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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5681986 No.5681986 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is this shit?
Have you tried it? Is it good?

>> No.5681997

>drinking oil and butter

>> No.5682000

this just looks like a paleo coffee

milk is replaced by other fats, sugar with stevia

It's probably creamier than regular coffee

>> No.5682004

Putting coconut oil is dumb, but butter in coffee is great.

>> No.5682009

african detected

>> No.5682097

OP here. I just made some and it's decent but nothing special. It's similar to adding creme, but the end result is stronger and greasier.


>> No.5682114
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Yeah thats what i want to start my day. A cup full of butter and oil.

>> No.5682138

>Putting butter in coffee

Sweet land of liberty...

>> No.5682146

Update: the coffee has been sitting for about 15 minutes and now it has a 2 mm layer of fat at the top.

I don't think this semen slurping recipe is for me guys.

>> No.5682155

They put butter and salt in coffee in Ethiopia.

>> No.5682165

stir and drink, stir and drink

>> No.5682171

That sounds more like a snack than a fucking coffee. I fuel myself with coffee that shit would give me a heart attack in like 2 weeks.

>> No.5682181

Update 2: The caffeine high from this thing so far has been noticeably smoother and more pleasant than the one you get from a cup of regular black.

Might report on the crash if I'm not too busy.

>> No.5682368

yeah, note thats meant to be GRASS FED butter.

that from the bulletproofexc shit

smart drugs like nootpep aniracetam ect

>> No.5682400

>Update 2: The caffeine high from this thing so far has been noticeably smoother and more pleasant than the one you get from a cup of regular black.
That sounds like placebo effect/bullshit to me.

>> No.5682468

It could be true because fat takes longer to digest... you won't get hit with the caffeine as quick

>> No.5682489

1 tablespoon of butter? In a caffeinated drink? I'm in that much of a hurry to have heart surgery.

>> No.5682832

Next time put in an egg yolk so it doesn't separate.

>> No.5682953

OP here. The crash was as bad a usual. Overall, it's not worth the calories and extra hassle. 2/10

Don't waste your time with this shit.

>> No.5682961

>coconut oil
however, cocoa powder is nice in coffee, but I hardly do it. i'll only use a sweetener if I use cocoa powder. also, vanilla stevia? really? just use sugar...

>> No.5683133

As opposed to adding cream-which is composed of butterfat and oil?

>> No.5683148


Nope, yah fucking tard.

>> No.5683165

>coconut oil
>not mct oil

>> No.5683180

People use this recipe and others like it to help them reach their calorie macro goals on low carb diets such as Keto.

>> No.5683181
File: 1.20 MB, 2392x4112, buttercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Nobody's posted this?

>> No.5683312
File: 122 KB, 1280x800, 1376975961322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't for your average lardass person.

It is for people on a Keto diet to make sure they get enough fat.

>> No.5683316

drinking coffee any way other then black or espresso.

ffs go drink a Mt Dew and save coffee for men.

>> No.5683511

>keto diet
Not even once.

>> No.5683522


Is American really that dangerous with guns that they need bulletproof coffee?

>> No.5683531

Yes. My brother was shot during his morning coffee yesterday, and this recipe saved his life.

God bless the USA.

>> No.5683538

>doesnt know that guns are used far more likely in self defense in the US
>Doesnt know that the more guns a community has the less crime it has

>> No.5683561

I bet you only take back cocks.

>> No.5683632


Is it really that common to be gunned down while drinking coffee?

>> No.5683643


>> No.5683662

Lets find out shall we?

~32,000 deaths a year and declining from guns

60% are suicides - 19,200
3% are accidents - 960
4% are justified - 1,280
33% are homicides - 10,560
80% of those are gang related - 8,448

that leave 2,112 in a country with ~312 million people

that's a .00010256410256 chance of death by gun

.000009846153846 if you aren't in a gang, don't plan on committing suicide, and aren't planning a crime

Numbers taken from the CDC

>> No.5683681

>gets organic
>puts in aspartame in it
into the trash it goes

>> No.5683685

there is no aspartame though

>> No.5683691

i hope you counted accidents in too, because you can totally die due to someone else's accident

>one of, if the the most studied food additive of all time
>no reasonably adverse effect found
>if you feed a mice hundreds of times the aspartame a normal human can possibly consume, they will might develop cancer

but noo, corporations are lying to us
fetch me muh tinfoil hat

>> No.5683716

Consider this:
Aspartame leaves a nasty aftertaste
0/10 would not consume

>> No.5683717

yeah but again there is no aspartame mentioned

>> No.5683723

Not the same poster but I think they're confusing aspartame and stevia...

>> No.5683729
File: 57 KB, 500x661, 1406046069666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullet proof
>not bullet resistant
Into the trash it goes, along with silencer, assault weapon/rifle and assault/military style.

>> No.5683735

silencer ans assault rifle are both acceptable, assault weapon is not

>> No.5683791
File: 34 KB, 192x192, 1352489327708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silencer is acceptable in some respects, such as the usage established by the Maxim Silencer Company, assault rifle is a valid term, however when it is used, it is isued inccorectl;y - as it is usually seen as interchangeable with 'assault weapon'. Which, you are correct, assault weapon is an entirely contrived term with zero basis in reality.

>> No.5683825

as part a me

>> No.5683830

>, assault weapon is an entirely contrived term
It's anything you rush fools with, right?
Any weapon that performs better than others when you use it offensively.

>> No.5683914
File: 7 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink coffee but tonight I made golden milk. Cup of almond milk, 1/2 tsp tumeric, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, stevia. Wasn't bad but I need to try alternative sweeteners, and I need to put something in there to make it creamier.

Turmeric is pretty cool. I had a popcorn skin stuck in my back tooth, dug into the gum for the past few days. 30 minutes after the drink the swelling came down in the gum and I was able to get the skin out.

>> No.5684060

>implying I would leave my tin foil hat lying around for someone to sabotage
>implying I'm not already wearing it

>> No.5684079

>assault weapon
as compared to a defense weapon? Did they invent a gun that shoots bullets out of the air, deflecting them back at the shooter?

>> No.5684086

Do you drink it warm? I've never used turmeric for anything sweet, how does it taste?

And if the drink is warm, it would've softened your gums and the popcorn skin which would make it easier to get out too

>> No.5684090

no they invented a gun that shoots people and makes them act stupid and ask stupid questions

you can see where this is going but you might not because you're stupid so i'm saying you got shot by a stupid gun