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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5696537 No.5696537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright, my first post in /ck/, even though I think I'll start lurking from now on since cooking has always been one of my interests.

So, I'm a fat-ass who mainly eats meats and processed foods. (I wonder where the fat comes from? Ha.) The reason why this is because I have issues with the textures of many foods, and of course, fruits and vegetables are on that list.

So, I thought that I would start making healthy smoothies to replace at least one meal in my day. But, I have never dabbled in smoothies, even if I have a good blender. I was hoping you guys could share some recipes or websites that come to mind. And if we can throw in healthy shit like kale I would be fine with that. Probably skip any added sugar (especially if it's fruit) considering I can drink most mushy things.

TL;DR - Give me healthy smoothie recipes please.

>> No.5696548

Wouldn't it make more sense if you replaced some of the processed foods instead of an entire meal with liquid shit that will leave you hungry again in like five minutes?

>> No.5696550

I could always pair things with the smoothie. But I figured this way I could get fruits and veggies in without having the tactile difficulties. So maybe not replacing an entire meal, but adding this in my routine so I can eat less.

>> No.5696561

I sort of assume that their meals consist of processed foods and not just their snacking. Though I agree, smoothies tend to leave you hungry unless you add the right things. But even then...

Some basics I like to do is blend ice, yogurt (greek is nice since it's thicker and has more protein), juice, and some whole fruit. Preferably watery stuff like berries, nothing with a lot of fiber. Banana could work as a thickener.

This is more as a treat and not a meal replacement. It does fill me up though. Probably because of the protein in the yogurt and the small amounts of fiber.

>> No.5696563

The energy it takes to digest a food is subtracted from its caloric value to your body.

By using a blender you're making yourself fatter unnecessarily while not increasing the macronutrients your body needs.

>> No.5696567

Oh, I forgot to add. I never made a smoothie out of it, but I like to make carrot apple juice. Doesn't taste like carrots somehow. I'm sure you could blend one in a smoothie just because of how sweet they are.

>> No.5696568

Ah man, okay. These points are valid. Well I think that pretty much debunks my idea, even if breakfast smoothies sound appealing.

>> No.5696579

this is such a lie and broscience that I can't even...

when I blend blueberries they are liquefied.

more surface area can = better absorption of nutrients.

>> No.5696585

OP you can use bananas, berries, add some flax and chia seeds etc. almond milk etc.

cacao powder, etc.

also relevant thread to help you eat better.

>> No.5696603

I don't think you understand how digesting food works.

Do you think the stomach works by magic?

The same process that makes the nutrients more accessible also unlocks those calories without any energy spent by the body.

>> No.5696605

I think that dairy+blueberries= incomplete nutrients

>> No.5696608

>Do you think the stomach works by magic?

Of course not. But the vast majority of the energy used during disgestion is that required to break chemical bonds, which happens the same with whole foods or pureed foods. The mechanical breakdown of food (chewing, muscular action in the stomach, and so on) that a blender "replaces" is negligible.

>> No.5696624


Let's suppose it's 5%. That's a low estimate and it's also about half the deficit for a moderately paced weight loss program

>> No.5696642


More like .01%, if not less.

But even if you're right, and it is a full 5%, why not just drink 5% less smoothie or exercise 5% more? That's hardly a large amount.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.5696647

I agree with the general points about portion control and exercise. I'm also explaining *one* reason why getting your nutrients from a blender as a weight loss cheat code isn't such a great idea.

And most estimates I've seen put it around 10%

>> No.5696653

>And most estimates I've seen put it around 10%

I am very skeptical of this. Source please. And by source, I mean a peer-reviewed paper.

I'm not trying to start a shitstorm here but I find this sort of advice to be very misleading. There are a lot of details that modern nutriton science is learning about, but people tend to blow the results out of proportion and focus on the little details rather than simply eating less and exercising more. Don't miss the forest because of the trees!

>> No.5696656

I'm at work, on my phone. I'll find you something later.

>> No.5696758

its just an idea for some things that could be added to a smoothie.

did you ever eat corn and use the bathroom and still see corn?

I put corn in a blender, and didn't see any corn in the bathroom.

I believe it makes it easier to digest things if they are well broken down by a blender vs eating them as is.

I am not against eating whole vegetables and fruits but I do appreciate what a smoothie can do for me to.

>> No.5696760

what in the world is going on here? are you seriously trying to downplay smoothies? if someone is using smoothies that are made up of whole fruit and vegetable nutritionally balanced plant food ingredients as a part of a healthy diet and exercise, then that wouldn't be a bad thing as long as they new what they were doing. if you are thinking about icecream shakes, you're being silly.

>> No.5696762

>what in the world is going on here? are you seriously trying to downplay smoothies?

Well, one person was. Then the other guy you quoted was explaining how he was wrong.

>> No.5696763

>because I have issues with the textures of many foods, and of course, fruits and vegetables are on that list.

>doesnt eat real food becaue of texture
>has no issue whatsoever with the texture of a tvdinner

>> No.5696769

Yeah man, this is what I want.

Also hi, it's OP, yes I'm still here.

I just need someone to share their knowledge with me. Until then, I'll be playing Dragon Age.

>> No.5696771

Yup, I have trouble eating fruit because of the texture, even if I enjoy the taste of it. I dig apple juice and apple sauce, but I can hardly eat real apples.

>> No.5696784

I always wondered how people become like that. How can one be so picky when it comes to the "Texture of Foods", but munch down processed stuff all day, every day? Doesn't make much sense.

>> No.5696790

It's what I was raised on.

>> No.5696792

You have one body.
It's the one, and you have to care for it,
You don't do that.
It would be easy, just eat veggies and fruit.
But you dislike the texture.
How about you start acting like a man and care for you body, instead of making it all acceptable for yourself's wants.

>> No.5696796

Weak excuse, seriously.
Stop blaming other people on what you do and what you don't, it's your responsibility now. Just eat the damn apple, eat a second one, do as long as you can forget that you were fed a terrible diet up until now.
There is no poblem with the texture, you are too picky. Not everything is soggy and soft to eat, there are things that are actual food, and you dislike exactly these things.
By the way, a smoothie made from fruit is just a shitton of sugars.

>> No.5696797

If there's a possibility to make it easier, why wouldn't you look into it? This is /ck/ anyway, gosh.

>> No.5696802

It's not easier.
It is convenient.
You always get it your way, whatever it is.
That's just wrong, we have to accept things as given.
Like the texture of an apple.

>> No.5696812

It takes more effort to prepare a smoothie to eat an apple raw, so no, it's not convenient. You don't have to pester so much.

I find it humorous that the word vulgarity is in my captcha while you're here. I'll ignore you from this point on.

>> No.5696818

>I declare a win in this discussion because I ignore you from this point on,

So, how is High School going?

>> No.5696824

Ugh. I didn't win anything. I will google my own recipes at this point. How's high school for you?

>> No.5696831

>How's high school for you?
Long over.

>> No.5696833

Clearly it didn't do much.

To google!

>> No.5696839

And with this, my fellow friends, we end today's episode of "This Shit Isn't Funny".

>> No.5696861
File: 36 KB, 290x330, 1396898393345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i heard an ADULT PERSON saying "I don't like the texture of fruit."

How fucking pathetic.

>> No.5696874

>last christmas
>aunt is baking a lot like normal
>diabetes grandma in a wheelchair for being fat eats nearly an entire pie herself within 12 hours
>the next night we're having lunch together
>grandma asks what is in the salad
>tell her normal stuff, lettuce and crutons and a bit of cheese
>fatass dumbfuck tells us she isn't allowed to have fucking greens
fuck her. i hope she dies and then god tells her she has to go burn the weight off in hell.

>> No.5696905

Not allowed to eat greens - sure thing.
Those people should just perish. The whole stepping away from survival of the fittest isn't helping us.

>> No.5696926

this is bs.
OP just grab a handful of kale/spinach and a cup of frozen fruit. with some water for low calorie nutrients to go with a meal.
to replace a meal make the portions bigger that you put in the blender and add some oats for long term carbs if you want.

>> No.5696935

this. yor body doesnt even absorb absolutely everything you eat. thats why you poop. so if anything blending it gives you a headstart absorbing more probably.
>calories spent digesting
no calories are spent walking and lifting heavy things

>> No.5696938

hey everyone, listen, experienced anon here. its not how you were raised, its just something you need to overcome yourself. my uncle would shove orange slices down my throat because he didn't understand I didn't like the texture, even though I love the flavor, so I would vomit everywhere and he would get angrier.

you just have to teach yourself to love it and be okay with it. apples were difficult for me but now I clean them and eat them with the skin on because I love the feeling now.

>> No.5696941

no. calories are spent walking and lifting heavy things **
grammar is needed here

>> No.5696942

thats probably a legitimate drug she's on.

maybe coumadin or something? not sure if spelled right. she might be on blood thinners and eating spinach could thin her blood further and cause her to bleed out.

I heard of this before.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5696945
File: 35 KB, 575x324, 1402156865190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are American children so picky when it comes to food? Is it normal to raise your children to become picky? Do Americans really do that?

>> No.5696946

OP listen, this is what I do.

I slice up apples and oranges and mango and banana and kiwi and strawberries or whatever fruit I have around, into small cubes. I add some oats, I add some almond milk, I add some chia seeds and flax seeds (powdered before with the coffee grinder, mine can handle it, don't know about yours) so that you actually eat whats inside the seed instead of pooping the seeds out.

so you add all that stuff in (not the poop) and blend it and you have a smoothie. also toss in some spinach for extra nutrients.

>> No.5696947


>> No.5696949

This is America and I'm going to eat whatever I want in whatever quantities I want. Stop telling me to be healthy.

Also requesting image of girl crying after trying vegetables

>> No.5697262

I'm diabetic, as is my dad. He had some medication where he specifically wasn't supposed to have leafy greens. I don't recall the name of the medication.

As for myself, my meds prohibit alcohol to the point of there being some interaction that if I was a social drinker I'd be dead now. Some disease that is alcohol+my meds = 100% on-the-spot drop-dead fatal. The problem is, for each person it's different as to the limit that causes it, so it's best to avoid it altogether.

>> No.5697331

It's from one of those tlc shows, freaky eaters


>> No.5697783

My fruit smoothie recipe:
1 Scoop banana flavored protein powder
1 Tbsp Flax seed
1 Tbsp Chia seed
1/2 a frozen banana
Handful of frozen pineapple
Handful of frozen mango
2 Tbsp plain organic yogurt
Cover frozen fruit with orange juice, 1-2cups
My vegetable smoothie recipe:
1/2 kiwi
1/2 apple
2 giant leaves of kale
Handful of broccoli
Chunk of cucumber
Piece of celery
Chunk of carrot
8-10 ice cubes

Wash, but don't waste time peeling the vegetables, it will all liquify and taste bitter anyway.
I use a vita-mix blender which is powerful as fuck.
If you use a regular blender you will have to add cold water as well because this stuff comes out as mulch with the vita-mix.
Chug the vegetable smoothie fast as fuck without breathing through your nose, best way to avoid the bitter taste.
Doing the vegetable smoothie 3-4 times a week will clean you right out and boost your metabolism like crazy.

>> No.5697813

>The reason why this is because I have issues with the textures of many foods, and of course, fruits and vegetables are on that list.

>ITT: OP is 7 years old

>> No.5697830

here OP, figure out how many calories you need and then try this


>> No.5698163

THANK YOU. Op is back to see how thread went over the day and to see if more people had a tantrum over my curiosity.

I will practice. Believe me.

Thankfully I still live with my folks, and they are coffee obsessed, so I have access to a very good grinder. Thank you for the tips.

Saved and trying.

On the inside, anon. On the inside.

Will try.

>> No.5700324

Still haven't really researched this stuff thoroughly yet. Work, man.