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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 789 KB, 636x637, Tar tar of Danish beef with celery and black ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5715279 No.5715279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I gotta post some pics of this crap they are serving at what is considered the "worlds greatest restaurant"

first up is:

Tar tar of Danish beef with celery and black ants

>> No.5715280


They've been "the world's greatest restaurant" for years now. No one cares, get fucked.

>> No.5715281
File: 546 KB, 636x640, Roasted baby cucumber with ants and scallop fudge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next up:

Roasted baby cucumber with ants and scallop fudge

>> No.5715285

>Tar tar

>> No.5715288
File: 583 KB, 636x638, BBQ'd summer onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your burnt onion, as a meal.

24 courses of shit... $280

>> No.5715289

I can't taste it so I won't judge.

>> No.5715290

Got a mexican lollipop at a truck stop once that had ants in it.... haven't eaten it yet.

Wonder how they taste.

>> No.5715294

>Noma is a two Michelin star restaurant
>"world's greatest restaurant"
>these pictures
Is this some sort of post-post-ironic cuisine?

>> No.5715296


>Gizmodo instagram faggotry

Go home, OP.

>> No.5715308

The whole reason they serve it is that beef tartar needs some acid and there's no citrus that grows natively in Scandinavia...that's where the ants come in with their formic acid. Completely in opposition to what the reasoning side of my brain was telling me, I absolutely loved the ants. They were these little bursts of intense flavor. We all decided that if people could get past the idea of eating ants that this would be the world's favorite snack food.

>> No.5715309
File: 62 KB, 480x320, 165230118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else suspect david chang was being fictitious when dealing with that noma faggot?

he was only pretending to be impressed. i had a feeling he secretly hated the guy and his dishes.

>> No.5715311



>> No.5715316

Is this shit legit

looks like shit

>> No.5715319


I think Chango realized that he was completely outclassed. Here's Redzepi, practically the next Adria, and what has Chang contributed to the world of cuisine? A fucking pork bun?

>> No.5715339

I don't get it. People pay good money for this shit?

>> No.5715372

It's not a tartar, beef look strange, and serisously ants its flavourless, its really not the best restaurant in the world, just a magazine named "restaurant" ( british mag please, and u know how english cook... ) have choosen.. so its really not the best restaurant on the world, and for finish, look what's happen on "noma" at 12 february 2013.. its just a kind

>> No.5715387
File: 302 KB, 801x577, korea_strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Chang pisses me off. Koreans pretending their cuisine is so great, when what they're really doing is stealing better recipes from other countries to make shit korean food better.

>> No.5715411

Will you guys ever get it into your blockheads that these types of dishes aren't about food consumption but for the tasting experience? It's like listening to free jazz, it can be irritating and unnerving but some people like just that..

>> No.5715414

Nothing can be said to rationalize this shit >>5715288

>> No.5715415

Since when is getting the best produce and treating it well without too much froofroo and bullshit not acceptable anymore?

>> No.5715416

But for $280?

>> No.5715418

Since these "chefs" burnt it.

>> No.5715420

Imagine the job interivew.

Can you burn an onion?
I burn everything in the kitchen.


>> No.5715424

>Noma has been named best restaurant in the world!

To give you diarrhea?

>> No.5715426

Its one of probably 50 courses, dont get your panties in a fucking bunch.
If you dont think that onion is cooked to perfection you might want to get tested for autism.

Trolling aside, everyone who isnt a retard realizes that noma has one of the highest standards in the world and that dishes probably spend months in the test kitchen before getting served as a part of the actual menu.

Im guessing this might be a bit beyond the grasp of neckbeards who have just started preparing ramen and frozen pizza

>> No.5715431
File: 113 KB, 476x544, 1407709757972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy raw meat and ants
>I enjoy burnt cucumber covered in ants
>I enjoy burnt onion

>> No.5715440
File: 10 KB, 259x194, noma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer deer, snails, chanterelles, forests shoots and sheeps milk mousse

>> No.5715443


I remember the video with the rotten carrot cooked in a pan.

It's hilarious and saddening how these primped up con artists and kaufman style bluffs end up far more successful than most people who are sincerely masters of their craft and trying to deliver the best experience.

Basically- This is part of the reason all "artsy" disciplines are laughed at, including food culture at large. Because the average human being sees them as idiotic scams where gullible people are sold two droplets of a reduction next to a husk of stale bread and pay hundreds for the "privilege"

There are far too many people with more money than sense who want to appear to look refined/genius /tasteful while being utterly clueless. And they will buy into idiotic things like Noma while I bet the "Chef" goes home and laughs himself silly at the shit he's managing to make these idiots ram down their throats for over $100 a plate.

That is, unless he's already high off of the smell of his own asshole and truly believes his own hype that he's some refined gourmet ultra genius like so many other snake oil salesman cum "visionaries".

>> No.5715445


Ah yes. The "You just don't get it maaaan!" Defense.

Utilized by faggy artists and dropouts since the 60s.

>> No.5715446

>I remember the video with the rotten carrot cooked in a pan.

>> No.5715447


they aren't con artists, they genuinely try to be innovative and create delicious food. it's not $100 a plate. the carrot wasn't rotten. less people laugh at 'artsy disciplines' than you think.

>> No.5715448



>> No.5715449





Yeah, the people who aren't laughing are the ones being conned.

>> No.5715453


i already told you, they aren't being conned.

>> No.5715459

Ants are tastier than people think.

>> No.5715462

>he says it tastes like lawn clippings

>> No.5715464


"Suckered" might be a more appropriate term to use. Since conning implies getting something that isn't quite what you asked or paid for.

Suckering you with a hauty illusion of food culture with bare minimum effort parody food isn't a con if it's presented to you at face value. I apologize for saying they are being conned then.

>> No.5715466

That was the sorrel leaves wasn't it?

>> No.5715470


This man must be a fucking legend amongst his friends.

>I bet you can't make a guy eat a old ass carrot
>I bet you money I can. And make him wait two hours for it.

This guy must be a fucking trip to drink with without his fake "front" persona going.

>> No.5715472

>video has 4 times more likes than dislikes

fuck this gay earth

>> No.5715475

This is basically parody, right? Parody that people think is legitimate "art"?

>> No.5715478


the effort is not the traditional effort you'd find in a restaurant, but it's there - for a start, much of they produce they use is foraged, and the menu is subject to constant change. much of their time is spent preserving these ingredients or finding ways to process them to best bring out their flavour. there is value in this.

personally i do look at the burnt onion dish and think only a bellend would think the thing has commercial appeal, but you know what, i haven't tried it. but noma is undeniably unique and the experience is not easy to reproduce, as it's the product of years of compounded experience, creative research and unconventional sourcing of ingredients.

another thing i don't like is that hen's egg dish, because i find it patronising that they expect the diner to be excited to cook their own egg. and they give you a fucking timer.

>> No.5715480

Fuck these threads. Whether it's wine or dining it's always the same retarded bullshit, some smart asses drone on and on about how these things can't possibly be worth that much, people are being conned (insert lotsa crocodile tears here), it's 'artsy and faggy' and if you try to explain it's 'you're defensive'. In the end you guys are just a bunch of burger munching poorfags who couldn't even afford it. So what.

>> No.5715483
File: 28 KB, 494x358, 2523887-7720717482-e496c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5715486

>look, mom, I'm shitposting again xD

>> No.5715487

I think you're looking at it the wrong way. What this guy is doing with food is defiant to the natural order of things. He's cooking things that most of us generally say, "dude, don't cook that." How do they taste? Dunno. Haven't been there. But what's important here is the way he is looking at food. To me it's like... punk rock. Sure, the Sex Pistols had very little talent, but it was the way they played bratty, simplistic music that sparked a movement. Any motherfucker can cook an ant, but did you think of it? Hell no. We're still stuck on veal stock, and vinaigrettes, and despite our claims that Escoffier is a dinosaur, we still follow his rules. This guy breaks those rules. That's what matters: the breaking of the rules. Would I pay 300 bucks for his food? Nope. But at least he's breaking the rules.

>> No.5715489
File: 456 KB, 1200x1467, 1389050546853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Y-you just can't afford it!
>You lack v-vision!

And the same idiots come in and try and call people idiots/plebs/poor at every perceived attack on their refined and brilliant lifestyles.

But I'll tell you what. They aren't the ones paying hundreds of dollars to eat garbage off of the forest floor.

>> No.5715491

>Sex Pistols sparked punk rock

>> No.5715494

>hey aren't the ones paying hundreds of dollars to eat garbage off of the forest floor.

>he doesn't like field mushrooms

>> No.5715495

Ugh. I was making a sweeping generalization for the purpose of explanation. The Sex Pistols and the Ramones were the ones that got noticed first. That's the point, you lovable 4channer.

>> No.5715496
File: 33 KB, 584x386, 1335786759245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen fuckwit, if that's your best retort it's better to say nothing at all. We have standards around here.

>> No.5715497


Punk rock was try hard audio trash spawned by spoiled affluent brats who liked to pretend that they were the rebellious downtrodden underdogs.

Perfect analog there, actually.

>> No.5715499

Yes. That was my point.

>> No.5715501

But cooking ants has been done in the 3rd world for millennia yet some how he is the bad boy breaking all the rules? Give me a break. More like cultural theft passed off as creativity.

>> No.5715502

>perceived attack

Stop projecting dimwit. The only 'perceived attack' around here is you guys being insecure of people enjoying things you can't.

>> No.5715503

Yes. And the blues were inaccessable until Hank WIlliams and Elvis Presley sang the old black standards for white folks. You people are so argumentative at times that you lose the big picture.

>> No.5715504


>cultural theft

go back to fucking tumblr

noma is like the single best example of a restaurant that doesn't source shit from other places

i bet ninety percent of the shit you eat is 'cultural theft'

>> No.5715507


some stone, 4 prawn and weed.. ok that's look great.. but nothing to eat, it's art.. not food

>> No.5715508

It was a dumb argument, but you kind of went down to that guy's level.

>> No.5715509

So the premise of your whole argument is if you haven't eaten it then it is new to you therefore justifying all that he does such as price gouging, cultural theft, showboating, etc.?

>> No.5715517

lol ebin xD

>> No.5715518

Not arguing. I'm just saying that the rules of cooking need to be broken in order for others to advance the state of cuisine as it is.

>> No.5715529


>> No.5715533
File: 36 KB, 210x196, fedora2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just don't get it

>> No.5715541

>people say how stupid and pointless this "old ass carrot" is

>will go defend auntie fee and her half-cooked pastries, and salmonella-infested kitchen

>> No.5715544

Which results in a circle jerk in the best case scenario if you understood human psychology. Just look at the ice bucket charity challenge. Activities for charitable causes are rolling downhill while this particular activity is self-perpetuating stupidity it will be the springboard for dumber things to come. That is how people work.

>> No.5715546


nah it's cooked at a low temperature for a long time like you would a tough piece of meat. the outside is carbonised but the inside is tender and mild.

>> No.5715550

Grilling the onion unprotected and allowing the out skin to become charred lets it get a fuller smokey flavor. It is a pretty common thing to do with vegetables. You should try it if you like that kind of taste.

>> No.5715560

The only thing that I wonder is that if the food is actually good. I feel like the exuberant prices tends to influence people in believing that it's good and that they're sophisticated; since it's something not everyone can eat.

Had the food been priced at a middle-class price range, would those rich people have same people have the same reaction towards the taste of the food?

>> No.5715574

lmfao, trailer trash internet defense force

>> No.5715575


with wine it comes to £14 a course, which i don't think is exorbitant.

>> No.5715576

A lot of people are getting awfully upset about a Danish restaurant experimenting with food.

>> No.5715579

especially considering the processes and trials or w/e/ that they have to undertake in the food lab

>> No.5715580

there is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.5715585

>rotten carrot
>just a carrot that's been in the ground longer than usual commercial harvest times

Are people really this disconnected from growing vegetables?

>> No.5715586

>exuberant prices

>> No.5715588

>The only thing that I wonder is that if the food is actually good. I feel like the exuberant prices tends to influence people in believing that it's good and that they're sophisticated; since it's something not everyone can eat.

Couldn't that be said of any michelin starred restaurant? The people calling it the best restaurant in the world are either rich, acclaimed food critics, or people like Bourdain who have had exorbitantly expensive food before, even more so than Noma. There's places in Europe costing $2,000 for the full meals. The people saying it's the best of anywhere, or at least incredibly unique and incredible, are used to spending that amount of money on food and it's really not a factor in decision making. There's just no way for a restaurant like this to be a middle class price range, and were it like that, the chefs of considerable talent would go elsewhere. Plus the experimentation they do has to be funded. It can't really be in a middle class price range or they'd be out of business in no time. So basically your argument is, "If it were entirely different, would people have the same reaction?" Well no. But it's a lot more complicated than a chef rubbing his hands together and laughing at people coming into his restaurant.

>> No.5715591


£280 for a recreational activity is within the middle class price range.

>> No.5715592

Pretentious dogshit. An old carrot drenched in butter garnished with leaves and a sauce that tastes like lawn clippings?

Fools and their money, I guess.

>> No.5715594

>This is part of the reason all "artsy" disciplines are laughed at, including food culture at large. Because the average human being sees them as idiotic scams where gullible people are sold two droplets of a reduction next to a husk of stale bread and pay hundreds for the "privilege"
>Critics and nearly everyone in the industry praise a restaurant as the best in the world
>They're laughed at

Dude, you're not savvy to a trend that critics are blind to. They've had more food than you. They've spent their life eating and defining food, and they've actually eaten at this restaurant that you haven't.

>over $100 a plate.
That's not at all. Dude

Your whole post reeks of sour grapes.

>> No.5715597

Iven been to noma. Its amazing. Every single dish is well thought out and balanced to perfection.

One can only laugh at all the neckbeards itt who think that their opinion is more worth than thousands of food critics, chefs and people who have been in the business for decades.

>> No.5715600
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1401482013422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If its not packed in two layers of plastic and genetically modified I AINT EATING THAT SHIT.

>> No.5715601


actually sounds good from that description

>> No.5715607

Most people would still agree it's egregious unless they seek out this sort of thing. Most people still treat food as a utility and spending that amount on utility is high. But, if you see it as recreation or pursuing an art, then it really becomes much more affordable. It's just shocking how many people in this thread are shunning it as pretentious. Any prepared food that isn't fast food, casual dining, or comfort foods has a degree of pretentiousness. And thinking that people would go to the cooking board of an already terribly pretentious website and expect food that lacks pretension is baffling. It's part of the experience of food

>> No.5715621


this kind of restaurant had a high food cost, but is not the main factor for the menu prices

-> furniture cost ( designer plates, Riedel wine glasses , silver forks, etc)
-> staff ( cooks, waiters, wine waiters, etc)
-> expensive wine cave
-> kitchen equiment ( thermomix, pacojet, sous-vide, etc)


>> No.5715631


Is it 2011 where you live?

Tell us about the new sous vide while you're at it

>> No.5715633

Sucks for people who hate smokey flavors (we exist). The onion thing happens at barbeques all the time though, only idiot NEETs who never go camping would think it's crazy. Of course they tend to take off the burnt skin before serving though.

>> No.5715638

>being fictitious
You mean 'facetious.'

>> No.5715646

Even earlier. Plato and fucking Socrates both used variations of the phrase extensively during their lives.

>> No.5715647

>more money than sense
I like saying "more dollars than sense." It's an apt pun.

>> No.5715653

No. They're definitely either conned or the sellers believe their own lies. In most cases like this, where exorbitant fees are paid for wholly silly things, the emperor is indeed naked though no one is willing to admit it, lest they get singled out as the one who doesn't get it. Even though none of them do, including those making a living from it.

>> No.5715656


what an incoherent post

>> No.5715659


What? It's totally DEEP bro. You're just a sheeple. I bet you drink bottled water.

>> No.5715666

he said it like some kind of autist but it's definitely coherent

>> No.5715674


Jesus christ this has to be a joke.

Sorry but its just a burnt onion, it may be the most carefully burnt onion in the world, burnt precisely to how the cook wanted it to be, but its still just a burnt onion.

>> No.5715681

It's facetious you mongo

>> No.5715682

Or maybe you just have no fucking clue what you are talking about, you absolute cockgoblin

>> No.5715684


no. i mean fictitious.

goddamn you're retarded.

>> No.5715685


not the word you wanted.

>> No.5715688


bacon dashi

>> No.5715689

Stop being so sensible and balanced

>> No.5715691

Some of it was, some of it wasn't.

>> No.5715694

Fictitious actually makes no sense in that context

You were definitely looking for facetious

>> No.5715705

Has somebody here actually eaten there? I have and it was absolutely mindblowing. The gap between Noma and Osteria Francescana is huge. (I haven't eaten in El Celler de Can Roca so i cant comment)

>> No.5715706


he clearly meant dishonest or disingenuous or something like that. facetious wouldn't fit there either.

>> No.5715716


>> No.5715718
File: 82 KB, 750x422, 6a00df351eb58e8834015392c69325970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live shrimps

>> No.5715721

I must agree to some extent, you're correct about the value of effort, but sculpting a pile of shit into a house doesn't stand up to shaping clay or something else of better value, metaphor aside it's also absurd that people think because something is different it means a price can be ludicrous, many of the techniques employed at most top tier restaurants have a long tradition and exist because they are the best. When I look at cooking, I see art as the most tertiary of all aspects of it, taste should be accounted for no doubt, sure the artistic factor can over ride taste a little bit but when you serve something described as "fresh cut grass" without any sort of juxtaposing factor, it comes off absurd. I suppose it comes down to personal preference, but, and I cannot stress this enough, don't rate it high, don't rate it at all, because it's entirely biased and you look retarded and make the establishment look pompous.
I could afford it, easily, with the money in my pocket, but it's overrated, you can't say it isn't.
Defiling rules is stupid, those rules aren't arbitrary, they came about and exist for a reason and are defined by the masses, most people don't like burnt onion and burning food isn't appeasing to the majority, and special snowflake catering is stupid
Did he just say each thing tastes different, he's giving you a sample not a meal for fucks sake
Logical advancements are made when flaws arise, not when someone wants to feel special, and if someone want's to pioneer, pioneer, don't jack up prices to limit your audience
Sure you have buddy, now what does balance do? Does it justify spending 280 dollars? Also, weighing opinions? Sounds like you're butthurt and trying to discredit everyone

>> No.5715726

butthurt: the post.

Did Redzepi rape your mother or something? We get it, you dont like fine dining, lucky for you, mcdonalds are on every corner and cost a fraction of a meal at noma

>> No.5715728

kek, projecting much?

>> No.5715736


i don't know if the 'best restaurant in the world' title necessarily means 'best tasting food in the world'. i doubt noma does make the best tasting food in the world, or at least i doubt that the majority of people would think they do. what it does do is epitomise the modern ideal of a chef as resourceful, restrained and sensitive to both the quality of their ingredients and the ecology they develop in. nowadays people like to feel educated by fine dining and, at least from what i can see (i haven't eaten there) it seems like noma does that very well.

>> No.5715745

Hm, never thought of that, good point, but I feel to judge food, it has to be food, if you claim it's a restaurant then good food should be served. No doubt there is respect and a place for a more artistic approach towards food, but "worlds greatest restaurant" should at least have above average food. Quality ingredients and the lot of that can be utilized and make good food too. It's not that I think noma is bad or anything, but I don't feel worlds greatest restaurant is a proper title for an experience, which I feel is a better category for it

>> No.5715752

Can the guys who ate there just post about the experience as much as you can? All this baseless bitterness is pointless

>> No.5715779

I enjoyed the video for its comedic value.

>> No.5715801
File: 1.84 MB, 300x169, tumblr_mu27mg95PZ1ryn2qco9_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would definitely want to try all of these dishes.

>> No.5715806

I'm not so sure it's baseless.

>> No.5715814
File: 102 KB, 300x305, 1326565928732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodness gracious, have the munchie crazed /b/tards really become so fond of /ck/? Noma isn't about getting some tasty well made food, it's about getting precicely crafted boundary pushing experiences.

Go to whataburger and have your imbecilic glutton lust saited by salt , fat, and filler instead of circlejerking in ignorance here.

Bitches really don't know about this swag.

>> No.5715820

There's a real irony in people launching criticisms of pretentiousness at things like Noma. When something is so outside your sphere of existence, perceptually or financially, people want so much for it to be an elitist environment that they actually become weird counter-elitists, "this food doesn't conform with my tastes or standards therefore it has no value". Meanwhile the "pretentious" Noma appears to just be doing nothing more than what it claims to want to do.

And i'm not simply saying "you just don't understand it bro". Why? Because I don't understand it either? Why would I, I haven't fucking been there or had the food have I? The difference is that i'm not willing to write it off based on arrogant and juvenile assumptions designed to help me feel secure in whatever little box i've crafted for myself. It couldn't be any clearer that that's what you're doing when you boil people's defences of places like this down to "you just don't understand", and it's slightly how pathetic how much people will defend themselves against the idea that there may be some significant piece of information they are lacking.

>> No.5715838

It's weird that you get to charge top prices for ignoring everything that makes food taste good.

>> No.5715841

>When something is so outside your sphere of existence, perceptually or financially

It's $280 ffs

>> No.5715854


I think it's more weird that you think it doesn't taste good.

>> No.5715855


>ignoring everything that makes food taste good

Yes, everyone who says that it tastes amazing must be wrong.


So? If you provide a service with no equivalent competition, you get to charge top dollar. If you want to criticise that you have to criticise a whole economic structure and the nature that this structure imbues in people. A restaurant making fancy food are not a villain in this, they're just a restaurant making fancy food.

I can't afford to eat there. Doesn't make me feel entitled to waah about it.

Aside, the whole point (which the restaurant makes clear and which people in this thread have stated) is to structure the food in a unique and heavily thematic way. If that's not your cup of tea, then there's nothing wrong with that. But there is something wrong with illegitimately undermining it just because it's not your bag.

>> No.5715865

Oops didn't make myself clear. I meant people are harping on the price like people on this site don't already waste hundreds if not thousands of dollars on other things that could also be considered worthless shit.

It's not like you're going to eat at Nomas breakfast/lunch/dinner every day of the week.

>> No.5715868


ah gotcha

>> No.5715931

how can you seriously justify adding rocks to the dish what does it add?

>> No.5715938
File: 4 KB, 260x194, rock dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would make more sense if he served it in one of these, its the one thing that i think is a bit silly.

>> No.5715945

I can just do this with garlic its nothing new.

>> No.5715947

Thank you

>> No.5715953
File: 679 KB, 636x641, d7rskemy2vngea3c6lai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Langoustine (Alive)

Captcha: creature lovars

>> No.5715958

What's keeping it from flopping out of the bowl? If anything, the lack of bulky tail now makes it top heavy. Should be able to pull itself forward and flop off the bowl

>> No.5715963

I'd just rather spend $280 on a really good dry aged rib of beef or some seafood, and simply cook it without any accompaniments. I'd enjoy it so much more.

>> No.5715968

>What's keeping it from flopping out of the bowl?

Ice. Ice is cold. Prawn is cold blooded. Cold prawn is very inactive.

>> No.5715978



>> No.5715987

the other things I've seen I'd have a curiosity to try but not this is what I mean by that. sorry

>> No.5716009

The head is cooked while the tail is served raw.

>> No.5716013
File: 70 KB, 512x372, Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest. Effectively every manifestation of art is a trend contest. Any perceived "genius" or "brilliance," legitimate though it may be, is inherently contrived by the amount of effort spent trying to be the most unique, or to set the next trend, which people will follow or agree with regardless of whether or not they actually intend to, as no one in the art community wants to be seen to be too "unsophisticated."

I don't care if it's food, jazz or scat porn. It's more perceptual than tangible.

>> No.5716015
File: 134 KB, 538x806, 1407595466819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocks. Disgusting piss-filled sea water. Shrimp. Random plants (which names he probably had to research on google.) How are you supposed to eat this shit? I could enjoy a bowl of frosted flakes a million times more than this shit. Fucking pretentious artsy hipsters, honestly.

>> No.5716034


I can get behind most of the stuff in that dish, but
>There's quite a bit of bitter in this because of the plants.

Then don't put the disgusting bitter plants on the plate. Wtf? Also am I supposed to scrape the urchin roe off those rocks?

>> No.5716045


but the bitterness in the plants tastes good if balanced by other things. that's fucking cooking you faggot.


>which names he probably had to research on google

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5716047

I'm saying the way he put it is that he literally just grabbed random fucking bitter plants off the side of the ocean for the sake of it being unique. And yeah are you sure it's balanced for shit? These dishes probably taste like ass but because it's so built up nobody has the balls to say it. From my experience, that dish would NOT taste good.

>> No.5716049

Bitter is not a good taste no matter how you balance it.

>> No.5716050

Also I like how that's the only thing you had to reply to in my post, hipster. Try proposing an actual argument.

>> No.5716061


if you're <12 years of age maybe.


>he literally just grabbed random fucking bitter plants off the side of the ocean for the sake of it being unique.

he probably did. he walks along the beach looking for interesting stuff to put in his dishes. that's how he discovered sea coriander. and there's fuckall wrong with that.

>> No.5716064

>Bitter is not a good taste no matter how you balance it.

Billions of coffee drinkers the world over would disagree with you.

>> No.5716065

And you think that's the work of a master chef? Random plants that taste bitter? Probably not even fully edible? The way the guy talks you can tell he has no clue what the fuck he's doing, he just makes it look cool and markets his food to be "god-like" so people say it is no matter what bullshit he pulls.

>> No.5716066


There's a lot of rich flavours and textures in the dish with the shrimp,cream and sea urchin so the natural bitterness of the plants will balance that out. Its a very classic technique actually.

>> No.5716068

Yeah why don't I just add a dash of salt to my bowl of lucky charms and it has all the shit you just mentioned? It's a bullshit dish and you know it.

>> No.5716072

>It's a bullshit dish and you know it.

I agree. sugar cereal is for little kids.

>> No.5716076

nice, resort to wordplay because you know his rock-du-fromage isn't anything special.

>> No.5716077

pretty sure cooking the head will kill it, unless it's a zombie. Menu says it's served alive.

>> No.5716081


What else I am supposed to do when talking with someone who's either got the palate of a 5 year old, or is a troll?

>> No.5716083

Fuck Elvis

>> No.5716085


what the fuck are you talking about


they're not 'random' you fucking shithead. he picked them and chose the ones to put into the dish. that is a million miles away from random.

nigga the guy knows a shitload more about nordic wild flora, at least in the kitchen, than you ever will and that's part of the reason people pay him money.

>> No.5716089

What the hell are you talking about? I agree the rocks makes it a bit over done but nothing about it is bullshit, the natural bitterness of the greens pairs well with the richness of everything else.

>> No.5716094

so 6 year old hipster shitheads can appreciate a good rock taste?

>> No.5716095
File: 1.18 MB, 2980x2250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip:
The species of carrot is vintage. Carrots were originally purple. It also still has the roots attached. Fucking plebs.

>> No.5716097

Consider the fact that the price of the dishes are a self-fulfilling prophecy, you believe that the food must be that good because there is such a high price tag attatched to it.

I am 99% sure everybody here would readily call this food outright stupid if it was, say $30 per main course.

>> No.5716101


It's not about the fucking rock, jesus christ.

>> No.5716103

>hipster boogeyman

Lmao you fucking pussy

>> No.5716105

Because cheap food is for shoveling into your grub-hole. It's elevator music. This food is intended to excite the senses.

>> No.5716107

>It also still has the roots attached
Do you even brain?

>> No.5716108


Did you read my post at all? Clearly not as I am re-iterating it to you.

You think this is food to "excite the senses" because it is so lavishly decorated with a high price tag.

If somebody started doing this exact same thing buy for $30 a dish then you'd think hes pulling a fast one serving people plants he found in the forest.

>> No.5716114

I don't think the cost of staffing nor the cost of ingredients will warrant him to charge 30$ a main if he wanted to serve the same kind of food.

>> No.5716117

You don't understand me. The pricetag reflects the food as a luxury rather than a commodity. It reflects the target audience as well

>> No.5716118
File: 40 KB, 913x260, fucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5716120

You are paying a different price for a different product.

>> No.5716123

>If somebody started doing this exact same thing buy for $30 a dish then you'd think hes pulling a fast one serving people plants he found in the forest.

Why would I think that? Either it tastes good or it doesn't. If it doesn't taste good, the guy's a hack regardless if it was $2 or $200. Price has nothing to do with wether or not it was tasty. I know I haven't eaten at Noma. I doubt you have either. So why are we even having this conversation? Isn't it a bit stupid to discuss a food that neither of us have tried and therefore are not qualified to talk about?

>> No.5716126


Yes that would be bullshit as it's double what he actually charges.

>> No.5716128

I know the carrot is basically a root. But I mean it has the little feelers attached. That's not the point anyway.

>> No.5716130


Don't backpace so quickly you might fall over your own bullshit.

>> No.5716132

I'm sorry.
I studied horticulture and hearing that sort of shit is a bit frustrating.

>> No.5716133


Then you're his target audience, paying over the top prices for food just so you can witness the experience of eating a burnt onion when somebody else could go to another three michelin starred restaurant and eat a real meal.

>> No.5716135

Oh and that's with wine. Without wine it's like 8 quid a course.

>> No.5716138

I garden, I understand your pain. People are very disconnected from their food.

>> No.5716139

If I could afford to I would pay to eat there. Do you not go to the movies or the carnival or out to eat at all because it's overpriced?(and they are)

>> No.5716144

>Do you not go to the movies or the carnival or out to eat at all because it's overpriced?

Correct. At least not normally. Those sorts of things are a rare luxury, like going on a vacation.

>> No.5716147


Unfortunately I'd probably pay to experience his full tasting menu so I could say with confidence if it was worth it or not, maybe I would back out at the last minute however.

I don't eat out much at all.

>> No.5716149

>a rare luxury
why are you so poor? nigger?

>> No.5716150

That is the nature of Noma. I can't afford that shit either, so I learned to garden and cook.

>> No.5716152


Ignore that poster, some people think its funny to impersonate others anonymously.

>> No.5716156

Don't be an asshole

>> No.5716158

>>Don't backpace so quickly you might fall over your own bullshit

What? that was my first post in the thread.

and I'm honestly confussed as to why you would imply that the cost of the dish has anything to do with its taste.

Don't get me wrong--I'm more than willing to call the dish shit, but since I haven't tried it, how can I? and if the dish is indeed shitty, then it's totally independent of the price.

>> No.5716163


>and I'm honestly confussed as to why you would imply that the cost of the dish has anything to do with its taste.

Not what I am implying, in fact quite the opposite, people will believe to themselves that the food must taste good/be worth it because of its price. When in fact the price itself has no affect on the taste of the dish, (maybe to some point it does psychologically).

Many michelin starred restaurants have gained unexpected star ratings and found themselves having to double sometimes triple their prices because of the publicity a star brings, despite keeping their ingredients and dishes the same.

>> No.5716165

I remember when I was in ninth grade

>> No.5716169
File: 133 KB, 482x484, 1318301323554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me feel so superior for having an understanding that a restaurant does more than provide satisfactory feed.

>> No.5716170


>> No.5716178

>people will believe to themselves that the food must taste good/be worth it because of its price

OK, fair enough. I'm sure some people might think that way: "Emperor's new Clothes" and all that.

But, what makes you think the reader of the previous post that I quoted is necessarily one of those people? Personally I take offense to the quote:

>>You think this is food to "excite the senses" because it is so lavishly decorated with a high price tag.

No, I don't think that. I don't even know what the food tastes like because I haven't tried it. And if I did try it, my opinion of the taste would have nothing to do with the price. I have no problem calling out shit food even if I did pay a lot of money for it.

>> No.5716181
File: 48 KB, 330x319, 1407950701876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"World's Greatest Restaurant"
>Only has two michelin stars

>> No.5716184


I never called the food shit, I just said that people might just be calling the food as good as it is because of its price.

>> No.5716190


But you didn't say might. You implied it would, all the time. Not "might to some people". You see the difference?

>> No.5716194

only a person that knows nothing about food and michelin stars would say something like that

some of the best places in the world are only 2 starred and the third star is usually reserved for restaurants that fuss over presentation excessively

>> No.5716199

Because burnt onions and ant-covered garbage is the epitome of culinary excellence

>> No.5716207

that is completely unrelated to my point

I wasn't praising the restaurant I was just pointing out that is a terrible criticism. Michelin stars are actually a really poor way to measure the quality of a place

>> No.5716220

fuck off, Korean food is delicious.

>> No.5716225

>24 courses of shit... $280

pretty good deal on a per course basis honestly

>> No.5716229

what is the sauce made of, also ants aren't bad tasting.

>> No.5716232

Noma was popular amongst food snobs and people with too much money to waste since before 2011
more like is it 2002

>> No.5716234

Will you faggots talking about the price acknowledge that each course is less than a tenner for fuck's sake

>> No.5716235


but theres like 2 FUCKING INGREDIENTS

>> No.5716236

the courses are also only a very very small amount of food.

>> No.5716241 [DELETED] 


>> No.5716244

what the christ are you talking about?

>> No.5716249


>I'd just rather spend $280 on a really good dry aged rib of beef or some seafood, and simply cook it without any accompaniments. I'd enjoy it so much more.

And that's fine.

>> No.5716267


>Don't backpace so quickly you might fall over your own bullshit.

>> No.5716295


Clearly, when it comes to Noma and other places like it, titles like "World's Greatest Restaurant" mean "World's Greatest Dining Experience" and not "World's Greatest Tasting Food."

>> No.5716296

>paying for an experience

I'd rather fap to porn while eating microwave trader joes lobster tail and the finest craft beer

>> No.5716301

>it's art

>> No.5716303


you do that then

can't believe you actually greentexted the phrase "paying for an experience"

>> No.5716314


Jesus Christ.

>paying for an experience

You're right, why would anyone ever pay for a vacation, to watch a movie, to see a play, to hear live music, to go to a museum, to visit a national park, to go skydiving, to do anything really, when you can just stay home and masturbate and eat microwave food?

>> No.5716362

Haha, you. You, I like.

>> No.5716372

Half of that shit isn't worth paying for. The 'experience' you get at Noma belongs in that category.

>> No.5716379
File: 136 KB, 613x460, tetsuya sydney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real best restaurant coming through

>> No.5716380

enjoy your soylent then...

>> No.5716388


i fully believe that this post is based on first hand experience rather than indignant speculation

>> No.5716393

>Half of that shit isn't worth paying for

I agree. But I doubt you and I would agree on which half.

>> No.5716394

Soylent is just as appetizing as and a fuckton cheaper than Noma.

Considering this, I will indeed enjoy my soylent.

>> No.5716407

This is the stupidest argument you could possibly make.

I can look at a piece of shit and deduce that it will taste like shit. Putting an exorbitant price on that piece of shit doesn't magically change any of its other properties.

>> No.5716409

Thank you

>> No.5716413


except the analogy doesn't work because you have much more complete information about the nature of a piece of shit than you do about the food or the type of experience at nova

so no it's a perfectly reasonable argument to make

>> No.5716414
File: 563 KB, 636x634, C7-Sea_urchin_with_hazelnuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to try all this. It's actually really inexpensive in comparison to many other tasting menu's out there. I would love to try the sea urchin with hazelnuts.

>> No.5716416


>best anything

oh you.

>> No.5716431

>It's expensive so it must be good

>> No.5716434


yes that is what i said

>> No.5716438
File: 27 KB, 367x451, 1376075350132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'd rather stick to my own preconceptions and narrow-minded expectations of good food rather than expand my horizons

And that's fine, Pleb.

>the responses in this thread

Don't know where you're getting your self-righteous anger at these "pompous charlatans."

Have you tasted it? Do you know any context? Do you have any grasp of the experience the chef is presenting beyond a fucking photograph?

You are the people who stalk modern art exhibits and scream and rage at the death of "true" and "honest" art, as if you yourself, a genuine talent and connoisseur, was personally robbed of vision.

It's actually not even that. It's true fucking arrogance that you would disparage something that you have actually 0 experience, and collectively insult something without any other reason beyond it being avant-garde.

It's basically a circlejerk of willing ignorance. You're all buying into this unfounded and silly notion that somewhere across the globe there is a group of starving Frenchmen who work by dim lighting in Paris mastering traditional techniques.

Or even worse, you're comparing this type of cuisine to "good ol' steaks" and fries and seafood and other traditionally indulgent dishes that literally have no business being in this thread, as if the very proposition of these value luxuries are somehow supposed to incite doubt and worry in the hearts of master chefs in 3-star restaurants everywhere (HOW DARE THEY CHARGE $200 PER DISH, WHY I COULD GO TO THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY AND ORDER 4 PRIME RIBS FOR THAT PRICE!!!).

And finally you have the worst of the lot, the "practicals," who (also francophiles) pat themselves on the back for pulling the hood off our poor misguided eyes and then steer us to the bright and sterile fields of traditional cooking, of course after ranting about nouveau cuisine in conservative outlets where young white males with actually 0 experience can express their enlightened fields of vision.


>> No.5716439

this is some pretentious bullshit
I would rather eat at a fast food place than this
>muh ants
>you just don't understand my food

>> No.5716445



>> No.5716446



There's that word again.

>> No.5716447


What do you expect from a website whose main attractions are video games, lolicon, and chinese cartoons?

You're not going to accomplish anything by writing something like that.

>> No.5716449


/thread, seriously. Everything I wanted to say but wasn't articulate enough to express.

>> No.5716452

You are either literally suggesting that expensive necessarily means good, or you are saying a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.5716457


>I can't articulate a valid response or critique to someone who made a better argument than me so I'm going to pretend that a shitty, one sentence retort actually represents what was said and then strawman the fuck out of it

>> No.5716466

You were complaining about white males with unchecked privilege. That's a lucid, convincing argument if I've ever heard one.

>> No.5716484


Wasn't me and holy shit you completely missed the point of that post or are being intentionally obtuse because you know you lost the argument and can't stand to just close the thread without getting in the last word, no matter how nonsensical it is.

>> No.5716498
File: 75 KB, 1312x496, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That wasn't him (me).

I wrote the rant.

>expensive necessarily means good

I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's rather short-sighted to criticize something without trying it beforehand. Yet people are heavy-handed with such criticisms nowadays more than ever, perhaps because of a zeitgeist obsession with the juxtaposition of the extravagant, wasteful 1% with the practical, discerning underclass. But that's besides the point.

Eitherway, if you want to play critic then you should try the thing yourself, no?

It's like judging a musical album based on its album cover art. I don't see how you can profess that you appreciate and love good food and yet make the same mistake.

>> No.5716521

>that samefagging
Best bait in the world

>> No.5716528


Oh man, you just busted yourself.

>> No.5716634
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>> No.5716644

It's kind of a Scandinavian thing to pick up ants and eat them as a kid actually...

>> No.5716654
File: 38 KB, 578x712, $25 shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>off-shore a bit some drunken cargo jockey dumped his sewage into the ocean
>some faggot scoops up a bucket of it and uses it as an ingredient in food for people
>people pay $280 to eat shrimp covered in piss and shit

>> No.5716680
File: 2.17 MB, 286x210, 1405106194387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't get it, pal.

>> No.5716691

Yeah, maybe if I wasn't such an impoverished pleb, I, too, could understand the joy of paying hundreds of dollars for a shitty meal.

>> No.5716698

You've described Sex Pistols and their commercialized ilk there. The stuff before (Stooges, MC5, The Magic Band) and after (Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Butthole Surfers) were authentically "rebellious downtrodden underdogs" and were in fact starving while making their best works.

>> No.5716715
File: 29 KB, 350x250, 1400368786888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18+ bring id

>> No.5716737

So much pretentious food hipster butthurt in this thread
>you just don't get it, do you?
Top kek

>> No.5716741
File: 181 KB, 456x290, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons of huge fucking boats just dump their shit and sewage straight into the ocean as they move around.

Drinking ocean water, or using it in anything is fucking disgusting. You'd had to filter the fuck out of it to make it clean, but then it wouldnt be ocean water anymore.

Honestly you could take fucking bottled water and add sea salt and artsy fartsy food fags wouldnt even be able to tell the difference.

Its like that episode of Penn and Tellers BULLSHIT where they make shitty cheap ass food out of canned food and TV dinners and they get a waiter to convince people its super high class home grown organic 3 star food, and customers eat it right up and says its the best food they've ever had.

They also pulled the same trick with water from a garden hose filling up a dozen fancy bottles to look like special fancy spring waters and people were spouting shit like how one tasted better than the other and how they all had unique flavors........when they all came out of the same fucking garden hose behind the restaraunt.

>> No.5716748

Penn and Teller also understand the concept of homeopathic medicine is bullshit and that seawater is as much shit as it is Osamabinladen.

>> No.5716789

Why are they so based?

>> No.5716795

Based on what?

>> No.5716816

Based on their based nature.
As in "never has there been a man so based as to through himself so crassly and feverishly upon his own blood sister"
Or something like that.

>> No.5716836


that penn and teller episode was retarded as fuck tho

i'd smell that bullshit a mile away

>> No.5716871


There should have been ants in this picture since it was made for them.

>> No.5716920
File: 904 KB, 427x240, 1386028463450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talented chefs

>> No.5717314


Humoring is the word. "anyone else suspect david chang was humoring that noma faggot?"

Pretending to be impressed is not being "facetious" (which implies being tongue in cheek/kidding) and a human "being fictitious" is an odd employment of that word.

>> No.5717359

That's a nice simplistic explanation. Good work

>> No.5717391

Source on this cutie?

>> No.5717402

kids react

>> No.5717413


>> No.5717534

Judging by this response you've never tasted a good piece of meat otherwise you'd understand. Enjoy your minute steaks lumpenproletariat.

>> No.5717585

This is what exactly what i'm saying, I'd definitely try noma, but I'd rather use that money to buy a dry aged rib or beef or some game.

I've eaten at attica and I have fonder memories of eating the above.

>> No.5717599 [DELETED] 

Tldr my trolling took way less effort than yours.

>> No.5717636

i also follow @bambambaklava, aka Action Bronson, on instagram

>> No.5717640


OP actually probably just reads Gizmodo, where they linked to Action Bronson's instagram and had a big bold headline saying, "THIS IS WHAT $280 GETS YOU AT THE WORLD'S BEST RESTAURANT."

>> No.5717650

I look at this food, and I respect that chef a great deal. He has figured out a way to rip rich people off, feeding them stuff from gutters and half-cooked meats, as well as an incredibly aged carrot, all while charging them an incredible amount of money, and making them thank him for the experience. The "hen and egg" salad? Good lord, it's a fucking hotplate that you crack an egg on, then put oil on it. And fucking potato chips.

>> No.5717697

Wow. You went to that much effort to respond to a troll thread? Welcome new user.

>> No.5717728

>stop liking what you like faggot

>> No.5717742

Restaurants like noma shouldn't allow people who don't work in the hospitality industry in, or charge common plebs a higher price to eat.

>> No.5717821

>not surprising with anal
cmon man

>> No.5717858

yeah I've been to tetsuya, I'd recommend it

>> No.5717873


Pretty much. I think what he's doing is cool, there's always a place for different things and always people who may like it, but it just isn't for me. I can appreciate the presentations, but I'm just not into a meal made of long lines of plates of a few bites each. The hen and the egg dish sums up how I feel about it: looks very neat but isn't much in reality. I wouldn't say that the people raving about it are wrong, just that it's not my kind of thing.

>> No.5717879

lemme sum it up

>> No.5717895

To everyone saying how the price doesn't affect taste you are all wrong. Multiple studies done with people who drink wine confirm that people think the wine tastes better when they believe it is more expensive. Basically take a 10$ bottle of wine and tell someone that it's a 100$ bottle they'll think it tastes better than if you told them the real price tag. Granted this is food not wine but the base concept is the same. If you charge a lot of money for a thing people automatically believe that it must be better than the cheaper versions.
I admit i've never been to this place or anything like it, so I wouldn't know exactly how good the food truly is, but people will think something tastes better if they have to pay large sums of money for it. This has been confirmed with multiple studies. Simply google does price affect taste and you'll see what I mean

>> No.5717931 [DELETED] 


I'd bet reputation would also affect the perceptions. Or maybe even buyer's remorse, given the price of a meal at a regarded place.

>> No.5717936

I'd bet reputation would also affect the perceptions. Or maybe even post-purchase rationale, given the price of a meal at a regarded place.

>> No.5717942

noma shill detected

>> No.5717956
File: 101 KB, 192x209, 1406163300720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noma is a rapidly progressive, polymicrobial, opportunistic infection that occurs during periods of compromised immune function.

>> No.5717962

Please, tell me more about the emperor's fabulous new clothes.

>> No.5717972

>I'd bet reputation would also affect the perceptions. Or maybe even buyer's remorse, given the price of a meal at a regarded place.

>> No.5718015

Isn't this the same pretentious fuck that was all: Heh, look at those people that don't know how to crack an egg...


>> No.5718017



>> No.5718028

Watch the Hen and the Egg video.

God that makes me so MAD

>> No.5718057
File: 89 KB, 362x397, aint i a stinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fine food"
pick one

>> No.5718065


You should probably seek medical counsel, then.

>> No.5718077

Fine dining has never been about food in the sense that it is something that satisfies your hunger.

The hardest thing to accept about fine dining is that a dish could taste completely disgusting to your palate (someone else might like it) but be worth your money for other reasons, like the quality of the presentation, the service experience, and the novelty of the food presented. The constant references to art in this thread are not wrong: art is to life as fine dining is to food. It's an abstract representation that can only be appreciated for what it is and criticized for what it isn't. That it isn't food is a given.

>> No.5718087

Get with it man, that news is months old

Actually thats not true, they were number 2 last year, getting BTFO by the Roca brothers restaurant: Cellar de la Roca. Though they were number 1 the year previous though.

>> No.5718088

So if I shit on a plate, but arrange it carefully, I can get people to not only pay for it, but to eat it?

... oh, man!

>> No.5718094

Maybe he'll poison himself eating all those random plants one day, don't worry

>> No.5718101

People drink coffee an animal has eaten and shat out, so yes.

>> No.5718125

They were number 2 because the people who ate there got sick.

>> No.5718129

Source? This can't be true Rene uses only the freshest and safest ingredients for Noma.

>> No.5718130

Well wait a minute here. Doesn't that mean that we should all be appreciative of pretense and snobbery? It's scientifically verified to actually add more flavor and pleasure to a dish? Should price and popularity be considered spices?

>> No.5718140


Enjoy your overpriced diarrhea.

>> No.5718149

That was because of an employee who came in sick who was later sent home not because of poor sanitation practices or bad food.

>> No.5718156

Yeah, because a sick employee coughing in the food and making over 60 people sick isn't poor sanitation.

>> No.5718170

whatever, its not from improper storage, cooking, holding, storing practices etc.

>> No.5718174

You would do anything to kiss that ass, wouldn't you? If it was any other restaurant, everybody would be saying it's a dirty shithole.

>> No.5718183

No they wouldn't.

>> No.5718191


Explain how his filthy germs got on the food then.

>> No.5718198

Its already been covered ITT and has nothing to do with the post you are replying to.

>> No.5718201

so he doesn't exist?

>> No.5718206

Clearly hasn't eaten much Korean food.

>> No.5718207

special snowflake detected

>> No.5718209

You're saying a discussion about how dirty noma is isn't the topic of discussion at the moment? Again, explain how so many people go sick if everything was proper.

>> No.5718212

It was probably one of the guests who was rude and wanted all the staff to be there but Rene begrudgingly let the employee come to work trying to nurse him back to health and then that asshole customer made the employee shake his hand which spread the illness among them. Rene and his impeccable gourmet restaurant is not to blame in the least. If anything the people who ate there and got sick should be thanking him for giving them the experience of a lifetime to cheer them up through their illness. Its the dinner of a lifetime

>> No.5718218

I already told you, one guy came in sick and spread the shit before he was found out and sent home in the same shift

>> No.5718225

>You just don't understand.

But I actually laughed at your post. Good job.

>> No.5718232

It was over 5 days, retard. Not the same day nor shift.

>> No.5718236

k m8

>> No.5718243

The fuck? Satan pls go

>> No.5718277
File: 13 KB, 249x187, RITAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raw meat covered in ants
>burnt cucumber
>burnt as fuck onion
>sauted old nasty ass carrot with green sauce that tastes like lawn clippings

This man is truly a genius for tricking retards into paying hundreds of dollars for this "food".

>> No.5718283
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, Mike doesn&#039;t understand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW peasant food is now "rich, classy" food

>> No.5718371
File: 59 KB, 211x221, 1384932910077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is a prime example of a modern case of Emperor's New Clothes. I can't think anyone involved in this besides the customers are really falling for it but Rene might be deluding himself some.

>fucking raw seawater and rocks
On the other hand he does manage to turn less than $20 worth of ingredients into hundreds with people who would almost definitely pay ~$100 for a bottle of water if you packaged it right.

>> No.5718533

You just don't GET it, you have to be cultured enough to understand.

>> No.5718592

Did Rene bang your GF? We live in a capitalist society, and the man's gotta make a living. If you ever get to be a chef, you'll have a vision. That's his vision, and people are paying to try it. The fact that the restaurant is open is a testament to that fact. The fact that it is out of reach for the average fourchiner is no reason to attack it. Let the man be. He's just cooking.

>> No.5718603

I'm sure human psychology has a lot to do with it. As does the ice-bucket game. Is there something else you are angry about?

>> No.5718827


>> No.5718860

>tastes like grass
Christ it was sauce made from sorrel.

>> No.5719968

No but it seems /ck/ has been infest with food hipseters. SEriusly If I posted a picture of some shit like this and said I made it then I would be laughed out of any fucking food porn thread.

Hey guys, check my seared meat with ants half burtn cucumber and totally burnt onion. Amigood cook yet?

You'd call me a fucking imbecile and right. God damn. Pull the cock out of your ass, that's the only reason you got any swag to your step.

>> No.5720089

sucks you cant afford it

>> No.5720214

You don't even have to arrange it carefully, you just have to claim that you did and charge enough to make it believable.