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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5674366 No.5674366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else wish that this bitch would just kill herself?

>> No.5674377


Don't talk about Wendy waifu like that.

>> No.5674381


>> No.5674383


>> No.5674384

i wanna tongue her butthole

>> No.5674389

I love that the actual wendy (whoever the fuck's granddaughter) appear in like 2 commercials saying she was his granddaughter and they immediately pulled her for someone that was 200 lbs lighter.
> mfw I wrote into corporate 50 letters from random mailboxes stating I was different people in 10 different pretyped messages that if that's who Wendy looked like and that's what EATING AT WENDYS DOES TO AMERICANS I would never eat at wendy, or go with any of my friends or family to wendys ever again
I like to think I did my part to fat shame and because each commercial inadvertently perpetuates that shame (at least on the real Wendy herself) I like the ads

>> No.5674393 [DELETED] 
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op is a faggot

>> No.5674394

Dave Thomas you fucking donkey raping shit eater. His name was Dave Thomas

>> No.5674404

At first I thought this, until the trend of "we're one of you, selfie w/ ur fast fud!" bullshit like DQ and KFC are currently doing.

Fast food commercials are fucking cancer. Don't get me started on the whole catching onto "nom nom nom," 10 years late...

>> No.5674406

like I give half a fuck about a frosty I can make at home which is twice as good as their
> Talenti belgian chocolate ice cream (ingredient, dutch cocoa)
> 2% milk
> 1 tblsp ovaltine
> 1 tsp sea salt
> 2 cap fulls of vanilla extract
blend for perfection

>> No.5674408

Who said anything about a frosty, uncle fucker?

>> No.5674410

>I can make an ice cream confection better than thinned soft-serve

>> No.5674411

eat penguin shit you ass spelunker

>> No.5674428

lol mad fatty

>> No.5674432

No but I'd love to penis her

>> No.5674433

How's it like finally coming of age to post on 4chan?

>> No.5674434

why would I give a shit about learning who founded a fat food chain I don't ever go to
the only thing I ever hear about wendys is that people dip their fries in the chocolate frosties so I went and had one and it was terrible, my gains suffered for weeks

>> No.5674436

when her first commercial came out i was disappointed they ditched daves daughter, but thought the new chick was cute. but after the 2nd and 3rd and each successive commercial continued to pile on her ham fisted "sass" my attitude changed and now i can only cringe when i look at her. the current run of commercials with her singing about pretzel buns are absolutely the fucking worst. i haven't gone to wendys in over a year because of this bitch

>> No.5674440


naw but seriously, I hate this bitch

>> No.5674442

oh, you poor faggot soul...

>> No.5674462

smurp adurf a derp smeeerrrrrrr durf BUT BUT

>> No.5674502

I came here to say that I would hungrily tongue her asshole. Good thing I read the thread first.

>> No.5674509
File: 73 KB, 802x1280, Fatwendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's great man. You're just mad for no reason. It's not like she writes the sketches herself.

>> No.5674512
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I find her annoying. But I would totally pin her down and hate-fuck the shit out of her.

>> No.5674573
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>1 tblsp ovaltine

>> No.5674574
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Why the hate though?

>> No.5674588

Her voice is pleasant
I really like the new singing commercials

>> No.5674592

Another annoying woman in an annoying commercial just to get our attention.

>> No.5674595
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>> No.5674599

she comes off as abrasive, presumptuous, and condescending in all her commercials.

>> No.5674603
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>> No.5675250


Let me tell you all something. I use the current wendy's commercials as a symbol of the disgusting froo froo yuppism that has so prevalently plagued the zeitgeist of our times. 80's, hell even the 90's, pretzel bun? No one would hear about it or even care. But thanks to the celebrity food culture so graciously perpetuated by Food and Travel (from Ray to Bourdain BTW, no one is innocent) everyone wants to eat ritzy just like their favorite people they don't know. And so wendy's, with some ginger that talks like an offensive silicon/silicone valley stereotype, offers up the GLORIOUS PRETZEL BUN!! NO LONGER ARE YOU CONsTRaNED TO MERE SESAME SEEDS! And the masses who will do anything to feellike they're better people leading better lives than they were yesterday (without actually doing that of course) eat it up. Truly advertising at its finest. Yes, give me the pretzel bun, I too want to be a ginger, fedora wearing urbanite yuppy hipster.

And don't even get me fucking started on geico commercials.

>> No.5675275

My friend wants to "chase her down with a butterfly net and lick her armpit, if you know what I mean." He also once said he would "drag [his] balls through ten miles of broken glass just to hear [Rachel Riley] fart through a Walkie Talkie," so take it as you will.

Me? I've never seen the spots cuz I don't watch TV with adverts. And I wouldn't wanna bone her, either, cuz I'm, like, totes gay. Like totes totes.

I'm the guy that posted in the MCUS thread that I want to ask Cutter if my handkerchief smells of chloroform.

>> No.5675794


It's just a matter of showing respect where it is due. Dave Thomas was a good man who donated to a lot of orphanages and charities. I miss him, he always had great commercials.

I don't like this new Wendy, she's way too smug about what she eats, but it's just a character like Ronald or The King, so everyone knows it's not supposed to be the real Wendy.

>> No.5675807

not like she writes the commercials

I can't imagine how much money she makes for doing next to nothing, I'm fucking jealous. I'd act like a bigger douche than guy fieri for the right price.

>> No.5675816

The old Dave Thomas commercials weren't the real Dave Thomas though I liked them as well. One of his children joked about it on an episode of A&E biography in which you get to see the real Dave Thomas. He is exactly what you would expect for an old time corporate type. No humor. No personality. Straight shooter. Workaholic. Definitely not the warm grandfatherly type as in the commercials.

I have a feeling they did the same back in the day with Walt Disney. Back in the day he seemed cheery and like the grandfather you wished you had, but behind the scenes he was probably the same as old Davey.

>> No.5675825

That's probably true, you gotta be a real hardass if you're running a huge corporate empire. Gotta have no tolerance for fuckups and be watching everyone like a hawk 24/7. I couldn't handle that lifestyle, too much stress.

>> No.5675830

He wasn't awful. He was just very bland and monotone.

>> No.5675881

yeah nah, I just want to make sweet passionate love to her.

>> No.5675903

Pasta worthy

>> No.5675908

If by "Kill herself" you mean "spread wide and accept my fat cock" then yes I also wish that.

>> No.5676029
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>he actually thinks that's her singing

>> No.5676079

Wendys commercials went to shit after Dave died.

Still the best of the low-middle tier fast food places out there.

>> No.5676096

It was but they messed up the burger and last time I got a fried chicken sandwich there plastic was melted to it.

>> No.5676224

>Still the best of the low-middle tier fast food places out there.
I'd rather order a bunch of mcdoubles off the dollar menu at McD's than spend the kind of money Wendy's asks for

>> No.5676235

No idea what that's like, m8. Unless I was "coming of age" back about 5 years ago when I was 24.

What's it like being fat tho?

>> No.5676245
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dunno bout you but I would like to stick my salami in her taco until the special sauce appears

she's fucking hot
that red hair on her beaver is a plus!

>> No.5676285

>Still the best of the low-middle tier fast food places out there
you poor soul, you obviously live in an area without whataburger, I pity you

>> No.5676295

shes a natural blonde tho. I was upset too when I learned, I used to get a semi thinking about the firebush when wendies commercials came on, my dream is shattered.

>> No.5676312

The only role she ever acted correctly

>> No.5676339

People still watch TV?

>> No.5676381


there are a few shows I'll half-watch while I'm doing other shit on the computer like Shark Tank, Chopped, and Dirty Jobs.

>> No.5676398

I watch TV shows but havent seen a commercial in years thanks to EZTV and TVTeam

>> No.5676401

She reminds me of a young Alyson Flanagan.

>> No.5676411

>best of the low-middle tier

i don't see how that really means anything...

>> No.5676446

>All that delusion

>> No.5676462

hannigan. and maybe, if Alyson hannigan was a fucking cunt

>> No.5676701

>Look at me, everyone! I don't watch TV!!!

>> No.5676708


Not that guy but I don't watch it either. Feeling a little defensive?

>> No.5676730


I think he's just pointing out the people who essentially brag about how they don't watch TV. I think it's annoying just like the people who brag about not drinking anything but water. I haven't watched anything aside from GoT and Silicon Valley in around the last 10 years, and the only thing I drink aside from water is occasionally some tea, but I don't consider that some sort of accomplishment.

>> No.5676732


I'm just tired of commercials that sell products on the premise that owning it will make you better than others. Wendy's changed but that red head bitch used to come into a random office and start insulting a guy for eating a bagged lunch or a burger from somewhere else. And the people around her would laugh at him too. Pretty fucking weird for a burger commercial to play on that aspect. As if having a Wendy's burger means you're high society.

>> No.5676734


that's the whole fucking premise behind almost all advertising though, same idea behind brand loyalty

>> No.5676735

How did you find out about Silicon Valley or GoT?

>> No.5676743


Well I'm not saying it's bad to say your product is better. But the way the Wendy's did it was that she acted like a better person for buying and eating a burger. They used to do the superior product thing. It's about how you play things and what you sell. "Our flame grilled 100% beef patties are the best, you can't get quality like this anywhere" is okay. Some Cathy Griffin lite cunt walking up to a middle-class sap and teasing him about his choice of food isn't the same thing.

>> No.5676753

Seriously, even people who watch TV have DVRs now with a little planning you'll never have to watch a commercial.

>> No.5676761

My wish for Wendy's is that they would kill the natural cut fries and go with something that tastes better.

>> No.5676770


I think it's justified to feel a sense of superiority over people who actually get *angry* at television advertisements that they intentionally watch over, and over, and over again.

Sometimes I watch TV in hotels when I'm drunk and tired, but at that point I don't care what's on.

To be so addicted that you watch, you get upset, and you continue watching, that's something to be pitied.

>> No.5676773

ever tried smash burger? They have these little rosemary fries that are pretty great. Wish they toss em with a little red wine vinegar or something though.

>> No.5676777

I watch tv and don't have one of those.

>> No.5676794

Fuck McDonalds. I cringed so hard at the "eco-nom-nom-nomics" shit they got going now. I hope everyone responsible for that shit dies.

>> No.5676819

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about? Wendy's has a superior value menu.
>5 nuggets for 99 cents
>bacon cheeseburger deluxe $1.29
>cesar side salad $1.19


>> No.5676822

>taco bell's entire marketing campaign revolves around shitting on mcdonald's


>> No.5676825

Well honey I've learned that life is just one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead

>> No.5676845

>mfw I haven't watched TV in over a year and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5676851

sounds like a great friend. Wish I had one like that.

>the guy who posted the charlie scene photo in response to your plagerised witticism.

>> No.5676900

damn how fat are you to memorize the fucking prices?

>> No.5677069


First of all its 4 nuggets, but usually 3 because brain dead teenagers can't do basic math.

The dollar with some change burgers are also negative food. You get over twice as much food at mcdonalds for the same price, and lets be honest wendys bottom tier food isn't much more tasty than mcdonalds typical fodder.

If you want a snack, then sure. I really like wendys nuggets tbh. But for an actual meal, you have to be high to think wendys is at all worth the money.

>> No.5677088


I would pay large sums of money to tounge her asshole

>> No.5677093

i would tongue her angus

>> No.5677104

I would really like to slip my tounge into her poop chute

>> No.5677108

>Baked potatoes.
>99 cents.
>As if there is a more filling fast food value on the planet.

Also... I am not a big fan of ass to mouth... But i love to have sex in and around that woman.

>> No.5677117

i really want to wrap my mouth around her turd portal

>> No.5677126

I wNna make fuk with her.
>nice dubs


>> No.5677143
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>You were expecting "Face Deep in her Baconator" weren't you/

>> No.5677238

What the fuck is wrong with you you piece of shit

>> No.5677258

>Natural blonde
Have natural redheads gone extinct?

>> No.5677287

Fuck you don't disrespect My topteir wifu like that

>> No.5677292


no they're just uncommon like they always have been, and she has a cute and youthful looking face so they preferred her

>> No.5677314

They are pretty easy to find even cute ones especially with the resources Hollywood talent agencies have. Since they went with her it must have been for other reasons.

>> No.5678371

I bet she has a very nice asshole.

I'd really like to get a peek at it

>> No.5679695

I'd like to get a little taste of her butthole, but she seems like a bitch so I'd only do it in a way she derived no pleasure from.

>> No.5679973

I guess I'm more confused. The pretzel bun craze. Never understood it.

I'd like to see if she is bushy or trimmed... shaved all bare. Curious.

>> No.5679987

protip: it's a shit encrusted forest