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5685441 No.5685441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how long have you been waiting for someone to create an alc thread?

>> No.5685452

Not as long as you, OP.

Reading through those threads makes me feel better about my life, though, so godspeed.

>> No.5685481

Drinking the cheapest white wine i could find at the supermarket, after eating the egg fried bread and eggs+meats that was left from lunch. Feeling - undecided

>> No.5685500

pouring my 2nd to give me strength/lifepurpose

>> No.5685510

2 days dry.. oh man the shakes, the fucking shakes!

im so socially withdrawn that it isnt even amusing.. im hardly moving out of bed unless i have to.

>> No.5685515

The mods deleted the last one I made so I didn't bother to make another.

I know that feel. I'm going on 2 days myself. My withdrawals were so shit last night/this morning but I'm feeling a lot more calmer now. I dread tonight though, I'm afraid it'll happen again.

>> No.5685525


If you get the shakes get some Gatorade. It's largely because of the drop in electrolytes.

>> No.5685532

Alcohol is my only friend now. My parents don't listen to me, my friends don't respect me, and I have no social life. I have to drink in secrecy and I can only get alcohol in very small windows at certain times during the week so I spend most of the time in agonizing sobriety.

>> No.5685562

why would mods delete alc threads?

>> No.5685578

I have no idea but they did. It wasn't even at 100 posts and it was deleted on like page 3 or something.

>> No.5685627

I'm not really alc but i like reading alc threads

>> No.5685706

well cheers to not having this one purged by that faggot moot

>> No.5685726

Anyone else an alcoholic with taste in quality Whiskey? I usually drink a bottle in two days, but the other night I poured a glass and realized I poured way past the half point of the bottle and that there wouldn't be enough for me to drink the next night, so I just drank the entire bottle in a single sitting. It was a $70 bottle of Whiskey.

>> No.5685728

nice - what bottle?

>> No.5685745

this is appropriately timed. I spent the weekend drinking apple pie moonshine and bookers bourbon. I suffered the last 24 hours with the worst hangover Ive ever had. Could barley walk, hallucinations, shakes, fever, and bad anxiety attacks. drank nearly two gallons of water which did barley anything. felt human this afternoon, so Im just having a few IPAs to get back to "normal". Thank god I work with nothing but English alcheys who cut me some slack at work.

>> No.5685753
File: 825 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20140811_180743[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family is full of alcoholics
most of them drink only beer. feel like wine and beer is just a waste of money

1 drink in of cheap bacardi rum

>> No.5685784



Next time I get some cash I'm going to get a bottle of Redbreast and probably some Japanese Whiskey.

>> No.5685802

>family is full of alcoholics

yup. on my moms side at least everyone is beer drunks and winos. nobody on my dads side will touch the stuff, at all. I inherited the alcoholic tendencies and am hoping the genes from dads side will help me keep it under control.

deep down I know thats all bullshit though and I drink because I am not controlling myself like I should, it has little to do with my moms whole side of the family being a bunch of lushes. at least I get along better with them, I guess. we just all get drunk and have a good time.

>> No.5685806

So how fucked up is your health? I've developed so many stomach problems from this shit it's unreal. I feel like shit every single day.

>> No.5685809

no stomach problems here... I normally drink wine and beer... liquor is where the real problems start.

>> No.5685833

In a world where Robin Williams kills himself

the only thing left to do is turn to the bottle

gonna get smashed

>> No.5685834

not fucked at all, thank god. by roll of the dice I've been gifted with excellent health. from my first day of kindergarten through my last day of highschool I never missed a day of school or really got sick. I drink hard liquor every evening and never get sick or miss work, I've actually changed my diet and workout program and have gotten in a lot better shape. people tell me I look five years younger than I am.

the only times I feel like shit is when I don't get drunk in the evening. not trying to sound like I'm bragging, this shit sucks. I know that since my health is so good that by the time it finally catches up with me I'll be deep deep in the shit.

>> No.5685836

Yeah, well...that's all I drink. Pretty much just straight cheap vodka chased with water (or nothing at all) and sometimes maybe something else.

>> No.5685839

Man, we don't know if he actually killed himself yet. The media ALWAYS jumps the gun on this shit and acts like it's fact. They're still doing an autopsy. This is the same shit they did with Heath, Brittany and Michael; all immediately screamed fucking suicide.

The media is so retarded.

>> No.5685841

pouring my next shot for Robin, RIP in peace. he also struggled with bad alcoholism. I want to watch Miss Doubtfire but I don't know it it would make me laugh or make me very depressed.

>> No.5685849

I used to be exactly like you. Then years went by and my health slowly deteriorated. I'm still not really all that bad, but I'm not in good shape either.

>> No.5685858

Fucking fuck fuck fuckitty fuck fuck.
I want to drink so bad right now because of RW. I'm so fucking sad about it, he's always been one of my favorites, fuck. I'm on day 14 of not drinking, though. I CAN'T fuck up now. I'm doing so good. I'm really screwed, drinking is how I've always dealt with grief or pain. WAT DO. Ugh....why did he have to go and die like that.

>> No.5685877

instead of drinking for him you should dedicate your two week sobriety to him and not drink tonight. he also struggled with the sauce and successfully went through rehab and got clean. don't fall off anon.

>> No.5685879

I know how you feel. I'm trying my hardest not to just go up and buy some myself. Fuckin eh...

>> No.5686438
File: 179 KB, 426x339, 133453565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who else isn't drinking tonight?

I could really go for a few drinks though. I don't have a drop of alcohol around me.

>> No.5686461
File: 77 KB, 514x415, Slayers reaction 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that last night. It was so hard. I didn't really go through withdrawals per-say, but I really wanted a glass of whiskey.

But tonight! I have beer and gin. And I'm going to sit here and watch The Slayers while drinking a beer boot of EPA.

>> No.5686468


I wasn't going to but then I did :(

I had a good three months of sobriety this winter, I was feeling so goddamm superior. but this summer it's been escalating and now I'm back in full al/ck/oholic lifestyle again.

>> No.5686469

had a pint bottle of whisky this afternoon before work. then had two beers at work (i work in a restaurant with lazy managers, so i just pull my own beers). just got home and on my first beer.

tomorrow before work i'll probably buy a fifth of whiskey that should last me all day and night

>tfw have to rotate between area liquor stores so they don't think I'm an alcoholic
>tfw they still all recognize me and know what i'm going to buy

>> No.5686473

>>tfw have to rotate between area liquor stores so they don't think I'm an alcoholic

god I hate this feeling

the worst is when the new guy switches from saying "anything I can help you with" to just "hi"

>> No.5686476

>implying sobriety didn't kill robin williams
>implying a cold beer at the bar with friends couldn't have persuaded him to live another day

alcoholics rarely commit suicide

>> No.5686512

i hate it too, i always feel especially shitty because sometimes i show up right at noon to buy booze

>> No.5686517

Alcoholics are all committing suicide, it just takes longer

>> No.5686538
File: 213 KB, 687x776, 1404100138287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one store where I live...They have it rung in by the time I get up there because I literally buy the same thing every time.

>> No.5686617

Are you doing a cold turkey or what? Shit be dangerous, yo

>> No.5687747
File: 2 KB, 84x109, turtlepower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dt's haven't been so bad these last two days after two weeks of hell. I did drink less the last two nights though. Managed to hold out/drink slower than usual and have a joint. I seriously think there's a lot to be said for marijuana in the treatment of alcoholism

>> No.5687748

Maybe I should reconsider moving out of London. Even most of the cashiers in the supermarket know me now

>> No.5687750

>had a few nice drinks this morning without getting hammered

Feels good man.

>> No.5687857

Today still drinking the cheapest white wine i could find at the supermarket, but for dinner it's gonna be vienna steaks, but they're made from turkey!

>> No.5687871
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1333260047183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a guy

how do i help my weak gag reflex?


>> No.5687883


Have you ever had Angel's Envy?

You can only get it in Kentucky. It's $40 a bottle, so not insanely priced.

So fucking smooth.

>> No.5687894


Cheap Bacardi is my water. My fiance teases me because all I ever want to drink when we get drunk is rum, preferably Bacardi white.

Everything else (except perhaps, top shelf gin) makes me sick or leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I can't get rid of. Even good vodka leaves a horrible taste on my tongue that the most cloying, garlicky, spicy food can't cover.

>> No.5687907

i think you're in the wrong thread, anon

weed is the only thing that keeps me from drinking all the time. i have a lot of pain issues and used to self medicate with booze. the right strains of weed help considerably, but nothing quite takes the edge off like 4 fingers of delicious whisk(e)y

>> No.5687912

lol whats the problem here? you're a customer making a legal purchase.

>> No.5687918

>i think you're in the wrong thread, anon


like how do i stop wanting to throw up in the morning after smelling just the smallest bit of alcohol?

i don't get hungover but if i smell alcohol, it could be alcohol in a cleaning solution or from a cup from last night. i'll gag.

>> No.5687923

stop huffing cleaning solution & stop leaving wounded soldiers laying around

>> No.5687930

okay will do ty bb

>> No.5687995

It's all over the place not just Kentucky. It's alright, but still overpriced.

>> No.5688066
File: 63 KB, 800x534, 1407859615903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, I don't think Robin would want you to turn to the bottle man. Not telling you how to live your life, just saying.

>> No.5688246

>feels bad man

>> No.5689096

>5 days so far sober after drinking nearly every night for years
>have already dropped 3 pounds without changing my diet whatsoever or doing anything different
Fucking hell.

>> No.5689099

drinking busch while i wait for my chicken fat to render

>> No.5689125

>think to myself i should slow down drinking
>mfw this thread
>the most i drink in any given day is 1 (one) beer

getting drunk is so much work. i have to drink a lot and its expensive. fuck that. i'll have a beer with dinner and then i'm good.

>> No.5689126

Have you tried weed?

>> No.5689130

i hate it, I rotate between 5 or so. normally I'm really affable and like to have conversations with people at stores but I feel shame at the liquor store. the worst is when I go to the Asian run liquor store for 1/5 of my bourbon supply and the qt jumps up and yells "ayyyyy, OLD CROW!!! TOO LONG, TOO LONG SINCE YOU COME!!" jesus christ. I am shame, if only she knew.

>> No.5689132

I'm with you bro. I'm on day 15 of not drinking, and while I haven't actually weighed myself, my ankles, wrists, hands, stomach, and face are all noticeably thinner. It's water weight, being an alchie keeps you bloated (edema). I can't wait to see how much actually weight I really drop from quitting in a year or so. The last time I quit drinking (4 years ago was when I started again), I lost a total of 38 pounds.

>> No.5689138

weed tolerance builds up so quick it's not even worth it