be considered a picky eater, if she had her way (which she usually does at my dad's house) she would only eat Pepsi, pickles, mac & cheese, and microwave pizzas. But if you actually get her to try something else, she might put up a fight, but she will actually eat it and say it was good after all is said and done.

>> No.5728579

Sounds like you're jealous that a NEET is more attractive and more intelligent than you (he'd have to be to trick a woman into supporting and fucking him while he has no income). He's probably getting more pussy than you (not hard when you're an angsty virgin), and he doesn't even have to work. I can smell the insecurity oozing from your post.

>> No.5728699

I could never deal with someone like this. My nephews are the same way.

>Planning Sunday dinner
>Roast beef with home made gravy
>Roasted red bliss mashed potatoes with rosemary (roast the potatoes first, like making homefries, with a bit of melted butter and rosemary, then mash them)
>Peas with pearl onions
>Steamed baby carrots
>Baked sweet potato for those who didn't want mash
>Beets (I love me some fucking beets)
>Corn (frozen, had to cut time somewhere)
>Family comes over, parents, sister, bro-in-law, three nephews
>Smells good, been cooking for a few hours
>Set the table, nephews refuse to eat anything
>Oldest just says he isn't hungry, other two just pout
>Sister tries to get them to try something
>Youngest two start bawling their eyes out
>I say if they don't want to eat, they don't have to eat, and they are faking the tears
>Sister feels bad, goes out to the car
>Brings in the frozen chicken nuggets and french fries that she brought with her
>They stop crying, looking at me with triumphant smirks

Manipulative little shits. They refuse to eat any kind of veggies, since they know their parents will give in.

>> No.5728706

Considering the improper usage, I sure hope so. "Betray" might have been the word you were looking for.

>> No.5728712

why are "picky eaters" always ok eating the most disgusting kinds of food imaginable? reshaped chicken offal and greasy cheese stuff

>> No.5728718


How is she skinny, also that's four foods.

>> No.5728726

What if I'm losing weight

>pro-tip: I am

>> No.5728727

Nigga what, I wouldn't even say I'm prideful of it. I'm just trying to lose some weight because I'm a fatfuck and I don't want extra stuff like that in my body. Being offered that stuff so often and getting urged constantly to just take it or getting weird looks gets to me eventually and starts to annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.5728754

Potato chips. Not potato, chips

>> No.5728993

What the HELL is bread milk?

>> No.5729155

>almost start to vomit by brushing teeth with mint flavor
>can eat anything else minty with no problem

Fuck me.

I am picky when it comes to meat. I cut away the fat(once it's cooked) and the bloody parts on chicken filets, that shit tastes like cancer.

I can't eat chicken clubs etc, there's so much cartilage I gag if I bite into it.

Can't eat much fish, leaves such a terrible taste for the rest of the day even if it tasted good when I ate it.

Hardly eat vegetables since they are bland and boring, they ruin the rest of the food if mixed together. I like certain vegetables though.

And I don't eat the head of shrimps, cow tongues and weird shit like that obviously.

>> No.5729682

I really dislike melon ( cantaloupe is called in other countries) the smell even from afar makes me sick and makes ne gag, I have tried a lot to like it but its impossible, it makes me sick and sometimes make me puke, I dont recall bad experiences with it since kid, but since a young age ut made me puke, I dont know why, some people say Im allergic to it but its ridicoulous, I think there is no allergies of it?

>> No.5729687

there are allergies to everything, it could even be whatever is used to grow the melons in your area

i was eating these cheap eggs, and every time i did i would feel really nauseous. switched to better eggs and it stopped happening.

>> No.5729722

>Was she pre-lubed for easy access when she would stay at your house with a fresh load skeeted up in her pussy too?
They way you typed that was so eloquent, i'm in love and in tears.

>> No.5729728

>How do you deal with picky eaters /ck/?
I avoid them. I cannot handle it. Nobody cares about you THAT MUCH. Shut up and die.
>Would you be able to date one?
Hah. You mean take her to the most expensive sushi restaraunt in town to hear "i dont like cold fish!"

fuck no. Fuck fuck fuck no.

>> No.5729734
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> I really dislike melon ( cantaloupe is called in other countries).

how many fucking beans did you eat today, beener? Cantaloupe is a variety of melons like honeydew and others...

>> No.5730562
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beautifully written

>> No.5730565

Oh god, why didn't you just smack that shit out of your sisters hands and stomp all over it
Fuck those kids
Fuck your sister for caving in

>> No.5730689


I'm a picky eater myself so the only way I could live with another picky eater is if we shared taste.

I actually learned to cook because I hated eating other peoples food.

>> No.5730700

>Would you be able to date one?
If you'd have asked me that when I was in a relationship I would have said no. But now I'll date anything with a vagina and most people with a penis regardless of eating habits.

>> No.5730723

>image doesn't include skin

>> No.5731037

The only way to get used to spicy food is to eat more spicy food.

>> No.5731067

You have to eat more of it. You need to dull your taste buds actually.

>> No.5731194


I married a Picky Eater.

> Small list of things she'll eat
> Won't eat the same thing in consecutive meals.

Christ I wanted to strangle her by the time the divorce went through.

Everyone thinks that it's the Big Issues (politics, religion, whatever) that need to be compatible for a marriage to work but it's the Little Things Everyday that need to be similar or else it's just a matter of time before it's all-fighting-all-the-time.

>> No.5731196


Outside of bread, what do you eat?

>> No.5731238

I married a very picky eater and it's a way bigger problem then I ever would have guessed. I hate her cooking, not because she's a bad cook but she never makes anything interesting. What really bothers me though is going out to eat. We live in a city with sooo many awesome choices for restaurants but I've hardly tried any of them. She ruins the experience every time we go somewhere new anyways. I have to beg and bargain for an hour to get her there, and then she tries to make me feel guilty saying that there's nothing on the menu that she likes and "I told you this wasn't a good place to come". Oh and I constantly have to complain about food to the server for her because she makes so many goddamn special requests and is too chickenshit to say anything when they forget something and I'd rather just say something myself than listen to her sulk the rest of the meal

>> No.5731246

Divorce may be expensive, but it's usually worth every penny.

>> No.5731259

>We live in a city with sooo many awesome choices for restaurants but I've hardly tried any of them.

that's like my family. everyone always dislikes something so they eat bland stuff.

>> No.5731427
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When my youngest brother was born, my mom literally said she was going to baby him because he was the last kid she was going to have. The only things he will ever eat are french fries, burgers, mac and cheese, or pancakes.

He's almost in high school now and he will literally sit at the table, pout, and refuse to eat whatever food my parents would make if he didn't like the food. He would end up making pop tarts or frozen chicken nuggets if they made something he didn't like.

Before I moved out, we went to a decent Italian restaurant to celebrate. He couldn't find anything he liked on the menu so he sat down and refused to eat anything and was practically on the verge of tears. Dad got sick of it and gave him some money so he could run over to the Hardees a couple blocks away to get whatever he wanted so he would stop ruining the dinner. He came back and ate his burger and fries in the restaurant.

Even though both my parents understand how pathetic he is with how he eats they never do anything about it.

>> No.5731434

Growing up my parents were terrible and never made me try new things, and my diet consisted of bread, cheese, and other dairy only. I was destined to be a picky eater forever.

What changed? I went to college. Peer pressure man. That helped, but then a few years after that I lost the ability to eat (pretty much) and starved to oblivion.

Now I like most things, though for medical reasons I can't eat particularly spicy things. Also vegetables just objectively suck.

>> No.5731447

that shit will change when he moves out or becomes interested in girls....So you only need worry if he becomes a NEET. As far as food, there is only one thing that illicits a gag reflex from me, raw tomatoes. Evidently, its an inherited trait, when you cook them the protein I'm reacting to denatures and its one of my favorite foods.

>> No.5731454

>Also vegetables just objectively suck.
It always amazes me that people make it to adulthood with five year old taste. I read that line and thought, "This is bait", but then remembered people like you actually exist.

>> No.5731521


I just can't. I have tried vegetables in every different way I possibly can, I have been to vegetarians resturaunts and been made amazing meals stuffed with vege's. I've even grown my own to see if that makes a fucking difference.

They're just fucking disgusting. I love raw carrots, potato, corn, onions and pumpkin/squash when made into risotto or mac n cheese. Anything else is just gross, I can't do it. Especially anything green and leafy, that foul toilet paper is never good. Salads are a piss bowl.

>> No.5731524

Are you me, anon?

I realized that what grossed me out of peas was the sickly green and mushy texture that overcooked or canned peas usually had, I started with frozen peas that look a lot better, then started buying them them fresh and preparing them myself.

>> No.5731555

I'm not the world's biggest fan of salads, either, but cooked vegetables (including greens) are fucking delicious. Oil, garlic and salt, man. It's not hard.

>> No.5731656
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>kids menu
HAHAHAHA holy shit I'm using this

>> No.5731670
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>mfw I don't like tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, most potatoes, green peppers.

I can stand potatoes and green peppers but the other things pretty much ruin a meal for me if they are a predominant part. It also means that I rarely use onions for the base of any meals that I make, which means I'll never be a good cook.

>> No.5731674

How can you possibly hate potatoes.

>> No.5731685

I just can't stand dry foods. I don't particularly like bread, fries etc.

I like mashed potatoes with lots of butter and mustard

>> No.5731699
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>tfw boyfriend detests "non-Newtonian liquids" (IE: most sauces, most creamy soups, most dips, hummus, pudding, custard, ESPECIALLY mayonnaise etc)
>tfw I just can't stand the flavor of potato or egg

I suppose I'm not as bad as he is but I'll be damned, he just can't find anything to eat at some restaurants - and I love making sauces and soups.

>> No.5731722

>tfw that exact list of ingredients is my ideal breakfast with eggs

>> No.5731815

>"im vegetarian!"
>eats meat
Why exactly were you with someone so full of shit?

>> No.5731841

But he is stating an opinion, whereas you are spewing faggotry.

>> No.5731889

Currently weigh about 15 stone, just verging on fatlord so wanna keep weight down.
>"Want one?"
>"No thanks"
>"Want one?"
>"No thanks I'm fine"
>"You sure you don't want one?"
>"No I really don't, I'm fine."
>"Oh go on."
>*take one while self loathing increases*

>> No.5731942

Because intelligence equals succes? The dude seems to be living the life, despite the wife getting fatter.

>> No.5731993

What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.5732015

My aunt is like that. One of her friends tries to bring her to local hangout places that he's experienced, and she gets cheese fries or chicken tenders or something. Her other friend is a bit of a pushover, just goes with whatever she wants to do. So, since she's a picky eater, she naturally sticks to chain restaurants when she's with him. She took a trip to New York City for a weekend, and last night when they arrived they went to Denny's. At Denny's she usually gets an appetizer sampler with chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings.

>> No.5732238

Lurking for ramen recipes anon. It probably one of the things he eats regularly.

>> No.5732263


just say no. didn't you learn how to resist peer pressure in 2nd grade...?

>> No.5732267


your problem is not being in touch with your body. trust me, when you cut down on the escapism and check back into yourself, you start to notice what kind of food makes you feel good and energized or bad and lethargic. mac and cheese is definitely in the latter category.

>> No.5732331

my pot dealer only eats white bread (no crusts) and kitkats.
he looks like a skeleton wrapped in skin.

>> No.5732868

I would tell any girl that is picky about food to fuck off. Eat what I cook or don't eat at all. These autistic people need to grow out of these phases.

>> No.5732910

how /fa/

>> No.5733010

So so embarrasing.

>> No.5733068
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Holy fucking shit, is your brother my little brother?
I don't live at home anymore but this was a common thing.
>Dad makes some kind of supper
>can remember him trying to make pot-stickers
>little brother comes down from his bedroom where all he does is play xbox360
>he's told "this is what's for supper, if you don't want to eat it, don't."
>starts a huge argument
>brother on verge of tears
>16 years old
>dad breaks down and makes him some shake-n-bake chicken breasts

God fucking dammit he pisses me off. I even try encouraging him by having him cook with me. Maybe something would spark his interest and he'd love to taste and try different things.
Guess he'll always be a picky fuck.

>> No.5733094

My boyfriend has a list of things that he will consume. I've tried /ck/ I've tried.

>pasta with red sauce from a packet
>fried rice from a packet
>only scrambled eggs made in the microwave
>well done steaks
>pork chops
>potatoes mashed
>corn and carrots are the only vegetables
>soups from cans only
>chocolate cereals
>lots and LOTS of Pepsi (3-4 bottles daily)
>BLT on white. (Only thing he eats tomato on)
>hamburgers and hot dogs with no lettuce
>anything from mc Donald's.

Other than that it's a no go.
We don't live together and I'm trying to work on changing his eating habits by introducing him to new foods. I hide vegetables in things and he eats some of it for the most part

>> No.5733131

I hide things in food too
My boyfriend's father cannot eat onions
But if they're "hidden" like if I chop them up small enough and make them translucent and then put them in food he'll eat it
Apparently his dad made him sit at the table and wouldn't let him get up unless he at them, would throw up because he couldn't stomach the taste and was then forced to eat the stuff he upchucked
Kind of a good excuse imo

>> No.5733154

my brother-in-law loves to eat meat but doesn't like the thought of eating animals.

that's why he only eats processed stuff like sausages and ground meat.

he also doesn't like 80% of all vegetables.

>> No.5733161

I did date a pretty bad picky eater. At Subway, she would get cheese and lettuce on white bread.

It didn't work out for that reason. She was also incredibly boring and shot down all my date ideas, so our "date nights" consisted of sitting on her couch watching movies and making out.

>> No.5733183

>It didn't work out for that reason.

you choose your partner for her eating habits?

>> No.5733445

depends on how picky, we all have our hang ups after all

>> No.5733473

Doesn't everybody?

>tfw divorced twice

>> No.5733538

It was worse than it sounds. We never went out to eat, which is something I genuinely enjoy doing, and we never did anything else. The only thing that could make up for it was the sex, and that wasn't so hot either.

>> No.5733563


are you me?

I also don't eat cake.
I usually don't make a big deal of it. And if a person refuses a portion of a meal everyone seems okay with it. But when I refuse cake ohmahfuggingoodlordbabyjesus who the fuck turns down cake c'mon and try it, just try it, just try it. Goddamnit I have eaten your shitty publix brand cake before and I know damn well what it tastes like I said no thank you.

>> No.5733778

I Have a story for this, I prefer savory dishes over sweet any day.

>9th birthday
>LOVE icing off of cakes
>mom says there's left over cake a week later and says I'm more than welcome to eat it
>I sat at the table with a mountain of icing so thick you couldn't reach the actual cake itself
>I was in heaven until about the 10th spoonful

I can't stomach icing on store bought cake since. It was a dinosaur cake with blue and green icing and that memory still traumatizes me years later.

>> No.5733796
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>bf is a picky eater
>won't eat lamb or pork
>refuses to eat meat unless it's well done
>will only eat black bean beef and fried rice from the same Chinese take out, never any other Asian food
>will only order chicken caesar salad or chicken schnitzel at restaurants
>dislikes most vegetables

I don't know how to deal with it, I'm the total opposite - I eat EVERYTHING except for the foods I'm allergic to, and that's only because they'd kill me if I tried.

>> No.5733822

Forgot some, here's a few more things he does that I don't get

>hates butter unless it's cooked in something
>mfw this includes butter on toast
>will eat literally just eat plain fried egg on toast
>refuses to drink coffee and/or tea
>only orders iced chocolates from cafes
>claims chocolate milk made via chocolate powder + milk tastes like shit but drinks chocolate milk bought from a store
>hates and refuses to try and and all types of seafood
>orders quarter pounders from McDonalds then proceeds to pick the pickles off and scrape off the onion
>has never tried whipped cream before

>> No.5733828

Btw I'm a girl so don't hit on me u silly boys ;)

>> No.5733831

Oh fuck off back to /b/ or /r9k/ faggot, this is a blue board.

>> No.5733832

>bf is a picky eater
>I don't know how to deal with it, I'm the total opposite - I eat EVERYTHING except for the foods I'm allergic to,
I recommend murder/suicide. Two problems solved for the price fo one.

>> No.5733833

>implying anyone would hit on you, landwhale

>> No.5733837

I bet you do fatty.

>> No.5733850
File: 32 KB, 247x247, 1401420702645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking that's me

>thread complaining about picky eaters
>get called fat for not being a picky eater

/ck/, ladies and gents.

>> No.5733868

>implying anyone would hit on you either

>> No.5733896
File: 102 KB, 252x240, 1406969364709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I not just get a bunch of shitposters whining about me mentioning a bf?

Man you guys have the IQs of plankton.

>> No.5733911

>implying IQ means anything
Goddamn someone brick this pants-on-head retarded cunt in the teeth already

>> No.5733933

Did babby score less than 100 on an IQ test and now spouts that whenever IQ comes up? I hope you're at least saging your posts anon-chan.

>> No.5734056
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>mfw cowtungues can be the bomb

>> No.5734071

I can't wait until you get raped with a wine bottle

>> No.5734102

my attitude about food changed a lot after a trip to rural Guatemala. the food there was good but really simple and boring as all hell after having it more then once. eventually i realised that food was purely for sustenance and people just had to eat what was there even if it was boring. my attitude about picky eaters went from "hey it's just preference" to "you're just not hungry enough". personally there are a couple things i dislike (strong fish and raw tomatos mostly) but if i'm served it i eat it without complaining. i couldn't date one, it would be to frustrating. I stopped cooking for a roommate because his fiancée was always over for dinner and there was always some random thing she wouldn't eat because she didn't like some ingredient in it.


>> No.5734180

>implying that's not my fetish

>> No.5734304

It depends. I can't stand fish (fish oil specifically) and can't really stomach anything with the taste.

I've tried getting over it, low fat fish, cooking them in special ways, but the result is pretty much the same every time. The smell itself is enough to make me gag.

I live in a landlocked nation so it's not a huge issue. But imagine living in coastal area.

>> No.5734313

I've never met a picky eater that wasn't a pleb in every other regard and generally not very intelligent.

So, no.

>> No.5734342

i fucking hate seafood, everything tastes like booger.

>> No.5734423

I eat almost everything, recently trying to eat more seafood and mushrooms (i mostly just eat tuna, salmon and shiitake)

>> No.5734426

Get into that fucking shellfish man and never look back.

>> No.5734463

>I live in a landlocked nation so it's not a huge issue. But imagine living in coastal area.

I think I can solve the mystery of why you don't like fish, landlocked-kun.

>> No.5734560

Your mistake is assuming everyone goes on dates.

>> No.5734570

>can't eat chocolates, cookies, sweets and everything else because it's too sugary
>have to mix soft drinks with mineral water because it tastes like i'm drinking sugar otherwise

help me

>> No.5734596

My boyfriend was a picky eater.


>> No.5734613

glad you cleared that up

>> No.5734702

how cringeful

>> No.5735016

Your sister is raising future angry midgets, what kind of parent doesn't force their kids to eat vegetables?

>> No.5735024

I blame parents. The ystupid ass kids look after parent's and don't eat same food

>Ewwww, uncle, I hate onions
>but your favourite crackers are with onion
>.....Those are tasty onions

>> No.5735099

>How do you deal with picky eaters /ck/?
I don't.
They eat what I cook and like it or they don't eat it.
I don't give a shit about their special preferences.

>> No.5735391

My ex lived on chips (fries) and chicken. She ate much of what I cooked for her, such as curries or pasta dishes, but she preferred her things. When she became a vegetarian the near dead relationship had a stake driven through its heart.

>> No.5735441

>dating a fatty

They're only good for BJ's and hotdogging dude

>> No.5735478

She wasn't fat actually. I don't know how she wasn't, but she wasn't. She wasn't super model in figure, but not fat by any means.

>> No.5735501
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>I starved his ass a few times and he straightened out.

/ck/ in charge of parenting

>> No.5735506

I'm actually anorexic, but I love cooking, so them being a picky eater wouldn't impact me much. I would find it to be a fun challenge working around their dietary preferences when cooking though.

>> No.5735870

They will be mentally stunted shits when they grow up. kek.

>> No.5735897

He's right dumbass. Give him food, but not the the food he wants. If he's hungry enough, he'll eat.

>> No.5735941

I used to refuse to eat any kind of vegetables, but now I'll gladly eat most veggies.

But I still won't eat mayo, mayo is fucking disgusting. Fuck mayo.

>> No.5736173

Soda from 2 liters is pretty fucking nasty. It's so much flatter than cans, single serve bottles, and soda at restaurants. My family thinks that I'm ridiculous because of this.

>> No.5736293

Picky eater confirmed.

>> No.5736323

A person who doesn't have a decent pallets, is crazy, there's to much awesome food to nit try

>> No.5736342

Try Veganaise. I hated mayo too, but this stuff is delicious.

>> No.5736358

Excessive use, anon. Moderate habitual use only leaves you thin and chronically exhausted, but otherwise no worse than every other American.

Source: Me and my friend meth

>> No.5736373

Picky eater sympathizer confirmed.

>> No.5737238


She looks unhealthier than the average American. She eats bread (most likely processed white bread), milk and potato chips. The woman looks bulemic.

>> No.5737703
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>tfw picky eater fag
>start trying new things so I can gain weight
>realize what I've been missing

Especially veggies, fucking tomatos, brocolli, spinach, bell peppers all that shit.