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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 800x576, 16035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5680616 No.5680616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this look to you, /ck/?

>> No.5680618

Looks like a pancake that only got cooked on one side
2/10 would not apply peanutbutter and syrup to

>> No.5680621

Is that a sea sponge

>> No.5680625


do you guys even baghrir

Delicious Algerian pancakes, fantastic when drowned in honey.

>> No.5680626

Is that a crumpet?

>> No.5680627

>A ploye is a pancake type mix of buckwheat flour, wheat flour, baking powder and water which is extremely popular in the Madawaska region (New Brunswick), Canada and northern Maine, United States.
>The recipe varies from family to family and is handed down through the generations.

How complicated can it honestly be

>> No.5680628

>Eating food from Africa
Nigga do you want Ebola? You want that long twisty micropenis of a germ to enter your body through those shitty "I don't 'have a spatula so I ain't flippin shit" pancakes? Cause I don't

>> No.5680629

trypophobia activated.

>> No.5680630

Looks like a pancake/crumpet hybrid.

>> No.5680634

They make giant crumpets now?

>> No.5680638


i bet you don't cook a lot of fish

because you don't catch a lot of fish

because your bait is crummy

get it

>> No.5680640
File: 700 KB, 800x818, 1402929825949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my job actually involves selling hella fish to people

>> No.5680641

>peanutbutter and syrup
>On pancakes
What in the fuck?

>> No.5680643

Is that a real question?
Set that on a plate with a huge thing of milk and you've got a fantastic breakfast

>> No.5680646

>Is that a real question?

Are you American or talking about American pancakes by any chance?

>> No.5680648

Is that also a real question?
I have the money to purchase pancake ingredients, peanutbuter, milk, and syrup, plus the money for electricity to heat the skillet and a house to do it all in. I'm clearly American.

>> No.5680651

Clearly you are.

>> No.5680653

>white flour

>> No.5680665

I ate fuckloads of those when I was in Morrocco, they're fucking amazing.

>> No.5680669

Dumbasses would say injera but Its lahoh

>> No.5680693


>Immediately pulls in Peanut butter

Jupp, definitely American.

>> No.5680706

>no-spatulas culture

Must be fucking horrific where ever this dish originated from.

>> No.5680711

really eggy crepes.

the batter was made with a ton of egg.

>> No.5680714


hold shit just set it on fire

>> No.5680716

looks gross

>> No.5680721


Will probably trigger trypophobia in some, so pretty good.

>> No.5680754

They look like chickpea dosa or ba'ir (Algerian dosa-like flat bread, however it's written).
Both of those are pleasantly tangy. They're both very similar to the perhaps more well-known 'injera' or 'lahoh.' I make them in the summer cuz they take no time to cook. I use them as sandwich wraps.
Last time I made some was about... a month or so ago.

>> No.5680756

Like some terrible big crumpets that haven't risen properly

>> No.5681723
File: 193 KB, 574x427, boring-sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you how it looks.

It looks fucking alive. Or at least as though it used to be. Pic related.

>> No.5681738

sponge pancake

>> No.5681743


>> No.5681748

If you have to drown it in honey, it wasn't good to begin with.

>> No.5681752

It's >>5680754/>>5680625.

>> No.5681773

disgusting. did you use mineral water?

>> No.5681887

Thanks, OP, they look really umm interesting.

Seriously, the comments about "tripe" and "sea sponge" kind of hit the mark on appearance, but I bet those things are delicious with honey and butter. I will have to try making some.

I really love that pic.

>> No.5681895

why does that make me really uncomfortable

>> No.5681897

They're sour/tangy but not unpleasantly so. Algerians I know cover them in sherbet (not sherbet as in the frozen dessert, but a type of syrup made of roses and stuff) and butter.

>> No.5681911

>PB and syrup
how fat are you?

>> No.5681952

this is somewhat disturbing...

>> No.5682026

I looks like you tried to make crumpets but fucked it up.

>> No.5682049


>> No.5682051

how insecure are you?

>> No.5682056

Trypophobia, iktf dude.

>> No.5683769

I-I want to touch it...

>> No.5683841
File: 62 KB, 543x370, kallu-appam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people so xenophobic about food? do you faggots even try new things ever?

> ba5rir
delicious. a similar dish is the south indian appam - pic related. made with rice.

>> No.5684255

I do, but that doesn't mean an appearance doesn't have an effect on me. Call me a bitch, but I am a huge fan of texture and I really enjoy a nice texture in relation to the kind of food, the pic, looks gross, also this: >>5682056

>> No.5684328


I thought it was tripe too before I clicked pic.

>> No.5684334

looks like injera flatbread to me. could be lahoh too but whatever. i hear it's good though.

9/10 would try and eat with honey

>> No.5684337

It's nothing any of you have described. It's this >>5680627

Just reverse image search it.

>> No.5684339


Please take your childishness back to /b/ where it belongs.

>> No.5684344

Looks like some of those critters that landed on the back of Spock in one of The Original Star Trek episodes.

>> No.5685291

the texture is actually really good. fluffy, light and soft, and not gooey or undercooked or anything like you might think. the bottom is nice and slightly crispy. you just haven't had fermented grain breads before probably.

tastes similar with less grainy of a taste
is also good with the syrup you put on pakhlava/baklava or rose syrup as >>5681897 says. get it at a local arab store; the equivalent persian or south asian syrup is called 'rooh afza', but its a bit less sweet.

>> No.5685398

Or if you see a picture of a regional food item that's clearly been taken at a restaurant asking "How do this look" or "What do you think of [food item]" just go to Roadfood and there's like a 90% chance it'll be on the front page and this fucking anon just took it from there.

>> No.5685404

I don't see what the problem is. It's encouraging some decent discussion; it's interesting to see what conclusions people draw from a dish's mere appearance (trolls aside), or what they think it is based on what it most closely matches where they live.

>> No.5685408

Honestly I don't have a problem with making the threads and the discussion is often good. It's just weird to me that someone (or maybe multiple people) is doing this consistently, over and over, and that they never credit the source or give any of the context that they obviously have.

>> No.5685433

I'm actually the one doing it. Yes, this is "Roadfood Anon" revealing himself. Sometimes I'll take it from the front page, or I'll go back some if nothing on the front page looks too interesting.

I deliberately leave out the context because it's an easy thing for trolls to hook onto. Reveal where something is from and it's easy for the thread to get derailed with dumb shit about how so-and-so is a shithole or can't do pizza right or whatever. Lack of context forces people to conclude what they can with the dish based only on a photo. Of course someone can reverse image search it and make things easier for everyone but that doesn't always happen.

Roadfood itself is a pretty awesome site btw, it's the only one of its kind I've seen, dedicated to publicizing lesser-known, hole-in-the-wall places, stuff that never shows up in Zagat or Serious Eats. I've learned more about weird regional dishes through that site (horseshoe sandwiches, garbage plates, etc.) than anywhere else.

>> No.5685464

Okay, fair enough. I'm glad to see you've put some thought into it at least. I also love Roadfood for much the same reasons, although it's far from infallible - there's a lot of really cool regional food on it that I love. I don't think the context would always be a bad thing, but maybe I'm being too optimistic about /ck/'s ability to have a conversation.

We cool, I'll stop pestering you.

>> No.5685608

Best reference ever.

>> No.5685798

looks like someone squeezed all of the blackheads out of that pancake.

>> No.5685883


>> No.5685942

ITT: people freaking out about air bubbles in a pancake

>> No.5686093

looks tasty

>> No.5686210

you guys are ruining this for me

>> No.5686333

I made some Beghrir because of this thread. It sucked.

>> No.5686620


>> No.5686626

I too like pb and syrup. Fist bump

>> No.5686631


spanish tortillas? idk

>> No.5686646

I know people said it wasn't injera, but it looks close enough that I'm hungry now.

Can't even be bothered with muh trypophobia when there's delicious injera.

>> No.5688046
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 800px-Enfermedad_poliquística_renal_autosómica_recesiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.5688065

I really don't like all the little holes in it :(

>> No.5688080
File: 80 KB, 500x462, tumblr_inline_n8dnawGOdB1rrewo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5688083


>> No.5688085

You formerly pregnant whore! Who will love you now?

>> No.5688101

Love the texture. It looks like a cut open flapjack or the nooks 'n crannies of an english muffin. Would definitely drizzle with orange blossom honey

>> No.5688103

So...what is this? It's kind of sexy I think. All those neat indents that look like tree roots or something. This is the best thing I've seen in weeks.

>> No.5688140

>It's kind of sexy
all of my nope.

>> No.5688166
File: 186 KB, 1200x777, 3107695-3533575532-fredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5688171

>fantastic when drowned in honey.
Anything covered in sugar taste good.

>> No.5688174

omg robin williams is back?

>> No.5688182

>I really love that pic.
Go ahead and take it, it's all yours!

>> No.5688190
File: 25 KB, 460x690, 15eb111e-5abd-490b-8155-0ac581e9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty crepéy

>> No.5688365

looks offal

>> No.5689229

Looks injera as fuck

>> No.5689236

>Staffordshire Oat Cakes
>Zero results

Really people?

>> No.5689247

It looks like a trypophobic panic attack.

>> No.5689296
File: 17 KB, 409x635, tumblr_lkp3wvf2nz1qhkn5ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lotus seeds