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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5708057 No.5708057 [Reply] [Original]

>making bitchin spaghetti in meat sauce for my parents because I got home early
>make the sauce from scratch
>it's simmering on the stove
>tastes really good
>dad comes home
>"oh good I'm really hungry when will this be ready"
>he tastes a spoonful
>"did you put sugar in it"
>"no I..."
>"that's the italian way of doing it you need to put sugar in it"
>pours half a cup of sugar in my sauce
>half a cup of sugar in my sauce
>half a cup
>this is like the third time this month he's fucking ruined my dinner
>eat fucking spaghetti in barbecue sauce for dinner
>mfw it wasn't terrible but it was still pretty fucking gross

>> No.5708087

you sound like a faggot

>> No.5708088

he put half a cup of sugar in my sauce

>> No.5708092

that's an asshole move

>> No.5708093

you did kick him in the nuts, right?
cause he deserves it for putting sugar in the sauce and also for being your father.

>> No.5708101

A few weeks ago I was making a chicken caprese with bacon and I bought a bunch of smoked gouda from the deli to melt on top of it and he ate like 5 of the 8 slices behind my back.

>> No.5708110

Who wouldn't?

And as for the sugar, although you're embellishing, it does need a sugar component. Should've said you used wine/carrots/etc before he did that.

>> No.5708112

wrapped in bacon*

oh my god it was going to be so good and peppery and bacony and smoked gouda-y
now I'm having flashbacks

If he ruins my dinner one more time I'm not cooking for them anymore. I was just trying to be nice.

>> No.5708120

I was planning on putting like a half a teaspoon of sugar and some red wine vinegar in 5 minutes before it was done.

>> No.5708122

Tomatoes are already very sweet.

>> No.5708124

Well don't bother trying to cook for the spoiled fuckers next time.
If they get hungry they can just go hit up an early bird special.

It's still on you though for just taking it like a bitch.

>> No.5708130

>half a cup
It is actually half of a cup.

>> No.5708140

Quit being a bitch

>> No.5708146

there is no need for extra sugar in tomato sauce
and ruining the caprese was also not nice
stop cooking for him

>> No.5708147

What he's telling you by doing this is that he doesn't like your sauce and feels it's too sour/acidic. I have observed similar behavior in my own dad-studies. The fact that he may or may not have any idea what he's doing does not have any bearing on his decision here. This is classic dad behavior, and it is well documented in scientific literature.

The cheese thing is pretty fucked up, but again, dad behavior. Have you considered murder?

>> No.5708156

Sounds like you need a big fat black marker and some post-it notes.


>> No.5708167

You understand dads.

If I would have said yes he wouldn't have put any in. He couldn't tell. He just saw sauce, sugar and heard the word no.

>> No.5708184

No one cares, this is how language evolves.

>> No.5708190

I would have just dumped the sauce in the trash and gone out.

>> No.5708193

Sounds like your dad wouldn't appreciate good sauce in the first place.

Maybe you should just take him to Olive Garden instead.

>> No.5708197

I'm sure you say "half of an hour" where everyone else says "half an hour" too, you paragon of proper English.

>> No.5708201


no1 care. dis how words mean now.

>> No.5708220

Thats called ebonics.

>> No.5708221

y r u gtn so ^set?

>> No.5708226

I'll put half a cup of sauce in you sugar.

>> No.5708231


>> No.5708240

>be me
>making dinner for parents
>say I'm making hand made spaghetti with deliciously simmered sauce and tender meatballs
>they tell me that's a waste of money and I should just get $2 sauce in a jar
>"I always make that and it taste good, you ate it as a kid so you want to say you weren't happy with my cooking??"
>explain them it's only like $4 a person which is cheaper than take-out

>next day preparing the dish
>dad walks into kitchen
>starts complaining he doesn't like garlic
>he also doesn't like the smell of basil
>keeps commenting on my cooking while I'm slowly getting more and more pissed off
>letting my sauce simmer
>dad starts complaining it's taking too long ( mind you it's only about 4pm at this point )
>let it simmer for 2 hours any way
>dad is still complaining that if he doesn't like it he is going to cook something else
>plated the dish
>they eat it
>they fucking loved it and asked if they got to keep the leftovers

>week later cook for them again
>same fucking complaining again

I hate it that my parents don't support my cooking hobby. I cook nearly restaurant quality dishes for them once every week and especially my dad just keeps complaining. When I look at my friends their parents are fucking ecstatic when they cook some mac & cheese for them once in a blue month.

>> No.5708263

>once in a blue month.
stopped reading there

>> No.5708264

You should have just said yes

>> No.5708267

>once in a blue month
They're probably deeply ashamed of their retard son. Also what the fuck are you doing putting the basil in so early?

>> No.5708271

Fforry blo. Mine baddvs

>> No.5708277

You don't just go pouring shit in people's things while they're cooking. That's fucked up.

>> No.5708282

you do when you own the house and everything in it including the food. If OP doesnt like it he can geta job and move out

>> No.5708299

i sure hope you did

>> No.5708377

>once in a blue month

>> No.5708385

>I cook nearly restaurant quality

Then you are failing. I rarely find somersetting at a restaurant that I cant easily do better.

>> No.5708389

lmao is this nigger serious

I love threads like these where the OP still lives with his parents; you can watch the stone age fucks come out of the woodwork and insist that the parents no longer have to act like civilized humans

>> No.5708390

You are LITERALLY so mad that the heat of your butt could melt the Earth

>> No.5708392

Are you the same authoritarian cuntbag who posts in any thread including a parent?

>> No.5708398

now you know to lie next time

>> No.5708401

I dunno

>> No.5708414

How's it like being 12?

>> No.5708469

I'm not 12. You, however, lived with abusive parents and/or were/are a poorfag

>> No.5708471

I have a somewhat similar story:
>be me
>be human
>at a family reunion having a barbecue
>everybody there eats only well done
>I am the cook
>fine then, everything well done
>except for this rib eye, dis gon be gud
>middle ground between rare and medium rare, perfect
>put to rest, away from everything
>by the way, since I'm cooking I cook for everybody then cook for myself last
>be back in a second, gotta go to the bathroom
>come back
>where's my steak?
>no seriously, where the fuck is my steak?
>back in grill
>it's cut in half, both parts full of gashes in both sides
>my steak is kill
>anon that was raw
>burst into treats
That hurt.

>> No.5708489

>once in a blue month

>> No.5708500

How's it like having shit parents?

>> No.5708539

When I make meals for myself around other people I take a bite and then spit in back in. Strangely most people don't steal food from me.

>> No.5708543

it is actually either fucktard. alternately, it's actually either dickbreath. see how that works?

>> No.5708549

I am in no way autistic, but OP all I would have said is 'What the fuck?' and then promptly poured the whole pot in the trash.

Seriously if people want to fucking be like that and not respect your cooking or...I dunno, ad sugar onto his own fucking plate, then the only way through to them is to be a bit dramatic.

If only logically explaining shit would work but humans don't seem to have that function 60% of the time.

>> No.5708557

>I am in no way autistic

>> No.5708559

It is actually this:

>It is actually either, fucktard.
>it is actually either fucktard

You also need to capitalize the first letter of a sentence.

>> No.5708560

>burst into treats

>> No.5708602
File: 59 KB, 300x444, 1406057906370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the joys of visiting home.

>live ten hours from family
>staying with my parents for a couple of weeks in the summer one year
>one day say I'll grill some burgers for dinner
>have to go out to run errands and get foodstuffs for the meal
>mom says "Okay, I'll thaw the meat for you while you're out."
>get home with my fixings and such, ready to cook
>ask about the meat
>"Oh, here it is Anon."
>grey, partially cooked wad of horror on a greasy plate
>fuck the burgers and make some half-assed Shepherd's pie instead

>next day, still want to grill
>go to the butcher shop and buy some swanky porterhouses
>come home, fire up the grill
>ask parents how they want their steaks
>dad wants medium, mom wants well-done (of course)
>dad outside, "Anon, the grill is too hot."
>no it's not, fuck off dad
>"Anon, it's too hot, turn it down." (Gas grill, please forgive my father.)
>explain why high heat is best heat
>he shrugs, I throw mom's steak on grill and go inside to grab a plate
>come back outside
>all three steaks are on the grill
>heat turned down
>lose my shit and tell dad to cook the fucking steaks himself
>eat the most depressing porterhouse of my life like 30 minutes later

>> No.5708618

Hello God, why are you posting on 4chan?

>> No.5708629

If something like that happened i would rip open the ground and throw him into the darkest pits of tartarus.Seriously, why do parents take that "I know everything better than you, therefore i must cook better than you too" shit far enough to mess with it while you are doing the deed?

>> No.5708630


>> No.5708634

>be me
>blue month

kill thyself, underage redditor cancer shitposter

>> No.5708645

never read that one before?
from an old pre-delete r9k greentext

>> No.5708646

I'm sure the steaks weren't great, but the reason you think the steak was the most depressing you've ever had was because you were in a bad mood. And I hope you aren't some Gordon Ramsey faggot that burns well-done steaks to a crisp.

>> No.5708698

Refusing to eat the sauce and instead using BBQ sauce is probably the most childish behavior I have ever read on 4chan. Congratulations kid.

>> No.5708702

Nice reading comprehension, bro. Congratulations on your try-hard attempt at condescension, son.

>> No.5708706

>>be me
Unrelated to the story, but like, why do people put this in posts? We know it is you—how could it not be you?

>> No.5708747

Guy you're replying to, it's just another joke that stuck from the greentext threads. Same as 'burst into treats' and mixing 'girl' with 'grill'. Speaking of which, I'm looking back and noticed that I missed an opportunity to add another epic maymay.

>> No.5708750

As far as steaks go, they were awful. I'd say literally the worst I've ever eaten. As far as meat in general, no, they were edible. I'm not so autistic that I won't eat something just because it's not a textbook dish. That's why I said most "depressing," not most disgusting, considering I made a special trip to the butcher for a nice steak only to get a slab of unremarkable beef.

As for well done steaks, I very rarely have the "privilege" of cooking one, and I'm pretty sure I do overdo them. But I don't intentionally burn them to a crisp, no. I usually follow the thumb test when cooking for others who aren't so picky as me.

>> No.5708763

See, I know that, and I've been around since long before it was a thing. Yet every time I see it, I want to punch the poster in his face. I guess it is just a kind of trigger.

>> No.5708783

it irks me too but i'm sensing that it's becoming the new "rip in piece" in that it flusters a few fannies

>> No.5708816

it feels more like a dumb thing that never really got popular, but refuses to die

the Kardashians of 4chan maymays

>> No.5708852

These sort of jokes are not funny by themselves, what makes them work is how they never fail to get a reaction and help spot who is new.

>> No.5708884

>Stopping reading at the last two words

Fair enough.

>> No.5708915

I'd love to do stories about how my parents are idiots who fuck up my cooking, but I don't live with them and I rarely see them.

This is the life.

>> No.5708922

I had this problem.
>why are you cooking that?
>is it going to smell up the house?

Then my dad starts automaticly taking over the cooking
>dad come on
>i got this dad, just chill out
>dad, goddammit

Wow this is really good...but you could have did this instead. Or this or that.

Just eat the food and say thanks, goddamn. Id go crazy if I still lived with them.

>> No.5708929

>Have you considered murder?
That's a little extreme, don't you think? A simple beating will usually correct the behavior.

OP, try starting to cook half an hour earlier. Then you'll be finished when he walks in the door, and he won't be able to ruin everything.

>> No.5708946

Sounds like you are being treated like a child. Obviously your parents don't see you as an adult.

>> No.5708952

>people who think you can't cook because you smoked up the house

niggas do you know how fucking powerful the ventilation systems in restaurant kitchens are

>> No.5708954

How did you not stop him? Did you just stand there like a faggot while he got the sugar out, got the measuring cup out, scooped up the sugar, walked toward your sauce, dump it in, all while saying "I'm putting sugar in your sauce"?

>> No.5708956

Pretty much came into the thread to say what this guy said.

>> No.5708975

God, this and similar threads make me so hapy that i ahve parents who love cooking and are good at.
all teh good food, and even the ready made stuff my father made for mey brothers when we came back forms chool from time ot time wasnt least upgraded in some way. most fo the time fresh made stuff though.

>> No.5708990

It's newer than green texted stories for sure. My guess is that reddit and similar communities picked it up and added it because it wasn't clear to them in the first place thats its a first person narration.

Just look at /r/fatpeoplestories and the like .

>be me
>be 170lb female,
>but like, athletic and I am really tall, so not chubby at all
>I am also an atheist
>just wearing my sports bra and leggins at the gym
>something something fat

>> No.5709005

OP I want your recipe for the Chicken Caprese.

Also I don't really have any stories like these since my entire family can cook sans my little brother and he just stays the hell away from the cooking instruments.

>> No.5709006


>> No.5709012

>red wine
>not dry white

I bet you used chopped tomatoes and didn't even use any milk.

>> No.5709023

>Be me
>Live anywhere but burgerland
>Never have these problems

>> No.5709031

whats up with people always wanting their stake well done? I read so many stories like that on /ck/

>chef made my stake well done
>parents cook steak well done
>sisters asks for a well done steak in restaurant
>no anon, it's raw, it's poisionous, cook for longer etc.

>> No.5709032

Yeah, I mean steak, sori four inglish

>> No.5709043

I think it is just mentioned so often because people like crying about it (and have every right to do so) also it is one of the easiest to identify sins of cooking whilst also being so easy to avoid. I think teh rate of people reporting about it here is higher than the rate is in RL just becaus ethe awareness arte here is so much higher

>> No.5709051

did you kill them

>> No.5709059

I'll be honest. The words I would use in that situation would remove me from most future family get togethers.

Also the wills.

>> No.5709187

Next time offer to sell them the ingredients if they want to cook it themselves

>> No.5709209

My roommate is notorious for this shit. He has no appreciation for any flavor besides "pepper spray"

Out of 5 guys living here I'm the only one who can cook, but it works out since I love cooking and they buy/clean. Of course, about once a week I'll be in the last stages of a huge, perfectly cooked meal and he'll "help out". We all like spicy food since this is Texas, but he always goes overboard, dumping literal handfuls of cayenne or pepper flakes in.

In the past 6 months he's ruined at least 30 meals. "let's make it a little more spicy" he says.

>> No.5709229
File: 70 KB, 598x663, IMG_20140808_013820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heres a pic I drew to prove it.

>> No.5709238

'Add more spice to your own fucking plate' didn't occur to you to say or what's the story?

You have to elaborate otherwise you look like a limp dicked moron.

>> No.5709249

Whenever my dad did shit like that I would make him shut the fuck up in a minute. You need to learn to put your parents in their place so they stop this shit. Show no mercy and they will stop, they are pretty much bullying you.

>> No.5709256

Yeah you sound like a giant pussy OP. Should have slapped that shit out of his hand

>> No.5709271

What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.5709287

The lewd honeycomb pokemon investigates the fertile and waiting lilligant.

>> No.5709291

>once in a blue month
Are you japanese? They use the same character for moon and month.

>> No.5709310

let me tell you how I know you're new as shit

>> No.5709320

Wow, you dont sound insecure at all, about anything.

>> No.5709415

When my family interferes with my cooking, I dump it all on the offender's bed. They don't fuck with my food any more.

But seriously, why does family always have to try to fuck with your food?

>> No.5709424


Because there's something wrong with your family.

>> No.5709457

>"that's the italian way of doing it you need to put sugar in it"

For the record Italians never, ever, put sugar in it.

>> No.5709461


I know this. I can barely browse there because of that bullshit. I just go lurk /fit/ or sometimes /b/ for my fix. Fucking underages on le r3ddit xD ruin everything.

>> No.5709462

OP probably doesn't pay for any of the food, seeing as he lives with his parents. They can do whatever they want to it.

>> No.5709470

>around age 17
>dad had bought a fuckton of romaine because he's retarded
>no way could possibly eat all this damned romaine
>decide to get creative before it gets too wilted
>make soup out of it
>looks like green smoothie
>tastes like french onion with lettuce in background
>pretty aight
>dad (the fucktard who bought a billion heads of lettuce all at once because he only wants to grocery shop once a fortnight) bitches that it looks weird

Shut the fuck up and eat the damned food.

>> No.5709479

Well in this case
You're at fault here bro.
You tampered with HIS food and it wasnt your jurisdiction to do so. Maybe if he asked you to make him something, or if YOU bought the food, you'd be justified at your rant here.

Needless to say, this thread is mostly filled with autistic /cocks/ who have no communication values with their parents.
>literally mouthing off your parents on /ck/
>this entire thread

>> No.5709490

i don't think you realise how stubbornly stupid some people are. "communication values" don't work with those people

>> No.5709491

Not with angsty, know it all teens

>> No.5709513


not true

>> No.5709520

How often did your father mouth you off faggot?

>> No.5709538


>> No.5709557


tell him to fuck off then you limp dick faggot instead of bitching to strangers about it online. fucking pathetic

>> No.5710026

Anon has raw talent

>> No.5710050


Fuck off back to leddit with your "le superior athiest" speak.

>> No.5710095

It's okay, his foot will soon fall off because of beetus and you'll have the last kek.