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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5717940 No.5717940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

All the healthiest countries of the world eat light breakfasts, all the least healthy stuff their faces with bangers and mash or some equivalent. When will we learn to stop trusting the Breakfast Lobby?

>> No.5717964

In America, the breakfast of the working class is black coffee and maybe toast if you have the time.

>> No.5717980

because Kellogg's is rich as fuck.

I never fucking eat breakfast, except for the rare breakfast burrito combo from Mcdonalds.

>> No.5717985

this. In reality, all of the least healthy countries don't eat much of anything for breakfast

>> No.5718007

>implying they aren't eating fast food
>implying Italy and Switzerland aren't the ones having coffee and toast

>> No.5718019

>implying eurofags work

>> No.5718778

I also never eat breakfast.
I thought i was alone in that regard.

>> No.5718814

the most important meal of the day is the one that you eat when you are the most hungry, for the most part people just need to tune in to what their body wants

unless you are one of the people who has genetically abnormal leptin/ghrelin levels (THANK YOU HUNGRY SKELETON), in which case you might want to force yourself to eat a little something in the morning since you may get distracted and forget to eat for a long time

>> No.5718819


The body adapts to whatever your eating schedule is, the more often you eat the more often you'll be hungry.

>> No.5718820
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I drink 0.5 L of milk every morning.

>> No.5718840


I guess I'm broken then. Sometimes I'm ravenous in the morning and other days I forget to eat essentially anything until late at night.

>> No.5718882

are you me?
I'm usually never hungry until I can smell it. Any one else like this?

>> No.5718899


I'm not hungry unless I either smell good food or eat something, most of the time anyway. But occasionally I'm hungry as fuck in the morning, and this has nothing to do with what I ate the previous day (as in it's not like I'm really hungry because I didn't eat much the day prior). If I don't eat in the morning I can go all day without eating.

>> No.5718916

makes sense. I read eating 3 meals a day compared to 2 or 1 increases metabolism when done right. so when you do eat a lot the day before, you're body could ve broken it down faster making you hungry again.

>> No.5718944

Is their a reason to have cereal for breakfast over, say a roast?

I was thinking about it the other day, say you were a shift worker, and had Dinner for Breakfast, is it actually a detriment to your health (provided you aint eatting crap for dinner)

>> No.5718947

The entire idea of breakfast is silly since you're not even hungry when you wake up.

I usually eat 2 to 4 hours after getting up.

>> No.5718953
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i normally have bread and eggs, or rolled oats and fruit with soy milk.

I like cooking chopped strawberries with the rolled oats, so the flavor seeps into the mix. Really delicious.

I cant be bothered to cook up waffles, sausages, bacon and all of that nonsense. So greasy, messy, a pain to clean up. I don't have time for that.

>> No.5718956


>> No.5718958

I eat when I'm hungry, is that a bad thing now?

>> No.5718969

I usually wake up because I'm hungry

>> No.5718977


nah not really, there's a tiny bit of logic to that based on insulin reactions but it's not that substantial and doesn't really effect metabolism by any significant degree


Not unless you're overweight. That's when I eat as well. I don't follow a traditional eating schedule at all.

>> No.5719032


I don't eat breakfast or lunch, I just graze over the course of 1-2 hours at dinner time. Ad libitum I eat about 1900-2100 calories this way, though I usually try to restrict it to 1500 or less.

>> No.5719305

This have been proved to be fake years ago ....

>> No.5719332

Lunch is the worst meal of the day. better to eat a big (but low fat) breakfast and skip lunch.

>> No.5719333

Well eating small portions of food all day to boost metabolism, and you should have a little breakfast at least, if you don't eat breakfast at all can make you gain weight.

>> No.5719360

if any of you had real jobs for real men, you'd appreciate a hearty breakfast before a long day

>> No.5719363

I have tea when I wake up, then usually a piece of fruit or two. Maybe coffee to take with me if I have time to make it.

I have lunch whenever I feel hungry, usually 4-5 hours later, something light like a salad or some cottage cheese/yogurt. I eat dinner around 7 or 8 pm which usually takes me an hour or two to cook, including prep.

>> No.5719367

coffee, calvados, homemade biscotti and I'm out the door with a lit cigarette.

lunch is for lazy people, I haven't sat down for lunch since middle school.

>> No.5719375

mah nigger

>> No.5719383

its been scientifically proven that it's best to eat little to no breakfast. A large lunch, seeing as that is when you're supposed to be most active, and a light, healthy supper.

>> No.5719400
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Eating a heavy meal in the morning isn't bad. Eating a heavy un healthy meal in the morning is bad though.

>> No.5719429

>it's SCIENCE!

>A large lunch, seeing as that is when you're supposed to be most active
what if i live where it's really hot during lunch time and it's the least active part of the day?

>still thinking everyone needs to/should follow the same diet

>> No.5719489


thank mr skeltal

>> No.5719561


what people eat is a product of what is available and culture. there is no scientifically valid reason for eating cereal or eggs and bacon at one time of day and roast or a sandwich at another time.

on the topic of breakfast, I used to eat none at all, except the occasional smoothie and I always felt great. then I let a girl pressure me into eating in the morning and I put on 20 pounds and lost my way in life, now my teeth are falling out, i'm balding and my dissertation is taking way too long.
breakfast is horrible for you.

>> No.5719577

thank mr skeltal

>> No.5719676

thank mr skeltal

>> No.5719861

Drinking a stimulant and then a depressant?

>> No.5720176

today I got up at 6 for work
I had breakfast at 11

>> No.5720186

>muh steel cut oats
>brown sugar

Impossible to beat. Delicious, nutritious, clocks in at ~400 calories and you can delay lunch until 3 and not be hungry

>> No.5720193

thank mr skeltal

>> No.5720202
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r8 my breakfast

>> No.5720215
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I eat 4 eggs, two pieces of toast, a couple sausages, and a generous amount of potatoes with peppers and onions most mornings and I'm in great fighting shape. IDK what these so called healthy countries are doing but I have no interest in a light breakfast unless I'm in a hurry

>> No.5720238


This guy here, just ate dinner/my only meal. 21oz of t-bone steak fried in coconut oil and four slices of bacon covered with a half oz of melted cheese, which was melted by spooning bacon grease over the top.

>> No.5720257

thanks mr skeltal x2

>> No.5720258

I usually eat a melon, maybe some yogurt too.

>> No.5720485

thank you, mr skeletal

>> No.5720534

I usually do the following after a run every morning

>2 eggs
>cup of rolled/steel cut oats with berries and a tablespoon of peanut butter stirred in together
>1 orange
>1 cup of coffee
~600 calories, 7:30 am and I'm good until like 2pm

>> No.5720594

>most important meal of the day
>must be a massive meal

Maybe op should lay off the Kellogg's "Bowl-O'-Cocks"

>> No.5722485

Italian breakfast is an espresso and a cigarette

>> No.5722492

Is that why italians are so lazy?

>> No.5722494


thank mr skeltal

>> No.5722552
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1. Your country
2. What do you eat for breakfast on a normal work day

>two slices of bread with butter and cold cuts
>soft boiled egg
>glass of orange juice
>cup of coffee

Sometimes I would switch the bread for oatmeal or the egg for a banana.

>> No.5722597

1. USA

I rotate between a few. I usually have to be at work by 4:30 a.m. and as much as I'd like to cook, I usually just don't have time
Always a large glass of tea, usually mint
>"greek" yogurt, fruit (strawberries/blueberries/bananas) topped with granola
>2-3 eggs, mix of veggies (usually mush, onions, spinach, serrano, cheddar, tomatoes)
>bagel, with cream cheese, tomatoes, cheese, cold cuts and raw spinach
>cold or warm quiche
On the weekends I'll usually make a frittata, fry up some potatoes and have bean/cheese/potato tacos or lengua tacos or if I get a wild hair I'll bake some turnovers or a bichon au citron.

Breakfast is generally my favorite meal of the day, but due to my work schedule I rarely enjoy it. If only I could get my dumb ass to get in bed before 10 p.m. I could get up a little earlier and make a proper breakfast every morning.

>> No.5722673


I drink a cup or two of coffee every morning.
I rarely eat breakfast on weekdays, but when I do I eat a bowl of cereal or yoghurt with muesli.

>> No.5722680
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Coffee/tea and this

>> No.5722687

plain oatmeal
glass of water

>> No.5722726

My breakfast every morning is rum and coke. Haven't eaten before noon in years.

>> No.5722731


>> No.5722733

Not edgy, just sad. I'm simply not hungry in the morning. And I can't be productive unless I'm tipsy.

>> No.5722785

Please learn your buzzwords

>> No.5722793

>coffee, yoghurt, cigarette before i leave the house, granola or protein bar on the bus

i have an eating disorder

>> No.5722798

>Yogurt or oats

On non-work days I make myself a omelette

>> No.5722803
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>> No.5722815

How are those posts related to the fedora meme? Is this some sorta meta trolling?

>> No.5723147

I'm like that too. And when I am hungry, it's always for something specific.
Works really well but the tricky part is avoiding coming off as picky.

>> No.5723156

fuck u mr. skeltal

>> No.5723183

every meal is as important as each fagget

>> No.5723239

> And when I am hungry, it's always for something specific.
> avoiding coming off as picky.

how are you NOT picky... if you're hungry you should be hungry for anything. my friend is like you, i hate that fucker. hell drop his last 40 bucks on a steak then starve for a week... ugh

>> No.5723324

A roast what? Are you British? In that case lol I guess it's a surprise then!

I bet you say "uni" when you mean university too.