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File: 123 KB, 640x640, noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5693567 No.5693567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you eat noodles in public without making an ass of yourself?

>> No.5693577

You ask for penne instead

>> No.5693578

I don't care if strangers think I'm an ass.

>> No.5693581

Bring along a Japanese bird.

>> No.5693584

You must be American.

>> No.5693588

you don't, it's polite to slurp your ramen in Japan. you hold the cup close to your mouth and suck those noodles like a vacuum cleaner. they are intended to be eaten that way, so it's okay to look like an ass. that's the way of life. don't be "that guy" who uses untensils for a hamburger or doesn't slurp their noodles.

>> No.5693608

You eat it

>> No.5693625
File: 1.25 MB, 970x2658, Bransonreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or Korean or Japanese or Chinese

They all don't give a fuck if they are noisy when eating

>> No.5693634


>> No.5693645

>be korean
>go to korean bbq restaurant
>noisy, every family is grilling and having a good time
>order naengmyun after our meal
>nobody hears or pays attention to us
>apparently people think it's 'being an ass'


>> No.5693650
File: 111 KB, 960x639, naengmyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case anyone doesnt know

>> No.5693654

>be a savage among savages
>this is normal

>> No.5693658

Having confidence
But I'm chinese.

>> No.5693662

You're confusing feeling no shame because you don't possess a soul with confidence.

>> No.5694681

Generally the surrounding noise/ambient music covers up any noise you make, and most people would be too absorbed in eating their own meals to pay attention to how you are eating yours (unless you are constantly bumping them or something). Get some self confidence anon.

>> No.5694709

Use a fork. I'm Chinese and I ask for forks at restaurants. I can use both easily but forks are just easier. Only use chopsticks if it's something meant to be picked up like dimsum or sushi.

Also, slurp. It's good manners to slurp unless you're in a American European restaurant.

>> No.5694728

With a fork.

>> No.5694761

well if you are eating ramen noodles like in pic related with chopsticks you use the chopsticks to hold the noodles mid length so they don't hit you in the chin lol. you basically use the chop sticks as a guide. I'll see if i can find a photo.

>> No.5694821

pic kind of related
the chopsticks don't really need to be in your mouth the whole time. you are suppose to slurp the noodles into your mouth.

you can do whatever you want, but this is what i see most often and it is easy too

>> No.5694830

OP asked about noodles though, not pasta. You can't have noodles in a pasta dish, they're completely different in taste and texture.

>> No.5694835

just copy the chingchongs and shovel that shit into your mouth in a messy slurping motion.
It feels strange at first, for a refined westerner to eat like an animal, but you just have to deal with it.

>> No.5694838

Do you know how to make the sauce for the soup? Not just mustard+vinegar, I wanted it sweet as well.

>> No.5694866

Use fork to pick up spaghetti, and twirl it around using the issue of a spoon.

>> No.5694869

seriously, I've had some of my non-asian friends blush deep red when I took them to an asian noodle bar place from the noises of the other diners.

>> No.5694935

the trick is to be louder than the people next to you so you don't hear them. it's like snoring. you can only sleep if you snore louder.

>> No.5694938

>tfw white
>asking for forks in an asian restaurant is spaghetti overdrive

>> No.5694963

Does anybody know how to make the soup for naengmyun?

>> No.5695191

Yeah I know how

>> No.5695222

Mind sharing the recipe?

>> No.5695231

With a fork.

>> No.5695279

You can enjoy ramen without slurping. But man you can't enjoy Zaru soba without slurping it, the flavors that are in the dipping sauce come out more with air. What I hate is that this flips and chinks that come into a ramen shop and spend 1 hour to eat ramen. That shit has ruined my favorite place.

>> No.5695610

>completely different in taste
i'm sure

>> No.5695620
File: 299 KB, 1440x958, RAxG7BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5695624
File: 417 KB, 815x611, 075110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5695628
File: 82 KB, 640x360, MyNTSpD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5695636


This is meant to be a topic for discussion, not for you to post vaguely related food pictures. Go back to your containment thread.

>> No.5695943

I don't. I go all-out ass-hat on my dish and thereby destroy my decency and hunger
> load fork with noodle
> lifts fork up, bonus for long hanging noodles
> move fork in a circular motion so that noodles twist/bundle together
> leans head far back
> lifts fork as high as needed, so i can lower the entire forkload down into my mouth
> people stare
> i don't care
> I'm not hungry
> I'm eating delicious noodles
> They're busy not eating their food
> I will be full, they'll still be hungry
> Live on to pass my DNA to the next generation
> They starve

>> No.5695970

congrats guy, you like jap food
please go somewhere else

>> No.5695973

Right.....in the civilised west it is unacceptable to make disgusting noises while eating.

>> No.5696261

You fucking twirl the noodles around your utensil instead of slurping them, are all of you people asses? That's fuckin' shit you learn to do as a kid just to avoid splashing spaghetti sauce/broth all over your clothes and surroundings

>> No.5696265
File: 12 KB, 300x225, scissor pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use a fork and a pair of scissors?

>> No.5696269

>When eating spaghetti that is.

>> No.5696271

twirl it you unholy fucking manchild

>> No.5696278


not even gonna bother pointing out the oxymoron

>> No.5696335
File: 2.94 MB, 280x208, Ramen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5696626

you learn to eat with chopsticks you dumb simpleton

>> No.5696643

I would eat dat delicious ramen too. She makes it look so easy.

>> No.5696687

she doesn't though
a random jap woman eating noodles isn't really sexy
if she smiled cutely I might agree

>> No.5696779

he's not talking about her attractiveness, retard

>> No.5696782

somehow I read sexy

>> No.5696872

Watch more anime.


>> No.5698137

my unique style of eating landed me a pretty sweet date ...or something either way it made my date feel less self conscience because of how i was eating

>> No.5698223

Tampopo -- Spaghetti scene: http://youtu.be/bm_ubnnZusc

>> No.5698227

Gonna bump this one last time, would appreciate a recipe for the naeungmyun soup

>> No.5698412
File: 40 KB, 636x459, 6000caloriebreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse me while I announce I am eating my noodles to the entire restaurant!
>commences vacuum cleaner noises

STFU faggot no one wants to listen to you eat. Had to listen to some guy do this the other day. He also doesn't tip the nice girl serving him. Fuck off.

>> No.5698424

>tfw can only eat noodles with chopsticks, no idea how to properly do it with a fork

>> No.5698440

Tips are not mandatory you fucking mong. Tips are based on service.

>> No.5698502


>> No.5698907

you stick your dick in them and make short, stacatto yelps

>> No.5698910

They're mandatory in America. It's called the American Dream, faggot

>> No.5698936
File: 22 KB, 250x250, 1407526944829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab hold of your fuckin balls you fag and stop giving a shit.

>> No.5698946
File: 68 KB, 900x900, 1406705057622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I hold yours instead?

>> No.5698971
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, spaghetti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related

>> No.5698991

>forks are just easier
Chinaman here, people look at me weird when I ask for forks. For that matter Filipinos have it right, it's easier to eat rice with a spoon.

>> No.5700937

nice pic retard

>> No.5700973

if it's an asian place, chopsticks and a constant stream of upward noodles.
else spun aroudn a fork

>> No.5701905

Why would you feel bad, there are foods that I'll eat with chopsticks that don't require amazing dexterity, and there are foods that I'm going to fork that shit in with. I expect both when I go to a jap/chink restaurant. Also why would you going, can't you see I'm white you gook make you feel bad?

>> No.5702057

Why is it disgusting? Because someone told you it was?

>> No.5702093

Where do you live? Whenever I go to a Chinese restaurant you have to request the chopsticks unless you're Asian. The few that have them at the table already have someone rush over the moment you sit down to try and switch them out unless you tell them not to.

>> No.5702107

>How do you eat noodles in public without making an ass of yourself?
You may adjust your order, depending on your clothing or the occasion needs, ie skip the pasta for something else, or get the menu item that is the different shape, for instance ravioli or canolloni or lasagna vs the fettuccini on the menu.

>You ask for penne instead
Yup. This is what I might do if I'm somewhere I want pasta and it'd be catastrophic to get anything momentarily on my chin or flick a drop onto my shirt.

If you're dining with pasta eaters, some real Italians or asians or foodies, your etiquette is as follows:
Italian: You do not use a spoon, although sometimes it'll be provided by staff wrongly, in which you case you ignore it. It'd be okay if the plate were perfectly flat though, because you're looking for a little curve or side. This is because you will be swirling bites to wrap it around your fork, and you can use the knife to guide it better, or to cut off a stubborn straggler piece before lifting it up. Practice at home when no one is watching using the bowl or plate as leverage. It slows you down, which is a good thing when dining out and conversing, anyway. It's considered rude in more than one culture to chop it all up like for a child, so if you must cut, you'll be doing it for each bite. Change hands if you're not european, setting down your knife, or use the fork in your left. Any time you're not using your spare hand, use it to dab your napkin on your lips between bites, or back into your lap. Nothing resting on the table higher than your wrists.
Asian: Ramen/pho. More barbaric but don't be tempted. Can lift bowl, drink from it. You can be a bit creative to keep your appearances more delicate. Drink down some of your soup level first, with a few sips of broth with your spoon.Then go slowly,lift up, blowing on a bite (secretly letting liquid finish dripping off noodles), bring to mouth, onlysucking only last inch in.

>> No.5702376

If i can easily hold the bowl in one hand i tend to hold it about an inch away from my chin and use my other hand to support the noodles away from my face as i eat them.if you cant hold the bowl just lean over a bit. Simple