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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5711767 No.5711767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I once brought an entire jar of pic related to a potluck and not a single one got eaten

For fuck's sake, pickles are some good stuff. The hell is wrong with some people?

>> No.5711768

>brought an entire jar of pic related to a potluck
Do you have autism?

>> No.5711774

Explain your use of that buzzword.

>> No.5711792

people who don't like pickles are shit tier plebs

>> No.5711801

vinegar pickles suck

fermented salt pickles are what the kids are into now

>> No.5711804

no them but its autistic as fuck to bring pickles to a potluck

>> No.5711811
File: 27 KB, 300x294, 1348430689124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Did he really just buy a jar of pickles for everybody?"
>"He is... special, Darlene."

>> No.5711817

That's dollar store stuff. It's probably not even from Murrica.

>> No.5711819

>being this ungrateful for someone even bringing food in the first place

You must be terrific hosts.

>> No.5711823

>ungrateful for someone even bringing food in the first place

Thats the whole point of a fucking potluck

>> No.5711824

>everybody else prepares a fine dish at home to bring it

And you went to Walmarts to buy a bucket of pickles.

>> No.5711829

The point is to be ungrateful?

>> No.5711834

Niqqa, those pickles are some of the best damn pickles you can get for the price.

Good amount of heat to them too.

>implying I can't just remove the label and print my own

>> No.5711839

Claussens would have won em over.

>> No.5711842

Yeah, you really put a lot of effort into it.


>> No.5711846

the point is everyone brings a dish

>> No.5711855

OP has autism

>> No.5711857

Free food, niqqas. I ain't complaining if my stomach ain't complaining.

>> No.5711864

>hurr muh money's worth


>> No.5711866

Do you go to a park and complain there aren't marble columns and golden statues?

>> No.5711869

Autisms don't understand why people would prefer homecooked food over their favorite snack food

>> No.5711870

>implying I would only bring the pickles

>> No.5711875

Good free food is better than no free food.

>> No.5711876


(I get banned again, YAY!)

>> No.5711877
File: 57 KB, 650x438, Blackspot-tuskfish-attended-by-cleaner-wrasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing a jar of pickles to a potluck?

People defend this?

>> No.5711878

you're only proving to the rest of us how much autism you have with every post you make

>> No.5711882

Would you prefer I brought nothing at all?
And complaining that I'm not making some hoity-toity dish is any better?

>> No.5711883

>complaining a park to pickles

Maximum autism.

Poor as fuck.

>> No.5711888

>what the kids are into now

Dammit. Every woman in my family going back at least 4 generations (and I'm sure more than that) has always made salt pickles. So did most of the women in the town I grew up in. I don't know why it bothers me, but it does rustle my bustle when "kids are into" stuff that's been around for eons and is just normal stuff. I didn't grow up in some other country, either. I grew up right here in the ole' USofAss.

>> No.5711890

>complaining [sic] a park to pickles

But it's a fair comparison. With a park, you should be happy you're going outside and getting fresh air at all, the fanciness of the park is irrelevant.

With someone bringing pickles, you should be grateful they even contributed to the potluck.

>> No.5711896

>poor as fuck

Niqqa, I eat a full meal at Chipotle like every other week, shit's cash.

>> No.5711898

>you should be grateful they even contributed to the potluck.
the point of a potluck is everyone contributes something

>> No.5711901

>the point


You dense motherfucker.

>> No.5711909

then you shouldnt be grateful b/c someone brought something when everyone brings something.

>> No.5711915

I love it when people bring pickles to a potluck. Actually, I really love when they bring a relish plate with pickles, olives, pickled okra, cherry tomatoes, stuffed celery, pickled jalapenos, etc. on it. Having those condiments with an acid tang helps cleanse the palate between bites of all the other random foods. At any rate, OP, I'd have eaten some of your pickles. Especially if there was barbecue or grilled foods. Pickles and onions are god tier with those foods.

>> No.5711916

Well then one shouldn't rejoice when some slack motherfucker brings a jar of pickles.
Might as well bring a McGangbang platter or some shit.

>> No.5711922

I know that feel OP, last pot luck I went to I brought a half gallon of Helmans and a spoon and no one but me touched it.

Fucking ordinary people man, fucking ordinary people

>> No.5711928

*ordinary fucking people* not fucking ordinary people

>> No.5711930

Yeah fuck them for not eating an entire bowl full of the stuff.


>> No.5711936

I usually just use it like yogurt and throw shit in it but there were veggies and bread and stuff and no one was even using it as a dip.

>> No.5711938

>And complaining that I'm not making some hoity-toity dish is any better?

not having a developmental disorder is pretty better yeah :^)

>> No.5711944

Maybe I'm just from the wrong part of the country or something, but is that actually common to do?

>> No.5711945


Don't quit your day job.

>> No.5711948

With an attitude like that id rather you not come to any potluck i organize.

>> No.5711949

It is here in cali, love dipping my tacos and taquitos in mayo

>> No.5711957

aww, did I hit a sore point? :^)

sorry for being 'neurotypical' scum asspie :)

>> No.5711960
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>everyone spends time and energy to make something nice to bring

>cookies, fried rice, sausages, sweet and sour pork, noodles, curries etc

>some dick brings in a 2 dollar jar of pickles that he bought from the store on the way to the potluck

>" What, you rather i bring nothing fuckfaces?"

>> No.5711961

You are trying so hard, aren't you?

>> No.5711963

> fried rice, sweet and sour pork, noodles, curries etc

what the fuck kinda potlicks are you going to

>> No.5711968

feels good knowing no matter what i try i won't be handicapped by autism like you:)

>> No.5711970

It's 3 AM. Don't you have anything better to do than shitpost on 4chan?

>> No.5711971

Where the fuck do you live where people dont bring home made food, or at least ordered a platter from a shop?

>> No.5711975

>he thnks 4chan users only live on the east coast of the US

>> No.5711976

>so stupid that he thinks it is 3am for everyone.

>> No.5711977

Yeah, I know pickling is a really old method of preserving food.

There's just too many things overloaded with spices and flavorings now, and vinegar pickles suck, the vinegar flavor is way too strong... that's why I started making salt pickles.

>> No.5711980

They do, Ive been to tons of potlucks and not of them have had curries, fried rice, s&s pork etc. Sorry I dont live in fucking china town

>> No.5711981

Regardless of time, there comes a point where a shitpost loses its novelty and becomes mere inanity.

>> No.5711985

Oh okay. Well I live in southeast asia so that explains it.

What do americans bring to potlucks? Sandwiches? Steaks? Hotdogs? Genuinely curious.

>> No.5711987

lots of casseroles, salads, finger foods etc

>> No.5711996

Every potluck I ever went to growing up had someone who would barbecue (usually beef brisket, sausage and pork), and then people would bring things like casseroles, vegetable dishes, more sausages, cold salads, hot salads (like hot german potato salad), cornbread, yeast rolls, biscuits, relish plates, stuffed jalapenos, and a fuckton of desserts, usually pies, different types of bars (like lemon bars, fig bars, etc), and cookies. There'd always be a couple cakes, too, usually some kind of bundt cake or pound cake and a rum or bourbon cake.

>> No.5712022

That sounds delicious.

>> No.5712026

>not 100% shitposting all day every day

you really do have autism

>> No.5712031

They should count themselves lucky you weren't in charge of dessert OP. You would have bought a bunch of M&M bags. Also, what kind of moron infested board would defend this shit. Just kek, man.

>> No.5712037

Yeah, it was. I miss those potlucks. My family and their friends/neighbors/etc really knew how to throw a potluck. I've tried to do one myself a couple times where I live now, but haven't had much get getting people interested. I think they think it would suck, but they don't know my history of proper potlucks or that I'm a good cook and would make a fuckton of food myself for it too. (If I was hosting, I'd barbecue and provide drinks, plus probably a dessert and relish plate, everyone else could bring side dishes and desserts and breads, condiments, etc. )

>> No.5712039

*much luck*

>> No.5712043

>Also, what kind of moron infested board would defend this shit
People who don't get assblasted just because someone didn't make something from scratch for their potluck. It's no big fucking deal. I've never seen people get all pissy when people don't bring something deemed good enough to a potluck. Normal people just go on with life. And before you start insulting me and my potluck contributions, I'm >>5711996 and >>5712037, so I know what potlucks should be like. As long as everyone brings something, shit's no big deal.

>> No.5712049

I would imagine they didn't eat them for other reasons.

>> No.5712050

You think people making fun of an autist is akin to making a big deal? Just how big of a sensitive pussy are you? I doubt I'll remember this 40 minutes from now, doesn't mean I take it seriously. Are you sure you're emotionally fit to be here on the first place?

>> No.5712053

Clapping during movies.

Yay or nay?

>> No.5712056

Only acceptable if you have 3 different kinds of diabeetus

>> No.5712057

You sound hysterical. You're just shitposting, I couldn't give a fuck, I was just pointing out that there's nothing wrong with OP bringing fucking pickles to a potluck. You're being over-dramatic.

>> No.5712066

You either bitch like a ledditfag if people ironically shitpost at your retarded ass but if people answer you without seriously you throw a misplaced buzzword and try to water down his stupidity (and probably you have done something like it since you're so defensive) by saying "its no big deal". Of course it's no big deal you dense twat lmfao, no one is going to be dead over that. Doesn't mean it's less stupid.

Go fuck yourself faggot and fuck off somewhere else.

>> No.5712076

Meats you can eat with your hand, potato and macaroni salad, and desserts. Lasagna is quite common too for some reason.

>> No.5712078

>being this mad
What are you, drunk? Either way, you're a twat with less than zero reading comprehension. Go to bed and try again tomorrow. Your shitposting is fucking boring.

>> No.5712112

You might want to open a movie theater with all that top quality projection, ledditard. You can even make a potluck event and when you bring pickles in and everyone's laughing at you, you will able to spout to them

I had fun making fun of you ser autist but you are now falling back into full 15 year old mode and you will turn even more droll

>> No.5712168


autistics. autism is the disorder. fucking buzzwords.

>> No.5712170

tfw american pickles are fucking sweet and sugary
absolutely disgusting

>> No.5712226

Wat. Are you drunk or something?

>> No.5712239


>> No.5712243

Vlasic and Mt Olive are disgusting squishy garbage. Claussen is best.

>> No.5712289

>Claussen is best.


>> No.5712298
File: 109 KB, 640x480, thankyouforthisimagegoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not bringing homemade pickles

You can eat store bought pickles any time you want at home. Why would I waste potluck space on a pickle when there are so many good homemade things to try?

Anyone crave stickles?

>> No.5712359
File: 1 KB, 125x78, 1406050070985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this board so fucking funny

It's like everyone is arguing but nobody is taking it seriously because it's just fucking food discussion

>> No.5712365

it's serious when people are talking about something like health

but when it's something like op bringing a jar of pickles to a potluck... what can you really do?

you just have to sit back and enjoy it

>> No.5712403

The Sweet ones are meant to be eaten in thin slices on sandwiches. They'd be nasty whole.

>> No.5712566
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.5712592

'what the kid are into now' is sometimes just emancipation from food industry, i.e. rediscovering smart forgottent practices, in that case: pickling.

Currently in France, the only remaining commercial pickled vegetable is cabage for choucroutte. Not so far ago, we also had salt pickles, but they have been replaced by vinegar ones by the food industry (easier to process, more reliable, cheaper...).

>> No.5712627

You went full retard, buddy. Never go full retard.

>> No.5712781

Pretty good troll post

>> No.5712794

A little while ago I ate at Carnegie Deli and the food they gave us was served with a couple pickle spears. I had a couple bites of mine and thought it tasted like complete ass. Am I just a pickle pleb or something? I didn't know what kind they were but I guess they serve them to everyone there.

>> No.5712903

nah, pickles in general are fucking garbage for gay faggots

>> No.5712923

If you don't have anything nice to bring, (e.g., not a jar of fucking pickles) please don't come at all.