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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 600x721, 00454719bbc0d85f28945a87cea61533-merka-lady-consumes-entire-block-of-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5705560 No.5705560 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?

Can you imagine how much better their lives would be if they understood the difference between what they consider food, and what is actually food?

Poors often complain about "the nanny state" but there is an old saying: spare the rod, spoil the child. I think most people would agree with this.

>> No.5705569

Better nutrition classes?
My dumb as a box of rocks feeds her baby french fries (and basically nothing else) for meals.
I just want to slap her and tell her how awful that is.

>> No.5705572

Get better grocery stores in the ghetto. Have you ever seen a ghetto grocery store? They are so full of junk food. The produce usually sucks while the meat is acceptable quality. You can give someone ideas to eat healthier, but it doesn't work when the only grocery store you have access to (i.e. not requiring a car) is shit.

>> No.5705575

If it was cheaper

>> No.5705577


How do you get better grocery stores in the ghetto? Subsidies? Ban the shitty ones? Make laws forcing the poor people to shop at the good ones?

>> No.5705579

GMO vegetables to taste and cook like TV meals

>> No.5705591

That's one of the underlying problems. Those stores aren't going away. You'd have to ban the shit food inside of them, but then you limit choice for non-ghetto stores. I guess you could ban using food stamps for junk food. In Kansas, we have WIC vouchers (women/infant/children). It's basically food stamps for new mothers and will only allow them to use it on certain types of food. Maybe use that model for food stamps

>> No.5705594


I'll bet killing off all the cheap meat factories would make a great deal of difference. If poor people weren't able to hork down 3 pounds of deep fried textured animal foam every night, they might learn to appreciate vegetables, lentils, and stuff like that.

>> No.5705597


it is easy to make welfare kiddies eat better, you just ban food that is not "better" from being bought with foostamps

>> No.5705601

Yeah but that only works for people on welfare

What about all the working class chumps

>> No.5705604
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>feeds her baby french fries
This is infuriating. This is just plain child abuse, way to derail the heatlhy development of your child. Then the little fucker grows up with mental dementia and will do the same to their offspring. Woohoo.

>> No.5705606 [DELETED] 

Destroy the economy so more people have to go on food stamps

We can start by defaulting on our debt

>> No.5705609 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 1536x1024, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im working on that, anon

- b. hussein o.

>> No.5705612

The grocery stores are packed with junk food because that's what people buy, not the other way around.

>> No.5705613

It's expensive to eat healthy. I remember when I used to not try to eat veggies and meat all the time. It was a cheaper time.

>> No.5705628

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?
By sending the president's wife to push GMOs

>> No.5705656


it goes both ways honestly



i'm poor and I eat healthy, but if I ate like shit I could, from a caloric and probably even nutritional standpoint if I mapped out some sort of meal structure based upon shitty processed foods, I believe it would be significantly cheaper


>muh tinfoil hat
>hurr durr monsanto supports it so that makes it inherently evil
>i've never taken any chem or bio courses in my life

>> No.5705659

No compromiser detected

>> No.5705670

>>muh tinfoil hat
>>hurr durr monsanto supports it so that makes it inherently evil
>>i've never taken any chem or bio courses in my life
I never said all GMOs were evil, I just implied the ones Obama was pushing were, since the family are Monsanto shills.

Please don't confuse Monsanto GMOs and business practices with all GMOs

>> No.5705671
File: 161 KB, 640x585, Mini-Tortilla-Crust-Pizza-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans and rice
Is about as cheap as food gets.

>> No.5705673

V-vegan propaganda!

>> No.5705676

This seemed like a pretty good initiative:


I don't know if these things really work though, in the end a lot of people are just lazy as hell.

>> No.5705678

Is it even possible to do that?

>> No.5705679

>government could convince
fuck nigger
how about parents teaching children self control?
What he fuck type of Marxist sissy commune do you want us to live in?

>> No.5705684

The problem is that most poor people are stupid and ignorant, raise their children to be just like them, and leach off of productive members of society. There is no elimination mechanism for these people, so unless you can convince everyone else to let them starve to death, we need to intervene.

>> No.5705686

Seems a bit off topic

Here: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=pepperoni

>> No.5705687


Subsidize healthier foods. Milk and Corn are the most subsidized. Make lean proteins like fish and chicken breasts cheaper. Also dark greens like kale and arugula.

Tax breaks for being healthy. Give the average joe some money for being able to pass basic health standards. If they are suitable to be drafted, give em a break to help cover the healthier foods.

Better health education. Get a dietician to come in a few times during kids lives to teach them about diet. 4th grade, 7th grade, 10th grade. Really drive it home.

>> No.5705689

It's not to fix my family. We're fit and attractive

It's to fix yours. The kind that gets worked up over soda bans because instinctively you hear it and you think "they mean me oh shit muh soda"

>> No.5705702

>and leach off of productive members of society.
Because some people give them rights and entitlements under government.

Soda bans are stupid though. If I want sugar water I'll buy as much as I want.

>> No.5705741


>> No.5705751

How about paying a living wage so they can afford to eat healthier?

>> No.5705756

Yes, and?

>> No.5705763

Or reduce the cost of living

>> No.5705764

So abolish the minimum wage?

>> No.5705765


Because while the idea of a living wage sounds nice, it doesn't work in reality. Great idea, too bad it isn't practical.

>> No.5705776

that could be done with less of a military budget easily.
didn't say that, I just want it to keep it up with inflation
Can't hear you over real first world countries. See: Europoors and Australia

>> No.5705784

>I just want it to keep it up with inflation
funny that it should be $25 if it were held to the same as it was at it's induction

>> No.5705787

what are you a commie? god bless walmart.

>> No.5705789

The problem is we're not really talking about people who are merely uneducated on the matter but wish they knew more. Almost all these people simply want their free money every month and then to be totally left alone to do whatever they want with it.

I honestly believe that even if the government offered free boxes of hundreds of dollars worth of "healthier food" ON TOP of all the other welfare and WIC money, most of these people wouldn't even bother to go pick it up ... unless they could figure out how to turn around and sell it and use the profits to buy beer.

tl;dr it's hopeless.

>> No.5705796

This sounds like it would be insanely expensive to implement, far more than any amount we'd ever get back from having a healthier population.

>> No.5705797

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?

Stop giving "health coverage" to people. Force them to deal with the consequences of their own actions.

>> No.5705805

Actually I think the idea that eating healthier is more expensive is a big issue. It's like people think 'eating healthy' means buying more yuppie-marketed vegan gluten-free gmo-free items at Whole Foods for 3x the cost. But in reality, it's CHEAPER to drink water instead of Soda, it's CHEAPER (in money but not necessarily in time) to eat home-cooked meals than to buy frozen meals. It's way cheaper to cook your own food versus going out to eat for every meal.

It's just that shitty food is good at marketing itself as being cheap. Wow, Marie Calendars Shitty Ass Frozen Meals are only $2 each! There's no way to beat $2 for a whole meal! Well, except you only get about 10oz of food, and chicken breasts are $2 for a whole pound, and it's even cheaper per pound for the veggies and rice that make up the rest of the weight of the meal...

>> No.5705812


This, 100%.

>> No.5705814

And tastes like utter dog shit. And still isn't as cheap as ramen.

>> No.5705817

>And tastes like utter dog shit.

Sounds like you don't know how to cook. OFC it's going to taste like crap by itself. That's why you season it, cook it with aromatic veggies and/or stock, that kinda thing.

>> No.5705823

>trying to force your libfag vegetable crap down my throat

Michelle Obama please go

>> No.5705825

>giving government control to dictate your diet

fuck off commie

>> No.5705827

>Expecting poor people to buy extra shit to eat stuff they don't even want

>> No.5705828


Who said anything about vegetables? Even fucking chicken breast (the most expensive cut of the chicken) is more costly than fast food or frozen shite.

>> No.5705832


It makes more sense than buying junk food. Though I guess fucking up that decision is why they are still poor.

>> No.5705838

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?
Never gonna happen. Every government agriculture position is pretty much manned by a representative of large agribusiness concerns. Profits in this business come from government subsidy of corn. Most of what we consider healthy food they class as "specialty produce", which is a very small segment of the market. Not something one would base policy around.

>spare the rod, spoil the child. I think most people would agree with this.
Ha ha, we brought this on ourselves by making three things that were traditionally very expensive artificially cheap: meat, dairy and sugar. When these luxury ingredients are cheap people will eat them in large amounts.

There used to be a saying, "If a farmer is eating a chicken either the chicken was sick, or the farmer is." Today people eat chicken like it's nothing. Same goes for cheese, beef and high fructose corn syrup - all government subsidized.

Left to their own devices poor people will eat healthy, because the foods that are cheap when you eliminate subsidies are healthy foods. Beans, greens vegetables and grains would be cheaper than meat, dairy and sugar if the government would just stop fucking with the system.

>> No.5705840

>government subsidizes useless gmo shit like soy, corn, and wheat
>indirectly subsidizes the livestock industry to keep factory meat disgusting and cheap
>cost of real food expensive as shit
>wonder why people are obese and unhealthy

Nobody wants to fix the problem because it's a vicious cycle that benefits both the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries while keeping the population too sick and stupid to question the government.

>> No.5705844

But I really like chicken and I'm healthy :^(

>> No.5705847


I agree 100% that subsidies for those foods are problematic. But even with those subsidies it's STILL cheaper to eat healthy and save money by simply cooking from scratch.

>> No.5705850

Nice tinfoil hats.

>> No.5705890

>But I really like chicken and I'm healthy
Most people like chicken. But remember it was traditionally a luxury ingredient - a Sunday night meal if you could afford it. Now it's a cheap commodity protein.
>it's STILL cheaper to eat healthy and save money by simply cooking from scratch.
True, but mom isn't around during the day to cook, and grandma doesn't live with the family. The tradition of home cooking has been lost over the last couple generations. Most of us had to teach ourselves how to fucking cook, because the incentive for most folks isn't there when you can get a fried chicken sandwich from the Dollar Menu at McDonald's.
>tinfoil hats.
Dude, we're not talking Russian mind control here. We're criticizing four decades of agricultural policy that has coincided with massive uptick in obesity rates (and related illnesses). It's hardly a leap to conclude that making the kinds of food likely to make one fat very cheap could result in the poor getting fat.

>> No.5705904

Yep this.

There was a time when "a chicken in every pot" was an outlandish campaign promise.

>> No.5705919

>not liking beans with mustard

>> No.5705922


Public health won't improve until food corporations stop throwing their weight around to influence government policies and public opinions. Most Americans don't even know how to cook a meal without adding in butter or chicken.

>> No.5705925

>Cooking a meal without butter or chicken

Fucking faggot

>> No.5705930

mad fatty detected

>> No.5705936


what does butter or chicken have to do with being fat?

ever seen the typical French diet?

>> No.5705946

the difference is that the French know how to excercise moderation and serve in small portions

>> No.5705949

>comparing a bowl of healthy nutrients to rubbery noodles with seasoned water

>> No.5705951


ok m8

>> No.5705952

can we just print this on flyers and hand it out to uneducated people

>> No.5705955

>ever seen the typical French diet?
Yes. Ever seen French portion sizes? Even the haute bourgeois don't eat like it's Dimanche soir all week long.

A typical French weeknight dinner would be a small fillet of flounder, cooked in a little butter, with a side of lentil salad. Followed by a green salad. Accompaniments might include a glass of white wine and a small amount of bread. Perhaps a small amount of cheese might be eaten at the end of the meal.

The typical office drone in the US consumes more calories than that for fucking lunch at Chipotle or Five Guys.

>> No.5705963


>the difference is that the French know how to excercise moderation and serve in small portions

Correct. Which means the problem lies in the portion, not in the food itself.

Why blame butter (or insert name of other evil food here) when the problem is clearly the VOLUME.

>> No.5705965

Except there's a big difference between the "meat" and dairy in the US and in other countries. There's a reason Europe refuses to import our garbage.

>> No.5705966

Better school lunches

It doesn't even have to be healthy or taste good, just trick kids into eating shit that will pull them out of the pizza/junk food cycle.

How do you expect people to grow up eating healthy when their school lunch options are, pizza, pizza pocket, pizza stick, chips, and burger? Even if it is some over processed, flavorless junk, have kids eat fish and shit. Then as they grow up they'll realize that having a nice white fish with a salad, is a good thing.

Also a PR campaign. Like have you seen how fucking effective the anti-smoking campaign is? Holy shit, you have people frothing at the mouth when they even see a lighter

>> No.5705972
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>Except there's a big difference between the "meat" and dairy in the US and in other countries
top lel, beta US cuck detected. Have you even been to Europe?

>> No.5705976


There's hardly a difference, none of it is healthy. Like the guy said, the French eat less of it due to portioning and are better off because of that.

Regardless of that, though, heart disease is still a major cause of death in France.


>> No.5705978

>serve healthy food at lunch
>kids throw away their lunch trays
>eat twice as much unhealthy shit once they get home instead

>> No.5705985

>kids throw away their lunch trays
Let those kids starve. I know I would eat anything they served me. I'm just lucky my family ate healthy and I'm not addicted to "pizza" foods despite eating some variant of it for 12 years of public schooling

Also, all you have to do is a bit of DARE style brainwashing and you make it cool to eat school lunches, and let peer pressure do it's magical thing.

>> No.5705992

>Why blame butter (or insert name of other evil food here) when the problem is clearly the VOLUME.
I would never blame butter or any particular food as being evil. The problem is indeed volume. Foods like butter, cheese, meat and sugar were traditionally expensive, so people consumed them in moderate amounts out of necessity - they couldn't afford to go heavy on these foods unless they were rich.

Now we have made these foods artificially cheap, so people consume far more of them than they should. It's entirely the fault of subsidizing the wrong shit in agricultural policy.

We've been down this road before. A century ago incentives for growing corn resulted in corn whiskey being cheaper than milk. What was the result? Drunkenness became such a problem that Prohibition actually seemed like a good idea.Today it's obesity.

It's not a matter of people lacking self control. It's a matter of government policy making the kinds of food that make you fat if you go heavy on them so cheap that even poor people can afford to go heavy on them. Because let's face it, of whiskey cost less than soda half of us here would be ripped to the tits. So it's no surprise that when sugar, meat and dairy cost less than kale half of us are fat.

>> No.5705998

> DARE style brainwashing
you really think that wouldn't force them to do the opposite.

>> No.5706007

>So it's no surprise that when sugar, meat and dairy cost less than kale half of us are fat.

But they don't cost less than kale. Yes, butter and milk are "cheap", but beans, rice, and most produce are cheaper still.

>> No.5706010

>you really think that wouldn't force them to do the opposite.
DARE doesn't get people to do the opposite. It doesn't work because when people are the age to do drugs, dumb shit they learned in school isn't going to stop them

I remember after dare having nightmares about accidentally eating drugs. DARE was fucking effective towards the little kids, I bet if you walk up to elementary school kids just off of DARE and offer them drugs, they'd school you with 40 ways to say no.

However, with food, if you convince the kids to eat healthy at lunch even for a little bit, all you have to do is get them past the initial contact, and then they will, for the rest of their lives, realize that there is more to food that processed meat and cheese blended together

Also stop subsidizing agriculture, we end up subsidizing HFCS and bread products. Neither of which Americans need more of.

>> No.5706020

>Drunkenness became such a problem that Prohibition actually seemed like a good idea.
But that's not true. The Temperance movement had influence across much of the Anglosphere in that era.

>> No.5706031

>I remember after dare having nightmares about accidentally eating drugs. DARE was fucking effective towards the little kids, I bet if you walk up to elementary school kids just off of DARE and offer them drugs, they'd school you with 40 ways to say no.

Yeah, but that is temporary. A little later on they meet someone who does drugs. And then they figure out that all the "sky is falling" nightmare bait that DARE told them isn't always true. And then all of it goes out the window.

>> No.5706040

>But they don't cost less than kale.
If you're comparing calories per dollar they most definitely do.

>butter and milk are "cheap", but beans, rice, and most produce are cheaper still.
Boy do I know it. I live mostly off beans and greens, and I'm trim. Also my food costs are pretty low. But I'm also in a privileged position: I'm in a situation where spending a couple hours a day in the kitchen preparing meals. This allows me to spend the time making inexpensive meals that will not make me fat.

Someone more pressed for time might take advantage of the cheap butter and cheese, and just whip up a grilled cheese sandwich, maybe along with a can of tomato soup loaded with high fructose corn syrup. And eating like that on a regular basis is far more likely to make you fat.

>> No.5706043
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It might help if the people in charge of educating the public about nutrition gave evidence-based suggestions rather than trying to give half-useful data that doesn't step on the toes of certain industries.

Then again, the people eating cheetos for lunch and bacon/eggs for breakfast probably aren't interested in following health guidelines. To plenty of people, there's nothing you could say to make them want to eat healthier. What's more important is the 5 minutes of happiness they get from eating a bowl of microwaved cheese.

>> No.5706056


I agree with you, but the problem is getting people to agree on what constitutes an "evidence based suggestion". That's never going to happen.

>> No.5706061

>Yeah, but that is temporary. A little later on they meet someone who does drugs. And then they figure out that all the "sky is falling" nightmare bait that DARE told them isn't always true. And then all of it goes out the window.

Using myself as an example, I agree. But with food all you have to do is normalize it once. It's not like they're going to meat someone later who will convince them that green food is disgusting, and that kraft is the pinnacle of cheese making (which it is if you can only compare it to cheese served at schools)

I slightly disagree with that picture. In health they are many things that you aren't told, because people end up misusing that information. Worked at a dentists, we never told anyone that hard cheeses actually clean you teeth, why? Because you retard will stop brushing your teeth.

If you want "the truth" spend 15 seconds googling it. If you want a successful propaganda campaign to convince people to change their behavior, then get used to social engineering

>> No.5706065

Incredibly easy just end farm subsidies.

>> No.5706102

>The Temperance movement had influence across much of the Anglosphere in that era.
True. But in America factory workers were given a morning whiskey break (elevenses) that was later replaced with the coffee break. Think about that. Whiskey was so cheap that it was common for workers to take a mid morning whiskey break! They were half lit by lunchtime.
>What's more important is the 5 minutes of happiness they get from eating a bowl of microwaved cheese.
There's no reason cheese should be so cheap that this is even an option.
I agree with this, but a sudden jump in food costs is a sure way to destabilize the government. Part of the reason our current system of subsidies was put into place was because Nixon had to deal with meat prices doubling in 1973. People didn't handle that very well.

>> No.5706114


The data does the agreeing for us, it's acceptance and promotion that's harder to get. It's hard enough to get people to eat a few servings of vegetables or fruit a day, imagine trying to get people to cut out the meat, dairy, eggs, oils, sugars, juice, alcohol, refined flours, and lower their salt intake.

Such a dramatic change in dietary practice would lead to a huge improvement in health, but it's all so culturally ingrained that it's not likely to happen on a population scale. Because of that, I don't think it's a good idea to waste effort trying to get the mcdonald junkies to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle, but it's also a bad idea to cover up the truth with more politicized recommendations because that's a disservice to people who actually are trying to figure out what healthy eating entails, who would be willing to give up things they like.

>> No.5706115
File: 47 KB, 832x1199, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government does not want that because Monsanto does not want that. Monsanto builds its empire on the fat back of poor diet. More people eating more food = more need for Monsanto seeds and Monsanto pesticides. It mean more government subsidies which means the money goes straight from the government to Monsanto to pay for the overpriced seeds the farmers buy.

It is win-win-win for Monsanto.

>> No.5706123

How is this any different from the government and a corporation teaming up to get the whole country addicted to a harmful drug that they have been convinced is good for them?

>> No.5706129

Publish a cookbook with only the cheapest foods ever.

I will live and die by rice, lentils and plantains mang.

Or rice lentils and okra.

>> No.5706147

>It is win-win-win for Monsanto.
No coincidence that the people who determine agricultural policy in this country are former employees/board members of Monsanto, and other agribusiness giants.

But it's also a win for drug companies that sell pills for obesity related illnesses. If half of America were to suddenly drop 40-60lbs the very profitable business of selling blood pressure and cholesterol meds would dry up overnight.

>> No.5706160

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?
Why bother? It is in the best interests of the rest of society to allow these people to continue to eat unhealthy and live otherwise unhealthy lifestyles, because that means they will have shorter lifespans, and be detrimental to society for a shorter period of time.

It only gets to be a problem when the government forces others to pay for their medical care, etc., but that's easy to fix (stop doing that).

>> No.5706161

>How is this any different from the government and a corporation teaming up to get the whole country addicted to a harmful drug that they have been convinced is good for them?
There's a good chance history will look back on our current agricultural policy as being akin to that.

>> No.5706171

Why are you blaming Monsanto for obesity?
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Complain about them being patent trolls are fucking up biodiversity, but just blaming shit on them because they are an "evil corporation" makes you look incredibly out of the loop.

>> No.5706173

>imagining a BP/Chol.Med economy bubble busting
>government stepping in and bailing out drug companies
>finger pointing
>insurance companies making more money since no one is getting sick like they once were
>landslide can't be stopped, government bail not not effective
>more prescription drug use on the decline
>Obama giving speeches
>healthy people vilified for "economic downturn"

Oh lawd.

>> No.5706174

>It only gets to be a problem when the government forces others to pay for their medical care, etc., but that's easy to fix (stop doing that).
That might be on the wrong side of history. We already stand out as the only wealthy nation that does not provide universal healthcare to its citizens.

You can be sure as fuck that if we did this absurd agricultural policy would be over. Because it is directly responsible for a good chunk of our healthcare spending.

But as long as everybody is making money off the system, and "freedom" means you go bankrupt if you get sick nothing is going to change.

>> No.5706175

Your stint on rammstein airbase mopping floors didn't do much for your cultural education did it ;)

>> No.5706176

> *being patent trolls or fucking up biodiversity

>> No.5706180

Google up a list of all the food additives used that are made from corn which is grown from seed that Monsanto produces.

Due to government subsidies, it is more profitable for a farmer to grow as many acres of corn as possible. This leads to mountains of corn surplus. So, everyone and their brother has been coming up with uses for this corn. And, food is only one portion of what the corn is used for. However, the amount of corn in industrialized food products is astronomical. Then google scholar the effects of these products on obesity. Keep in mind all the stuff listed in the image in >>5706115 and you'll start seeing a pattern.

>> No.5706183

>You can be sure as fuck that if we did this absurd agricultural policy would be over.
Wow, you actually believe this.

>> No.5706187

Watch this. It'll help a good bit with getting background on things. It is a good place to start research of your own too:


>> No.5706190

>in the end a lot of people are just lazy as hell.

I used to be fat. I was lazy. I was also poor.

Now I'm still poor but I'm no longer fat nor lazy. Money ain't got nuttin' to do with it.

>> No.5706200
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>> No.5706212
File: 381 KB, 1600x1200, Basket+of+Corn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember when corn was a GOOD thing that came in all kinds of nutritious colors and was considered the essence of life for meso-american civilization? How come we can't do that anymore?

>> No.5706217


We can. You're just shopping at the wrong places.

>> No.5706229

>Why are you blaming Monsanto for obesity?
One could make a compelling case that outrageously cheap corn is pretty much the source of our obesity epidemic. It's 80% of our agricultural output, and the building block of cheap sugar, meat and dairy. This system is not just based around one crop (corn), but one fucking plant - almost all the corn grown in the US is clones of the same fucking plant. That plant is Roundup Ready corn.

And the government policymakers that keep this crop subsidized are industry experts. Where did they gain their expertise? Working for Monsanto.

You can't criticize the system without noting Monsanto plays a central role in it.

>> No.5706251

>You can't criticize Monsanto without noting the government plays the only meaningful role in it.

>> No.5706282

> almost all the corn grown in the US is clones of the same fucking plant.
first that's just wrong. Second why would that matter? As long as you're under 50 you've only had a single clone of banana.
> That plant is Roundup Ready corn.
So what?
> And the government policymakers that keep this crop subsidized are industry experts.
no. corn was subsidized so monsanto got into it.

>> No.5706283

If you look at most of the rich world, healthcare is provided for the citizens. You will notice two things in particular about these countries: GMO's are tightly regulated (or banned), and cigarettes are heavily taxed. Why? Because the government has an interest in the people not putting a strain on the healthcare system over easily avoidable illnesses that are a matter of lifestyle.

>> No.5706311

>no. corn was subsidized so monsanto got into it.
They were used to sucking off the government tit. When the profit went out of Agent Orange Nixon helped them find another government income stream.

>> No.5706315
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I do. I grow various kinds of dent corns and flint corns. This year I'm growing "Painted Mountain Corn" and "Hopi Blue". I even nixtamalize the corn before eating it or using it in my recipes. I also have, "Bloody Butcher" and "Peruvian Morada". The Peruvian Morada is what you make the drink chica morada from.

The corn you buy from Monsanto for industrial farming is, "Yellow Dent #2" and colloquially known as "welfare queen" because of the money-back government subsidies you get for buying it now and the old government strategy of paying you for not buying it. Yellow Dent #2 tastes terrible and mostly used for fodder as well as starch and chemical extraction/processing.

Here's reposted images of corn I grew last season. I grew various popcorns and flint corns, as well as the Peruvian Morada.

>> No.5706330

>no. corn was subsidized so monsanto got into it.

Incorrect. Monsanto lobbyists pushed for the subsidies and won them.

>> No.5706334

Do you know what moving goal posts are?
You seem like you spend a lot of time on /pol/ and the like.

>> No.5706348
File: 6 KB, 251x247, 1310411782978s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving poor people more money is never, ever a good idea, because they'll just continue to waste what money they have on bullshit that keeps them poor in the first place.

Money should go towards ultra cheap education so they can improve themselves and learn to make better life choices earlier on.

>> No.5706358

Your corn literally looks like shit

>> No.5706360

>get money
>go to walmart

Yup. It is a vicious cycle for the socially-included poor. They stay poverty-minded for their entire lives, normally.

>> No.5706378

>You seem like you spend a lot of time on /pol/ and the like.
Never been on /pol/. I'm a former /b/tard who grew up and learned to cook.

As for moving goalposts, the irony of a company that made poison under government contracts now being the key player in our fucked up agricultural system would be hilarious if it weren't so fucking tragic.

>> No.5706380

>Giving poor people more money is never, ever a good idea, because they'll just continue to waste what money they have on bullshit that keeps them poor in the first place.

Wrong, central planning has been shown time and time again to be the absolute worst method of resource allocation. Doesn't matter how dumb you think poor people are, the government is dumber. There a plenty of government policies that not only keep people poor, but make people poor.

>> No.5706396

>As for moving goalposts, the irony of a company that made poison under government contracts now being the key player in our fucked up agricultural system would be hilarious if it weren't so fucking tragic.

How is that ironic? A chemical company who made chemicals? Shocking!

Want to know what's ironic? Just about every chemical in your body: don't have enough of it and you die. have too much of it and you die.

>> No.5706405

They've always been in the food industry. The just dabble in war time chemicals as a side thing. their first products were food additives and they were originally funded by food corporations.

>Want to know what's ironic? Just about every chemical in your body: don't have enough of it and you die. have too much of it and you die.

That isn't what irony is.

>> No.5706407

[citation needed]

>> No.5706412

>what are taxes

Why are you online? Isn't your handler watching you?

>> No.5706416


Nice corn. Is it hard to grow or require a lot of land? I want to grow some corn myself, but I don't have a lot of space to work with

>> No.5706434

>what are taxes?
That thing rich people don't have to deal with because they can hire enough tax lawyers and accountants to get out of owing anything to the government, and in many cases actually take money from it?

>> No.5706446

Rich people ARE the government you moron. who do you think controls the government? The masses? If that were true there'd be no electrical votes in the USA.

Not many poor people have an army of lobbyists to help lower taxes for themselves either.

>> No.5706447

>Money should go towards ultra cheap education
I wouldn't phrase it this way, but given the shit state of our public education system compared to other rich nations we could use some improving.
>Doesn't matter how dumb you think poor people are, the government is dumber.
Ours seems to be, because compared to other rich nations we're not exactly leading the pack when it comes to income distribution, healthcare, education, quality of life, environmental degradation, life expectancy, violent crime or quality of the food supply.

>> No.5706607

All this talk of eating healthy makes me want steak.

>> No.5706619

Damn, that's good shit. As a corn pleb, what do you recommend for cornbread, popcorn, grilled corn, etc. etc.

>> No.5706740

I eat a lot cus its my way of feeling happy

like a drug...

i hate it...

really depressed....

>> No.5706741

>electrical votes
I will not be discussing politics with you any further.

>> No.5706749


Why are you offended by an obvious case of autocorrect?

>> No.5706753


i feel you man. same here.

it's not even happiness though, it's just numbness.

>> No.5706776

the government should subsidize a non profit urban organic farming program. there is one in my local ghetto that I've done volunteer work at. most poor areas have swathes of abandoned/unused land, we should be farming that shit and giving local residents free produce.

>> No.5706788


Eating a lot is fine, it's what you eat that's the problem

>> No.5706801

Today I've had four bean/beef tacos and two cheese sandwiches and I still feel empty inside

a bottle of shitty grocery store brand cream soda hasn't helped either

>> No.5706846

yah that is exactly what it feels like

>> No.5708104

Its not just a matter of education. I mean, beyond the obvious stuff like putting health information on food the way we do, making sure people learn about healthy habits in school, trying to combat the fact that there are urban food deserts where there's no grocery stores that sell non-crap, there are other factors at work.

I heard second-hand that in terms of money, when you are poor you actually don't have the incentive to save. Your miserable in your shitty job and don't have any hope of ever being able to advance, so why not just buy some fast food and get temporary relief from your miserable existence? And, as that example itself shows, many of the ways people end up spending money to cope with their lives are unhealthy in the physical sense.

>> No.5708114


no, binging for emotional comfort is not fine. even if i replaced all of the junk food in my binges with broccoli and fish and fresh fruit and beans, i would still be eating for hours on end to the point that i'm ill. just to hide from my problems.

>> No.5708138

>convince poor uneducated people to eat better?
>convince poor uneducated people to eat
>convince poor uneducated people
>poor uneducated people
>poor uneducated

gee OP, I have no idea

>> No.5708773


Why the fuck would they ever want to? A fat unhealthy population is a complacent and easily manipulated population. inb4 /x/ youre delusional if you think any government wants a sharp minded physically capable populace.

>> No.5708779

> A fat unhealthy population is a complacent and easily manipulated population.
prove it /x/tard

>> No.5708784

wave food in their face and they'll move towards it

>> No.5708793

I get WIC and I recently tried out their farmer's market program. You go there and they convert your fruit/veggie check into money you can use at the farmers market and they more than doubled mine. Normally I get like $7, but I walked away with at least $20 worth of grit and veggies. And being able to split the check up too, so I can use half one week and half next week. If I spend my whole fruit veggie check at once like you have to at the store it'd either be eaten in a week or it would go bad. That's another problem the poor have, whatever food they get, some of it has to lsat till the end of the month when you don't have no $$ left.

>> No.5709017

enough glyphospate is 0ppm

>> No.5710501

>ctrl+f "pleasure trap"
>no results

fucking faggots. go to youtube and watch the ted talk. if we taught this guy's full lecture (3h+) to our kids we'd fucking solve this epidemic of obesity and disease.

>> No.5710513 [DELETED] 

>ctrl+f "food desert"
>no results

>> No.5710527

>ted talks
Really? Is it 2007?

>> No.5710538

You are a little bit behind in times.

>> No.5710548

You can't just give the ghetto nice things.
Nice things in the ghetto get robbed, get extorted, or get burnt to the fucking ground.

>> No.5710550

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?
Stop putting kids into P.E. classes because they're fat, and put them into a food/nutrition class.

>> No.5710561


lol you ever tried that boy? more realistically, they'd clock you in the face for having the audacity to take the piss.

>> No.5710563

Behind? Bro ted talks are for middle/lowbrow types who want to seem smart. 3/4 of them are unwatchable cringefests by unqualified crackpots

What year are you living in?

>> No.5710569

You can't just give people who live like utter retards more money.
You ever see what happens when a lower/lower-middle class person wins a large lottery jackpot?
They waste it on stupid shit and end up in worse debt and more poverty than before.
These are people with no notion of self control, that's why they're in the ghetto in the first place.

>> No.5710711


You can't

Genocide is the only solution

>> No.5712308

People eat poorly and are poor because they are stupid.

But as someone else here said - limit what ebt can buy and then they will ready healthy.

>> No.5712367

Make it cheaper than the garbage they eat.

>> No.5712371

There's a program[me] (fuck American spellings) where I live. The city has cut a deal with Amish/Mennonite farmers/ranchers who live an hour/hour and a half west of here to run produce stalls on the street in ghettos during the warmer months. It's been going on for about five years now and the Amish haven't had a single case of violence against them yet. Give it time, of course.

Another programme is that the city allows for traveling produce trucks. You know: like ice cream trucks... except for produce. They drive about slowly in poorer neighbourhoods with a megaphone announcing what produce they carry and at what prices. Not only are the selections decent and prices good, but the quality is on par with or better than that of a standard grocery.

A lot of the carless ghetto-dwellers call larger grocers for meat, deli and packaged-food (such as bagged bread and boxed cereal) orders to be delivered at no extra cost but also take advantage of the stalls and the produce trucks. And all three take foodstamps.

I don't know what impact these programmes in conjunction with the food delivery offered by grocers has had on the health of the poor here, but it's a nice idea at the very least.

>> No.5712375

>no ding-dongs with your EBT
>no twinkies with your EBT
>no soda with your EBT
>no potato chips with your EBT
>get rid of EBT altogether
>go back to the days of gov't peanut butter and cheese

>> No.5712378

A lot of people ITT seem to think obesity is because of EBT or welfare or something.

I don't think you're even allowed to buy stuff like ice cream and ding dongs on EBT but maybe I'm wrong. I know at my grocery store there's a sign posted that you can't buy fresh herbs so they're obviously pretty strict.

>> No.5712382


the woman in front of me used an ebt card on over $100 worth of food. She had to pay about $7 of her own money so I don't know if that's because the food didn't qualify or she just ran out. However she was just buying a bunch of fruit juice, chips, frozen pizzas and other comparable shit. I think WIC might be more anal because I've been stuck behind people multiple times who bought stuff that didn't qualify (one time I recall it was juice that wasn't 100% fruit).

What's sad is that I'm probably poorer than these people but since I can get by, even if it sucks, I'd be too ashamed to get food stamps.

>> No.5712389


huh. I don't really pay attention to the people in front of me but whenever I see those cards (is EBT a thing everywhere?) they're buying rice, dry beans, vegetables...

Then again I live in an area with a lot of poor immigrants, probably poor whites and blacks who have been Americanized eat a lot worse.

>> No.5712395


I live in an area with a lot of poor immigrants too, although they only live here due to low income housing as I live in one of the most expensive cities in the US. I usually don't pay attention to the people in front of me but I will if either there is some sort of hold-up that causes me to wait longer (like the WIC situations I mentioned), or if I'd just been in line for like 15 minutes so I'm so fucking mad at that point that I'm hyper focused on every motion that could make things go factor. That's a lot of the time unless I go very late at night because apparently we love under-staffing in dumbfuck California. Perhaps most of the people do buy frugal items like that, but it hasn't been the case when I've actively noticed them using their card.

>> No.5712399

It might vary state to state but generally, EBT/Foodstamps allow the purchase of all cold/room temp foods, ice cream and ding-dongs included.

>> No.5712411

>comparing French dinner to American lunch
Well of course a French dinner is going to seem small compared to an american lunch, seeing as it's not the main meal of the day

And besides, purposely instilling cultural change in people (like having smaller portion sizes) is nigh on impossible. It would be better to do something more tangible like provide education or make healthy food cheaper.

>> No.5712417

That is far more food then we were served in a French restaraunt.

My friend from New York, had to eat dinner twice while with us in Lyons.
Once in the cafeteria, once later that night.
He's a skinny-ish guy too. He might be a bit more fit though.

>> No.5712418


I'm a cashier at a grocery store in MI and you can buy almost anything with EBT here, including Frosty Paws (ice cream treats for your dog).
The only things you can't buy are non-food items (newspapers magazines), alcohol and cigarettes. Oh and if you buy prepared food (such as a sandwich from the deli) with EBT you still have to pay the tax on it out of pocket.

Honestly, in the majority of cases where people pay with EBT (in my experience) they're buying all junk food and snacks and freezer food. One time I saw a family buy all "healthy food" with their EBT and I felt sad that this fact impressed me. It should be like that all the time.

>> No.5712444

>That is far more food then we were served in a French restaraunt.

Restaurants are not supposed to feed you.
They are for the "fancy" foods and treatment.

You eat your normal food, then go to a restaurant at the end of the day and enjoy some delicateses.

I could be wrong, but that's generally my experience with all European countries I've visited.
Of course there are restaurants that exist simply to feed some local workers, but they're not really prevalent.

>> No.5712448


lol wut?

did you mistake "entree" for the american use of the term?

I never had any trouble filling myself up in europe, the only exceptions were caused by my inability to get to restaurants during restaurant hours.

>> No.5712458

IIRC only place we had trouble was in Lyons.
I think even in Paris we had a full meal.

>They are for the "fancy" foods and treatment.
This makes sense for the sorta restaurants we went to in Lyons, but not the school cafeteria.

>> No.5712502

It has to do with the corn and soybean subsidies allowing for shitty foods to be so cheap

>> No.5712523

i buy all my healthy food with the self-checkout so nobody sees me using an EBT card :(

>> No.5712599

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?

>wanting Big Gobiman to interfere in how the poors live
>wanting to deny them their food amendment rights

C'mon buddy, you know the first time someone seriously tried something that worked on a national scale the Republicans would shoot it down to try and win back the negroid vote.

I mean I don't really want to be surrounded by stupid fatties either, if you're in a multiple vehicle pile up, not only are you more likely to be utterly crushed by the flying corpse of one of these lardassed bovines (no doubt moments after their heart failed or the sudden increase in pressure caused a stroke and they slipped peacefully away), but while you're waiting in your burning wreck for rescue, you're surrounded by enormous amounts of fuel. Take a look at this fat fucker with his cheese - he's going to do way more damage to you in a fire than that half-tank left in your 1993 Geo.

>> No.5712603

You can't take away the subsidies for corn without also taking them away for cotton, and the cotton subsidies are over 200 years old at this point. America would collapse without them, because of the free market it has claimed to pursue for so long.

So yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.5712613

Make weight taxes, the fatter you are the more you pay.

>> No.5712782

Sucks that out country was practically built by all these crappy companies.

>> No.5712788

*our country

>> No.5712871

>Force them to deal with the consequences of their own actions.
Please go on.

>> No.5712877

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?



>> No.5712890

>What are some ways the government

That's where you went wrong.

But if we want to talk of government programs, not allowing food stamp recipients to buy candy with EBT cards. They should be allowed to buy minimal nutritional requirements- rice, bread, milk, cheese, meat. Just like the old stamps were used.

>> No.5712894

Eh, the sugar subsidies are worse. Corn is used so extensively to sweeten foods in the US because sugar is so expensive here.

>> No.5712898

What companies? USDA subsidies are paid directly to farmers.

Subsidies to planned parenthood and GE....oh jeez

>> No.5712901

THe fuck did I just watch?

>> No.5712904

Quit subsidizing everything and get rid of food stamps.

>> No.5712929

Aeon Flux. Citizens gave blood and in return they received a box of food that met their nutritional requirements based on the blood analysis. In reality, they all received the same box containing a cabbage but never knew it because the cabbage was consumed inside a private chamber.

>> No.5713183
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probably to employ and educate them i guess

>> No.5713215


>> No.5715057

Speaking of this, what are healthy places for middle class people to buy produce. I've just been using trader joe's, but I hear it's not that great.

>> No.5715065

>spare the rod, spoil the child
That's a parenting issue. The government is not our parent, Mister Occupy Wall Street.

You. I like you.

>> No.5715067

Your local farmer's market. You must have one.

>> No.5715087

Okay, but what would I look for? How could I make sure the food I'm getting is good quality/ not fucked up chemical shit?

>> No.5715186



That isn't true.

Water may be cheaper than soda, but cheetos, ramen, and other empty calorie foods are cheap as dirt and more filling to boot.

And jesus, $2 for a pound of chicken breast? Please tell me where you live, friend, because where I live that chicken is either spoiled or nonexistent.

>> No.5715899
File: 25 KB, 505x600, catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some ways the government could convince poor uneducated people to eat better?

The poor generally don't have the time to cook, what with them working three jobs to survive so you can't convince them to eat better. They simply do not have the resources for it.

And you can't make companies produce healthier food or raise the minimum wage either, because that's Socialism.