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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5720513 No.5720513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite mixed drink?

>> No.5720515

White Russian

>> No.5720520

I'm a fan of Manhattans.

>> No.5720529

Whiskey ginger

>> No.5720533

Gin & Tonic, so good

>> No.5720539

Can't beat a Margarita

>> No.5720545

white wine spritzer

>> No.5720548

Tequila Sunrise

>> No.5720550

Sazerac. If I'm in sweatpants-alone-at-home mode its J&B (or whatever blended scotch) 1:4 with orange vanilla Polar seltzer

>> No.5720564

I'm a margarita nut.

>> No.5720568

Whiskey ginger ale

>> No.5720577

>whiskey ginger
>vodka tonic
>rum cola
>vodka juice

in order

>> No.5720589

Gin and tonic

Don't really do mixed drinks unless you consider adding water and ice to scotch/whiskey a mixed drink.

>> No.5720592

Never tried Whiskey Ginger, but those other ones are top tier. Whiskey to me is best sipped without mixing. Just my opinion.

>> No.5720605

I often drink whiskey with a beer back, finish the makers in a couple slurps and then guzzle the beer.

but this thread is about mixed drinks so mid shelf whiskey and ginger is my go to

>> No.5720607

my fucking nigger

>> No.5720614

sry meant to reply to>>5720592

>> No.5720619

Mojitos when its hot, Dark n' Stormy's whenever.

>> No.5720622
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And it looks so pretty too

>> No.5720668

Lemon Hooch. I am a simple man of simple taste.

>> No.5720674

gives a nasty hangover though

>> No.5720675
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Long Island iced tea

>> No.5720682

I'm immune to hangovers so sucks to be yall.

>> No.5720694

Rum n coke. You can never go wrong with a good rum n coke

>> No.5720699
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I have limited experience with cocktails, but Manhattans are always tasty.

>> No.5720702

Dr. Pepper and bourbon.

>> No.5720703

My personal favorite for taste?
>Whiskey and Coke

Favorite one to make for people at parties?
>Two part Bacardi 151, two part Hpnotiq, fill the rest with Sprite
People drink that shit like no tomorrow.

>> No.5720707

youre an alcoholic if you dont get hangovers so sucks to be you.

>> No.5720729

Not that Anon, but I drink maybe once a month with friends at our local bar and I don't get a hangover. I go pretty hard, too.

I guess it's part of not being a bitch.

>> No.5720774

>youre an alcoholic if you dont get hangovers
I don't think that's true...I've never gotten a hangover, and I don't drink very often, and when I do it's usually just a beer or a glass of wine or two with dinner.

>> No.5720776


I was immune to hangovers when I was a kid too. Most people are, why do you think binge drinking gets so much less popular the older people get?

>> No.5720777

double gin and tonic in a pint glass with two limes

>> No.5720778

tried it surprisingly good

>> No.5720786

Dark and Stormy (sub Meyers for shitty goslings, so yeah its not a true dark and stormy) or a Paloma if it's realy warm.

In response to ops picture, our winter go to is the Tiger Claw: picture a Bear Fight but reverse the shots. I blame our snowboard reps for this.

>> No.5720794
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Love this thread.

>> No.5720820

Mojito. Only mixed drink I'll order. Usually just get beer.

>> No.5720823

Dark and Stormy


>> No.5720825

I went to my fridge recently and put together seltzer, papaya rum, orange juice and a few peach slices

It was delicious

also my favorite mixed drink is a g&t

>> No.5720846
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i have NO idea what this is called, but this hot bartender chick from England, or some other european country that speaks english, showed me this drink:

-1 shot of Goldschlager
-fill the rest of the glass with Ginger Ale.

it's pretty badass. i was hooked after my first drink. and all my friends think im weird

>> No.5720865

Beefeater & Tonic, double lime

I also make something at home that I call a 'Lemon Cry' - 2 shots of Jameson, an equal volume of whiskey sour mix in a collins glass with some ice, then fill the rest with Mt Dew. Basically a fizzy Whiskey Sweet & Sour

>> No.5720885

gin tonic

>> No.5720890

Orange juice and vodka, rum and coke and lynchburg lemonade. I like my girly drinks.

>> No.5720894
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Coffee & Cigarette

1.5 oz McClellend’s Islay Scotch
0.5 oz Luxardo Amaro Abano
0.5 oz Cold brew Columbian coffee
1 dash Scrappy’s Chocolate Bitters
1 bar spoon simple syrup
1 brandied cherry, as garnish

I usually get it with Laphroaig instead of McClellend and without the simple syrup, though.

>> No.5721110

apparently vodka,,bottled lemon juice and a bit of sugar. second is gin and tonic with lime nothing fancy just 3.oz gorton's or gilbeys, swichepes, or canada dry.you could not have that for along time- quinine affects the middle ear.. beer" I like lager or paler ale, might have one with dinner. as far as wines... i like german whites with seafood, merlot or burgundy for meats, whites give me gout and a terrible headache, maybe 'cause i will drink it up. If i must use white i use white vermouth (via julia). I do most of my drinking at home, if you must drive, and the combination is deadly. popo wil eat you alive. and they should. no problems. I like sherry or port, but instant death, gout wise. I like beer, but not a big fan of over hoped or flavored regional stuff. if prone to gout--- it makes a huge difference. I like bud hurricane, but bush ice... could not walk for 2 days. drink what you like, and cast no aspersions on another persons drink or smoke. you don't know them. in the late fall,sometimes me and some friends plan a squirrel or rabbit hunt. up before dawn. eggs, biscuit and sausage or bacon gravy. strong coffee with a shot of bourbon or 8. before for you know it, snorlax. a good thing squirrels and rabbits and wild turkeys need not fear me. unless starving I would not kill one for one. pets. you outta see some of the lunatards 'round here. full camo, greasepaint, like something out of apocoypse now. and I could call them.I like dove in gravy, or venison, or wild hog. and spare me dipshits with compound bows.several years ago a "manly man shot a feral hog in the ass and the herd run him up a tree I have becoup guns, but mostly shoot targets. don't kill with out need, and use it all. I apologize. that is long winded, but you would not belive some of the dipshits. no tree hugger freak, but many will shit on their own doorstep, then wonder why they are ill.

>> No.5721115


1part vodka
1part wheatgrass juice

muddle and serve at room temp.

>> No.5721117

Bourbon & a glass.

>> No.5721123

The cheapest fortified wine in the store and off-brand 7up.

>> No.5721143
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When I'm eating out at a fancy enough place I will typically order a negroni. Otherwise it's whiskey and bitters, hold the ice.

>> No.5721220

Jäger tastes like bitter ass

>> No.5721224

I fell in love with a drink called a Bijou recently

The proportions I don't really know, but it had:
Green (or yellow) chartreuse
Sweet vermouth
Citrus-y gin
Squeeze of lime

Absolutely delicious

>> No.5721803

Old grandad or basil hardens and Mexican coke with a squeeze of lime.

RC cola typically works better for wheated bourbons. But I don't know why.

Juan Collins or margarita if I'm not making it.

>> No.5721808

Usually I don't drink mixed drinks but I do like a seabreeze, that's vodka and cranberry juice.

>> No.5721809

Jack and Coke

>> No.5721816

Jäger is meant to be consumed after a few rounds of drinking.

>> No.5721837

Jaeger, Goldschlager, and Rumpleminze.

I've heard it called many things such as Three Dead Nazis or Liquid Cocaine. Either way its delicious.

>> No.5721905
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Mai Tai. (A original version, not the version that has all the tropical fruit juices.)

Just light rum, gold rum, dark rum, curacao, lime juice, and orgeat (a sort of almond syrup)

>> No.5721909

Vodka and Cranberry is a Cape Codder...at least it is in New England.
A Sea Breeze is vodka, cranberry and grapefruit...maybe it's a regional thing.

>> No.5721922

Margaritas are the gold standard for me. Rum and coke is close behind.

>> No.5721940

Apple and blackcurrant squash and lemonade.

>> No.5721943

Tl; dr

>> No.5721982

Looks good. 10:30 in the morning and I'm already thirsty.

>> No.5721993

You haven't started drinking yet? I usually start as soon as I get up.

>> No.5722016
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>not drinking in your sleep

>> No.5722018

Singapore Slings

>> No.5722056

Manhattan with rye. Up.

>> No.5722085

Jack and coke
Irish car bombs

>> No.5722165

All day every day.

>> No.5722172

Good stuff.
How fancy is your bubbly?

>> No.5722179

Vodka tonic with lime
Margarita on the rocks, no salt
Mexican martini

All top shelf, I don't drink shitty well drinks.

>> No.5722188

Water and Kool-Aid mix

>> No.5722223

Margaritas, Whiskey Sours, and Death in the Afternoons

>> No.5722329

are you a spic or just really like their sugar water?

>> No.5722334

You gonna mix some cyanide in it. You won't find any drink after that that is quite as good.

>> No.5722348 [DELETED] 


>> No.5722355

whiskey and grapefruit soda/juice

>> No.5722360

The second one.

>> No.5722405

Replace coffee liqueur with hazelnut and this is mine

But I do love me a normal white Russian too.

>> No.5722469

It's still the worst thing I've ever had in my mouth

>> No.5722490

Stroh 80 and Dr Pepper
G&T with lime/cucumber.

>> No.5722511

Caipirinha is fucking delicious.

It's like you crossed a margarita with a gin and tonic.

>> No.5722515

vodka redbulls
bloody mary are okay

>> No.5722519

>go pretty hard
>doesnt get a hangover

youre not going hard, bitch.

rephrased: youre an alcoholic if you drink to excess and dont get hangovers

>> No.5723066

tl; dr alcohol gives him gout, little animals should be used as pets instead of hunting targets, bows are for faggots

>> No.5723080
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>> No.5723130
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>ctrl+f "the last word"
>0 posts

mmm... gin, maraschino (not cherry!) liqueur, chartreuse, and lime juice in equal parts, shook with ice.

i also enjoy g+t, caipirinhas, dark+stormies, and manhattans.

>> No.5723400


You're crazy

I drink maybe 2 times a week and I don't get hangovers

And when I drink, I drink.

>> No.5723435


It's just vodka and amaretto.

>> No.5723443
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I'm a beer guy (Bell's) but Long Island Ice Teas will fuck you up.

>> No.5723445

>rephrased: youre an alcoholic if you drink to excess and dont get hangovers
Nope. hangovers are basically just being really dehydrated and tired. If you drink enough water and rest decently, there's no such thing as a hangover.

>> No.5723449

drinking heavily two times a week is a lot though

>> No.5723451

Grateful dead

>> No.5723453
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> instant asshole

>> No.5723491

Used to be old fashioneds, now it's bourbon margaritas for love. God damn.

>> No.5723503
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Just a tiny spurt of blue powerade, then lemonade to get the right shade of green, a little water to dilute it a bit, then the rest sprite.

>> No.5723524

We're talking about adult drinks ITT, kid.

>> No.5723567

Stonewall. Rum in Cider. I tend to use a really dark rum for it.

>> No.5723597
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>> No.5723609

I usually mix fruit punch, dr. pepper, and then a little splash of mountain dew. p good

>> No.5723647
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I want to know you just made my motherfucking day

>> No.5723649

I'm from /co/, that's on the soundtrack list for us.

I also have Tim Curry singing as a pirate.

>> No.5723664

the based choice

>> No.5723737

>Whisky sour

>Nice Islay with a teaspoon of water

>> No.5723779

>not putting vodka in your power-spriteade

>> No.5723791

I know that's it's totally strange, but I love putting chai tea bags in a tall glass of captain morgan and letting it infuse for several hours.

>> No.5723829

Mojito. If a bar does not have fresh mint, just get a beer.

>> No.5723833

I like jagermeister, but not in a bomb; red bull tastes like ass
1v1 me

>> No.5723840

You got my attention. Sounds a little retarded but what's it like man?

>> No.5723859
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This is my favorite drink straight, anyone got a good mixing recipe for it?

>> No.5723880

Dr. Pepper or coke

>> No.5723908

Do you really think two glasses of wine would give anyone a hangover? Aside from a dwarf, or a small Asian.

>> No.5723914

Mount Gay rum with tonic water and a slice of lemon.

>> No.5723919
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I drank jager for most of my first few years of binge drinking and if I drink it nowadays it's almost instant vomit. I have a few friends who still drink it though.

Sometimes I can barely even stomach the smell.

Also, I don't know a whole lot of cocktails, I usually go for the pre-actual-drink ceasers when I'm having cocktails.

Does anyone have any good ones that are a little less on the sweet side? I'm a diabetic so drinking all that sugary shit sucks for me.

>> No.5723938

ORG! missed you ~

>> No.5723940

Amaretto and cream soda.

Also, how do I train my taste buds to be able to enjoy whisky, scotch, bourbon, etc. served neat? Almost all my friends can do it but me. Makes me feel like a faggot. (inb4 stop being a faggot)

>> No.5723941

Moscow Mule

Typically served in a copper cup
Fresh Lime
Ginger Beer (not Ale)

>> No.5723957

>Also, how do I train my taste buds to be able to enjoy whisky, scotch, bourbon, etc. served neat?
Sip it, don't drink too fast. Also don't buy bottom shelf shit I guess.

>> No.5723965


>> No.5723970

That doesn't work for me for some reason. My taste buds are pretty sensitive to alcohol. I can't drink any liquor straight. I can drink mixed drinks and I enjoy beer and wine.

>> No.5724020

Well alcohol is a poison, so I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.5724024

Whisky Sours and Old Fashioneds, if I'm drinking mixed drinks. Grew out of fruity sweet drinks when I hit my 30s.

>> No.5724035

Gimlet or White russian

>> No.5724041


I do gin with a little soda water and lime.

>> No.5724274

salty dog or g&t

>> No.5724287
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Black and Tan: Beer + beer because i like beer

>> No.5724615
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Lady in Red.
I love cranberries.

Anyone know of a good pumpkin mixed drink?

>> No.5724628



>> No.5724635

I like Whiskey Sour. Kind of like a Caipirinha with character.

>> No.5724636

Orange juice, cranberry juice and vodka. I hate the taste of alcohol.

>> No.5724731

after marathoning the danial craig bond movies i've been wanting to try the vesper martini

3 parts gordens gin
1 part 100 proof vodka preferably grain
1 part lillet
shaken till ice cold then garnished with a twisted lemon peal

anyone know if its any good?

>> No.5725775

I made it with
3 parts Old Raj red label
1 part absolut 100
1 part Lillet Blanc though have been told cocchi americano is actually more accurate

and then ya used a giant icecube in the shaker so it wouldnt melt so fast and shook the shit out of it.

I like it a lot the Lillet really takes all the edges out, but your definitely getting drunk and fast

>> No.5725788

If good liquor is available mojitos.
If shit booze i like whiskey and lemonade. NO idea if theres a name for that

>> No.5725793

>Whiskey Ginger
>White Russian

In that order. I prefer beer and neat whiskey to any of those though.

>> No.5725819
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"Bomb" drinks are for idiots.

These are generally for idiots as well. Tasty, but seriously overrated. People only drink these because they don't like alcohol but want to get drunk.

Best cocktail known to man. Even if it's trendy to say so, you can't deny the quality of a well-made Sazerac.

I don't think anyone has mentioned the French 75. Yes, it does have a reputation for being an old ladies' drink. But if you have a reasonably good champagne/sparkling wine it's a pretty interesting drink. If you like gin drinks, you need to try this.

>> No.5725848

I dunno I prefer Old Fashion to Sazeracs the original still has me. Also love Aviations use aviation gin in them as well.

>> No.5725866

> NO idea if theres a name for that
whiskey sour?
> People only drink these because they don't like alcohol but want to get drunk.
or because they are tasty as you said in the sentence before

>> No.5725878

>or because they are tasty as you said in the sentence before
No denying that. But no one drinks white Russians because they want to explore the nuanced flavors of spirits. You can't do that with a white Russian.

>> No.5725931

meh nuances are boring.
I'd rather it just be tasty

>> No.5725940

I don't really care for mixed drinks, I usually just drink vodka and whiskey straight but I'm quite partial to vodka and cranberry juice. It probably has some fancy name but I don't give a shit.

>> No.5725987

in glass with ice and lemon, a little bit of both

>> No.5726096

Which makes them a viable, but inferior, cocktail.

Look, I like a White Russian on occasion. But it is very difficult to get excited about them. It's basically alcoholic coffee-flavored milk. Nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is and nothing more.

>> No.5726202

No one gets ANY cocktail to get the nuanced flavors of spirits.

>> No.5726351

whiskey + coke :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.5726353

you can keep your stale-tasting firewater, I'll put rum in my coke.

>> No.5726417

Lately I've mostly tippled on Vodka Icebergs. 2oz Vodka with a barspoon of Pernod on the rocks.

It's pretty fucking smooth.

>> No.5727156
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>I drank jager for most of my first few years of binge drinking and if I drink it nowadays it's almost instant vomit.
>Sometimes I can barely even stomach the smell.

Senior camp-out 1986 was the last time I drank this.

>> No.5727167
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> Not making with Polish vodka, as per the original recipe.

>> No.5728797

My nigga

Nothing beats a Moscow Mule on a hot summer day