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5679887 No.5679887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Doctor says I need to lower my cholesterol and fiber is supposed to help with that. How do you cook beans without oil/meat/dairy?

>> No.5679894

Tomato paste

>> No.5679896


Like thick tomato paste? Or just a tomato sauce?

>> No.5679900

You fucking boil them after soaking them the night before.

I prefer lentils since the nutrient profiles are pretty similar but they cook so much faster and don't require soaking.

>> No.5679905

Boil them with carrots and onions, and some sort of stock.
Tomato paste is a good idea too, for that added saltiness.
Serve with hot rice. Its not hard with beans.

>> No.5679906

Look at indian food. Lots and lots of spices.

If you use lean proteins, and use them for flavoring, not as a substantial part of the meal, then thats probably ok. So long as you ate oatmeal in the morning, or raisin bran... You need to find a balance you can work with.

>> No.5679933

I regularly sweat an onion, add a can of rotel (or chilis and tomato) home made low salt taco seasoning and a can of beans.

It's really easy and delicious with rice or as part of a taco filling.

>> No.5679944

You can put a little oil. Just simmer them in water or broth, vegetables, and spices.

>> No.5679975
File: 106 KB, 496x740, president of cardiology vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consider a high-fiber, mostly vegan diet for the sake of heart health since it's been shown to be very effective
>everybody acts like I'm a smug asshole because I started eating beans and oats more in place of chicken and beef

what is it about eating plant foods that causes some people to get so upset? even the president of the college of cardiology gets attacked for promoting a heart-healthy diet

>> No.5679981

>not cool enough to be president yet

>> No.5679983

People don't like being told that what they enjoy is bad for them, and you could now be considered superior for your wise dietary knowledge and decisions.

It's a knee jerk reaction from low iq individuals.

>> No.5679986

You can make tacos with black beans. Very tasty with onions

>> No.5679999

And don't use the fried shells of course..maybe find a wheat tortilla

>> No.5680002


I'm a fan of corn tortillas, steamed and then wrapped

>> No.5680013

Look at the vegan threads.
It's an over reaction, even though most people should probably reduce the amount of meat they eat (myself included)

Some people think "reduce" means "eliminate entirely"

>> No.5680065


Vegan diet isn't a terrible idea, but one thing to worry about is vitamin b12, which is difficult to get naturally from a vegan diet. Pseudo vegan with occasional meats, dairy, and fish is probably the best way to go in terms of health.

>> No.5680071


Or even cheaper and more convenient, take a B12 pill.

>> No.5680103


For some reason, I have a distrust of pills/supplements. I'd rather eat some sardines or oysters once or twice a week.

>> No.5680133


I'd agree with you for most other supplements, but B12 supplementation is the most reliable way to get B12, with no side effects. Even meat eaters are sometimes told to supplement with B12 since not everyone adequately absorbs B12 from meat, and the ability to absorb it from food tends to get lower as you get older

>> No.5680137

>Some people think "reduce" means "eliminate entirely"
You are correct. But if you can eliminate entirely for most days of the week a couple days of the typical American diet will do you less harm. It would probably help someone borderline avoid having to take cholesterol meds.

>> No.5680139


>this just in, doctors don't have to have any training in nutrition

I'm not one of the retards who says hurr durr don't listen to doctors they're shills, but they don't. They really don't. I've asked every doctor I've worked with and one said they took 1 class as an elective.

>> No.5680145

>How do you cook beans without oil/meat/dairy?

...In water. In fucking WATER.

>> No.5680163


I've never heard about people being unable to absorb b12 from "natural" sources (I just hate the term, I just mean meat or whatever), does this have a formal diagnosis?

>> No.5680171


The average doctor down at the local clinic whose job is mostly to just write prescriptions doesn't have that much nutrition education, but the most prominent doctors in the world whose job is to actively search for a cure to our top killers certainly do. That's how we have nutrition science in the first place; doctors document data, perform studies, and use gathered data to treat patients.

>> No.5680182



>Some people don’t consume enough vitamin B12 to meet their needs, while others can’t absorb enough, no matter how much they take in. As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common, especially among older people. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimated that 3.2% of adults over age 50 have a seriously low B12 level, and up to 20% may have a borderline deficiency.
>If you are over age 50, the Institute of Medicine recommends that you get extra B12 from a supplement, since you may not be able to absorb enough of the vitamin through foods.

>> No.5680203

from what I've heard, you need to consume it with fats to absorb it. if people are going full frontal health freak and avoiding fats I could see issues with vitamin D and B12

>> No.5680208


B12 is a water-soluble vitamin though, not fat-soluble. And vitamin D is more an issue with inadequate sunlight

>> No.5680285

sorry - it's obviously been a while since I learned about this shit.

>> No.5680321

Cutting out meat/animal products tends to limit your flavor palate pretty hard, but on the other hand it can force you to be creative with your meals. Plenty of my favorite recipes are vegan.

>> No.5680326


Yeah I guess doctors who are in the public a lot are probably going to go out of their way to further their education on things that they are not required to. This is not the cast with most doctors. Also the people conducting those studies, while they have doctorates, and not what I or more people typically refer to as doctors because they are not medical doctors or practitioners. One of my professors who has been involved in many prominent studies for over 50 years (yes, he's old as fuck) even said that he doesn't ask people to refer to him with a dr title because he doesn't want to be asked to inspect some fucking hemorrhoid or something.

>> No.5680329


*are not what I or most people typically refer to as doctors

too much ochem studying, brain is melting and english capabilities are apparently gone

>> No.5680683


All you use to cook beans with is water. Fucking water, man. Just soak them in water over night rinse them off and start boiling them. If you have a slow cooker, turn it on high and come back in like 2+ hours. That's it. You can also grind dry beans into bean flour and make breads.

Also, your doctor is a quack, unless you left out a shit load he told you that you forgot. Increasing fiber intake won't do shit unless you change your entire diet. It most like isn't what you are eating but how it is being cooked and/or how much you are eating. Oil, meat, and dairy are fine, but only in smaller quantities. Meh, fuck it.

thread hidden

>> No.5680702

Like they say, you don't need oil to cook, but if you eat a lot of beans and eat no fat you will crap an adobe brick. Add a little olive oil or walnut oil or something healthy if you are avoiding most fats.

>> No.5680882

I did need to soak my lentils, it really helped.

in fact I actually get lentils and beans of many different kinds and mix them all together and soak them overnight and then cook them all together.

>> No.5680885


I'm a meat minimalist and I get attacked on seekay for being a PETA vegan

It's like how if you have a passport you're not considered a Real American among the stupids

>> No.5680903

I have made so many vegan dinners that with the correct combination of spices beat any meat I have ever tasted