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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 500x333, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5717493 No.5717493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The worst foods you've ever eaten

>> No.5717504

as in "gross" or bad tasting?
I've eaten crickets, seal sausage, and muktuk, but I've also eaten cold chicken mcnuggets.

>> No.5717514

No, I like it. Everyone has different taste. For example I HATE Sea Squirts.

>> No.5717517
File: 77 KB, 480x320, beets-for-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing I refuse to eat. I vaguely remember them being involved in some sort of childhood trauma but I can't remember details.

>> No.5717524

Buffalo tartar in Idaho, poor choice. Spent 2 weeks on the toilet in Shanghai after getting a wild hair on some street vendor food. Every single ounce of water I've drank in central/south america. Lets not forget about some lobster bisque I got in RI; I would have taken having my intestines lite of fire to alleviate the destruction that was leaving my mouth and anus.

Exploration often is greeted with opposition.

>> No.5717568

Bamboo is egh

>> No.5717583
File: 101 KB, 260x241, uni_260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant "worst" as in worst tasting. I suppose for me sea urchin gonads fits both categories quite nicely.

>> No.5717592
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Really? I like it. It has a kind of nutty flavor and crunchy texture.

I'm really not a fan of eel.

>> No.5717597

It's funny because I like eel
I don't like the taste of bamboo, I'm fine with the texture, I can eat if it it's with other things, but the taste is terrible to me

>> No.5717611 [DELETED] 

Water chestnuts. I had a thing of them for some reason and decided one hungry night to dig in.
fuck those.

>> No.5717651

I concur. Worthless filler.

>> No.5717660

I detest the ones from the tin because they're flavourless crunch but I adore fresh ones. Have you had them fresh?

Me? I fucking hate horseradish, passionfruit and ripe papaya.

>> No.5717663

Bamboo is very unique, I can't quite describe the flavor, but there is something funky about it. I can eat it, but it is not my favorite. I can imagine a lot of people not liking it.

>> No.5717706

Water chestnuts or raw squid.

>> No.5717745

Are those the same as whelks?

>be in Bahamas for Christmas vacation
>rent an apartment for the week
>father hears of whelk stew
>gathers shitload of whelks
>brews up godawful mess in a big pot
>whole apartment reeks of iodine
>father insists everyone eat it because he worked so hard to make it
>eat some
>tastes like big bowl of iodine
>sick for rest of the night
>plenty left over for leftovers for the rest of the decade
>whole place reeks of iodine for rest of vacation

We had plenty of fresh fucking fish to eat. I don't know why he was so insistent on eating that crap.

>> No.5717748

So what's that pic, anyway? Rotten sea urchin?? Or is that what they look like when they're fresh and good?

>> No.5717775

Live sexually mature sea urchin, The orange organs are basically penises and the proper way you eat it is you basically suck on the genitals until it ejaculates in your mouth then you devour the organs themselves.

>> No.5717778

When I was 10, my parents let me experiment with food. I cooked onions in Worchestshire sauce, and I vomited my guts out.

>> No.5717782

I've literally never eaten something (well prepared, as in not burnt or whatever) that I did not like.

>> No.5717787

Dude, I've never had whelk soup, but conch salad is the best food I've ever had.

>> No.5717792

Various disgusting foods:
Cherry Tomatoes
Biscuits in buttermilk

>> No.5717800

I made some pickled eggs once with beets. Boy was I disappointed.

>> No.5717812

I've tried lots of stuff but by far the worst thing I've ever had was marmite

>> No.5717823
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>he actually ate it
Holy shit m8 really? Its a running gag to trick foreigners into eating it

What did it taste like?

>> No.5717825
File: 36 KB, 230x459, 51AzBJUPHkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this. Why don't Americans just do their own mac and cheese? Literally no effort.

>> No.5717831

I know you're lying, but I did it on my own will. The hotel we were staying at had a massive breakfast buffet (that was actually really good) and next to the butter and jam, I saw marmite. I remembered that lots of people thought marmite was disgusting so I gave it a try.

I forget exactly what it tasted like

>> No.5717832


This. Fucking shit-tier fruit, smells and tastes like musty ass.

my nigga

And most Chilean food is ass.

>> No.5717850


>> No.5717857

I'm not taking the piss its just a big joke that got out of hand where people ate it on dares and then people took it seriously then it became a serious food they serve to tourists and foreigners eat because its "exotic".

>> No.5717892

American "cheese". It literally makes me retch. And it's not like americans can't make decent cheese either...WTF does that disgusting abomination even exist?

>> No.5717941

>wtf = why the fuck

Philistine. Stay away from ARE brave America.

>> No.5717955

I like it. Especially super fresh. It tastes like the sea. It's like diving into a wave and getting a shock of salt water up your nose. In a good way.

>> No.5718081

>btw i'm a special snowflake

>> No.5718083

Frozen fruit-encrusted tilapia. It doesn't sound so bad to me in theory right now, but it's one of the only dishes that I chose to forgo in favor of going to bed without supper when I was a kid. Same with a frozen chicken cordon bleu, but I'm still not overly fond of ham and cheese.

>> No.5718089

>being 8 years old

>> No.5718092

>Frozen fruit-encrusted tilapia. It doesn't sound so bad to me in theory right now,
How could it not sound bad?

>> No.5718096
File: 46 KB, 430x453, 1403149189024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had papaya yogurt ages ago and it was damn good. I figured one night a few years ago to try it, it was on sale. I thought it'd be like a mango and I loved mangoes.

Took one cut from it, took a taste and was turned off. Tasted the seeds and I regret the purchase. I even tried to feed it to my worm compost and I got a headache from the smell. Never again.

>> No.5718100

No, just an adult with functional tastebuds. So, what part of the midwest are you from?

>> No.5718102

Maybe not frozen. Tilapia is a pretty neutral fish and it had mango, which I like quite a bit.

Like >>5718096 I hate papaya though, and it was a tropical mix, so maybe that was it.

>> No.5718107

All hail the mighty uni!

>> No.5718108

I like bamboo's texture! Not sure if popular or unpopular opinion.

>> No.5718109

>btw i'm autistic

>> No.5718123

Why you gotta hate on the south?

>> No.5718126

At one point in my life sea urchin was the worst thing I'd ever eaten as well. Then I learned they had to be super fresh. As in pulled from the sea a matter of hours ago.

Try a fresh one, and see if that helps. These things go off so quickly that a day is the difference between delicious and rotten. I'm guessing you got a rotten one.

>> No.5718127

because you've drug the rest of the country down with you for two centuries. Oh, and because grits fucking suck and yet, you all never shut up about them.

>> No.5718131

I'm sorry to hear about that, anon. How's therapy going?

>> No.5718136

papaya is always rotten if it hasn't been very recently picked

>> No.5718138

MFW people are actually mad that someone doesn't like American Processed Cheese-like Substance. No seriously, what part of the midwest are you from?

>> No.5718145

You sound angry. Perhaps it's a lack of grits in your diet?

>> No.5718148

also, i was visiting gambia and it was really funny seeing semi-fancy ladies trying to eat it and pretending to like it.

rotten papaya literially tastes like vomit and no one cared because it was exotic

>> No.5718155

You have to have a triple digit IQ to troll, Billybob. At least your cousin thinks your clever, eh?

>> No.5718166

>You have to have a triple digit IQ to troll, Billybob.
You're proof that's not true.

>> No.5718167

I guess the only time I can eat it is if it's canned with pineapple. Not a problem. I can only suffice with certain fruits if I blend them with others(Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew). But even those are better alone than papaya.

>> No.5718259
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You did it wrong.

>> No.5718262

Sorry jimbo, but projecting your mental deficiencies onto others is not going to help here.

>> No.5718272

>noun-verb tilapia anything.
Hatd pass on garbage fish.

>> No.5718297


>> No.5718310

>tfw southern foods are trending all over the north

>> No.5718326

>mfw this faggot thinks American cheese is worse than century eggs and hakarl
You're not cool for only liking muh authentic yuropoor cheese, you pretentious babby twat.

>> No.5718364

mayonnaise and onions

>> No.5718413

pickled beets bring me back to my oma's house when my red neck uncle from alberta would bring them over, he always grew and pickled them himself
They don't taste BAD but I like them better for the feels than the taste

>> No.5718447
File: 15 KB, 500x500, sea-urchins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh. that is precisely what i hated about it.

>> No.5718457


I've given them a couple tries now. I am still not down with the uni. Fuck I even scraped one out in Hawaii myself, literally seconds out of the ocean.

>> No.5718461

Beets taste like dirt. Beginning, middle, and end of story.

>> No.5718462
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they are packed in a kind of candied geletan, I had a colored girlfriend at one point and all the children in her family ate these like candy, it makes me want to vomit

>> No.5718466


conch salad and conch fritters are fucking amazing.

I need to get some conch sashimi.

>> No.5718473

>[citation needed]
Very rarely do I see roadkill steak or fried chitlins on the menu. Stay swampy, south.

>> No.5718478

>doesnt know shit about the south

>> No.5718498

Did you have a small amount on toast with butter?

>> No.5718512

Not who you are replying to, but my name is actually Jimbo and I'm from the north.

>> No.5718514

Ausfag here, American cheese is horse shit. It isn't even allowed to be labelled as cheese. Why anyone would choose it over cheddar, mozzerella or literally anything else is beyond me.

>> No.5718544
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x1200, Halocynthia_roretzi-Sea_pineapples_at_Tsukiji_Market-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea Squirts are like drinking pure iodine.

>> No.5718553

i'd rather fake cheese than rotten shark

>> No.5718575


People who say things like this literally think that Kraft are the only makers of cheese in the country. If you just make an effort than you will find cheese to your liking.

>> No.5718582


It just melts really well on burgers. Anyone older than 13 in the US doesn't take it seriously.

>> No.5718607

>Still being this midwestern and enraged about your precious cheeze
As I said, americans can make fine cheese. I know you've played the sour grapes song so long (being a midwestern poorfag and all), but the more expensive cheeses out there really are better.

>> No.5718611

American "Cheese" is one product, and it is universally awful, no mattter what brand it is. American cheddar is fine as long as it's bandon or tillamook, and the artisan cheeses produced in America are as good or better than most cheeses produced elsewhere. And yet, you lot get offended as fuck when someone dares to suggest that the processed abomination is anything less than stellar. Why?

>> No.5718619

Right there. It melts at a low temperature and has a creamy, dairy flavor. It tastes good on a burger which, as a lump of ground meat, isn't the healthiest or classiest meal out there. A hamburger with yelliw cheese is our bangers and mash, our poutine and our brats and mustard. Quit giving do much of a shit. We know it's cheap and not real cheese.

>> No.5718622
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>> No.5718626

So does cheddar, colby, pepper jack, and countless others.

>> No.5718630

>Creamy dairy flavor
I'm beginning to suspect that americans don't know what cream tastes like.

>> No.5718638

Don't knock it til you try it!- OP

>> No.5718639

>is universally awful
>is anything less than stellar

Do you see what you did there? American cheese has it's place, not for everyone but it's pretty good for a few things. Other cheeses or "real" cheeses are higher quality and better for a lot of things and are better in every way for "almost" everything. You wont find anybody who thinks Kraft singles are better than a nicer quality cheese but it's still decent to some people for certain reasons. It's like vegimite or blood sausage or something. Suck my balls you pretentious shit.

>> No.5718642


I like offals, durian, every variety of cheese I've tried, centruy egg, every vegetable I've tried, and pretty much everything listed in this thread.

worst thing I can think of is some really bad corn gruel thing

>> No.5718645

And yet, here you are continually defending a thoroughly disgusting product, as though it was an abusive spouse.
Do you see what you are doing here?

>> No.5718649


Not as well as American cheese. It's our vegemite.

>> No.5718650

>not liking literally the worst thing to come out of america since AIDS
Flyoverbros sure are funny. Come out to the beach some time man, it'll mellow you out. We make real cheese up here, and pay people living wages. You don't have to suffer anymore

>> No.5718654

>it's pretty good for a few things.

>> No.5718656


But anon what the other anon is saying is that it isn't disgusting. Just because you wouldn't serve it at a Michelin rated restaurant doesn't mean it isn't worth eating.

>> No.5718657

was meant for>>5718639

>> No.5718659


you're quoting the wrong guy, guy

>> No.5718661

And everyone that isn't from the southern or the midwestern parts of america is agreeing that it is, in fact, fucking disgusting. While those defending it get more and more mad.

>> No.5718664


I'm in the UK and I'm defending it. It seems that you're more mad that people like something you don't.

>> No.5718665

No you aren't; and projection is unhealthy. Go figure, processed food really does cause cognitive damage.

>> No.5718671


I really am, but whether you think I'm lying or not isn't my problem. I'm sorry you just found out that everything you post on /ck/ doesn't magically become a fact. You'll get over it someday, I'm sure.

>> No.5718679

>still digging
You're not going to stop until you end up in China, are you flyoverbro? Quick tell the only one who isn't resorting to ad hominems how mad he is! Why are you insistent on defending such an abhorrent a foodstuff? Do you own Kraft stock or something?

>> No.5718680

Yeah, you're the only mad one. There are a few people who don't mind the processed shit, and rnjoy it in some circumstances. You, on the other hand, are all but rabidly foaming that people aren't choosing artisinal, ten year old cheddars, provolones and parmesans to put on their little kids turkey sandwich. Which, of course, is made with processed white bread, meat glued turkey breast, store bought mayo, and maybe a slice of iceberg. And there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5718687

Wow, straw men and ad hominems in one post! Such an honor. I'm sorry I upset you (if i'd known you have some sort of condition, i would have been more sensitive) but making the assumption that people are as filled with rage as you are is unhealthy and is probably not helped by your poor diet. I never once argued for artisanal cheese (tillamook is the 2nd best selling brand in the US for fuck's sake), but that hasn't stopped you from doing your very best to put words in my mouth and tell he how mad I am while you work yourself into a foamy lather and whip out sock puppets.

>> No.5718688


Well first you've proven that you don't know what ad hominem means. Second you've defended a man over slagging off cheese that you don't even like. Third, it sounds like you're trying really hard to get "flyoverbro" to catch on here and you're disappointed it isn't working.

I think you've done enough here, m8

>> No.5718691

I think you're confused. I'm not defending anything, my statements are correct and stand on their own merits. If that upsets you, so be it. I am tired of accommodating your condition. Why don't you have a glass of buttermilk, flyover bro. That calms you right down, right?

>> No.5718701


>I'm not defending anything
>My statements made in defense over another person's statements on processed cheese are facts
>shills flyover bro again

If you're trying to get people to not take you seriously, it's working. I'm afraid you're wasting your time if you're trying to do anything else. But hey, at least you get to take your good name with you when you leave this thread. Anonymity, right?

>> No.5718712
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>> No.5718729



>> No.5718731


that's pretty much all from the skin

>> No.5718732

That was my first post in this thread, I'm not upset ,you sound absurd and extremely upset.

I'm from Texas, all our cheese is imported, I'll live. I make a good wage and I'm not a fan of the beach but thanks for your concern.

It really is decent on some things, I like making grilled cheese, burgers and sandwiches with it sometimes, and sometimes I make the same things with other cheeses, it isn't voo doo to do both.

For the record I like almost all cheeses, just bought some feta and bleu cheese on the way home, you guys are acting pretty retarded.

>> No.5718735

quit ruining the thread you idiots

>> No.5718737

the thread only has 8 on topic images, it was never successful in the first place.

>> No.5718759

I adore it for this very reason. People say things like oysters tasting of the sea, fish smelling of the ocean, but these kinds of comments are hyperboles. Eating uni is an experience and remembrance of actually going to the seaside, first driving up and smelling the salty air, the aroma that arises from digging farther and farther down into the sand, the splash of seawater on your face, and all the clarity you get from diving down and recovering to the surface.

>> No.5718817

Maybe someone will help me with this one, but as I can still remember the taste and texture, I cannot recall the name.

We have some family friends who are indian, when I was little I was given a cake to try, *Note, I specifically remember it being canned, as they found it funny that they could get it in a can."
I have never been one for sweets, but this think put me off them for life. It was sickly, drenched in a syrup that was as sweet as it was floral tasting, the cake itself looked like a sponge cake, but the texture begged to differ.

It was like eatting a sponge, a real sponge, it was squeaky agaisnt the teeth and bounced back after you bit down.

Hands down the worst thing I have ever eatten

>> No.5718823

Maybe a canned treacle cake? I used to get those in foil packages for camping.

>> No.5718857

I posted >>5717832. I've never had papaya from a tin. Nor have I ever had a rotten papaya. I just really, really dislike it for some reason. It has that same basementy flavour passionfruit has. While passionfruit tastes like a sour basement, papaya tastes like a sweet one. Neither is any less disgusting.

I like green papaya, though.

>> No.5718859

Oops. Sorry. I didn't post >>5717832, sorry. I posted >>5717660. Maybe the tinned one will be less offensive.

>> No.5718863

Whelk story guy here. Yeah, conch is amazing.

So, yeah, a lot like whelks.

>> No.5718875 [DELETED] 


From a can

>> No.5718877
File: 9 KB, 224x225, ohnonatto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like strongly flavored things (stinky cheese, pickled herring, chopped liver, a fair amount of offal).

but I met my match with natto (pic related).

anyone here like this stuff? i'm actually intrigued by the challenge

also I can eat tripe but i really can't say i like it

>> No.5718886

nobody eat this shit here in japan because they enjoy it
people only eat it because "muh culture"

>> No.5718888


culture is only bad when it's someone elses, amirite?

>> No.5718893

The very first bite I had of natto was delicious. Sweet, caramely, chewy, fragrant and wonderful. Every bite onwards was downhill and tasted more and more like socks. I don't like it but I can imagine that it's just something you get used to.

>> No.5718894

why was this even invented

>> No.5718903

It's an acquired taste. Kinda craving some myself right now, actually. Toss some green onions and some nori in there and it's golden.

>> No.5718905

this guy is a fucking retard, holy shit.
>muh elitism
>you can't like what I don't like
>amurricans must have mutated testebuds from all that bovine growth hormone
>tfw I'm a britbong defending american cheese

I never thought I'd be doing that, but you're dumb enough that I feel the need. Fuck.

>> No.5718913

They could use that as props for alien food in a sci-fi series.

>> No.5718919

corn pops suspended in spiderwebs?

>> No.5718922


>food is in the filename
>anon mentions the food name in his actual post

How did you still not manage to know what that is

>> No.5719036


> tfw much of my diet is sardines, anchovies, liverwurst, kimchi, blue cheese, and offal from the butcher

>> No.5719054

I'm from the south and I don't hate the south. I just hate some of the food.

>> No.5719058

>from le american south
>doesn't like scuppernongs
>presumably still lives there and therefore has easy access to these delectable deliciosities
Hey, if you don't like them, send them to me! We don't have them in my home country but I live in America right now (up norff) and find them from time to time at East/Southeast Asian grocers. I would bludgeon a newborn for a lifetime supply of'em.

>> No.5721279
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Had this in China, was sharing a table with Chinese students and tried one without knowing what it was. The two Chinese students next to me say "you know you just ate duck tongue right?" Tasted pretty good though

>> No.5721281

>worst food youve ever eaten
did you even read the title of the thread

>> No.5721311

It's an acquired taste. The first time one or two times I had bamboo I hated it but now I love the stuff (at least when it's cooked and flavored right).
It's also super healthy.

>> No.5721434

Ate massive amounts of shrimp, then had a bad reaction to it hours later & swelled up. Spent the night at the hospital. Had some of those taco bell Chipotle Chicken burritos & threw up cause of some nose hair in it.

The shrimp one wasn't the bad, it was pretty good.

>> No.5721466

>Tfw you can't get eel in your town
Kill me

>> No.5721476

This fucking soft, cave rippened Italian cheese I bought at Wegmans. Literally tasted like how dirty, moldy gym socks smelled. I tried to find a way to enjoy it. I did not find one.

>> No.5721524

I'm not sure if this actually counts as food or not. I was refreshing my bug out bag and needed to replace 7 days worth of food for 2 people. MREs are expensive, and I saw these things at the store for $1 so I thought "Fuck it, it's only $1. How bad could it possibly be?"

I understand now why it's a $1, but I don't understand how they could sell enough of these to justify continuing to produce them. The amount of fat and salt in the damn thing, plus the absolutely disgusting taste, ugh.

>> No.5721525
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>> No.5721607

It's called a rasgulla if its white or gulab jamun if its black/brown.
I don't like the floral tasting ones. But some are pretty good. You get mini versions of those called rasbhari which are pretty damn good, but you can get sick of them pretty quickly. Oh and a hot gulab jamun + vanilla ice cream is amazing

>> No.5721608
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>> No.5721609

Sea urchins are delicious, you cretin

>> No.5721613
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>> No.5721618
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a live grub picked from a poppy plant
it sent me into a trance
when I came out of it
I was changed

>> No.5721623
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>> No.5721628

what a sissy

>> No.5721631

No fuck you.
Fried earthworms taste better than that shit

>> No.5721650

well, you're eating it wrong. I lived in japan and traveled to many of the smaller islands, one day I met a sea urchin fisher, harvesting them on the rocks.
you cut off the bottom, then shack out all the guts and shit showing in your picture, and left are 5 tiny strips of muscle that are very tasty and considered a delicacy,

>> No.5721653

Fried anything tastes good, your argument is irrelevant

>> No.5721989

Oh shit. I remember seeing one my Cambodian cartoon characters eat it and I thought it looked like filth. It looked like beans that someone spat all over and it looked shit, even though i'm looking at a fucking animation.

>> No.5722025


I got this on a whim at a Japanese restaurant once.

I was surprised at the first bite, but liked it once I thought of it as its own thing and stopped associating it with beans. Breddy gud.

Of course, I like marmite/vegemite, black licorice, and a lot of other foods that most people don't like. Probably explains it.

>> No.5722166

but that's what seafood is supposed to taste like. almost all seafood has that exact basic flavor profile and subtle differences based on diet and metabolism.

do you also not care for oysters?

>> No.5722168

>worst foods
>tasted pretty good

what is reading comprehension

>> No.5722202

I don't know if it counts as food but one time I went camping with a lot of friends when I was a teenager, we killed cooked and ate like 20 snakes, it was pretty gross to be honest.

>> No.5724446

my nigga

>> No.5724449

The woman in charge of the daycare I went force fed me beets, I haven't been able to eat them since

>> No.5724467

It doesn't taste bad(without any additives, just tastes like refried beans), but the texture is like a lumpy loogie.

>> No.5724481
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I was at some fancy dinner thing once and these things were on a platter to eat as an entree kind of thing.
Everyone else was chowing down on them and loving them.
I put one in my mouth and bit down on it and gagged and had to spit it out on a plate in front of my boss and the clients he was trying to impress.

>> No.5724489

The only thing I can think of is quail eggs. I had some in some sort of south east-asian jungle noodle dish a relative prepared when I was a kid and started puking immediately. Haven't tried them again since. This is the only food that I feel this way about.

>> No.5724493

What the fuck. Those looked like cockroaches or some shit at first glance

>> No.5724496

What was in them?

>> No.5724500

I don't like dolma at all either

>> No.5724507

I think it was just some flavored rice or something, it was more the taste of the leaf that stopped me in my tracks. I only bit down on it and didn't get any further then that.

>> No.5724515

Did you get fired? Why didn't you bring a napkin up to your mouth and spit it in there?

>> No.5724519

I still work for the same boss so no, I just wasn't ready for it to taste the way did. It really made my stomach turn.

>> No.5724522
File: 695 KB, 2182x1356, sticky-rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it was just sticky/glutinous rice wrapped with a banana leaf? You're supposed to peel off the leaf before you eat it.

>> No.5724533

I think it was a leaf from a grape vine soaked in something, you don't unwrap it either everyone else was just picking them up and eating them.

>> No.5724549
File: 173 KB, 1600x1110, 3fd82db9-756d-4a41-9440-b80217036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nasty shit.

>> No.5724654


Holy shit that looks delicious. The best sushi I ever had was eel sushi.

>> No.5724677

It's packed full of nutrients.


>> No.5724730

Sounds like grape leaf dolma. I don't like it either but I've always assumed it's because I've never had a good one.

>> No.5724755

What the hell? I may the from north europe, but beets is fucking awesome.

>> No.5724758

>fruit salad? what's wrong with...
>all canned fruit
are those marshmallows

>> No.5724760


Maybe you just can't make them right, but pickled red beet is awesome, I could eat it by the bucket.

>> No.5724769

I think that's ambrosia.

>> No.5725014

having a beetroot on your burger is the way to go mate.

>> No.5725034

Never had a fresh slice of beetroot on my boigah, only pickled. It's indeed glorious. A local burger boutique (wish I was joking) offers a burger called a 'bleeding cyclops'. The burger is topped with a slice of pickled beetroot and an egg over-easy. Guess the yolk is supposed to represent the mono-optic monster of myth and the beetroot the blood.
It's pretty good, IMO.

>> No.5725050
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1363571463482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad life you must lead

>> No.5725070

>what is bircher müsli

>> No.5725085

you and i are forever kin.

Fuck the haters, sea urchins are the best thing i have ever eaten.

>> No.5725111

Definitely Inari. Disgusting

>> No.5725189

I thought I hated sea urchin for a long time buit it turns out the first time I had it it wasnt fresh or just not good. I had it recently and its amazing.

also, like >>5717514
fuck sea squirts

>> No.5725218

As a vegetarian living in Japan I didn't get to taste a lot of Japanese dishes but I at least wanted to give natto a try. Surprisingly I liked it and I pretty much ate it everyday at breakfast.

>> No.5725485

I'm from TX and I agree, love beets, one of my friends hates them and another had never tried them and liked them, I eat them straight from the jar when im lazy.

>> No.5725515 [DELETED] 

srs? I love stuffed grape leaves. What was so offensive about them?

>> No.5725525

Undercooked it's disgusting, well cooked bamboo tastes pretty good imo. I just wouldn't put too much of it in a dish. It works well in thai curry though.

>> No.5725538

any video?

>> No.5725543

are u ch

>> No.5725545

Say whatever you want, that shit isn't cheese. It just isn't.

>> No.5725550

>what is bircher müsli
if it's canned fruit and marshmallows, not good?

>> No.5725604

Looks like grape leaves. Pretty gross.

>> No.5725682
File: 13 KB, 250x203, sambugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op I have tried that (sea urchin)and did not like it some other notable try it you will like it stuff caviar be it beluga or salmon, crawdads. catfish or tilapia,sardines with guts, most white wines over hoped beer, rare poultry or creasy greens ( they grow in idle corn fields and smell like a neglected aquarium).. and carrots despite bugs bunny It would not hurt my feelings to never see a carrot again.also not fond of eggplant. and if i never see tequila or tecate again, be ok with me. and durian.Not that picky. I was taught you ate what was provided and be grateful. Mom & Dad. If you don't like it don't eat it, but nothing else until tomorrow morning

>> No.5725800
File: 22 KB, 500x437, 34999619zFy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shol not be saying this, but my sister and brother in law , both 10 years older then me and still alive(i calm yer jets gammer nazis) you are supposed to eat at defined times grassin id nice but will kik kill you dead

>> No.5725838


They're stuffed grape leaves and there are lots of people that genuinely like them believe it or not.
I personally don't care for them very much but for me it's not so bad that I'd have to spit them out.

>> No.5725971

m... my partner eats marmite just about every day...

>> No.5725991

what? are you me?

>> No.5726022

i read a recipe for it online and almost threw up

>> No.5726041
File: 352 KB, 346x800, 1349470818-1349470818-DV001-4311501309773-PER-0--0-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauerkraut juice...

>> No.5726100


Fuck you faggot, those are awesome. Fuck you and fuck your taste buds!

>> No.5726143

You should try it fermented.

>> No.5726159


sounds like it might be good in a cocktail. maybe a dirty martini or bloody mary.

>> No.5726270

Bamboo shoots are generally fermented to some degree, Anon, or boiled in several changes of water because they are both toxic and tough otherwise.

>> No.5726273

Tastes bad; not terribad but worse than neutral.
But it's godly against hangover.

>> No.5726285

Pig kidneys. Reek with piss.

>> No.5726290


eel is so good! Rich for fish, fatty, and sweet. If it was reasonable my diet would comprise of this almost daily.

>> No.5726297



tru dat. Although the only time I had it I was at a sushi place that I don't really like all to much.

>> No.5726328

African boar meat.
>imagine licking an old shoe factory. not the shoes, the factory itself. old leather dust.

Rose turkish delight
>tasted exactly like rose-scented soap.

>> No.5726340
File: 40 KB, 640x640, trashcan-99118_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cheese has it's place,

Yes, it does. Pic related.

>> No.5726349

You had some poor quality kidneys, Anon. Piss-poor.
While I don't /like/ offal, I can tolerate the stuff if it's of decent quality.

>> No.5726364

Beets are okay if prepared right.

Boiled, grated beets with horseradish make excellent salad; horseradish kills the earthy scent entirely and without it the taste is actually pretty nice.

Borsch made with young beets is very nice, they don't gain that dirt taste yet, and make for a pretty nice soup.

It's just idiots who serve old big beets without anything to hide the scent of dirt that make people believe beets are useless and terrible. You could just as well serve a brick of ground pork boiled in water with no spices, leading them to believe all pork, including fried bacon is terrible.

>> No.5726442

What is that, a pot? You're saying it belongs in a soup?

>> No.5726461

Yes, if you say so. Bon apetit!

>> No.5726505

I went to an indian restaurant once and got some goat meat dish, and it was really fucking unsettling. There was way too much cumin used in it, and it also had a strange sweet flavor. I finished it because I didn't want to waste my money, but man, it was a struggle.

Also when I shit the next day it smelled exactly the same as the food did. I don't know if that's a good thing.

>> No.5726532
File: 247 KB, 640x480, crudo-menudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can do is shake my head and say, "White people." You obviously haven't had menudo.

>> No.5726537

Cumin worked its magic. Keeps farts from getting overly stinky.

>> No.5726543
File: 47 KB, 300x300, prepared-squid-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry squid with a fuck ton of MSG.

>> No.5726554

>Still buying MREs for BOBs

Honestly though if you can stomach MREs, why cant you fucking stomach little shitty trays of instant meals?

>> No.5726573


I was an exchange student in Brazil and I drank from the tap. Even the locals were like "wtf crazy gringo". Never got sick

>> No.5726587
File: 180 KB, 500x500, Hebrew-National-Franks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5726610

>Beef tripe

Your food is shit, now go back to tumblr

>> No.5726879

Apricots. Fuck apricots. Nasty little wrinkly things that have the texture of a moldy orange and taste incredibly bland.

>Also when I shit the next day it smelled exactly the same as the food did.
That happens whenever I eat curry.

>> No.5726898

>buying anything with the word 'hebrew' on it

apricots are great, are you a woman?

>> No.5727005
File: 199 KB, 1600x1067, TropicalAmbrosiaSalad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Lutherans have terrible taste and their opinion that everything is better with jello, mayonaise, and baked into a caserole makes their opinions on food invalidated. At least this shit has real, albeit canned, fruit in it. Have you ever had ambrosia? Food of the gods my ass. Slabs of Jello in sickly-saccharine marshmallow cream. They make savory versions, too; multi-coloured chunks of chicken and macaroni suspended in a disgusting pool of Miracle Whip. What is it with them and naming things after divine bullshit when that food is far from divine.

>> No.5727029

those are good. i like dodger dogs better

>> No.5727112

That's like reverse tentacle rape

>> No.5727131

>these faggots who think kraft is "american cheese"

No you fucking idiots, kraft is a fake ass piece of shit.

American is real cheese, and it's a good mild cheese to have on a burger or something.

>> No.5727179


he's probably only had drought apricots. I grew up with apricot trees, they were always stupidly juicy and very sweet. The wrinkling and sourness comes from poor watering, the tree is not getting enough water.

>> No.5727770

I worked at a jewish bakery. The bulk packs of these goddamn things had so many flies and so much debris that we had to stop carrying them. They taste good, but their sanitation practices make them inedible.

>> No.5727781

Why have it any other than pickled?

Anyway in Ausland its pickled only.

>> No.5727787

The first time I was wondering what I was doing, but the more I had it the more I loved it.
Anyway fuck you man, I just had dinner and the inner obese in me wants to go reach for a pack of this out of the fridge

>> No.5727792

You probably had a shitty pickled one, not a fresh warm one.

Either way I scarf them both. I think they taste better when they're double the size, non-Greek sized.

>> No.5727793

but the packaging is so cute

>> No.5727900

It tastes like the smell of diethyl ether (like petrol and stale cigar butts)

>> No.5727942

I love the smell of Et2O, but I don't remember durian tasting like that.

>> No.5727990

you like the smell of ether? you are in the minority dude. Its the only thing from stopping me from getting high as fuck off it

>> No.5728555

just make an aroma cocktail or some shit, like sniff some fruit zest or something along with the ether

>> No.5728578
File: 6 KB, 320x180, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1408561111546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that?

>> No.5728601

Uni nigiri was probably one of the richest creamiest tasting foods I have ever eaten. Good uni isn't something I can eat a lot of but damn it tastes good

>> No.5728720

Are you telling us you don't like sea urchins in general or you're referring in some weird type of urchin/ weird preparation? Because if you don't like sea urchins in general you're officially a faget, people here beat eachothers just to have the right to eat them

>> No.5728827

>afraid of beetroots

>> No.5728856


>> No.5728859

jesus christ, who the fuck would eat those things

>> No.5729135

Haha nope.

>> No.5729139

papaya is only good as a juice or yogurt

>> No.5729165

vegetarian meat replacement chicken kievs filled with fake vegan cheese, actually

they were fried, so they were oily slabs of... uh, lab meat with little flavour.

i'm biased on this question, because i'm allergic to pork (makes me projectile vomit, have been hospitalised over minor cross-contamination before) so the absolute worst thing i can think of in my mouth is bacon. the smell grosses me out, the taste makes me panic, and i don't like curls of fat.

>> No.5729183

>childhood trama
Probably from when you pissed what appeared to be blood

>> No.5729345

>I'm beginning to suspect that americans don't know what cream tastes like.
You are correct. People say they like cream and then prefer cool whip, and you should try what passes as butter here. Not even talking about the tubs of margerine shit, three quarters of out "butter" sticks taste like 1/10th of the product they claim to be, can't even be assed to get something close to the proper color either.

>our bangers and mash, our poutine and our brats and mustard. Quit giving do much of a shit. We know it's cheap and not real cheese.
Just shut the fuck up, you like it, fine. But don't just compare it to arbitrary things that aren't analogous. You're completely wrong and if you're not trolling you are a complete moron.

>> No.5729353
File: 43 KB, 400x284, Golumpki 5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit ruined cabbage for me. My Polish grandma made this shit all the time and it made the whole house reek for days.

But at least she made paczki too. Still my favorite food that probably shortened my life by 10 years.

>> No.5729367

I was reading this thread, not intending to post.

Then I saw this post. This shit is fucking vile. How anyone enjoys it I will never know. And on toast? Ugh! Yeast on top of toast.

There are strange and unappealing foods that I can tolerate and even start to enjoy, but I will never try this or vegemite again.

>> No.5729576

I can't think about anything I found really gross
as a kid I hated some stuff but that does not really count
and I can't eat mushrooms because of the texture, but the taste is amazing, so I wouldnt call it gross either

>> No.5729613

Dad used to slap me until I ate what was on my dish. He'd also have the dog watch me and wouldn't allow me to get up as long as my dish wasn't empty.

I generally dislike onions but he forced me to eat them which then spread to a lot of other food.

That's why I still can't eat most normal and common food, not even fruits.

The worst food I ate was a premade Nasi Goreng from a corner shop's freezer

>> No.5731363


>> No.5731425


what a baby

>> No.5731490
File: 27 KB, 537x450, wurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vas purdy gut.

>> No.5731492
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 0003068485080_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad these were mentioned. Hate this food.
>tfw polish grandmothers
Yeah, mine made that too. She called them pigs in a blanket, I thought they were gross and lived up to their name. She also had a habit of boiling everything.

I guess for me it's pic related. I have a vivid memory about this incident.
I got a craving for them as a preteen because I remembered liking the texture when I was served them in restaurants. So I got a can of them out of the pantry and started to eat them. Suddenly I got massively sick and started puking everywhere. I was sick for like a week.
Whenever I smell or see a water chestnut now I'm taken back to that point in time.

>> No.5731494

Tomatoes. I can't eat them raw. I can't eat them boiled. I can eat them fried/cooked/grilled with other things though, and I can eat them in burgers.

Also, wasabi.

>> No.5731515

Can't agree with you more, OP.
Urchin is fucking disgusting and you have a horrible palate if you find it appealing.
Not only is it disgusting in appearance looking like neon tongue, but it has a gross paste-like texture.
The flavor is awful but not necessarily surprising, it's just the fact that some people find the taste pleasant to be the surprising part.
It basically tastes like concentrated ocean, like honestly what do you expect from something that spends its entire life filtering the bottom of the sea, salt water moosh paste.
Fucking gross.

>> No.5731529
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 80134084_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to strangle my roommate for buying that shit every time we went to the mall, it smells fucking foul.
Almost exactly the same smell (and gag effect) that Tetra fish flakes have.

>> No.5731549

You can feed that to your sea monkies

>> No.5731798
File: 51 KB, 600x594, 583abbc4-47b4-4bfd-824d-e6748ba996b2_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to sneak eating fish food as a kid
>now also love dried squid snacks
You made it make sense, anon.

>> No.5733775


>> No.5734028
File: 21 KB, 422x348, kraft_easy_mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to eat pasta 3 times a week in my household, all different kinds with all sorts of sauces, including a homemade cheese sauce, and so I'd never eaten Easy Mac before.

I swear every person I know RAVES about this shit, but when I finally tried it for the first time at a friends house, I almost threw up after trying to eat more than 2 spoonfuls. It tasted like old cream in water with shitty pasta and not a hint of cheese taste, yet my friend still raved and ate all of his and my unfinished bowl.

Is it just something that poor or people who aren't used to eating proper pasta love, or?

>> No.5734059

call me a fag but, i guess, brussel sprouts on taste.

on just fucking disgusting, a silk worm. yippee marrying in to a mainland chinese family...fuck me...

only had one. that was enough.

>> No.5734065

i like that now, like i like natto...it took me a long time to develop a liking to it.

as to why i bothered developing a liking for them, i have no clue. i just did it.

>> No.5734072

>Is it just something that poor or people who aren't used to eating proper pasta love, or?
just for people/kids who think if something is salty or sweet, it's good

>> No.5734076

you'd have to be insane to consider it even pasta, but it does taste kinda good, like having a crappy mcdonalds burger. sure some people think it is amazing, but i think most just enjoy it for what it is. a cheap meal made of crap but admittedly tasty to an acceptable amount.

>> No.5736178
File: 43 KB, 360x353, tmp_8937-1408592075145-1475098868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of what i hewrd is that we switched over to it during either right before the wartime period or during it so we could use our resorces better. You ate it because you were proud of your country. For whatever reason the cheese indystry just kinda tanked and most people dont realy know the difference, because cheese gets pricy in some areas for poorfag americants. Tgeres also either tax breaks or tax credits involved in making the "american cheese". Also procesed cheese isnt just american brits and i think the french have it.

>> No.5736188

Its mostly people that dont know any better.

>> No.5737006


>last name is beets
>Hate beets

Why was I cursed with this existence?

>> No.5737022

what the kek
pickled beetroot is fantastic

>> No.5737023

>still thinks people give a shit about grits and hushpuppies

>> No.5737028

>being this buttmad that no one likes american "cheese"

>> No.5737032

You are just proving your ignorance.

>> No.5737036

I'm from the south, you retard. People like you are the reason I left. There is nothing special about fried everything and sausage gravy, and the koreans do better BBQ, and the PNW has better seafood. Get over it. Let me guess, you still think the North started the war, just like they taught you in school, right?

>> No.5737038

You sound like an Uncle Tom.

>> No.5737051
File: 200 KB, 670x447, 670px-Cook-Black-Pudding-Step-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying not to laugh when i bring black pudding to christmas breakfast and everyone struggles to eat it
makes my day

>> No.5737057 [DELETED] 

You've never actually read that or any other book in you're life, have you, billybob?

>> No.5737059

So, add that to the list of books you've never read, then?

>> No.5737063

They did start the war b/c they didnt want the south to secede.

>> No.5737068

the woman had never even been to the south, its just propaganda

>> No.5737069

So, the north fired the opening shots at Ft. Sumter? Intriguing, tell me more.

>> No.5737075

You DID remember to wash off the insides in salt water, didn't you?

The stuff is covered in bile but you wash the bile off first.

>> No.5737076

>Implying the southern US is not a third world country

>> No.5737079

>it continues to be mass produced just because it's the tool of a practical joke
>other people dont enjoy things that I assume are gross

I live in the US south, some people probably think it would be gross and a "joke" or dare for someone to eat pickled pigs feet. But some old timers actually enjoy it. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.5737080

no but the northern troops did refuse to leave the fort that was in the newly formed CSA. itd be like letting the brits keep occupying forts after america became independent.

its not a country and if it was a country it wouldnt be third world

also the airport in atlanta is the busiest in the country

>> No.5737083
File: 133 KB, 257x245, skywarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you don't get out much.

I went to an international market for marmite and Vegemite to try both. Marmite was alright but Vegemite I found out a really enjoyed.

Then, hipsters happened.

Suddenly that eleven dollar jar of Vegemite turned into a NINETEEN dollar jar of Vegemite.

>> No.5737085

>Implying that means anything besides the fact that georgia gives big business generous tax breaks.

>> No.5737088

The CSA was never a legitimate government. Why would government troops recognize their authority? That attack was an act of terrorism.

>> No.5737092

Holy shit. What are you crying about?

>> No.5737095
File: 315 KB, 528x384, megatronwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I almost missed my flight looking at all the NASA shit.

I ain't proud of that. But they had a laser thingy!

>> No.5737097
File: 339 KB, 2000x1237, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no, How would the south be considered third world again?

>> No.5737104

>highest crime rates
>highest incidences of corruption
>lowest access to healthcare and education
>highest teen birth rates
I don't know why anyone would call it a third world country, jethro, beyond the fact that they have eyes and a brain.

>> No.5737107
File: 81 KB, 732x406, 1382858413746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Ambrosia? I love me some o-
>Canned Cherries

Yeah that'll stop me in my tracks. People are so fucking lazy, I can understand canned pears and pineapple, but lazy fucks who use canned cherries oranges and that many marshmallows should be slapped.

>> No.5737111

I can see you are both ignorant and a fool, possibly even a bigot. Have a nice evening.

>> No.5737119

>all of what you have said is true, and I know this, so have an ad hominem.
FTFY bro.

>> No.5737125

Not at all I just know that no matter what I show you you'll never change your position so there is no point.

>> No.5737127

You're both retarded for arguing on 4chan.

>> No.5737130

>I know that what you have said is true, but I can't come to terms with it.



>> No.5737132

You're retarded for thinking that samefaggery ever worked.

>> No.5737145

>not knowing that those state also have the largest amount of blacks
>not knowing 13% of the population commits over half of all violent crime.

>> No.5737159

>i-i-it's not our fault, it's those damn darkies!
Because racism has worked out so well for you lot. Were you born this way or did this level of ignorance take years of diligence?

>> No.5737162

>ignoring facts
I was actually heavily against racism growing up

>> No.5737166

Lots of the US(and the world) are racist.

>> No.5737168


>> No.5737173


>> No.5737178

It tastes like someone mixed tobasco and salt into expired fish.

>> No.5737181

Black people are poor. Poor people commit crimes.

White people are comparatively not poor. Not poor people don't commit as much crime.

Why is this you might ask.
Read this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns,_Germs,_and_Steel

>> No.5737234
File: 305 KB, 1024x921, 1370915529841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5737255
File: 4 KB, 300x168, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 46
>take wife and kids on vacation to bahamas for xmas
>son bored, would rather play phone games than hang out with dad
>hear about delicious stew the locals love
>spend hours catching a shit ton of whelks to show son that dad can put food on the table
>labor for hours to give the family a good meal
>house wreaks of iodine an hour in. start to regret choice
>family eats stew out of respect, my son looks disgusted

anon i just want to be a part of your life

i miss how it was when you were younger...

>> No.5737295

If those bastards seceded again, we'd probably lose our title as the second fattest country.

>> No.5737352

>being this mad on a food board

>> No.5737388

I wish eel was large enough to carve out steaks out of.
Damn I love eating eel

>> No.5738214

Dolmades are awesome you faggot.

>> No.5738714

sounds like my ex

>> No.5738798
File: 47 KB, 250x250, 250px-011Metapod[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
