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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5679002 No.5679002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/!

I'm heading to Australia for roughly a year starting tomorrow. Is there anthing I should try/avoid? Is Kangaroo meat tasty? What did Crocodile Dundee eat everyday to get his sick gains? General australian food thread!

>> No.5679010

I will start in Perth, are the asian restaurants worth a try?

>> No.5679014
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This is pretty good.

>> No.5679020

Had it once - way too salty, the taste itself is neglectable. Why dont these people just sprinkle salt on their bread

>> No.5679021

I can't get marmite/vegemite anywhere around me here in Murrica. Is it worth ordering a $5 jar off Amazon to try?

Also should I get marmite or vegemite? I heard vegemite is more mild and palatable to Americans.

>> No.5679026

>Asian restaurants

You new here? Asians are viewed as an invasive species in Australia, they probably all run around in whiteface just to avoid being attacked in the street

Get yourself to the food pics from Japan thread and you can tell who's from down there easily

>> No.5679029

Kangaroo meat is really good if cooked right. Australia's pretty multicultural in terms of the food scene; we have good coffee too.

>> No.5679033

For the love of all that is good and holy do not eat the yeast extract. Its fucking terrible. You'll be told differently but just trust me on this. You will be doing your tongue a favor.

>> No.5679037

It's an acquired taste. It just tastes like salty soy sauce. If that's what's good to you, go ahead.

>> No.5679038

What do you consider properly cooked? Grilled? In a stew?
I dont browse the "food pics Form xxxx" threads, arent they just about posting pictures?

>> No.5679039

Eat all the seafood you can.

>> No.5679040

fucking drop bears man they are becoming a problem atm. stay with your guide and you shud be sweet apart from that ravenous wombats and every animal that you come into contact with. btw all the animals hate foreigners idk why but i assume it is because they are a bunch of racist fucks

>> No.5679045

Is lobster affordable in Australia? Where I'm from, its considered to be a delicacy and therefore pricey

>> No.5679061

You have to take into consideration that kangaroo is still a game meat, so braising or roasting is good. You can also get kangaroo jerky.

Considering Aus is an island, the seafood is fresher and better quality since it's (mostly) local. We're better for our crayfish and crabs than lobster, but also go for prawns, oysters, mussels. I'm not sure what you would consider cheap since things are more expensive in Aus as a whole, but you could always go to the fish markets and look around.

>> No.5679064

australia is mostly seafood and bbq, or combined.

what I remember the most from my trip to australia 13 or so years ago is weetabix, nothing too interesting but I loved it.

>> No.5679092

Thanks, you are right of course, food in Aus is generally more expensive. Here in Germany, "ordinary" meat is cheaper than seafood, lets say thats what I consider "expensive". Is it the same in Aus? Compared to, e.g., beef?

>> No.5679101

I'm SO looking forward to the BBQ's

>> No.5679122

Seafood is pretty much always more expensive than regular meats. A kilo of prawns (for example) will cost you around $15-$18, but it's more about portion control and you'll probably end up only spending slightly more on seafood than other meat.

>> No.5679128

I've been in Australia for 1 year. Do not go to the supermarket chains in perth for veggy's/fruit. Go to the fruit/vegetable markets or to the spudgshed or however the fuck it's called again. In general everything is more expensive in Australia because they get paid quite a lot more there too. Australia is like the whole thread said, famous for their fish. Chicken can be pretty cheap depending where you buy it. But for the rest meat in general is pretty costly.

>> No.5679132

where are you staying? Queensland has the most 'Aussie' food like fish and chips, cheesesteaks, burgers, etc. their seafood scene is the best compared to the rest of Australia

Melbourne is big on cafés but I'm not really sure what else. they've got lots of little independant stores

sydney has heaps of asian restaurants, mostly Japanese and Korean.

not really sure about the other cities though

>> No.5679147
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>> No.5679149

Good to know, thx!
I'm trying to move around and travel as much as I can. I dont think I will have that much time in the future so I have to make the best out of this trip

>> No.5679153

Have you tried the international aisle at the supermaket? My publix carries marmite and even irn bru

>> No.5679155

So Australians really do live upside down

>> No.5679173

I've been all around Australia and Tasmania has the best food by far.

>> No.5679217

Yup. Checked around a few markets and came up with nothing, checked Google Shopping and it said no one had it within 100mi.

There is a UK specialties store near me that had Irn Bru, but I don't remember seeing marmite in there and the lady that runs it is a cunt...

>> No.5680374

I live 1hr out of Sydney - Wollongong. Plenty of different asian food places, and a shitload of seafood places, fruit/veg markets in Sydney are great.

Also vegemite > piss and shit > marmite.

>> No.5680429

we're full faggot

>> No.5680782
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Fuck off, we're full

>> No.5680798

I'd highly recommend toast with butter and Vegemite, then melting cheese over the top.
That's the best way.
you can add avocado too, if you like the extra creaminess.
Also, Try putting it in gravies for the best damn gravy you'll ever have.

>> No.5680835

To answer your question, OP:
>fucking fuck yes
>can't remember what else but Vegemite is GOAT, start with a small amount and then work your way up

Also to the fucker that called it weetabix, end yourself

>> No.5680853

I think you should take a ferry over to New Zealand and try the broiled kakapo on a stick. It's realy pretty awesome.

>> No.5681419

viet hoa (good pho, laugh at gay people coming out of the "sauna")
Dosukoi (best ramen in Perth especially the tonkatusu, weeabo wet dream with walls of manga books)
Northbridge Chinese Restaurant (Saturday/Sunday brunch dim sum)

>> No.5681637
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>> No.5682157

Northbridge Chinese is the best shit ever.

>> No.5682925

Go get some emu and crocodile if you want something different, you can also get a shit ton of camel up in the top end

>> No.5683052
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Australia's craft brew scene is pretty good - try and avoid the swill produced by larger breweries.

>> No.5683196
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I love my Vegemite but its defiantly hard to get used to. Use a little on toast + tomato/cheese or Avocado. It also works well as stock
Embrace the pie floater, I think its Australia's most "Australian" dish.
Kangaroo is amazing, Think venison. It marinates well and is very lean.
Find out where the closest market is from where you are.
We have some of the best seafood in the world, you might have to pay a little bit extra for the Australian prawns over Thai ones, but the difference is staggering.
Perth is best for their wine and English inspired dishes.
Adelaide have really good fusion, a lot of Asian inspiration there so try yourself a good laska.
Both Melbourne and Sydney I would say are the most diverse, you can get anything from a curry to good pierogi.
QLD have the most "Australian" style food, beef and reef, super fresh seafood.
Similar is Darwin, they also have a good Thai influence there, defiantly go for some of the fruit they have there, you wont be able to find a lot of it in the south.
Hobart/Tasmania probably have the best local produce in Australia, a pub meal here is essential.
I would say out of all the cheeses we produce here, we excel at semi hard cheeses, and goats cheeses.
"Tasty" cheese is just cheddar cheese, I have no idea why they don't call it cheddar.
Out of all the meat I would say the best would be lamb here, most of our good beef is sold to high end restaurants or shipped.
Defiantly try Bay bugs, they look like isotopes and are a cross between a lobster and a prawn.

*Australia has an odd sense of humour, please do not be offended,
*Spite what many portray on the internet, we are a very multicultural society, anyone would get pissed off if people keep jumping the line to get in, even us with ethnic backgrounds.

>> No.5683245

Try out Tim Tams, OP :3

>> No.5683452


Pro-tip, it's not fucking nutella.

>> No.5683471

>Australia's pretty multicultural in terms of the food scene

Not in Perth it isn't.

>> No.5684192

Classic Dark is the only good Tim Tam. Except for Latte, but that only lasted a week.

>> No.5684310

Do you consider Coopers macrobrewery swill?
Because I really like coopers

>> No.5684314

OP, gotta make you way through all the delicious chocolate varieties.

>> No.5684317

Looking foward to white bread, tomato sauce and MSG sausages burnt till their crunchy?

>> No.5684319
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Don't forget Good Fortune Roast Duck House

>> No.5684342

I-I actually enjoy this ;_;

>> No.5684377
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>> No.5684479

>Embrace the pie floater
That sounds messy.

>> No.5684487

Because there is a very unique flavour. It's just so strong it's really hard to appreciate until you're over the initial shock of eating something that should clearly never be fucking eaten. A bit like how the heat of chillies drowns out flavour for people not used to them.

>> No.5684549


Try some kangaroo sausages first.

Not that it's 'hard' to cook kangaroo steaks but if you don't cook it right they taste fucking gamey as fuck. It's pretty lean so can turn to shit.

>> No.5684580

Japanese people are disgusting.

Vegemite is better than the shit they digest.

>> No.5684628

Forgot about that, only been there once and it was really disappointing but i think they were in a weird transition period where the store was about to close for a couple of months for a refurbishment