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5705971 No.5705971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Himalayan Crystal Salt: The Health Benefits

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:

>Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
>Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
>Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
>Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
>Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
>Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
>Aiding vascular health
>Supporting healthy respiratory function
>Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
>Reducing cramps
>Increasing bone strength
>Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
>Creating a healthy libido
>Circulator support
>Promotes kidney and gall bladder health when compared to common chemically-treated salt

why aren't you enjoying all the benefits of himalayan salt, /ck/?

>> No.5705974

>may include

inb4 tricky marketing

>> No.5705977

>why aren't you enjoying all the benefits of himalayan salt, /ck/?

but i am

>> No.5705981

Because NaCl is NaCl. It doesn't matter if its from the himalayas or from the french coast. Biggest scam ever. Its not going to magically chance its crystal structure because its from a fancy sounding part of the world.

>> No.5706001

lol the fact that one of those reasons says 'compared to common salt' is very telling

>> No.5706006

Yeah it is.

>> No.5706017 [DELETED] 

OP that IS tricky marketing, however pink himalayan salt tend to have a higher and more complex mineral content than normal salt so I believe that these "may includes: may be that its most likely based on the idea that as a result of what specific problems people may have had in association to certain mineral and or sodium(salt) deficiencies before they consumed pink himalayan salt, and how they felt after the fact.

if you look at the iodine content vs normal iodized salt, and mineral content vs normal salt, pink salt tend to win. iodine in thyroid function etc.

I am completely against tricky marketing, but pink salt is clearly the better salt in regards to nutrients, flavor, and culinary use.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

>> No.5706019

There's more to materials than their perfect crystal structure.
And there are no perfect crystals

>> No.5706021

In some salt brands they add Potassium instead of sodium.
Because it's healthier or whatever. But tastes like ass.

Also pink salt isn't just NaCl, it probably has some traces of iron oxide I guess.

Also there's a difference between "table salt" and "sea salt"
sea salt and table salt share the same amount of sodium chloride, but only sea salt retains the trace elements found in saline water.

>> No.5706032

tricky marketing usually tends to try to sneak into everything we buy, but that doesn't mean we can't go beyond what we are being fooled with. pink himalayan salt tends to have a higher and more complex mineral content than normal salt so I believe that these "may includes: may be that its most likely based on the idea that as a result of what specific problems people may have had in association to certain mineral and or sodium(salt) deficiencies before they consumed pink himalayan salt, and how they felt after the fact.

if you look at the iodine content vs normal iodized salt, and mineral content vs normal salt, pink salt tend to win. iodine in thyroid function etc.

I am completely against tricky marketing, but pink salt is clearly the better salt in regards to mineral content, nutrients, flavor, and culinary use. I don't simply get it just because it looks cool. however you have to be very aware of what you are buying. there is, and there isn't fairly priced pink himalayan salt out there, so if it seems too expensive, Don't buy it.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

>> No.5706034

>no one remembers the pink himalayan salt guy

>> No.5706042

srsly OP, most of those "benefits" are pretty much just listing the normal body functions a healthy amount of normal "salt", and then some added meaningless statements like "reducing the common signs of aging" (which ones and how?).

>> No.5706050


like 90% of that shit is stuff normal salt does as well and 100% is stuff you did not reference scientific studies on

>> No.5706058

Yea, it's basically like saying stopping with masturbation reduced inflammation.

(When you get an orgasm you release a lot of hormones, one of them can cause inflammation but I doubt an orgasm releases enough of it for it to be ever a problem)

>> No.5706133


>> No.5706244

>tastes better
>has more minerals than white salt
>implying I'm not

>> No.5706284

Saying that special salts (mineral salt, pink salt, mountain salt....) contain more micronutrient and minerals is a great seller, but pretty much bullshit.

Sure, there are trace elements that are removed to create table salt. That still doesn't mean that those trace elements were useful at any point. All of the micronutrients together are less than 1% of the salt, and seeing that you eat about 3-5 grams of salt a day, it doesn't amount to anything. For instance calcium, you need about 1,5 grams of it a day, but you are not getting anywhere near that with salt.

>> No.5706306


hello to you too

>> No.5706323
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>Sure, there are trace elements that are removed to create table salt. That still doesn't mean that those trace elements were useful at any point. All of the micronutrients together are less than 1% of the salt
>Sure, there are trace elements
>All of the micronutrients together are less than 1% of the salt
>less than 1% of the salt

why do you think they call them trace/micronutrients?
you're only supposed to get a very small amount of them, so why completely remove them from your diet by purchasing salt that has had them all removed?

I'm american but I am sick of this stupid idea that everything needs to be a perfect color or that every tomato has to be the same shape, its absolutely retarded
>my perfect white salt!
>my car has no spots! such wax!
>my lawn is mowed evenly hue hue!

nobody knows that the strangely shaped tomatoes can taste better since they haven't been messed with.

>> No.5706339

maybe because white seasalt is cheaper than himalayan and the cost difference doesn't make up for the nutrient difference

>> No.5706344

can i get some peer rev-


can i get some semi reliable anecdotes backing up your claims?

>> No.5706354


The amounts are so small, that it is totally insignificant. You would have to eat more than 100 grams of salt every day for the trace elements to mount up to anything.

The point was that the marketing people use these trace elements as a selling point. They are trying to make you think like those trace elements will actually do you good.

For anyone interested, here is a chemical analysis of natural himalayan pink salt: http://www.saltnews.com/chemical-analysis-natural-himalayan-pink-salt/

>> No.5706382

>pink himalayan salt
it's like I'm back in 2012

>> No.5706423

it is cheaper but I rather get the pink salt because I like the taste better and prefer having those trace minerals if it means I'm helping my body.

>> No.5706429

read my post again, they are called trace minerals for a reason.

>> No.5706430


You are not helping your body. It's like saying that planting a single blade of grass is helping that football field look greener.

>> No.5706450


Trace mineral and micronutrient are not the same thing. When you have trace minerals, they are useless, because there are too little. It doesn't matter what they are, because they are too insignificant to do any good.

Sure, you don't need much magnesium in your daily life (apprx. 400mg), but the trace amounts that pink salt will not do a dent in that. You would have to eat 3 kg of pink salt to fill your daily recommended amount of magnesium.

Trace elements are for marketing, not for your health.

>> No.5706453

I do.

Then again that is me, so kinda hard to forget. I keep that block of salt in 1-gallon jars now. which reminds me, I need to crush up some more in my mortar and pestle for the salt shaker. Super fine salt is best salt, holy hell.

>> No.5706455

>Trace mineral and micronutrient are not the same thing. When you have trace minerals, they are useless, because there are too little. It doesn't matter what they are, because they are too insignificant to do any good.

[citation needed]

>there's a trace of cat shit on the bottom of your shoe
>it stinks up the entire car
>"don't worry anon, a trace of shit is insignificant and means nothing"

>> No.5706468

jesus christ, what's with this citation meme, all you need to do is look up the chemical makeup of pink salt per kilogram and compare it to daily recommended values, don't be so useless

>> No.5706474

>All of the micronutrients together are less than 1% of the salt
Saline water isn't 99% Na+ and Cl-
The composition by dry weight percent includes: sodium, 30.8; potassium, 1.1; magnesium, 3.7; calcium, 1.2; chloride, 55.5; sulfate, 7.7.

13,7% of stuff in sea salt isn't Sodium nor chloride, while the nutrients it adds doesn't really mean much for your health.
It does make the taste different.

Pink salt just got copper and iron oxide in the mix also.
It makes a difference in taste.

Sodium Na+ 382.61 g/kg
Chloride Cl- 590.93 g/kg

Seems like Himalayan salt is a lot more purer than normal sea salt.

>> No.5706487

86% to 97%

so much more HPS having more micronutrients

>> No.5706508

ITT: Loads of bullshit.

>> No.5706515

you don't understand.

>> No.5706518

you completely disregard and ignore all the other different minerals in the salt, I believe you are a shill that is trying to give pink salt an uncool appearance so that people stop buying it.

>> No.5706522

I prefer coarse.

>> No.5706526


Here is a list of minerals and the amounts in pink salt. Please, tell me which of these have a significant amount.

>> No.5706527

I'm in tears, and I couldn't have explained it better myself.

>doesn't like something because it proves them wrong or demands they provide evidence
>calls it a meme

pink salt has:
>better flavor
>more minerals
than normal table salt

deal with it.

>> No.5706529


Trace impurities aren't gonna do a god damn thing for your health.

>> No.5706531


And the list is http://www.saltnews.com/chemical-analysis-natural-himalayan-pink-salt/

>> No.5706533

it tastes better and it has more minerals, I will buy it and you have no say in the matter. call me a dumbass but I laugh all the way to the store and back.

>> No.5706540

according to that chart pink salt contains extremely small amounts of uranium and plutonium, EXTREMELY small amounts.

it also seems to contain extremely small amounts of incredibly diverse elements and minerals, which is also very fascinating.

>> No.5706545

Pink salt is a gimmick.

>> No.5706549

>No PHS guy pics

>> No.5706556

I don't think its a gimmick. I thought it was until I tried it and I liked the flavor more.

>> No.5706557

just wait until all the chef bros on /ck/ realize it tastes better. they wont ever shut up about it.

>> No.5706561

If it tastes better, then that is a good reason to buy it. It being healthier is not.

>> No.5706565

>more minerals
are you counting shit like mercury, uranium, etc, or just minerals the body needs

>> No.5706570

I know it tastes better from my perspective, but I also believe it is healthier and there is nothing you can do to change my mind so you can stop trying.

assumptions assumptions

>> No.5706573

im just asking

why so defensive?

>> No.5706579

>there is nothing you can do to change my mind so you can stop trying.

Well, that's the problem when people rely on "beliefs" instead of facts.

>> No.5706590
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is PHS still a meme? excellent, i love forced /ck/ memes
>blares techno

>> No.5706591


they're not "beliefs," they're beliefs. like they're ACTUALLY beliefs.

>> No.5706595

fucking load of shit, every last one of you. himalayan salt tastes exactly like any other kind of salt when used correctly. if you can taste anything other than a small boost in saltiness in your food then you must be eating that shit straight out of the bottle.

>> No.5706601

because it sounds like you made an aggressive intentional assumption.

>> No.5706606

If you mean that I believe shills are shilling, then yes. I believe.

>> No.5706609

text isn't sound.
i just wanted to know, if you, personally, count harmful elements in your food to be beneficial.

>> No.5706614

>himalayan salt tastes exactly like any other kind of salt

stop anon I can't breath

>> No.5706617

>text isn't sound.
enough with the pedantic semantics.
>i just wanted to know, if you, personally, count harmful elements in your food to be beneficial.
I'm not entirely sure if that graph is at all accurate but I do not think I am okay with plutonium and uranium in my food. yet, I have a feeling that everything on this planet may have equally small amounts of those things in it as well.

>> No.5706627

>breaking news
>women who swallow are ingesting URANIUM
>stop swallowing semen

jews win again

>> No.5706706

what kind of logic is this, are you crazy?

>> No.5706715

why are you so invested in swallowing semen

>> No.5706731

>swallowing semen


>> No.5706808

>himalayan salt tastes exactly like any other kind of salt when used correctly.

chain smoker spotted

>> No.5706854

were these posts really necessary?

>> No.5707149
File: 2.48 MB, 1998x1777, Fleur de Sel de Guerande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did recently get some fleur de sel to season stuff instead of regular table salt.
It does have a different, nicer flavour to it, I like it.

>> No.5707202
File: 44 KB, 438x500, nohomeopath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaiian Black Salt with activated charcoal master race reporting in.

>> No.5707536

what does this taste like?

>> No.5708711

>entire list is literally just the benefits of salt

>> No.5708716
File: 12 KB, 300x300, nosalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KCl is not sold as regular salt, it's sold as a salt substitute e.g. pic related

>> No.5708722

10/10 post would read again.

Faggots can't into math lol.

>> No.5708766


>> No.5708940

>The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:
>a bunch of stuff

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt DO include:

not dying from salt deficiency
nothing else

>> No.5708944

Fleur de sel

In cooking, I usually go with kosher. In table-side seasoning, I think the Fleur de sel has a good texture.

I don't give a fuck about health, but what is the take on flavor?

>> No.5709037

Potassium is for people who need to reduce sodium. You should have enough potassium to cancel out salt in the blood stream

>> No.5709041

Thanks op, you reminded me I forgot to lick my salt lamp today!

>> No.5710013

>I don't give a fuck about health, but what is the take on flavor?

I've read three different studies, one reasonably well done, one sorta well done (America's Test Kitchens), and one weak (magazine not known for cooking or testing).

There seems to be no detectable difference in flavor, though tasters definitely respond to size/shape of the crystals. So when you dissolve the salts in liquid, people can't tell any of them apart.

For baking, small even-sized crystals are preferable.

For adding to dishes, it depends on the use, but larger flakier salts tend to do well in taste tests on meats, for example.

For straight salt-eating, tasters prefer large crystals, presumably for the texture.

Obviously for non-blind tests, there will be a preference for the most attractive container and most exotic looking salt, and that's where Himalayan sea salt kicks Morton's ass. It also sounds fancier, so many restaurants will use it, but only if they're going to list it on the menu; it's for marketing, not for flavor.

>> No.5710032

I can get 5 pounds of this stuff off of amazon for $15, shipped to my door.

That's really not that expensive.

>> No.5710041

>tfw pink salt slab guy will never return

>> No.5710273

Wow, 10/10.

So iodine does not affect flavor in cooking? Table = kosher for flavor?

>> No.5710305

It provides those health benefits but only because most of us are chronically mineral deficient. They have been farming the same soil for over a hundred years and its been raped of micronutrients. You get some of those back with sea salt.

>> No.5710313

I use HPS because it's pretty.

>> No.5710315

The iodine content of salt marketed for human consumption is so small that you really shouldn't taste anything at all. Something has gone horribly wrong if you can taste the iodine in your salt.

>> No.5710335

>So iodine does not affect flavor in cooking?

>Table = kosher for flavor?
Yes. Only difference is the size of the crystals (aka texture)

>> No.5710606

don't play dumb

>> No.5710610


>> No.5710674

Thank you, oh glorious internet expert. Your measured treatment of the topic is bested only by the breadth and scope of your knowledge. Pray tell, where might lesser beings like myself find these studies you quote so effortlessly?

Thank you for gracing us with your "reasonably well done" post.

>> No.5710681

sorta like activated almonds, but saltier.

Seriously though, it tastes more mature and developed than say, a pink salt or sal de fleur. I use it with pervasive flavors such as roasted mushrooms and braised beef